

本文 Edit

原文 Edit

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At your request, I've hired Captain Athon, a retired Legion officer with impeccable credentials, to take charge of the men-at-arms at Battlehorn Castle. I've instructed him to hire two additional men-at-arms, at his discretion, to bring the castle garrison to its full complement. I trust that this meets with your approval.<br>

As always, I remain,<br>
Nilphas Omellian<BR>
The Merchants Inn, Market District<BR>
Imperial City

訳文 Edit

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ご希望通り、Battlehorn Castleのmen-at-arms(重装歩兵)を指揮する為にCaptain Athonを雇いました。彼は退役したLegionの将校で非の打ち所の無い実績を持っております。彼には、城の守備隊を補い完璧な物にする為に、men-at-armsを2名雇って彼の裁量下に置くと説明しました。これであなたのご希望に添えるものと確信しております。<br>
Nilphas Omellian<BR>
The Merchants Inn, Market District<BR>
Imperial City

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Last-modified: 2011-10-27 (木) 21:30:34