
FormID: 0100B089 DLCBattlehornCastle 10 0 I've heard a rumor that the defenders of Battlehorn Castle are besieged by marauders and are appealing for aid. Apparently their commander has been killed, and they're offering the castle itself to anyone who will help lift the siege.
__Battlehorn Castleの守備兵達がmarauderたちに悩まされ、救援を要請しているという噂を耳にした。どうも彼らの指揮官は殺されてしまったらしく、敵の包囲からの開放を手助けした者に城を提供しようとしているようだ。
FormID: 0100B089 DLCBattlehornCastle 30 0 The marauders who were attacking Battlehorn Castle have been defeated, and the grateful survivors have granted me the deed to the castle. I've learned that I can purchase everything I need to restore Battlehorn Castle to its former glory from Nilphas Omellian at the Merchants Inn in the Market District of the Imperial City.
__Battlehorn Castleを攻撃していたmarauderたちは全て討ち果たされた。生存者は感謝を示し、城を私に与えてくれた。Battlehorn Castleに以前の栄華を取り戻すに必要な品は、Imperial CityはMarket District、Merchants Innに滞在するNilphas Omellianから購入出来るようだ。
FormID: 0100B089 DLCBattlehornCastle 50 0 I received a note from Nilphas Omellian, offering to install an ancient Dwemer Forge in Battlehorn Castle for 3000 gold.
__Nilphas Omellianからnoteを受け取った。そこには、Battlehorn Castleに古代のDwemer Forge(ドワーフの鍛冶場)を3,000goldで設置します、とあった。
FormID: 0100B089 DLCBattlehornCastle 100 0 I've now purchased everything Nilphas Omellian had available for Battlehorn Castle.
__Nilphas Omellianが所有するBattlehorn Castleの為の物品を全て購入し終えた。

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Last-modified: 2011-10-27 (木) 21:25:16