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原文 Edit

<font face=5>I've hired Kovan Kren onto my crew. Kovan is a former spymaster for one of the great houses of Morrowind. Although he will not say which house he worked for, his expertise in stealth will be invaluable. Kovan will be in the main cavern of Dunbarrow Cove, should I wish to speak with him.

訳文 Edit

<font face=5>Kovan Krenを乗員に雇った。Kovanはかつて、MorrowindのGreat HouseのSpymaster(間諜組織の長)だった。彼はどのHouseに勤めていたかは語らないが、彼の隠密行動の経験は価値がある。KovanはDunbarrow Coveの中心部にいる。彼と話をしないではおれない。

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Last-modified: 2011-10-27 (木) 22:01:21