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Dear Diary<br>
Today I go to see my cousin!  Mother said it was a blest day, which I think means she's going to miss me.  I'll miss her, too, but Im real excited to see cousin Drothan again!  I promise write again real soon.
Dear Diary<br>
I met a rider on the road today he called himself a curryer.  He gave me a letter from cousin drothan!  it says i'll have a special job when I get to Cyrodiil.  I will be a steward.  cousin says stewards keep track of who comes and goes, but somebody will do most of that four me, and i just need to only let people in who know the secret word.  That's a very big responsbilaty! it says I have to tear up his note - cousin is very smart.  I better write down the password so I don't forget it!  Its "Chimer"
Dear Diary<br>
Today I saw a wood elf!
Dear Diary<br>
Another Curryer found me today, with another letter from cousin!  This letter said that he may not be around when I get there.  cousin said his journal will tell me everything i need to know about finding him if he's not around, and I should find it in his cabin.  Uh oh - I'm no good at reading, only writing.
Dear Diary<br>
Im finally here!  Before I use the special word to get in, I have something I need to tell you, diary.  It's not personul, but diarys are kid stuff, and I have to be grownup here, so i'm leaving you behind right here.  But thank you, diarey, especially for keeping the special word safe.  good luck!

訳文 Edit

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今日は配達入と名乗った馬乗りに街道で会った。彼からいとこのDrothanからの手紙を受け取った!手紙の中でCyrodiilに来るなら特別な仕事が待っていると彼は言ってるんだ。管財人に僕はなれるらしい。いとこが言うには、管財人は人材の出入りを管理するんだけど、誰かが仕事の殆どをやってくれるらしい。それで、僕は秘密を知っている者にそれを漏らさせない事のみをすれば良いみたい。なんと重大な責任的のある仕事だろう!文中で彼からの手紙を破り捨てなければならないと書いてあった - いとこはとても賢い。私はここに忘れないように合言葉を書いておこう!<br>
今日はwood elfに会った。
今日はいとこの新しいこの手紙を持った、先とは別の配達入と会った。手紙では、僕がつく時にはいとこはそこに居ないかもしれないと彼は言っていた。いとこの日誌には彼が居ない場合に彼を探すのに必要な情報が全て書かれているので、それを彼の小屋で探せともあった。ええと、ああ - 私は文を読むのは苦手だ。書くのは自信有るんだけど。

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Last-modified: 2011-10-27 (木) 23:03:40