Knights of the Nine/Books/NDWayshrineMap

Top/Knights of the Nine/Books/NDWayshrineMap

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<font face=5>
<DIV align="center">The Pilgrim's Way</div>
<IMG src="Book/" width=735 height=600> 
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If you wish to repent of your sins and rededicate your life to the Gods, pray at the Wayshrines of the Nine.
May the Nine hear your prayers and look upon you with tender loving kindness.

訳文 Edit

<font face=5>
<DIV align="center">The Pilgrim's Way</div>
<IMG src="Book/" width=735 height=600> 
<DIV align="left">
汝が自身の罪を悔い再び神々へ自身の人生を捧げようと思うならば、Wayshrines of the Nineに祈るが良い。

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Last-modified: 2008-09-17 (水) 23:00:20