Shivering Isles/Books/XPEbroccaBook07

Top/Shivering Isles/Books/XPEbroccaBook07

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I don't care if you think it's wise -- just build the device. I've lined your coffers with enough gold to feed half the Isles, and you never batted an eyelash before now. You've put in mechanisms that crush bones and sear flesh, why should this  one be any different?<br><br>
The concept is as simple as it was when we first discussed it. Use a few of the standard statuary we've installed but modify the enchantment. A low-grade shock and some strong restoration should do the trick. There may be a few days between charges on an enchantment like that, but do you honestly think any more will be needed?<br><br>
I'd like to think that we've grown to be friends through the restoration of this place.  If nothing else, build this last construct as a favor to me. Ebrocca will be around for ages to come, and it needs a caretaker. Who else will fill that role, if not me?

訳文 Edit

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君が賢明だと思おうが思うまいが、そんなことはどうでもいい――君はただ言われたとおりに装置を造ればいいのだ。私はShivering_Islesの半分を養えるほどの金を、君の金庫に満たしてやったのだぞ。それに君は今まで少しも驚いたことなどなかったではないか。これまでにも、骨を砕き肉を焼き焦がす装置を君は取り付けてきた。今度のものになんの違いがあるというのだ? <br><br>

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Last-modified: 2009-04-26 (日) 21:57:43