Shivering Isles/Dialogue/SE00

FormID: 00018DC9 SE00 SE06GSWardenGreet3 0 Begone, mortal.
FormID: 0001A370 SE00 Attack 0 For Jyggalag and Order!
FormID: 0001A371 SE00 Attack 0 Down with the Madgod!
FormID: 0001A372 SE00 Attack 0 Order take you!
FormID: 0001A373 SE00 Attack 0 I serve the Lord of Order!
__我はLord of Orderに仕えているのだ!
__Lord of Orderのために!
FormID: 0001A374 SE00 Attack 0 Madness shall be purged from this realm!
FormID: 0001A375 SE00 Attack 0 The Madgod is no match for my Lord Jyggalag!
__Madgodは我がLord Jyggalagには敵わぬ!
__Madgodなど我がLord Jyggalagの敵ではない!
FormID: 0001A7F7 SE00 Attack 0 Order will rule this Realm! It is foreordained!
FormID: 0001A7F8 SE00 Attack 0 Why die for a false god?
FormID: 0001A367 SE00 Attack 0 Madness always yields to the march of Order!
FormID: 0001A36A SE00 Attack 0 Order take you!
FormID: 0001A36B SE00 Attack 0 The Greymarch is upon you, fool!
FormID: 0001A7FA SE00 Attack 0 Order's purity protects me.
FormID: 0001A7FB SE00 Attack 0 Strength through Order!
FormID: 0008EF28 SE00 Attack 0 Hurargh!
FormID: 0008EF29 SE00 Attack 0 Hurh!
FormID: 0008EF2B SE00 Attack 0 Arrgh!
FormID: 0008EF2C SE00 Attack 0 Hargh!
FormID: 0008256F SE00 GREETING 0 Forgive me, Your Grace, but you are not permitted to pass within Pinnacle Rock.
__お許しを、閣下。しかしあなたはPinnacle Rockへ通っていく許可がおりておりません。
__お許しを、閣下。しかし貴方がPinnacle Rockへ通ることは許可されておりません。
FormID: 00082571 SE00 GREETING 0 Forgive me, Your Grace, but you are not permitted to pass within Brellach.
FormID: 00082572 SE00 GREETING 0 No mortal may enter the halls of Pinnacle Rock.
__Pinnacle Rockのホールへ入ってよい定命の者はいません。
__いかなる定命の者も、Halls of Pinnacle Rockに足を踏み入れることは叶わぬ。
__人間がHalls of Pinnacle Rockへと立ち入ることは堅く禁じられている。
FormID: 00082573 SE00 GREETING 0 No mortal may enter the halls of Brellach.
__いかなる定命の者も、Halls of Brellachに足を踏み入れることは叶わぬ。
__人間がHalls of Brellachへと立ち入ることは堅く禁じられている。
FormID: 00018DC2 SE00 GREETING 0 Halt. Mortals are not permitted within the walls of holy Cylarne.
FormID: 00018E7E SE00 GREETING 0 State your business. Cylarne is holy ground, unfit for mortals.
FormID: 0004013C SE00 GREETING 0 I'm disappointed in your choice. You'll find Mania to be a fickle friend.
FormID: 0004013D SE00 GREETING 0 The Great Torch flares with the light of Dementia! All of Crucible will be celebrating tonight!
__The Great TorchがDementiaの光に燃えている!今宵、すべてのCrucibleが祝われるだろう!
__Great TorchがDementiaの光として燃えている!今宵Crucibleの皆は祝うことでしょう!
__Dementiaの明かりとともに、Great Torchが燃えています。今宵は、Crucibleを挙げてのお祝いとなるでしょう。
FormID: 0004013D SE00 GREETING 1 Here. Take this. The reward you have earned. Quickly now. It's best if no one knows you wear this.
FormID: 0004013F SE00 GREETING 0 I'm disappointed in your choice. Why you would choose to honor the fetid madness of Dementia is beyond my understanding.
FormID: 00040140 SE00 GREETING 0 The Great Torch shines with the pure light of Mania! You chose well!
__Great TorchはManiaの汚れなき光で輝きます!よくぞ選んだ!
__Great TorchはManiaの汚れなき光で輝きます!よくぞ選びました!
__Maniaの汚れなき明かりとともに、Great Torchが輝いています!正しい決断です!
FormID: 00040140 SE00 GREETING 1 In accordance with the ancient tradition, receive now the Raiment of Arden-Sul in honor of your mighty deed in service to Mania.
__古代の伝統に従い、あなたのManiaへの偉業の記念にRaiment of Arden-Sulを受け取ってください。
__古代よりの伝統に従い、あなたのManiaへの功労に対し名誉あるRaiment of Arden-Sulを授けます。お受け取りを。
__古のしきたりに従い、Maniaに対する多大なる貢献の証として、あなたにRaiment of Arden-Suを授けます。
__古のしきたりに従い、Maniaに対する多大なる貢献の証として、あなたにRaiment of Arden-Sulを授けます。
FormID: 00077B23 SE00 GREETING 0 Dervenin, High Priest of Mania at your service. What brings you to this holy place on such a fine day?
__ManiaのHigh Priest、Derveninがご用件を承ります。このような晴れた日にこの巡礼地にどんなご用でしょう?
__ManiaのHigh Priestである、Derveninがご用件を承りましょう。何故この晴れの日に、この聖なる地を訪れになられたのでしょうかな?
FormID: 00040141 SE00 GREETING 0 You chose well. The Great Torch shines as a beacon of Mania to inspire and enflame all who gaze upon it!
__あなたはよくぞ選びました。Great Torchは、それを見つめるものすべてを奮い立たせ、燃え上がらせるため、Maniaの灯台として光り輝きます!
__あなたはよくぞ選びました。Great Torchは、それを見つめるものすべてを奮い立たせ、燃え上がらせるため、Maniaのかがり火として光り輝きます!
FormID: 00013656 SE00 GREETING 0 Happy times! Happy days!
FormID: 00077B24 SE00 GREETING 0 What else can I help you with on this glorious day?
FormID: 00077B25 SE00 GREETING 0 Arctus, High Priest of Dementia. I'm here to guide those that wish to serve themselves. What did you require?
__DementiaのHigh PriestのArctusです。望む方々にここで案内を行っております。何をお望みですかな?
FormID: 0004013E SE00 GREETING 0 You chose well. The Great Torch shines with the luster of Dementia and the glory of Sheogorath.
__あなたはよく選びました。Great TorchはDementiaの名声とSheogorathの栄光で輝きます。
__よくぞ選びました。Great TorchはDementiaの名声とSheogorathの栄光で輝きます。
FormID: 00013659 SE00 GREETING 0 How can I be of service?
FormID: 00077B26 SE00 GREETING 0 What did you require?
FormID: 0008E62C SE00 GREETING 0 Um... did you know that you're on fire?
FormID: 0008E63D SE00 GREETING 0 The holy Flame of Agnon! You've brought it back to light the Great Torch of New Sheoth!
__Agnonの聖なるFlame!あなたは、New SheothのGreat Torchに火を灯すためそれを戻してくれた!
FormID: 0008E653 SE00 GREETING 0 Ah, the Flame of Agnon shines again! Soon the Great Torch will flare with the pure light of Dementia!
__ああ、AgnonのFlameが再び光り輝く!Great TorchがDementiaの汚れなき光で燃えるのもすぐでしょう!
__ああ、AgnonのFlameが再び光り輝く!すぐにもGreat TorchがDementiaの汚れなき光で燃えるでしょう!
FormID: 0008E654 SE00 GREETING 0 Ah, you're the one who lit the Great Torch for us. Well done!
__ああ、あなたは私たちのためにGreat Torchに火を灯したその人。よくやりました!
__ああ、あなたは私達のためにGreat Torchに火を灯したお方。よくぞやってくれました!
FormID: 0008E655 SE00 GREETING 0 Every time I see the Torch shining with the flame of Dementia, I blame you.
FormID: 0008E657 SE00 GREETING 0 You gave those Maniacs something to think about, lighting the Torch for us. Well done!
FormID: 0008E658 SE00 GREETING 0 What were you thinking, lighting the Great Torch for Mania? For shame.
__お前は何を考えて、ManiaのためにGreat Torchに火を灯したんだ?恥を知れ。
FormID: 0008EF2D SE00 GREETING 0 Order will rule this realm. It is foreordained.
FormID: 0008EF2E SE00 GREETING 0 Madness always yields to the march of Order!
FormID: 0008EF2F SE00 GREETING 0 I prepare the way for my Lord Jyggalag.
__私は主のLord Jyggalagのために道を準備します。
__私はLord Jyggalagのために道を準備します。
FormID: 0008E659 SE00 HELLO 0 The Flame of Agnon! Sheogorath's blessing upon you!
FormID: 0008E65A SE00 HELLO 0 All hail the victor of Cylarne! All hail the Great Torch of Mania!
__Cylarneの勝者万歳!ManiaのGreat Torch万歳!
FormID: 0008E65B SE00 HELLO 0 The Great Torch shines as a beacon of Mania!
__Great TorchはManiaの灯台として輝いています!
__Great TorchはManiaのかがり火として輝いています!
FormID: 0008E65C SE00 HELLO 0 The Great Torch spreads the light of Dementia across the land!
__Great TorchはDementiaの光を国中に渡らせます!
__Great TorchはDementiaの光を国中に渡らせます!
FormID: 0008E65D SE00 HELLO 0 Why? Why would you light the Great Torch for Dementia?
__なぜだ?なぜお前はDementiaのためにGreat Torchに火を灯したのだ?
FormID: 0008E65E SE00 HELLO 0 Shame on you for polluting Crucible with the glaring light of Mania.
FormID: 00018E8A SE00 SE06DSWardenGreet3 0 You're more intelligent that I expected from a mortal, and a male at that. Away with you, then.
FormID: 00018E8B SE00 SE06DSWardenGreet3 0 Indeed. You'd best leave this place at once.
FormID: 00081A3A SE00 Lost 0 Never mind. A trick of the wind, perhaps.
FormID: 00081A3B SE00 Lost 0 We must not let down our guard.
FormID: 00081A3E SE00 Lost 0 My nerves are on edge, I guess. This land could do with the peace of Order.
__どうも、わたしの神経はぴりぴりしているようだ。 この国には Order の平和が是非とも必要なんだ。
__どうも、わたしの神経はぴりぴりしているようだ。この国には Order の平和が是非とも必要なんだ。
FormID: 00081A45 SE00 Lost 0 Stay vigilant. Order's enemies are everywhere.
FormID: 00018E81 SE00 SE06DSWardenGreet2 0 You'll have to do better than that, you mud-crawling sap-licking jumped-up reptile. Crawl back to your hole.
__もっと巧くやらなきゃダメだわねえ、樹液を舐めて泥の中をのたくる_成り上がり者の爬虫類さん。 自分の巣穴を這いずり回っていればいいわ。
FormID: 00018E82 SE00 SE06DSWardenGreet2 0 Dog? You greet me as a Breton, the mongrel race of Tamriel, motherless lackeys of every great empire that ever conquered your homeland?
FormID: 00018E83 SE00 SE06DSWardenGreet2 0 You'll have to do better than that, you yellow-faced pointy-eared monkey.
FormID: 00018E84 SE00 SE06DSWardenGreet2 0 You'll have to do better than that, you ashen-faced god-cursed product of a Daedra's bowels.
FormID: 00018E85 SE00 SE06DSWardenGreet2 0 You'll have to do better than that, you yellow-faced prig, inbred arrogant pretender to everything that the Mazken hold as our birthright.
FormID: 00018E86 SE00 SE06DSWardenGreet2 0 You'll have to do better than that, you pasty-faced mongrel of an upstart race. Back to the slave pens where you were bred.
FormID: 00018E87 SE00 SE06DSWardenGreet2 0 You'll have to do better than that, you dust-dwelling goat-herder, pathetic remnant of infamous Yokuda.
FormID: 00018E88 SE00 SE06DSWardenGreet2 0 Dog? You greet me as a fellow, then, you tusk-faced brute.
FormID: 00018E88 SE00 SE06DSWardenGreet2 1 Did your human master let you off the leash? Crawl back under his table. Maybe he'll throw you a bone to gnaw on.
FormID: 00018E89 SE00 SE06DSWardenGreet2 0 I expected better from you. Are you the one witless Khajiit in all the world?
__私はあなたに期待してたのに。 あなたは世界一無分別なKhajiitですか?
FormID: 00018E80 SE00 SE06DSWardenGreet2 0 Is that truly the best you can do? Your [QUOTE]wit[QUOTE] might be better suited to the Aureals across the way.
FormID: 00018E7F SE00 SE06DSWardenGreet2 0 You're not very good at this are you?
FormID: 0008247F SE00 SE08ObeliskTopic 0 The obelisks operate by reflecting and focusing energies in order to create a portal to this Realm.
FormID: 0008247F SE00 SE08ObeliskTopic 1 They can be overloaded and rendered inert by placing the crystalline hearts of the Knights into the obelisk itself.
__hearts of the Knightsをobeliskの水晶体の中に置けば、過動作させることが出来る。
__hearts of the Knightsをobeliskの水晶体の中に置けば、過剰動作させることが出来る。
__Hearts of the KnightsをObeliskの水晶体の中に置けば、負荷を掛けられます。
FormID: 0008247F SE00 SE08ObeliskTopic 2 Each heart will increase the power of the obelisk until it eventually overloads and shuts down, closing the portal.
FormID: 00018DB8 SE00 SE06GSWardenGreet2 0 Would that I could exact satisfaction upon you for that insult.
FormID: 00018DB8 SE00 SE06GSWardenGreet2 1 But I am honor-bound to guard the doors of Cylarne, and so I will stay my hand. For now.
FormID: 00018DB9 SE00 SE06GSWardenGreet2 0 So like a male. Too stupid to know when to cease his yapping.
FormID: 00018DBA SE00 SE06GSWardenGreet2 0 You have great faith in my powers of forebearance. Do not test me further, mortal.
FormID: 00018DBB SE00 SE06GSWardenGreet2 0 You are fortunate that my duty forbids me from satisfying my honor.
FormID: 00018DC6 SE00 SE06GSWardenGreet2 0 You will answer for that with your blood, mortal!
FormID: 0001A7E1 SE00 Seen 0 One of the Madgod's minions!
FormID: 0001A7E4 SE00 Seen 0 Did you think to hide from Jyggalag's all-seeing gaze?
FormID: 0001A7E5 SE00 Seen 0 Come closer. Taste the power of the Lord of Order!
__近づきやがれ。そしてLord of Orderの力を思い知るが良い。
__来やがれ。そしてLord of Orderの御技を味わうが良い。
FormID: 0001A7E8 SE00 Seen 0 There he is! To arms!
FormID: 0001A7E9 SE00 Seen 0 There she is! To arms!
FormID: 0008EF31 SE00 Seen 0
FormID: 0008EF30 SE00 Lost 0

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Last-modified: 2010-04-19 (月) 23:13:30