Shivering Isles/QuestStages/SE38-39

FormID: 0004340C SE38 10 0 Una Armina, the proprietor of the Museum of Oddities in Crucible, told me that she is always looking for new exhibits for her museum. If I find anything [QUOTE]odd,[QUOTE] I should bring it to her.
__CrucibleにあるMuseum of Odditiesの経営者のUna Arminaは博物館の新しい展示物をいつも探していると言っていた。もし何か[QUOTE]Odd[QUOTE]を見つけたら彼女に持っていくべきだ。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 20 0 Una Armina was pleased with the [QUOTE]blind[QUOTE] Watcher's Eye that I brought for her museum. I should bring her any new Oddities that I find.
__Una Arminaは彼女の博物館に持っていった[QUOTE]盲目の[QUOTE]Watcher's Eyeを喜んでくれた。新しいOdditiesを見つけたら彼女に持っていくべきだ。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 21 0 Una Armina paid me for the deformed Swamp Tentacle that I brought for her museum. I should bring her any new Oddities that I find.
__Una Arminaは彼女の博物館のために持っていった奇形のSwamp Tentacleのために報酬を支払った。新しいOdditiesを見つけたら彼女に持っていくべきだ。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 22 0 Una Armina was pleased with the Sheogorath-shaped lump of amber that I brought for her museum. I should bring her any new Oddities that I find.
__Una Arminaは彼女博物館のために持っていったSheogorathの形をしたAmberの塊を喜んでくれた。新しいOdditiesを見つけたら彼女に持っていくべきだ。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 23 0 Una Armina was very happy with the Pelvis of Pelagius. I should bring her any new oddities I find.
__Una ArminaはPelvis of Pelagiusをとても喜んでくれた。見つけた新しいodditiesはどれも彼女に持っていくべきだ。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 24 0 Una Armina was happy to add Din's Ashes as an exhibit in her Museum of Oddities. I should bring her any new Oddities that I find.
__Una ArminaはMuseum of Odditiesの展示物のなかにDin's Ashesが加わることを喜んでくれた。新しいOdditiesを見つけたら彼女に持っていくべきだ。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 25 0 I brought Una Armina a Two-Headed Septim I found, and she was happy to add it to her museum. I should bring her any new Oddities that I find.
__Una Arminaに見つけたTwo-Headed Septimを持っていったら彼女は喜んで博物館に加えてくれた。新しいOdditiesを見つけたら彼女に持っていくべきだ。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 26 0 Una Armina was pleased with the [QUOTE]soul tomato[QUOTE] I brought for her Museum of Oddities. I should bring her any new Oddities that I find.
__Una ArminaはMuseum of Odditiesのために持っていった[QUOTE]soul tomato[QUOTE]を喜んでくれた。新しいOdditiesを見つけたら彼女に持っていくべきだ。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 27 0 Una Armina was pleased with the unusual Mixing Bowl I brought her. I should bring her any new Oddities that I find.
__Una Arminaは彼女に持っていったちょっと変わったMixing Bowlを喜んでくれた。新しいOdditiesを見つけたら彼女に持っていくべきだ。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 28 0 Una Armina was pleased with the Hound's Tooth Key I brought for her museum. I should bring her any new Oddities that I find.
__Una Arminaは彼女の博物館のために持っていったHound's Tooth Keyを喜んでくれた。新しいOdditiesを見つけたら彼女に持っていくべきだ。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 29 0 Una Armina was happy to add my Dagger of Friendship as an exhibit in her Museum of Oddities. I should bring her any new Oddities that I find.
__Una Arminaは彼女のMuseum of Odditiesの展示物にDagger of Friendshipが加わることを喜んでくれた。新しいOdditiesを見つけたら彼女に持っていくべきだ。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 30 0 I brought Una Armina the Ring of Disrobing I found. She was pleased with it, and asked me to bring her any new Oddities I find.
__見つけたRing of DisrobingをUna Arminaへ持っていった。彼女は喜んでくれて、見つけた新しいOdditiesはどれも彼女に持ってくるよう求めた。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 31 0 Una Armina was pleased with the Mute Screaming Maw that I brought for her museum. I should bring her any new Oddities that I find.
__Una Arminaは彼女の博物館に持っていったMute Screaming Mawを喜んでくれた。新しいOdditiesを見つけたら彼女に持っていくべきだ。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 50 0 I found a Blind Watcher's Eye. This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities.
__Blind Watcher's Eyeを見つけた。これはUna ArminaがMuseum of Odditiesのために欲しい何かであるかもしれない。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 51 0 I found a Deformed Swamp Tentacle. This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities.
__Deformed Swamp Tentacleを見つけた。これはUna ArminaがMuseum of Odditiesのために欲しい何かであるかもしれない。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 52 0 I found a lump of Amber that looks vaguely like Sheogorath. This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities.
__どことなくSheogorathのように見えるAmberの塊を見つけた。これはUna ArminaがMuseum of Odditiesのために欲しい何かであるかもしれない。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 53 0 I've found an ancient pelvic bone with a small inscription that reads [QUOTE]Pelagius III, 3rd Sun's Dawn.[QUOTE] This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities.
__[QUOTE]Pelagius III、3rd Sun's Dawn[QUOTE]と読める小さな銘が打たれた古代の骨盤を見つけた。これはUna ArminaがMuseum of Odditiesのために欲しい何かであるかもしれない。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 54 0 I found the ashes of someone named Din in an urn deep in the ruins of Ebrocca. This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities.
__Ebroccaの遺跡でつぼの底にDinと書かれた誰かの遺灰を見つけた。これはUna ArminaがMuseum of Odditiesのために欲しい何かであるかもしれない。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 55 0 I've found an unusual two-headed septim coin. This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities.
__ちょっと変わった双頭のセプティムコインを見つけた。これはUna ArminaがMuseum of Odditiesのために欲しい何かであるかもしれない。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 56 0 I've found a tomato which seems to act as a soul gem. This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities.
__ソウルジェムのような働きをするように見えるトマトを見つけた。これはUna ArminaがMuseum of Odditiesのために欲しい何かであるかもしれない。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 57 0 I've found an unusual alchemical Mixing Bowl. This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities.
__ちょっと変わった錬金術用のMixing Bowlを見つけた。これはUna ArminaがMuseum of Odditiesのために欲しい何かであるかもしれない。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 58 0 I've found an unusual key made out of a Hound's Tooth. This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities.
__Hound's Toothで作られたちょっと変わった鍵を見つけた。これはUna ArminaがMuseum of Odditiesのために欲しい何かであるかもしれない。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 59 0 I've found a Dagger of Friendship, which seems to heal anyone it strikes. This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities.
__Dagger of Friendshipを見つけた。突き刺した誰でも回復するようだ。これはUna ArminaがMuseum of Odditiesのために欲しい何かであるかもしれない。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 60 0 I've found a Ring of Disrobing. which forces anyone wearing it to remove all their clothes. This might be something Una Armina would want for the Museum of Oddities.
__これを着けている者の服を脱がせることを強制するRing of Disrobingを見つけた。これはUna ArminaがMuseum of Odditiesのために欲しい何かであるかもしれない。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 61 0 I've found a Mute Screaming Maw, which seems like something Una Armina might want to display at her Museum of Oddities.
__Mute Screaming Mawを見つけた。Una ArminaがMuseum of Odditiesに展示したいかもしれない何かのように見える。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 190 0 Una Armina is dead. There's no point in looking for any more exhibits for her Museum of Oddities.
__Una Arminaは死んだ。彼女のMuseum of Odditiesのためにこれ以上展示物を探しても仕方が無い。
FormID: 0004340C SE38 200 0 I've found all the interesting items for which Una Armina was searching.
__Una Arminaが探していた全ての興味深いアイテムを見つけた。
FormID: 00042B9C SE39 10 0 Ranaar-Jo of Fellmoor is in desperate need of help, except he won't trust me until I've earned Kishashi's trust. I should find her and win her over.
FormID: 00042B9C SE39 20 0 I need to get Kishashi to trust me. She mentioned needing five Pod Pits.
__Kishashiに私を信じさせる必要がある。彼女はPod Pitを5つ必要とすると言及した。
FormID: 00042B9C SE39 20 1 Ranarr-Jo is in need of a hero, but Kishashi won't tell me more until she can trust me. If I want to know more, I need to get her to trust me. She mentioned needing five pod pits.
__Ranarr-Joは英雄を必要としているが、彼女が私を信じるまで、Kishashiは続きを言わないだろう。さらに知りたいと思うなら、彼女に私を信じさせる必要がある。彼女は5つのPod Pitが必要だと言った。
FormID: 00042B9C SE39 30 0 I've given Kishashi five Pod Pits. That made her happy. She should trust me now.
__5つのPod PitをKishashiに与えた。それで彼女は幸福になった。彼女は現在、私を信じるだろう。
FormID: 00042B9C SE39 40 0 I've acquired a spoon from Kishashi that supposedly will get Ranarr-Jo to trust me. I should talk to him.
FormID: 00042B9C SE39 45 0 I've given Ranarr-Jo a spoon from Kishashi. It apparently is a sign he should trust me.
FormID: 00042B9C SE39 50 0 Ranarr-Jo has asked me to wreck Cindanwe's house, and steal her notebook.
FormID: 00042B9C SE39 60 0 I've put Cindanwe's house in disarray.
FormID: 00042B9C SE39 60 1 I should speak with Ranarr-Jo to tell him the mission is accomplished.
FormID: 00042B9C SE39 65 0 Cindanwe of Fellmoor is dead. I should check her corpse to see if she had anything interesting on her when she died.
FormID: 00042B9C SE39 65 1 Cindanwe of Fellmoor is dead. I should speak with Ranarr-Jo to tell him the mission is accomplished.
FormID: 00042B9C SE39 70 0 I've acquired Cindanwe's notebook. Maybe I should talk to the other people in the settlement about this.
FormID: 00042B9C SE39 70 1 I've acquired Cindanwe's notebook. I should speak with Ranarr-Jo to tell him the mission is accomplished.
FormID: 00042B9C SE39 200 0 Ranarr-Jo is grateful that I've taken care of Cindanwe. Now he and his neighbors can live in peace.
FormID: 00042B9C SE39 210 0 Ranarr-Jo is dead. I'll never know what he needed help with now.
FormID: 00042B9C SE39 210 1 Ranarr-Jo is dead. I suppose he won't have to worry about Cindanwe now.
FormID: 00042B9C SE39 220 0 Kishashi is dead. I'll never be able to earn her trust now. Ranarr-Jo will just have to deal with things on his own.

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Last-modified: 2008-01-23 (水) 15:27:52