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<FONT face=5>For a potion of Cure Disease, grind Clannfear Claws and Mandrake root into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle. It will remain somewhat gritty. It can be mixed in with almost any liquid, but ordinary clear water is safest.

訳文 Edit

<FONT face=5>Cure_Diseaseのポーションを作るにはmortar(乳鉢)とpestle(乳棒)でClannfear_ClawsとMandrake_rootを挽きなさい。ざらざらした物が出来るだろう。出来た物は殆どの液体に解けるようになるだろうが、普通のきれいな水が一番安全だ。

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Last-modified: 2008-01-05 (土) 10:44:00