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My compliments on another job well done! Havilstein Hoar-Blood was more swine than man, and deserved to die quivering like an animal! You must not stop! You must kill again!<br>
Your next target is a Wood Elf named Ungolim, who resides in the city of Bravil. Bravil is also home to an ancient statue known as the Lucky Old Lady. It is seen as a symbol of good luck and prosperity, and the fools of Bravil often speak to the statue and wish for good tidings. Every night, poor lovestruck Ungolim visits the Lady and pleads desperately for the heart of a young maiden. This maiden is married, and her husband has learned of Ungolim's affection for his bride. He fears the competition, it would seem, and has commissioned the Dark Brotherhood to help in the matter.<br>
You must go to Bravil, locate Ungolim, and kill him. The Wood Elf owns a house in the city, but he spends his days securely locked inside. I recommend you lie in wait at the Lucky Old Lady statue, and then eliminate Ungolim when he arrives for his nightly visit. He's generally there between the hours of 6:00 PM and 1:00 AM.<br>
By all accounts, Ungolim is a deadly archer and a fearless opponent. I also have reason to believe he is expecting trouble, so if Ungolim senses danger, he may attack you on sight. And, like the Khajiit J 'Ghasta, Ungolim has bribed the guards to look the other way if there is a fight, so they won't interfere. Be vigilant, and bring the Wood Elf down! You must not fail!<br>
When Ungolim's body lies broken at the foot of his dear Lady, you must journey to the city of Anvil. Your dead drop is in a barrel located behind the statue in the pond. As is standard, your reward and next contract will be waiting.<br>

訳文 Edit

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君の次の標的はBravilの街に住むUngolimという名のWood Elfだ。Bravil_はLucky_Old_Ladyとしても知られる古代の像のある場所としても有名だ。それは幸運と繁栄の象徴と考えられており、Bravilの愚か者たちは像にしばしば話しかけ、良い便りを望むのだ。さて、あわれな恋わずらいUngolimは毎晩Lady像を訪れ、必死にある少女の愛情を嘆願している。この少女は既に結婚しており、そして彼女の夫は花嫁へのUngolimの熱愛を知った。彼は争いを恐れた、そういうことなのだろう、Dark_Brotherhoodにこの件について助けてもらえるよう依頼してきた。<br>
君はBravilに赴き、Ungolimの居場所を見つけ、殺さなくてはならない。このWood Elfは街に家を所有しているが、日々を非常に厳重に錠された家の中で過ごしている。Lucky_Old_Ladyの像で待ち伏せ、Ungolimが夜ごとの訪問に来たところを抹殺することを勧める。彼は普段、午後六時から午前一時の間はそこにいる。<br>
皆の話では、Ungolimは恐るべき射手であり敵に恐れを知らぬということだ。私も、彼がこの事態を予期していると信じるに足る根拠がある。だからもしUngolimが危険を察知すれば、君を見つけ次第攻撃してくるかもしれない。そして、KhajiitのJ_'Ghastaのように、Ungolim_は、そこで戦闘があっても見てみぬふりをするよう衛兵を買収している。故に彼らは干渉しようとはしないだろう。油断してはならない、そして、あのWood Elfを殺すのだ!失敗は許されない!<br>

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Last-modified: 2009-12-28 (月) 16:39:55