

FormID: 000613AE TrainingAthletics ServiceRefusal 0 Oh, I don't think that would be best for you. You need to get out, see the world, discover things for yourself.
FormID: 000613B0 TrainingAthletics GREETING 0 Is there something I can do for you?
FormID: 00061397 TrainingAthletics TrainingQuestTopic 0 Well, you do get around, don't you? You've seen a good bit of what the world has to offer, which is more than can be said for most people.
FormID: 00061397 TrainingAthletics TrainingQuestTopic 1 All right, I'll teach you what I know about Athletics. Maybe we can swap stories about life on the road.
FormID: 00061398 TrainingAthletics TrainingQuestTopic 0 I think you still need to do some exploring before you're ready to learn more. Discover a few new places on your own, then come see me.
FormID: 000613A1 TrainingAthletics TrainingQuestTopic 0 Oh dear me, are those old stories still going around?
FormID: 000613A1 TrainingAthletics TrainingQuestTopic 1 Yes, I did quite a bit of traveling. Back before I met Silgor, and decided to settle down. It's all about pacing yourself.
FormID: 000613A1 TrainingAthletics TrainingQuestTopic 2 You should get out there, and experience things for yourself. Discover new places, travel to lands you've never seen.
FormID: 000613A1 TrainingAthletics TrainingQuestTopic 3 Maybe once you've done that, we can talk about how to better pace yourself.
FormID: 000613A2 TrainingAthletics TrainingQuestTopic 0 You should track down Rusia Bradus in Anvil, and see if she can teach you anything more.
__AnvilでRusia Bradusを見つけて、彼女があなたにどんなことを教えることができるか聞いてみるといい。
FormID: 000613AA TrainingAthletics TrainingQuestTopic 0 I've heard stories of a woman who traveled the world on foot before settling down somewhere in Cyrodiil... Anvil, I think it was.
FormID: 000613AA TrainingAthletics TrainingQuestTopic 1 I believe her name was Bradus? Runia, or Rulia... something like that. If the stories are true, she might be able to train you further.
__たしか名前はRunia BradusだったかRulia Bradusだったか…もしその話が本当だったら、彼女はあなたをさらに訓練することができるかもしれない。
FormID: 000613AF TrainingAthletics TrainingQuestTopic 0 I can't teach you anything you don't already know. But there is someone who might be able to...
FormID: 000613AF TrainingAthletics TrainingQuestTopic 1 You'd never know it by looking at her, but Rusia Bradus did a lot of traveling in her younger days. She must have been in pretty good shape.
__今の彼女を見ても想像できないかも知れないがRusia Bradusは若いときはそこいら中旅して回っていたんだ。彼女はすごく健康的だったに違いないね。

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Last-modified: 2008-01-18 (金) 22:55:05