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<font face=3>
<FONT color="753B21"
<DIV align="center">BOOK TWO</div>
<DIV align="center">by Mankar Camoran</div>
<DIV align="center"><font face=4>ALTADOON</font></div>
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<FONT color="753B21">
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=69 height=62>hosoever findeth this document, I call him brother.
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=70 height=61>nswers are liberations, where the slaves of Malbioge that came to know Numantia cast down their jailer king, Maztiak, which the Xarxes Mysterium calls the Arkayn. Maztiak, whose carcass was dragged through the streets by his own bone-walkers and whose flesh was opened on rocks thereon and those angels who loved him no longer did drink from his honeyed ichors screaming "Let all know free will and do as they will!"
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=62 height=62>our coming was foretold, my brother, by the Lord Dagon in his book of razors. You are to come as Idols drop away from you one by one. You are exalted in eyes that have not yet set on you; you, swain to well-travelled to shatterer of mantles. You, brother, are to sit with me in Paradise and be released of all unknowns. Indeed, I shall show you His book and its foul-and-many-feathered rubric so that you can put into symbols what you already know: the sphere of destruction is but the milk of the unenslaved. I fault not your stumbling, for they are expected and given grace by the Oils. I crave not your downfalls, though without them you might surpass me even in the coming Earth of all infinities. Lord Dagon wishes you no ills but the momentous. And as He wants, you must want, and so learn from the pages of God this: the Ritual of Want:
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=69 height=62>hisper to earth and earth, where the meddlers take no stones except to blood, as blood IS blood, and to the cracking of bone, as bone IS bone, and so to crack and answer and fall before the one and one, I call you Dragon as brother and king.
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=62 height=62>ides of dreugh: 7 and 7, draught of Oil, 1 and 1, circles drawn by wet Dibellites: three concentric and let their lower blood fall where it may, a birth watched by blackbirds: Hearthfire 1st. Incant the following when your hearing becomes blurred:
<DIV align="left">
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=78 height=61>nraptured, he who finally goes unrecorded.
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=73 height=62>ecorded, the slaves that without knowing turn the Wheel.
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=78 height=61>nslaved, all the children of the Aurbis As It Is."

訳文 Edit

<font face=3>
<FONT color="753B21"
<DIV align="center">BOOK TWO</div>
<DIV align="center">by Mankar Camoran</div>
<DIV align="center"><font face=4>ALTADOON</font></div>
<font face=1>
<FONT color="753B21">
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=69 height=62>hosoever_findeth_this_document(この文書を見つけたものが誰であっても)、私はその者を兄弟と呼ぼう。
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=70 height=61>nswers_are_liberations(答えとは解放であり)、そこにおいてNumantiaを知ることになるMalbiogeの奴隷たちは、彼らの看守長Maztiakを、the_Xarxes_Mysteriumがthe_Arkaynと呼ぶMaztiakを打ち倒した。ああMaztiakよ、彼の死骸は自らの所有していたbone-walkersの手によって市中を引き回され、彼の肉は岩の上に晒され、そしてもはや彼を愛していない天使たちは、こう叫びながら彼の甘ったるい膿漿を飲み下したのだ。「すべての者に自由なる意思を知らしめよ、そして彼らの思うままにさせよ!」
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=62 height=62>our coming was foretold, my brother, by the Lord Dagon in his book of razors. You are to come as Idols drop away from you one by one. You are exalted in eyes that have not yet set on you; you, swain to well-travelled to shatterer of mantles. 兄弟よ、あなたはParadiseで私とともに座り、すべての未知から解放されることになる。Indeed, I shall show you His book and its foul-and-many-feathered rubric so that you can put into symbols what you already know: the sphere of destruction is but the milk of the unenslaved. I fault not your stumbling, for they are expected and given grace by the Oils. I crave not your downfalls, though without them you might surpass me even in the coming Earth of all infinities. Lord Dagon wishes you no ills but the momentous. そしてあの御方の欲するままに、あなたも欲し、そしてこの神聖なる書the_Ritual_of_Wantから学ばなければならない。
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=69 height=62>hisper to earth and earth, where the meddlers take no stones except to blood, as blood IS blood, and to the cracking of bone, as bone IS bone, and so to crack and answer and fall before the one and one, I call you Dragon as brother and king.
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=62 height=62>ides of dreugh: 7 and 7, draught of Oil, 1 and 1, circles drawn by wet Dibellites: three concentric and let their lower blood fall where it may, a birth watched by blackbirds: Hearthfire 1st. Incant the following when your hearing becomes blurred:
<DIV align="left">
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=78 height=61>nraptured, he who finally goes unrecorded.
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=73 height=62>ecorded, the slaves that without knowing turn the Wheel.
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=78 height=61>nslaved, all the children of the Aurbis As It Is."


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Last-modified: 2009-02-19 (木) 12:36:11