

FormID: 000624F9 Generic Steal 0 Put that back, you worthless thief!
FormID: 00023E56 Generic Flee 0 Take whatever you want! Just don't hurt me!
FormID: 00023F42 Generic Flee 0 Don't hurt me!
FormID: 000251A4 Generic Flee 0 I give up!
FormID: 00025351 Generic Flee 0 Run away!
FormID: 00051DC6 Generic Hit 0 Hit me once more, and I'll kill you!
FormID: 00051DC7 Generic Hit 0 That's TWICE you hit me!
FormID: 00051DC8 Generic Hit 0 I'm on your side!
FormID: 00023796 Generic Hit 0 Ugh!
FormID: 00023798 Generic Hit 0 Whoa!
FormID: 00028AAE Generic Hit 0 Ugh!
FormID: 00028AAF Generic Hit 0 Ha!
FormID: 00028AB0 Generic Hit 0 Oof!
FormID: 00028AB1 Generic Hit 0 Argh!
FormID: 00023799 Generic Hit 0 Ahh!
FormID: 0002379C Generic Hit 0 Ugh!
FormID: 0002398C Generic Hit 0 Ugh!
FormID: 00023E40 Generic Hit 0 Hmph!
FormID: 00038EE5 Generic Hit 0 Hissss!
FormID: 00038EE6 Generic Hit 0 Gaaahh!
FormID: 00038EE7 Generic Hit 0 Nooo!
FormID: 000242DB Generic Attack 0 Hurargh!
FormID: 000242DC Generic Attack 0 Hurh!
FormID: 000242E2 Generic Attack 0 Ha ha!
__はっ! はっ!
FormID: 000242E8 Generic Attack 0 Arrgh!
FormID: 000242E9 Generic Attack 0 Hargh!
FormID: 00091915 Generic Attack 0 Die!
FormID: 00091916 Generic Attack 0 Take that!
FormID: 0018BD67 Generic Attack 0 I'll send your bloody soul straight to Sovngarde!
__お前の血塗れの魂を Sovngarde へ送り届けてやる!
FormID: 0018BD68 Generic Attack 0 You Elves are all the same! All flash and no fury!
__お前らエルフはみんな同じだ! 激情を知らず、けばけばしいだけだ!
FormID: 0018BD69 Generic Attack 0 You're a traitor to your own race!
FormID: 0018BD6A Generic Attack 0 You humans are all the same! Weak and worthless!
__お前ら人間はみんな同じだ! 貧弱で取るに足らない存在だ!
FormID: 00038EE4 Generic Attack 0 Come... here!
FormID: 00038EE1 Generic Attack 0 Come to me, sweet flesh!
FormID: 00038EE0 Generic Attack 0 Blood! I need your blood!
__血が! お前の血が欲しい!
FormID: 000242EF Generic Attack 0 Don't feel bad -- no one lives forever!
FormID: 0018BD71 Generic Attack 0 You do realize I've been holding back?
FormID: 000242F8 Generic Attack 0 I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than you!
__お前と戦うより mudcrabs と戦う方が恐ろしく思えるわ!
FormID: 0018BD72 Generic Attack 0 For the Empire!
FormID: 0018BD73 Generic Attack 0 You dare oppose the might of the Imperial Legion?
FormID: 0018BD74 Generic Attack 0 Remember the Emperor!
FormID: 0018BD75 Generic Attack 0 Die, you Orc filth!
FormID: 0018BD77 Generic Attack 0 Am I supposed to be impressed?
FormID: 0018BD78 Generic Attack 0 What's the matter, getting tired?
__どうした! もう疲れたのか!?
FormID: 0018BD79 Generic Attack 0 You're pathetic!
FormID: 0018BD7B Generic Attack 0 You're outmatched, Elf!
__お前は勝てない! エルフよ!
FormID: 0018BD7C Generic Attack 0 I'm going to bleed you slow!
FormID: 0018BD7D Generic Attack 0 Die, you mangy housecat!
FormID: 0018BD7E Generic Attack 0 You'll make a fine pair of boots, lizard!
FormID: 0018BD7F Generic Attack 0 Fall before me, Breton!
FormID: 0018BD80 Generic Attack 0 Die, Imperial! Die!
__死ね、Imperialよ! 死ね!
FormID: 0018BD81 Generic Attack 0 I'll have your head, you filthy Nord!
__お前の首はもらったぞ、汚らしい Nord め!
FormID: 0018BD82 Generic Attack 0 Puny Elf! I'll pick my teeth with your spine!
__弱々しいエルフよ! 我が牙で貴様を食い千切ってやる!
FormID: 000242ED Generic Attack 0 This is the part where you fall down and bleed to death!
FormID: 00023EC3 Generic Attack 0 Die, cur!
FormID: 0018D267 Generic Attack 0 This ends here!
FormID: 0018D268 Generic Attack 0 Why... won't... you... die?
FormID: 0018D269 Generic Attack 0 Grrrr!
FormID: 0018D26A Generic Attack 0 Yaaaaiii!
FormID: 0018D2B6 Generic Attack 0 Ha! You'll never take me down!
__ハッ! お前に私を倒す事などは出来ない!
__ハッ! お前になどやられるか!
FormID: 0018D2B7 Generic Attack 0 Die, damn you!
FormID: 0018D2B8 Generic Attack 0 Show me what you've got!
FormID: 0018D2B9 Generic Attack 0 Do your worst!
FormID: 0018D2BA Generic Attack 0 That the best you can do?
FormID: 0018D2BB Generic Attack 0 Let's get this over with!
FormID: 0018D2BC Generic Attack 0 I'm just warming up, you pathetic worm!
FormID: 000C47DB Generic GOODBYE 0 M'aiq wishes you well.
FormID: 0002B7A9 Generic GOODBYE 0 There's no need to be that way. Goodbye.
__その必要は全くありません。 さようなら。
FormID: 0002B7AA Generic GOODBYE 0 Never mind, then.
FormID: 0002B7AB Generic GOODBYE 0 Oh. If that's the way you feel.
FormID: 0002B7AC Generic GOODBYE 0 Fine. Be that way.
FormID: 0002B7AD Generic GOODBYE 0 Oh. Sorry to bother you.
FormID: 000241A6 Generic GOODBYE 0 'Bye.
FormID: 000241A7 Generic GOODBYE 0 Goodbye.
FormID: 0003AAA1 Generic GOODBYE 0 You, too.
FormID: 0003AAA3 Generic GOODBYE 0 Good day.
FormID: 0003AAA5 Generic GOODBYE 0 Farewell.
FormID: 0003AAA7 Generic GOODBYE 0 Be seeing you.
FormID: 0003AAA8 Generic GOODBYE 0 Take care.
FormID: 000241A9 Generic GOODBYE 0 Enough talk.
FormID: 000241AA Generic GOODBYE 0 I'm through talking to you.
FormID: 000C47EB Generic GOODBYE 0 Stop talking.
FormID: 000241AB Generic GOODBYE 0 Leave me alone!
FormID: 000241AD Generic GOODBYE 0 Stop talking! Enough!
FormID: 00074FD3 Generic GOODBYE 0 Just go away!
FormID: 00074FD4 Generic GOODBYE 0 Go bother someone else.
FormID: 00074FD5 Generic GOODBYE 0 I'm done talking to you.
FormID: 00074FD6 Generic GOODBYE 0 Just leave.
FormID: 000277BB Generic GOODBYE 0 Goodbye.
FormID: 000256E0 Generic GOODBYE 0 Take care.
FormID: 0002802A Generic GOODBYE 0 So long.
FormID: 0003AAAE Generic GOODBYE 0 Safe travels.
FormID: 0003AAAF Generic GOODBYE 0 Good night.
FormID: 0003AAB0 Generic GOODBYE 0 Good night.
FormID: 0003AAB3 Generic GOODBYE 0 Good day.
FormID: 0003AAB4 Generic GOODBYE 0 See you.
FormID: 0003AAB5 Generic GOODBYE 0 'Bye.
FormID: 0003AAB8 Generic GOODBYE 0 Goodbye.
FormID: 000241AC Generic GOODBYE 0 I have no more to say to you!
FormID: 000256E5 Generic GOODBYE 0 Go away, fool!
FormID: 000277CD Generic GOODBYE 0 Stop talking! Enough!
FormID: 00074FD7 Generic GOODBYE 0 Just go away!
FormID: 00074FD8 Generic GOODBYE 0 Go bother someone else.
FormID: 00074FD9 Generic GOODBYE 0 I'm done talking to you.
FormID: 00074FDA Generic GOODBYE 0 Just leave.
FormID: 000C47ED Generic HELLO 0 M'aiq greets you.
FormID: 00022B3A Generic HELLO 0 Good riddance.
FormID: 00022B3B Generic HELLO 0 That's a real shame.
FormID: 0018BC96 Generic HELLO 0 Look at the muscles on you!
FormID: 0018BC97 Generic HELLO 0 You're a sneaky looking sort.
FormID: 0018BC98 Generic HELLO 0 You have the hands of a healer.
FormID: 0018BC9B Generic HELLO 0 There's an air of Mysticism about you.
FormID: 0018BC9F Generic HELLO 0 You have the eyes of a trained marksman.
FormID: 0018BCA0 Generic HELLO 0 You look like a bright one.
FormID: 0018BCB4 Generic HELLO 0 You have the hands of an illusionist.
FormID: 0018BCB5 Generic HELLO 0 Seems you've bloodied your knuckles a few times.
FormID: 0018BCB6 Generic HELLO 0 There's a charge in the air. Been casting some destruction spells?
FormID: 0018BCB7 Generic HELLO 0 You smell of death. Been conjuring up dead things?
FormID: 0018BCB8 Generic HELLO 0 You look like you've swung a mace or two in your time.
FormID: 0018BCB9 Generic HELLO 0 Looks like you're handy with a blade.
FormID: 0018BCBA Generic HELLO 0 You're a fit one. Been running a lot?
FormID: 000C4596 Generic HELLO 0 You've got a real bounce to your step. I'll bet you're quite the acrobat.
FormID: 000C4597 Generic HELLO 0 How about mixing up some potions? You look like quite the alchemist.
FormID: 000C4598 Generic HELLO 0 You look skilled in Alteration. Maybe you can teach me something.
FormID: 000C4599 Generic HELLO 0 You've got the hands of a smith. Must have spent some time repairing your gear.
FormID: 000C459A Generic HELLO 0 Your shield arm looks strong.
FormID: 000C459B Generic HELLO 0 You look like someone who's comfortable in heavy armor.
FormID: 000C459C Generic HELLO 0 I heard you know how to move in light armor.
FormID: 000C459D Generic HELLO 0 You look like a shrewd businessman.
FormID: 000C45A2 Generic HELLO 0 You've got some nimble fingers. What have you been getting into?
FormID: 000C45A3 Generic HELLO 0 You've got quite the silver tongue.
FormID: 0002B470 Generic HELLO 0 Good morning.
FormID: 0003AA95 Generic HELLO 0 Morning.
FormID: 0002B471 Generic HELLO 0 Good afternoon.
FormID: 0003AA96 Generic HELLO 0 Afternoon.
FormID: 0002B472 Generic HELLO 0 Good evening.
FormID: 0003AA97 Generic HELLO 0 Evening.
FormID: 0002B474 Generic HELLO 0 Good evening.
FormID: 0003AA98 Generic HELLO 0 Evening.
FormID: 00024122 Generic HELLO 0 Hello!
FormID: 00025678 Generic HELLO 0 Hi there!
FormID: 00025679 Generic HELLO 0 Well met!
FormID: 0002567A Generic HELLO 0 Good to see you!
FormID: 0002412F Generic HELLO 0 Hi!
FormID: 00024131 Generic HELLO 0 How are you?
FormID: 00088FA8 Generic HELLO 0 You're making me nervous, sneaking around like that. Just make sure you keep your hands to yourself.
FormID: 0002411F Generic HELLO 0 Greetings!
FormID: 0002B5D0 Generic HELLO 0 Greetings, Imperial.
FormID: 0002B5D1 Generic HELLO 0 Greetings, Imperial brother.
FormID: 0002B5D2 Generic HELLO 0 Greetings, Imperial sister.
FormID: 0002B5D3 Generic HELLO 0 Greetings, Khajiit.
FormID: 0002B5D4 Generic HELLO 0 Greetings, clan-mate.
FormID: 0002B5D5 Generic HELLO 0 Greetings, Argonian.
FormID: 0002B5D6 Generic HELLO 0 Greetings, marsh-friend.
FormID: 0002B5D7 Generic HELLO 0 Greetings, Orc.
FormID: 0002B5D8 Generic HELLO 0 Greetings, blood of Orsinium.
FormID: 0002B5D9 Generic HELLO 0 Greetings, Nord.
FormID: 0002B5DA Generic HELLO 0 Greetings, son of Skyrim.
FormID: 0002B5DB Generic HELLO 0 Greetings, daughter of Skyrim.

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Last-modified: 2011-10-25 (火) 21:14:38