

FormID: 000624C6 NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 The Arena's faked. You think those guys are getting killed? Really? It's just berry syrup and ham-acting.
__Arenaなんてやらせだよ。あいつらが本当に死んだりすることがあると思う? ありゃベリーシロップのように甘ったるい大げさな演技さ。
__Arenaはやらせです。ヤツらが殺し合ってると思いますか?本当に? あれはベリーシロップのように甘ったるい大げさな演技ですよ。
FormID: 000624C7 NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 Have you ever met anyone who got rich betting on the Arena? Didn't think so.
__Arenaで賭けて大もうけしたやつを見たことある? そんなこと無いと思うな。
__Arenaで賭けて金持ちになった人を見たことありますか? あるわけないですよ。
FormID: 000624C8 NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 The Council runs the Arena to amuse the masses, and it pays for itself, with all the fools who lose their shirts gambling.
__The Councilと非公式のギャンブルをやって全てを失う馬鹿どもが、大衆娯楽を提供するArenaを運営しているのさ。
__The Councilは大衆を楽しませるためにアリーナを運営している。そして、ギャンブルに有り金をつぎ込む間抜け達のおかげで、しっかり元は取れている。
FormID: 000624C9 NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 If you're on a road, you can usually outrun anything. If you're in good shape, and not wearing a tin suit.
FormID: 000624CA NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 Orcs don't ride horses. They eat horses. And sometimes I think they're the smart ones. Wait, maybe it's Dunmer who eat horses.
FormID: 000624CB NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 Take Cheydinhal, for example. Pretty little town. But the Count's a Dark Elf, and it's crawling with Orc thugs and gangsters.
__例えばCheydinhalに行ってごらんなさいい。とても小さな街だけど、伯爵はDark ElfだしOrcのチンピラとギャング共がうじゃうじゃ居ますよ。
__例えばCheydinhalに行ってごらんなさい。とても小さな街だけど、伯爵はDark ElfだしOrcのチンピラとギャング共がうじゃうじゃ居ますよ。
FormID: 0018BCB2 NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 The lands surrounding Lake Rumare are studded with small settlements, farms, and woodland game reserves.
FormID: 0018BCB3 NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 The Nibenay Basin grades from rolling farmlands by the river east to the rugged uplands of the Valus Mountains.
__Nibenay Basinは川のそばの点々とした農地から、東に向かって段々のValus山脈に登っていくところにあります。
__Niben Riverの東岸のなだらかな農業地帯から険しいValus Mountainsの高地のあたりの地帯がNibenay Basinとされています。
FormID: 0018BCBC NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 On Cyrodiil's northern border is the sparsely populated mountain wilderness called the Valus Mountains.
FormID: 0018BCBD NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 You can't be too careful out in the wilderness. Almost any creature you find is liable to give you a disease.
FormID: 0018BCBE NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 Watch yourself around goblins. Some of the nastier ones will toss spells at you.
FormID: 0018BCBF NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 Imps. I hate 'em. Little buggers flitting around, tossing fireballs at you!
FormID: 0018BCC0 NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 I saw a wraith once. It threw a curse on me I'll never forget.
FormID: 0018BCC1 NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 Have you seen a land dreugh? We call them [QUOTE]Billies.[QUOTE] Don't know why. Steer clear of them, though.
__land dreughを見たことがありますか? 私たちはあいつらを[QUOTE]棍棒[QUOTE]と呼んでいます。何故かは分かりません。まあ、あいつらは避けてください。
FormID: 0018BCC2 NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 I ran across a ghost once. Seemed to suck the energy right out of me.
FormID: 0018BCC3 NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 Watch for minotaurs in the forests. Aggressive beasts. They'll tear right through your armor, too.
__森の中ではminotaursに気をつけて。 好戦的であなたを鎧や兜ごと引き裂きますよ。
FormID: 0018BCC4 NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 Mudcrabs. What's the point? Annoying buggers, though the meat isn't bad.
FormID: 0018BCC5 NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 Only thing worse than an ogre is two ogres. Tough bastards, and spells seem to bounce right off of 'em.
FormID: 0018BCC6 NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 Is there anywhere in Tamriel you can avoid rats? Disease spreading little nuisances.
__Tamrielにネズミを見ないですむ土地はありますか? 病原菌を撒き散らす小さな厄介者を。
FormID: 0018BCC7 NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 Best way to take out a skeleton is with a big weapon. Forget spells. Just smack them and watch the bones fly!
FormID: 0018BCC8 NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 I might swim more if it weren't for the slaughterfish. Sharp teeth, and some carry disease.
FormID: 0018BCC9 NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 Spriggans. [QUOTE]Nature's guardians[QUOTE] my foot! Mean things. They'll curse you, or they might call a bear to tear you apart.
FormID: 0018BCCA NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 All that stuff about having to set trolls on fire is a bunch of hooey. They don't like fire, but a good sword will cut them up fine.
FormID: 0018BCCB NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 I don't even know what a will-o-the-wisp is, much less how to kill one. I think they're just swamp gas, myself.
__will o the wispがどんなものか知らないし、殺し方なんかもっと分かりません。多分沼のガスかなんだと思います。
FormID: 0018BCCC NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 I don't like to think about zombies. Missing arms, legs, heads. They smell awful, and they're hard to kill.
FormID: 000624CC NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 Try combining aloe vera leaves with some venison. It's said to have some restorative properties.
__aloe veraとvenisonあたりを組み合わせてみると良いでしょう。回復薬になるそうです。
FormID: 000624CD NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 You can find Cairn Bolete growing in caves. They're said to mark the place someone has died.
__Cairn Boleteはよく洞窟のなかで光っています。死人の場所を知らせるんだそうです。
FormID: 000624CE NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 It's said that eating taproot can bring you good luck.
FormID: 000624CF NQDWilderness INFOGENERAL 0 Make sure not to eat nightshade. It's very poisonous.
FormID: 000479F4 NQDWilderness GREETING 0 Cat-Face. Yes, that's right. That's what they call me. Because they can't pronounce my Black Marsh name, I guess...
__Cat-Faceだよ。はい、その通り。みんな私のことをそう呼ぶね。Black Marsh国での私の名前は発音できないみたい…
__Cat-Face。ああ、その通り。みんな私のことをそう呼ぶね。みんなBlack Marshでの私の名前は発音できないみたいだから…
FormID: 000479F4 NQDWilderness GREETING 1 ... and, supposedly, because my face looks like a cat. Don't see it, myself.
FormID: 000479F4 NQDWilderness GREETING 2 Must be a joke. Don't get the joke, either... but the customer is always right.
FormID: 000479F4 NQDWilderness GREETING 3 But, as I was going to say, welcome to Five Riders Stable. Five? Riders? I don't see them, either...
__いや、そんなことより言いたいのは、Five Riders Stableへようこそいらっしゃいました。5人の?乗り手ですか?私も見たことはないんです…
FormID: 000479F4 NQDWilderness GREETING 4 ... But that's what they call the stable when I buy it, and what do I care what they call it...?
FormID: 000479F4 NQDWilderness GREETING 5 Where was I? Oh. Yes. We sell paints. Good horses. Good enough, anyway...
FormID: 000479F4 NQDWilderness GREETING 6 ... good eating... they tell me...
FormID: 000479F4 NQDWilderness GREETING 7 That's a joke. I wouldn't eat one of these horses. Nothing wrong with them, of course...
FormID: 000479F4 NQDWilderness GREETING 8 ...but that's a pile of money for horse steaks, isn't it?
FormID: 000479FA NQDWilderness GREETING 0 I'm Atahba. But if you want a horse, you got to talk to Cat-Face.
FormID: 00038A85 NQDWilderness GREETING 0 I'll take good care of your horses when you're in Skingrad. I'm Ugak gra-Mogakh, ostler of Grateful Pass Stables.
__あなたがSkingradにいる間、私があなたの馬の世話をします。私はUgak gra-Mogakh、Grateful Pass Stablesの馬丁です。
FormID: 00002855 NQDWilderness GREETING 0 My name's Bongond. I can see you know horses. So do I, and I know I have just what you need.
FormID: 000ACE07 NQDWilderness GREETING 0 I am Sister Angrond of Gottlesfont Priory. We gather and prepare healing herbs and mushrooms.
__私はGottlesfont Prioryの尼僧Angrond。治療用のハーブとキノコを集めて備蓄しています。
FormID: 000ACE28 NQDWilderness GREETING 0 I'm Phebe Jeanard, a charity sister of Gottlesfont Priory. Are you looking for alchemical ingredients?
__私はPhebe Jeanard。Gottlesfont Prioryで進んで尼僧となりました。錬金術の材料をお探しですか?
FormID: 00023972 NQDWilderness ChorrolTopic 0 In Chorrol, we don't trust people we don't know. But if you're respectable -- if you hang with respectable people -- we're not so unfriendly.
__Chorrolじゃ良く知らない人は信用されないんだ。でもあんたが尊敬できるような人間なら -- 尊敬されている人達と親しくするなら -- 我々はそんなに邪険にしなくなるだろうね。
FormID: 0002A361 NQDWilderness ChorrolTopic 0 You joined the Mages Guild? Excellent. Good people. Substantial.
__あなたMages Guildに入ったんですか?すばらしい。裕福で親切な仲間たち。
__あんたはMages Guildに入ったんだな?すばらしい。裕福で親切な仲間たちばかりだよな。
FormID: 0002A367 NQDWilderness ChorrolTopic 0 You joined the Fighters Guild? Very good. Hard-working, trustworthy folk.
__あなたFighters Guildに入ったんですか?とてもいいですね。やりがいのある仕事に、頼れる仲間たち。
__あんたはFighters Guildに入ったんだな?とてもいいね。やりがいのある仕事に、頼れる仲間たちばかり。
FormID: 0002A36B NQDWilderness ChorrolTopic 0 I'm glad you took my advice. Have you noticed how people are more friendly, now you're established in the community?
FormID: 0002A693 NQDWilderness ChorrolTopic 0 It's like I said. Join the guilds or the Chapel. In Chorrol, we like what we know.
FormID: 00038A88 NQDWilderness SkingradTopic 0 You're the one who closed the Skingrad gate? You must be... the Hero of Kvatch.
__君がSkingrad gateを閉じたんだって?君はきっと... Kvatchの英雄になるだろう。
__君がSkingrad gateを閉じたんだって?君は…Kvatchの英雄なんじゃないか。
FormID: 00038A89 NQDWilderness SkingradTopic 0 Gates are opening outside the towns all over Cyrodiil. One opened right here in Skingrad. [pending implementation and flag for Skingrad gate status]
FormID: 00038A8A NQDWilderness SkingradTopic 0 I heard there's trouble on the Gold Road, near Kvatch... if you're heading that way.
__Kvatch近くのGold Roadで揉め事があると聞いた..。もし君が道中で聞いていたのなら。
__Kvatch近くのGold Roadで揉め事があると聞いた…。もし君がその道を通るのなら。
FormID: 00038A8B NQDWilderness SkingradTopic 0 Maybe you'd better talk to my sister, Mog gra-Mogakh. She runs the Two Sisters Lodge. She's the talker in the family.
__多分君は姉のMog gra-Mogakhと話すほうがいいでしょう。彼女は二人の姉妹のロッジに向かっている。彼女は家族の話し手です。
__多分君は姉のMog gra-Mogakhと話すほうがいいでしょう。彼女はTwo Sisters Lodgeを経営している。彼女は家族の話し手です。
FormID: 000479F9 NQDWilderness LeyawiinTopic 0 West of the Niben, with all the troubles, many bandits. West of town I know two lairs where bandits hide... Telepe and Undertow Caverns.
__Nibenの西は問題の多き土地、山賊も多い。町の西に山賊が隠れ住む2つの廃屋があるのを知っている。 TelepeとUndertow Cavernsです。
FormID: 000479F9 NQDWilderness LeyawiinTopic 1 North along the Green Road is another hide-out... Rockmilk Cave. Like to hunt bandits? Steal from those who steal? Such a sweet joke, yes?
__Green Roadに沿って北には、もう一つの隠れ家がある...Rockmilk Cave。山賊を狩るのは好きかい?盗んだものを盗みだすのは?面白いジョークだろ、なあ?
FormID: 000479FB NQDWilderness LeyawiinTopic 0 Well, if you want to know what I think, I think it stinks. The Elder Council takes the Trans-Niben and just gives it to Cyrodiil!
__ああ、私が考えてることを知りたいのか、こいつは臭いな。 Elder CouncilはTrans-Nibenを手に入れ、Cyrodiilに組み込もうとしているのさ!
FormID: 000479FB NQDWilderness LeyawiinTopic 1 Have you ever seen a map with the Trans-Niben in Cyrodiil? No! Because there's never been one like that.
FormID: 000479FB NQDWilderness LeyawiinTopic 2 Damn crooked Councilor. Some men rob you with a sword; others rob you with a goose quill pen.
FormID: 000ACE82 NQDWilderness GottlesfontPrioryTopic 0 The Sisters of Gottlesfont gather Steel Blue Entoloma and Lady's Mantle Leaves. Take what you need, and you're welcome to gather mushrooms nearby.
__The Sisters of GottlesfontはSteel Blue EntolomaとLady's Mantle Leavesを集めてます。必要なものがあれば持っていって、あとそこら辺に生えてるキノコを集めてきてくれたら大歓迎です。
__Gottlesfontの尼僧たちは、Steel Blue EntolomaとLady's Mantle Leavesを集めてます。必要なものがあればお取りください。あとそこら辺に生えてるキノコを集めてきてくれたら大歓迎です。
FormID: 000ACE83 NQDWilderness GottlesfontPrioryTopic 0 Lady's Mantle Leaves are helpful in healing wounds, whether applied directly or compounded in potions. We have plenty. Help yourself.
__Lady's Mantle Leavesは、傷の治療に使えるんです。直接使ってもいいし、ポーションに混ぜてもいい。私たちも沢山もってますよ。あなたの役にたつでしょう。

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Last-modified: 2014-02-10 (月) 03:30:32