Shivering Isles/Dialogue/SENQDWilderness-INFOGENERAL-07 のバックアップ差分(No.1)

Top/Shivering Isles/Dialogue/SENQDWilderness-INFOGENERAL-07

FormID: 0005F462	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	So we have armies again? I wouldn't want to be in an army. All that physical exertion. Better to just sit and regain your strength.
FormID: 0005F463	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Sheogorath's army is restored? That's good. You learn discipline in the army, something folks around here are lacking.
FormID: 0005F471	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Do you suppose the armies will start killing people now? I'd keep an accurate count of all the corpses.
// now? はpukiwikiによって現在時刻に変換されてしまうため全角に変換してある
FormID: 0005F476	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	1, 2... Sheogorath's got his army... 3, 4... in the barracks... 5, 6.
FormID: 0005F47E	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	The armies are back in order? I've got no use for armies. Killing is personal, not political.
FormID: 0005F481	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	I hear the army is restored. You should go see if they need a target dummy to practice on.
FormID: 0005F494	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Do you know where Sheogorath keeps his armies? In his sleevies! Ah hahaha!
FormID: 0005F4A3	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	I hear that my army has been restored. Perhaps I should join up again....
FormID: 0005F4AF	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	The tedious to-ings and fro-ings of the armies of Sheogorath are of no interest to me.
FormID: 0005F4B2	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Armies with steel are good, but armies can be destroyed. Magic is better. Magic can bring armies back to life.
FormID: 0005F4C5	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	People keep telling me that the armies of Sheogorath are reassembled... as if this is something that we should be happy about.
FormID: 0005F4C6	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Armies? Pah! Armies are worthless. Killing is best by one man alone. In the dark. Sneak. Sneak. Then blood.
FormID: 0005F4C7	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	The power of Sheogorath doesn't lie in armies. Power comes from the willingness to do things others won't.
FormID: 0005F4E2	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	They SAY the armies have been restored. But you think that's the whole story? Not by half, just you wait and see.
FormID: 0005F52A	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	The armies are back together now, I hear. I'd never have let them get lost in the first place.
FormID: 0005F535	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Armies can only mean one thing... more sorrow and more death.
FormID: 0005F55E	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Leave me alone. Sheogorath's armies are coming. You better run away!
FormID: 0005F55F	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	The armies are restored, you say? My, what a smart little thing you are!
FormID: 0005F560	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Now there's an army to protect us? Ugh, and I almost had begun to paint [QUOTE]The Gatekeeper in Repose.[QUOTE] Oh well, time to start again.
FormID: 00060528	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	I know where Sheogorath is. He's hiding in my house. In a cupboard. But he's invisible.
FormID: 00060529	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Sheogorath has left. Where did he go? It's a mystery! I love mystery stories. I wonder how this one will end.
FormID: 0006052A	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	The whole Realm is at risk. Finally everyone can understand what it's like living under a blanket of fear.
FormID: 0006052B	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	We're doomed. The Greymarch can't be stopped. We'll all be Ordered like the old tales tell.
FormID: 0006052C	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Just like Sheogorath to abandon us in our time of need. He has been ever fickle.
FormID: 0006052D	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Sheogorath has disappeared. This is worse than my nightmares.
FormID: 0006052E	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Perhaps I was wrong. Maybe the Scalons aren't the worst thing that could happen to us. I mean... Sheogorath himself has vanished.
FormID: 0006052F	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	I'm telling you, They're behind all of this. All of it! No one is going to listen to me until it's too late!
FormID: 00060531	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Where did Sheogorath go? Great. I bet he got sick and died. We're all going to die now!
FormID: 00060534	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	The Mad One has vanished from the Isles, fear sits heavy on the brow. All our hopes go with one, but can he save us 2007-05-28 (月) 07:03:55
FormID: 00060535	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Sheogorath's gone. I wish I could just disappear that way. Sometimes I feel invisible. But, that's not the same. I need a nap.
FormID: 00060536	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	I guess even our Lord Sheogorath needs to take a vacation once in a while. Not me, though. I'm happy to keep working.
FormID: 00060537	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Do you think Sheogorath died? I know He's missing. I want to see His corpse if He's dead.
FormID: 00060538	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	5, 4... Sheogorath has left us alone in this terrible time. 3, 2, 1.
FormID: 00060539	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Even the great Lord Sheogorath forsakes us. The bones are getting louder.
FormID: 0006053A	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Maybe you're the reason Sheogorath left. Probably are. You make me want to leave whenever I see you.
FormID: 0006053B	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Knock, knock. Who's there? Not Sheogorath.
FormID: 0006053E	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	I know where Sheogorath has gone! Of course, I'm not going to tell you.
FormID: 00060563	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	People act like Sheogorath's disappearance is of some grave significance. But the Shivering Isles are the same as ever, I assure you.
FormID: 000605E6	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Where has our Lord gone? I hope He returns soon.
FormID: 000605E9	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Sheogorath has vanished? Another already seeks his throne. One tyrant passes and another rises. To the void with them.
FormID: 000605EA	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	The Madgod is gone. Can he die?
FormID: 000605EB	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Our Lord is too scared to face the Greymarch, is he? Coward! Good riddance.
FormID: 000605EC	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Sheogorath gone. The Duke gone. This whole thing is making me really, really nervous. I need to calm down.
FormID: 000605ED	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Sheogorath leaves in the middle of the Greymarch. Perhaps I should take over ruling the Realm.
FormID: 000605F1	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Oh! Our Lord has abandoned us! What will be our fate?
FormID: 000605F3	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	I wish I could vanish like Sheogorath, right about now. Please don't hurt me.
FormID: 000605F5	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Have you come to cheer me up? I'm worried about Lord Sheogorath. Are you worried, you little darling?
FormID: 000605F6	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	Sheogorath has disappeared! How can I be expected to paint at a time like this?
FormID: 000607E5	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	We're all doomed. Jyggalag has won. Sheogorath is dead. The forces of Order are victorious.
FormID: 000607E6	SENQDWilderness	INFOGENERAL	0	We're all still here. It's a miracle! Someone really needs to write a book about this. Perhaps I should....

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