Shivering Isles/Dialogue/SE07A-03 のバックアップ差分(No.4)

FormID: 0009199A	SE07A	Hit	0	No! Sheogorath, protect me!
FormID: 0009199D	SE07A	Hit	0	Ugh! Darkness, give me strength!
FormID: 000919AE	SE07A	Hit	0	Argh! I'll fight you to the death!
FormID: 00014026	SE07A	SE07AAnyaHelp	0	Well, the best I can offer is help with the guards. I can distract at least two of them and get them to leave her wing of the palace.
FormID: 00014026	SE07A	SE07AAnyaHelp	1	That should help you to get in there a bit easier.
FormID: 00031622	SE07A	SE07ARuler	0	I do. I did. And I won't say it again. But, that's enough about that. You're the ruler of Dementia! Just look at you. You're positively beaming!
FormID: 00031622	SE07A	SE07ARuler	1	You now have the power to summon Dark Seducers. They've always served the Duke of Dementia. I think they have a thing for pain.
__お前は今やDark Seducerを呼び出す力を手にしたのだ。彼らは常にDementiaの公爵に仕えていたからな。彼らは苦痛が好きでたまらないと思っとる。
FormID: 00031622	SE07A	SE07ARuler	2	And here is the Ring of Lordship, a symbol of your new station. Symbols are important. They carry weight in this Realm, and others.
__それと、これはRing of Lordshipだ、お前の新しい役目の象徴だよ。象徴は重要だぞ。このRealmや他で影響力があるのだ。
FormID: 00031622	SE07A	SE07ARuler	3	You would be well served to remember that.
FormID: 00091017	SE07A	SE07JyggalagTopic	0	He'll be here soon, and I'll be gone. Can't say I like the sound of that. I like the sound of other things, though. Like birds. And bones cracking.
FormID: 0009124E	SE07A	SE07JyggalagTopic	0	Soon, Jyggalag will come to this Realm, bringing destruction in his wake. With the Throne of Madness empty, the Realm is doomed. Lovely.
FormID: 00013A6B	SE07A	SE07AKithlan	0	Well, I've heard that recent events in Syl's court have made Kithlan a bit disillusioned with its leadership. But you didn't hear that from me.
FormID: 00013A6C	SE07A	SE07AKithlan	0	Yeah, sure. Like I'm going to say something about Syl's court to the likes of you!
FormID: 000919AF	SE07A	PowerAttack	0	Sheogorath, guide my hand!
FormID: 000919B8	SE07A	PowerAttack	0	You'll be but another notch in my hammer!
FormID: 000919F0	SE07A	PowerAttack	0	I'll have your head on a spike!
FormID: 00013FFB	SE07A	SE07AReplace	0	Perhaps I've misjudged you. Alright. I'll help. Just remember me when you take over her position.
FormID: 00013FFB	SE07A	SE07AReplace	1	What can I do to help you?
FormID: 00013FFC	SE07A	SE07AReplace	0	Ha! You're mad! Syl has yet to be bested in any combat!
FormID: 00013FFC	SE07A	SE07AReplace	1	Unless... well, if you think you have a chance. How do I know this isn't some sort of trick?
FormID: 00013FFF	SE07A	SE07AReplace	0	Yes, I see you may have what it takes to replace her.
FormID: 00013FFF	SE07A	SE07AReplace	1	Very well, what is it you need from me?
FormID: 00014000	SE07A	SE07AReplace	0	No! I cannot even think such thoughts. How do I know I can trust you won't become just as tyrannical as she has?
FormID: 0008F531	SE07A	SE07ASheoShout	0	Thadon, how dare you interrupt me! Only I interrupt me. Like just then.
FormID: 0008F533	SE07A	SE07ASheoShout02	0	I'm speaking with someone. We'll talk later. Or not. When is later, exactly? Not now, I'm sure of that.
FormID: 0008F534	SE07A	SE07ASheoShout03	0	Guards, I think Thadon forgot how to use the door. Kindly show him out. Before I forget myself.
FormID: 000206BB	SE07A	SE07AThadonLeaves	0	Enough! I go to Jyggalag. I give myself to him, as a Priest of Order! This isn't done, Madgod. I think it's just started.
__もういい!私はJyggalagの元へ行く。私自身をPriest of Orderとして彼に与える。これで終わりではないぞ、Madgod。始まりにすぎないのだ。
__もういい!私はJyggalagの下へ行く。私自身をPriest of Orderとして彼に与える。これで終わりではないぞ、Madgod。始まりにすぎないのだ。
FormID: 000206BC	SE07A	SE07AThadonLeaves	0	No! Let him go!
FormID: 000206BD	SE07A	SE07AThadonLeaves	0	Yes. That's it. I'll go. Away. Far away. Working for them is like working for us, but without all the dying.
FormID: 000206BE	SE07A	SE07AThadonLeaves	0	Then go, Thadon. Have your Greenmote. Take a bath. But leave. Before I decorate my throne with your insides.
FormID: 000206BF	SE07A	SE07AThadonLeaves	0	No. No. Certainly not. This isn't good. I'm sure it's bad. I can't do this anymore. No more.
FormID: 000206C0	SE07A	SE07AThadonLeaves	0	Change will preserve us! It is the lifeblood of the Isles. It will move mountains! It will mount movements!
FormID: 000206C1	SE07A	SE07AThadonLeaves	0	Order approaches! It's taken the Fringe already! With Order clothes and Order hats! And you speak of [QUOTE]change[QUOTE]?
FormID: 000206C2	SE07A	SE07AThadonLeaves	0	Fool? Visionary! Change is in the air, Thadon. Breathe it deep! Bathe in its scent! Bottle it up. Save some for later.
FormID: 000206C3	SE07A	SE07AThadonLeaves	0	Ridiculous! You can't do this! Although... you're omnipotent. Or just tall. It's one of the two, I'm sure. And a fool!
FormID: 000206C4	SE07A	SE07AThadonLeaves	0	Calm yourself, Thadon. You're making my teeth itch. You still hold your office. I suggest you see to your duties.
FormID: 000206C5	SE07A	SE07AThadonLeaves	0	But, this... stranger? Someone new? From somewhere else? Not here. I'm sure of that. I don't understand. Or I can't.
FormID: 000206CC	SE07A	SE07AThadonLeaves	0	Hold your tongue, little Duke, or I'll tear it from your mouth.
FormID: 000206CD	SE07A	SE07AThadonLeaves	0	Syl... my... Syl is dead? This can't be right. Is this right? What have you done? Have you done this?
FormID: 0008F530	SE07A	SE07AThadonShout	0	Wait! I must speak! Halt! Cease! Desist!
FormID: 00013FFD	SE07A	SE07ASyl	0	She is staying well out of sight. No need to take unnecessary risks.
FormID: 00013FFD	SE07A	SE07ASyl	1	I maintain a close watch on her. She fears that Sheogorath no longer favors her presence and wants her replaced.
FormID: 00013A6F	SE07A	SE07ASyl	0	I suppose I should be grateful working in the palace with her, but I can't stand having to constantly look over my shoulder.
FormID: 00013A6F	SE07A	SE07ASyl	1	I don't know if she has it in for me or not. I think she is in constant fear of being replaced.
FormID: 00013A68	SE07A	SE07ASyl	0	All I can tell you is Syl is rarely seen in public, and her staff takes care of the day-to-day activities.
FormID: 00013A68	SE07A	SE07ASyl	1	I'd check with Anya Herrick, her Courtier, and Kithlan, her Steward. Maybe they can help you.
__私なら彼女のお付きのAnya Herrickと執事のKithlanを調べます。おそらく彼らは君を手伝えるだろう。
__私なら彼女のお付きのAnya Herrickと執事のKithlanを調べます。おそらく彼らは君を手伝えるでしょう。
FormID: 0006A890	SE07A	SE07ASyl	0	Syl is as crafty as she is beautiful. I'd watch my back if I were you. Oh, this is so much fun!

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