Vanilla/Books/Book2ReligiousTrialsofStAlessia のバックアップ(No.2)


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<div align="center"><font face=1>Trials of St. Alessia<br>
<div align="left">[from the Trials of St. Alessia]<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=70 height=61>katosh made a covenant with Alessia in those days so long ago. He gathered the tangled skeins of Oblivion, and knit them fast with the bloody sinews of his Heart, and gave them to Alessia, saying, 'This shall be my token to you, that so long as your blood and oath hold true, yet so shall my blood and oath be true to you. This token shall be the Amulet of Kings, and the Covenant shall be made between us, for I am the King of Spirits, and you are the Queen of Mortals. As you shall stand witness for all Mortal Flesh, so shall I stand witness for all Immortal Spirits.'<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=70 height=61>nd Akatosh drew from his breast a burning handful of his Heart's blood, and he gave it into Alessia's hand, saying, 'This shall also be a token to you of our joined blood and pledged faith. So long as you and your descendants shall wear the Amulet of Kings, then shall this dragonfire burn -- an eternal flame -- as a sign to all men and gods of our faithfulness. So long as the dragonfires shall burn, to you, and to all generations, I swear that my Heart's blood shall hold fast the Gates of Oblivion.<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=61 height=62>o long as the Blood of the Dragon runs strong in her rulers, the glory of the Empire shall extend in unbroken years. But should the dragonfires fail, and should no heir of our joined blood wear the Amulet of Kings, then shall the Empire descend into darkness, and the Demon Lords of Misrule shall govern the land.'<br>
-- from the liturgy of the Re-Kindling of the Dragonfires

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<div align="center"><font face=1>聖_Alessia_の軌跡<br>
<div align="left">[聖_Alessia_の軌跡より]<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=70 height=61>katosh_は遥か昔、Alessia_とある契約を交わした。Akatosh_は_Oblivion_の紡ぎ糸を集めると、自分の脈打つ心臓とそれをしっかり編み合わせ、Alessia_に渡すとこう言った。「我が証を汝に授けよう。汝の血と誓いが守られる限り、我が血と誓いも守られよう。この証こそ_Amulet_of_Kings_となる。我は精霊の王、汝は人間の女王なり。汝は全ての人間の、我は全ての精霊の代表なり」<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=70 height=61>nd(そして)、Akatosh_は、自らの心臓から燃え盛る一滴の血を取り出すと、Alessia_に授けてこう言った。「我らの血盟と誓約の証に、これも汝に授けよう。汝と汝の血筋が_Amulet_of_Kings_を纏う限り、この竜の火_--_永遠なる炎_--_は燃え続け、全ての人間と神々が我らの操を知る上での標となるだろう。竜の火が燃え続ける限り、我が心臓の血が_Gates_of_Oblivion_を堅く閉ざす事を、汝と汝の子孫に約束しよう。<br>
<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=61 height=62>ragon(竜)の血が帝国の支配者に色濃く流れる限り、帝国の栄光は永久に続くだろう。だが、竜の火の消滅は、血盟と_Amulet_of_Kings_を継ぐ者の断絶を意味するのみならず、暗黒が帝国を覆い、混沌という名の魔王の支配を意味するだろう」<br>

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