Vanilla/Dialogue/MQEndgame の変更点


FormID: 0007B8C3	MQEndgame	GREETING	0	When I saw the fiery clouds and the daedra in the streets, I was sure we were all dead... but you saved us.	
FormID: 0007B7DA	MQEndgame	GREETING	0	You were Martin's friend, weren't you? You were fortunate to have known him.	
FormID: 000AF05A	MQEndgame	GREETING	0	Any friend of Martin's is a friend of mine. How can I help you?	
FormID: 0007B7DB	MQEndgame	GREETING	0	Greetings, Champion! I'm at your service.	
FormID: 0007B7DC	MQEndgame	GREETING	0	I'm honored to speak to the Champion of Cyrodiil! What do you need?	
__Champion of Cyrodiilと話せるなんて後衛です!何か必要なものでも?
__Champion of Cyrodiilとお話出来るとは光栄です!何か御用ですか?
FormID: 0007B7DD	MQEndgame	GREETING	0	Did you really face down Mehrunes Dagon himself? They say he stood 200 feet high and crushed the Temple Dome with his fist!	
__本当にあのMehrunes Dagon自身と顔をあわせたのかい?みんなが言うには彼は200フィート以上もの背の高さで、一撃で寺院の天井ドームを破壊したんだって言うじゃないか。
FormID: 0007B7DF	MQEndgame	GREETING	0	The bards will be busy composing songs in your honor for years to come. To think that we lived through such times!	
FormID: 0007B7E3	MQEndgame	GREETING	0	What was it like, in the Temple, at the end? Did Martin really call down the power of Akatosh to smite Dagon?	
FormID: 0007B7F6	MQEndgame	GREETING	0	The thought of what might have happened if you and Martin hadn't stopped Dagon's invasion...	
FormID: 0007B7F6	MQEndgame	GREETING	1	But it's over. Thank Akatosh, the Oblivion Invasion is over, and we've survived!	

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