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ページ名 Vanilla/Dialogue/NQDLeyawiin-02 (閲覧)
投稿者ID VwLdijSAexR
投稿日 2012-09-19 (Wed) 22:53:50
差分情報 [ 差分 | 現在との差分 | ソース ]
投稿時変更行 追加:9, 削除:1

FormID: 000479DC	NQDLeyawiin	GREETING	2	I think he's wrong. I KNOW Khajiit can kick Argonian butt. Any time. Any where. And you can tell everyone I said so.	
FormID: 000479DD	NQDLeyawiin	GREETING	0	I'm Eitar. Say. Did you hear what that Khajiit said? What's-his-name? You know who I'm talking about...	
FormID: 000479DD	NQDLeyawiin	GREETING	1	He said any Khajiit can kick any Argonian's butt to breakfast any day of the week. You believe that?	
FormID: 000479DD	NQDLeyawiin	GREETING	2	I think he's wrong. I KNOW Argonians can kick Khajiit butt. Any time. Any where. And you can tell everyone I said so.	
FormID: 000479E0	NQDLeyawiin	GREETING	0	Rats. Hate them. HATE them. Every one. Gonna hunt them down and chop them all to tiny bits.	
FormID: 000479E0	NQDLeyawiin	GREETING	1	Oh. Did I say that out loud? Excuse me. I'm Weebam-Na, the hunter. You got to excuse me. I got rats on the mind.	
FormID: 000479E2	NQDLeyawiin	GREETING	0	I'm Bejeen. I'm a hunter, and Weebam-Na's partner. I hope he didn't bother you about the rat thing. He's gone totally rat-cuckoo, I'm afraid.	
FormID: 000479E4	NQDLeyawiin	GREETING	0	I'm Cingor. I'm the Captain of the Leyawiin Neighborhood Watch.	
__私はCingor。	Leyawiinの自宅周辺警備団の隊長です。
FormID: 000479E4	NQDLeyawiin	GREETING	1	Actually, Captain, President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Sergeant-at-Arms.	
FormID: 000479E4	NQDLeyawiin	GREETING	2	We're a small, select organization of crime fighters. We're going after the crimes and criminals the Guard overlooks.	
FormID: 000479E6	NQDLeyawiin	GREETING	0	Yes. Ahdarji is the name. Poor Ahdarji, all alone, now that Qa-Dar is gone. Poor widow Ahdarji...	
FormID: 000479E6	NQDLeyawiin	GREETING	1	Ahdarji trains, yes. Light Armor is the skill. Ahdarji must work very hard, now she is all alone in the world.	
__ええ、Ahdarjiはトレーニングを提供してますよ。Light Armorの技術を提供してます。もう世界で一人ぼっちなので、一生懸命働かなければなりませんから。
FormID: 000479E9	NQDLeyawiin	GREETING	0	I'm Otumeel. But I didn't do anything. Really. It wasn't me.	
FormID: 000479E9	NQDLeyawiin	GREETING	1	Hahaha! No! Really! It wasn't me! Never!	
__ハハハ! 本当に違うって! 俺じゃないよ! 絶対にな!
FormID: 000479EB	NQDLeyawiin	GREETING	0	Betto Plotius. I'm a faithful servant of Leyawiin and the Emperor... Gods rest his soul.	
__Betto Plotiusです。Leyawiinと皇帝に心から仕える者です…神よ帝の魂を安らがせたまえ。
FormID: 000479ED	NQDLeyawiin	GREETING	0	Julitta Plotius. I'm Betto's wife.	
__Julitta Plotius。Bettoの妻です。
FormID: 000479EF	NQDLeyawiin	GREETING	0	Decentius Opsius, Captain of the Coast Guard. Pleased to meet you.	
__私は沿岸警備隊の隊長Decentius Opsiusだ。あなたに会えて光栄だ。
FormID: 0003DE45	NQDLeyawiin	Question	0	Have you heard any of Dar Jee's jokes?	
__Dar Jeeのジョークのどれかを聞いたことがありますか?	
FormID: 0003DE4B	NQDLeyawiin	Question	0	What do you think of the Khajiit jokes Dar Jee has been telling?	
__Dar Jeeが言うKhajiitのジョークをどう思ってますか?	
__Dar Jeeが言うKhajiitのジョークをどう思いますか?
FormID: 0003DE51	NQDLeyawiin	Question	0	Have you ever made any bets with J'bari?	
FormID: 0003DFA3	NQDLeyawiin	Question	0	Have you seen how upset Tsrava gets by all the dogs near her house?	
FormID: 0003DFA9	NQDLeyawiin	Question	0	Did you hear how upset Tsrava is about all the dogs that J'bari has in his yard?	
FormID: 0003DFAE	NQDLeyawiin	Question	0	Have you heard about how the Blackwood Company is growing?	
__Blackwood Companyが大きくなったこと理由を聞いたことがありますか?	
__Blackwood Companyが急成長してるって話を聞いたことがありますか?
FormID: 0003DFB5	NQDLeyawiin	Question	0	Heard anything more about the Blackwood Company?	
__Blackwood Companyに関する事を何か聞きました?	
FormID: 0003DFBA	NQDLeyawiin	Question	0	Have you heard the Derics arguing?	
__Derics arguingに何か聞きました?	
FormID: 0003DFC1	NQDLeyawiin	Question	0	Have you seen the Derics recently? They're always bickering with one another.	
FormID: 0003DFD1	NQDLeyawiin	Question	0	Have you ever spoken to Margarte? She knows a lot about running a business, and about alchemy.	
FormID: 0003E075	NQDLeyawiin	Question	0	Has Margarte ever talked to you about running a business?	
FormID: 0003E253	NQDLeyawiin	Question	0	Did you hear Eitar stirring things up again?	
FormID: 0003E257	NQDLeyawiin	Question	0	Have you seen Eitar making trouble again with the Khajiits and Argonians?	
FormID: 0003E2AA	NQDLeyawiin	Question	0	Have you seen Ahdarji trying to start trouble?	
FormID: 0003E2AD	NQDLeyawiin	Question	0	Did you hear about Ahdarji picking another fight with an Argonian?	
FormID: 000355CB	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	So much dirt, and so little time... pause but a moment, and you'll be drowned in the tide... Trash! Mud! Dust!	
FormID: 000355CB	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	1	We all love Count Marius, and his father before him... Arkay bless his soul... such a fine young man...	
FormID: 000355CB	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	2	... And now, his new wife, so beautiful, so fine. And wise? Oh, yes! The new Lady Leyawiin is daughter to Countess Arriana Valga, County Chorrol...	
__…そして彼の新しい妻は、非常に美人で素晴らしく、聡明でもあるかな? その通り! 新しいLady LeyawiinはChorrol州のArriana Valga伯爵夫人の娘なのです…
__…そして伯爵の花嫁、お美しく、お優しい。そして聡明?ああ、そうだった!Lady Leyawiinは、Chorrol女伯Arriana Valgaの娘…
FormID: 000355CB	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	3	... and so she knows just how the county should be run.  Lady Alessia tells Count Marius exactly what to do... and he does as she says... 	
FormID: 000355CB	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	4	... But listen to me! Cawing and chattering like an old fishcrow...	
__…しかし、私の言うことを聞いてください! 老いたfishcrowのように鳴いて、喋るのを…
FormID: 0003572D	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	Did you hear about the Blackwood Company? They were all mad murderers hopped up on hist? And crooked, thieving frauds?	
__Blackwood Companyのことは聞きました? 彼らは皆、histに酔って気が狂った殺人鬼だったとか? 嘘つきで、盗人紛いのこともしていたとか。
FormID: 0003572D	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	1	They're gone now. Fighters Guild took care of them. And about time the Guild showed some sand. They are 'fighters', aren't they?	
__彼らは壊滅しました。Fighters Guildが手を下したのです。その時、ギルドは幾ばくかの勇気を見せてくれました。彼らは'戦士'なんですね?
__彼らは壊滅しました。Fighters Guildが手を下したのです。そろそろギルドが勇気を見せてもいい頃だったものね。何しろ彼らは'戦士'なわけでしょう?
FormID: 00159762	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	People are beginning to have second thoughts about the Blackwood Company after the Azani Blackheart hoax.	
__人々はAzani Blackheartの欺瞞を知ってから、Blackwood Companyに対する考え方が変わって来ています。
__Azani Blackheartの偽装事件をきっかけに、Blackwood Companyに対する考え方が変わってきているわ。
FormID: 00159762	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	1	Sounds like they were in it with Blackheart. As folks learn more about the Blackwood Company's methods, they aren't so eager to hire them.	
__彼らの腹黒さが聞こえるようになってきたのです。人々がBlackwood Companyのやり方を知るにつけ、以前ほど彼らを雇おうとしなくなっています。	
__Blackheartと共謀していたらしいよ。Blackwood Companyのやり方を知るにつけ、彼らへの依頼が減っているよ。	
FormID: 00159763	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	Blackwood Company is putting the Fighters Guild to shame. They're a new mercenary company, competing with the guild.	
__Blackwood CompanyがFighters Guildの面目をつぶしにかかっています。彼らはギルドと競合する新しい傭兵組織です。
__Blackwood CompanyがFighters Guildの面目を潰しにかかっているわ。ギルドと競合する新しい傭兵組織よ。
FormID: 00159763	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	1	Beast people and other savages. Work cheap and fast. [QUOTE]No job too tough.[QUOTE] Not fussy, either. Fighters Guild better watch out...	
FormID: 000475C1	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	It's a pretty town, and everyone is really friendly, except maybe some Khajiit and Argonians who are upset about the Trans-Niben.	
FormID: 000475C1	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	1	I think it's a shame how they took that land from Elsweyr, and Argonians are afraid it could happen to them, too.	
FormID: 000475C2	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	I cook here. And live here. With Shuravi and Shamada. We're sisters. Three. Shuravi - one. Shamada - two. And me - three.	
FormID: 000475C3	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	I like Leyawiin. That Count got you to help me. Damn nice. Both of you. Think I'll stick around. Maybe do some good deeds here.	
FormID: 00175BC7	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	Best prices? Right here at Gundalas' Best Goods and Guarantees! Never an unhappy customer! Huge discounts... to qualifying patrons!	
__ベストプライス?それならここだよ、Gundalasの Best Goods and Guarantees店へようこそ!お客様を決して不満にさせません!でっかく値引きさせていただきましょ...ご愛顧の皆様に!	
FormID: 000475C5	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	I am SICK of Orcs coming in here and giving me the business. 'Ooh. Bugak got a book store. Ooh. Bugak's a sissy scroll-scribbler!'	
FormID: 000475C6	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	I make all the weapons and armor for the guard. Damn good stuff. Pop you open like a ripe melon.	
FormID: 000475C7	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	I used to be a priest of the Tribunal Temple in Kragenmoor. After the collapse, I drifted for a while, until I joined the Chapel.	
FormID: 000475C7	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	1	The beggars and the wicked Thieves Guild still trouble me. I wish the Nine Divines offered charity and comfort to the poor like the Temple did.	
FormID: 000475CB	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	May you find healing here for your wounds, and for your troubled spirit. There's a peace here in the Chapel for all who seek it. 	
FormID: 000475CC	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	I believe in the transforming power of honest work. I honor your vocation as adventurer. By your labors and their fruits, you praise Zenithar.	
FormID: 000475CE	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	I am proud of my family's tradition of service to Leyawiin and its people. We face many challenges, but Gods willing, we shall prevail.	
FormID: 000475D0	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	In these difficult times, we must count on persons such as you to secure our borders from bandits and rabble-rousers.	
FormID: 000475D0	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	1	We all profit by your lawful pursuit of the unlawful, and we encourage you to attack, burn, loot, and destroy them wherever you can.	
FormID: 000475D1	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	Leyawiin is in a state of transition. It has long been a respected county making moderate cultural and economic contributions to the Empire.	
FormID: 000475D1	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	1	However, Leyawiin must move towards the mainstream of Imperial culture, both in trade and in political affairs.	
FormID: 00047602	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	Leyawiin has always been a melting pot of races and cultures. Of course, racial and cultural conflicts produce inefficiencies and confusion...	
FormID: 00047602	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	1	I fear Lady Leyawiin and Hlidara Mothril plan to push the minorities aside and establish a bland, Imperial-dominated culture here in Leyawiin.	
__Leyawiinの公爵夫人とHlidara Mothrilが、ここLeyawiinに文化を支配した国を作り、少数の人種を脇へ押しやろうという考えに心配しています。	
__Leyawiin伯爵夫人とHlidara Mothrilが少数人種を脇へ押しやって、ここLeyawiinにImperial中心の退屈な文化を打ちたてようと計画しているのではないかと心配です。
FormID: 0004761A	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	I came to Leyawiin after a tour in the Legions. Poor Mother. She hoped I'd choose the chapel or civil service, or perhaps even marry well.	
FormID: 00047769	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	I have been happy enough in the Count's service. But I am not so happy about his lovely wife, and her Nibenean advisor.	
FormID: 00047769	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	1	Lady Alessia is uncomfortable with Khajiit ways. And Argonian ways. And Dunmer ways. She is only comfortable with pure white-bread Nibeneans.	
FormID: 000477F3	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	Blackwood Company's a problem. Not for me. I mostly do training. But we don't see many contracts in Leyawiin guildhall. Blackwood gets them all.	
__Blackwood Companyが問題だ。私のせいじゃない。私は主にトレーニングを担当している。だがしかしLeyawinのギルドホールではあまり契約が取れないでいる。Blackwood Companyが全部取ってしまうのさ。
__Blackwood Companyは問題だ。私にとってじゃないよ、私は主にトレーニングを担当しているから。だがしかしLeyawin支部はあまり契約が取れないでいる。Blackwoodが全部取ってしまうのさ。
FormID: 000477F5	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	Well, you sorted out the Blackwood boys, all right. Nice work. Now maybe we'll see a little more guild contract work here in Leyawiin.	
FormID: 000477FE	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	If you need a blade, go see Tun-Zeeus at the Dividing Line. Does repairs, too. He does go on and on, sometimes. But he's the Genuine Orc in Leyawiin.	
__剣がいるなら、Dividing LineにいるTun-Zeeusに会うんだな。修理もしてくれる。彼の話は長く、時々延々と喋り続けることがあるが、Leyawiinでは尊敬されている真のOrcだ。
FormID: 000478A6	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	Let me see your hand. I see the City in the Hand, and the Hand in the Stars.	
FormID: 000478A6	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	1	The Tower guards the Gate, but the Gate holds the Key. 	
FormID: 000478A6	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	2	The King is the Key, and the Hand guards the King.	
FormID: 00047903	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	I am the best alchemist in Leyawiin. But if you need Advanced Training, you'll need Brotch Calus in Bruma or Ardaline in Bravil.	
__私はLeyawiinで最も良い錬金術師です。 しかし、Advanced_Trainingが必要となると、BrumaのBrotch_CalusかBravilのArdalineに会う必要があるでしょう。
FormID: 000479AC	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	The Leyawiin chapter is just drifting along. Dagail isn't much of a mentor or leader. She isn't even coherent most of the time.	
FormID: 000479AE	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	I take care of what little administrative work there is. Dagail isn't interested. I do it because it has to be done, and no one else wants to do it.	
FormID: 000479B0	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	Want to hear a Khajiit joke?	
FormID: 000479C7	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	Some clown keeps tossing meat out in my backyard, and it attracts dogs from Necrom to Daggerfall.	
FormID: 000479C9	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	My neighbors grumble a lot, but what can they do? No law against practicing my skills.	
FormID: 000479C9	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	1	Thinking about sticking your paw in my pocket? Go ahead. I'll blow you to cream corn, and the Law will love me for it.	
FormID: 000479CD	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	The Blackwood Company is proud of our beastfolk heritage, and we are solely owned and operated by Khajiit and Argonians.	
__Blackwood Companyは、我ら獣人団体の誇りです。我らは独立法人であり、KhajiitとArgonianにより運営されています。	
__Blackwood Companyは、我ら獣人の文化、伝統を誇りとしています。そして完全にKhajiitとArgonianによって所有され、運営されているのです。
FormID: 000479CD	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	1	We speak West-fashion for the comfort of our Western clients, but we invest the fierce pride of our ancient races in each of our mercenary contracts.	
FormID: 000479CF	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	'Blackwood' refers in part to Blackwood Forest, but it also carries a reference to the 'thoghatt', of 'charcoal warriors' of Khajiit tradition.	
__'Blackwood'は、Blackwood Forestの意味もありますが、もう一つ意味があります、それは'thoghatt'、Khajiitの伝承で『黒炭の戦士たち』を意味します。

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