editlog - 投稿時の差分 (all)

editlog - 投稿時の差分 (all)

ページ名 Vanilla/Dialogue/MG00General-02 (閲覧)
投稿日 2012-09-26 (Wed) 10:00:51
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投稿時変更行 追加:1, 削除:1

FormID: 00056E66	MG00General	HELLO	0	Your Grace.	
FormID: 00070228	MG00General	GREETING	0	The Order of the Black Worm will feast on your soul, mortal.	
__The Order of the Black Wormが貴様の死を恐れぬ魂を大いに味わうであろう。
__お前の魂はOrder of the Black Wormの餌食となるのだ、定命なる者よ。
FormID: 0006C29D	MG00General	GREETING	0	How about you just keep walking?	
FormID: 0006C29F	MG00General	GREETING	0	Step aside.	
FormID: 0006C2A0	MG00General	GREETING	0	Leave me alone. I'm busy.	
FormID: 0006C2A1	MG00General	GREETING	0	I'm here on business, and you're not part of it. Take a hike.	
FormID: 0006C26F	MG00General	GREETING	0	Go away! You'll ruin everything!	
FormID: 00068DC3	MG00General	GREETING	0	What are you thinking, wearing something like that? Take it off at once!	
FormID: 00068DC5	MG00General	GREETING	0	Are you out of your mind? Take that robe off at once!	
FormID: 00115EDC	MG00General	GREETING	0	The Council requires more time. Please, be patient. I will have work for you soon enough.	
FormID: 001778F6	MG00General	GREETING	0	My attention is focused on the Council right now. I will need you soon enough; I need more time.	
FormID: 000C5415	MG00General	GREETING	0	Before we continue, you should speak to Raminus Polus about your advancement within the guild.	
__その前に、あんたはギルドでの昇格についてRaminus Polusと話すといい。
__話を進める前に、お前の昇進についてRaminus Polusから話を聞いてくれ。
FormID: 00024F66	MG00General	GREETING	0	You've been suspended from the guild. You'd better see Raminus Polus if you want fix things.	
__あなたのギルドの資格は停止されたわ。元に戻したければ、Raminus Polusと会うことね。
FormID: 00024FC9	MG00General	GREETING	0	Oh, your guild privileges have been suspended. You should speak with Raminus Polus at the Arcane University to rectify the situation.	
__あ〜あ、あなたのギルドでの権利は停止されたわ。元に復帰するにはArcane UniversityでRaminus Polusと話すしかない。
FormID: 00024FD4	MG00General	GREETING	0	I presumed it was only a matter of time before you'd be expelled. Once again, I am proven correct.	
FormID: 00024FD4	MG00General	GREETING	1	Should you decide to further waste the guild's time, Raminus Polus at the Arcane University can reinstate you.	
__まだギルドで無駄な時間を過ごしたいというなら、Arcane UniversityのRaminus Polusと話したまえ。彼は君を復帰させることができる。
FormID: 0002500F	MG00General	GREETING	0	I see that you've been suspended from the guild. I've never had to deal with this before, but I do know what you'll need to do.	
FormID: 0002500F	MG00General	GREETING	1	Speak with Raminus Polus at the Arcane University. He can lift the suspension, and get you back on track.	
__Arcane UniversityでRaminus Polusと話しなさい。あなたの資格停止を取り消すための方法を教えてくれるでしょう。
FormID: 00025033	MG00General	GREETING	0	You have been found guilty of breaking guild rules, and have been suspended. Should you wish to clear your name, speak with Raminus Polus at once.	
__あなたはギルドの規則を犯したかどで資格停止処分を下されましたぞ。もし処分を解かれたいのなら、Raminus Polusと話しなさい。
__あなたはギルドの規則を犯したかどで資格停止処分を下されました。汚名を晴らしたいのなら、Raminus Polusと話しなさい。
FormID: 00025033	MG00General	GREETING	1	He can be found at the Arcane University in the Imperial City. I'm very disappointed in you.	
__彼はImperial CityのArcane Universityで見つかるはず。私はあなたに非常に失望しました。
FormID: 00025034	MG00General	GREETING	0	Oh, you just go talk to Raminus Polus at the Arcane University, and he'll have things straightened out in no time.	
__Arcane UniversityにいるRaminus Polusに会いに行きなさい。彼にはすぐに片付けないといけない用件があるでしょうから。
FormID: 00025034	MG00General	GREETING	1	Until then, I'm afraid it wouldn't be in my best interests to be seen talking to you. You understand, of course.	
FormID: 00025035	MG00General	GREETING	0	I have seen what you have done, child, and how you must make amends with the guild.	
FormID: 00025035	MG00General	GREETING	1	Seek out Raminus Polus at the Arcane University. He alone can open the guild to you again.	
__Arcan UniversityでRaminus Polusを探しなさい。彼だけがあなたをギルドに復帰させる術を握っているわ。
FormID: 00025036	MG00General	GREETING	0	Your actions have gotten you suspended from the guild.	
FormID: 00025036	MG00General	GREETING	1	There's nothing I can do for you. You'll have to speak with Raminus Polus at the Arcane University. Only he can lift the suspension.	
__私にはもうどうにもできない。Arcan UniversityのRaminus Polusと話すのね。彼だけが資格停止を解くことが出来るわ。
FormID: 0005323B	MG00General	GREETING	0	I'm afraid this area is restricted to Guild mages. You'll have to leave.	
FormID: 00053245	MG00General	GREETING	0	Wellspring Grove is owned by the Mages Guild. You're not a member, so I'm afraid you're not supposed to be here.	
__Wellspring GroveはMages Guildが所有していてね。あんたはmemberじゃない。つまり、あんたはここにいるべきじゃない。	
FormID: 0006C5C2	MG00General	GREETING	0	Welcome to the Arcane University.	
__Arcane Universityへようこそ。
FormID: 00022D46	MG00General	Question	0	Do you know what happened to Mercator Hosidus? I haven't seen him at the castle lately.	
__Mercator Hosidusに何があったか知ってますか?最近彼を城で見ていないのですが。	
FormID: 00047463	MG00General	Question	0	Have you spoken with Adrienne today?	
FormID: 00047466	MG00General	Question	0	Where's Erthor? I haven't seen him lately.	
__Erthorは何処に行ったのでしょう? 最近彼を見かけませんが。	
FormID: 0006C5C3	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	If you wish to become a part of the Mages Guild, seek out the heads of the local guild halls. They will instruct you further.	
__もしMages Guildの一部になりたいと望むなら、地方ギルド支部の長を探しなさい。彼らが指導してくれるでしょう。
FormID: 0002D015	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	If you need training, Athragar has a reputation for being very good with Alteration. You might consider speaking to him about it.	
__もしAlteration(変成魔法)のトレーニングが必要なら、 評判の良いAthragarが適任だと思います。
__もしAlterationのトレーニングが必要なら、 評判の良いAthragarが適任だと思います。
__Alterationのトレーニングが必要なら、 評判の良いAthragarが適任だと思います。
FormID: 00062604	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	If you want to join the guild, you can ask any of the local guild leaders. Here in Chorrol, Teekeeus is the one you'll need to see.	
FormID: 0002D063	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Training and spells, training and spells. It gets so boring after a while; maybe someday I'll be able to move to the Arcane University.	
__呪文とその修養、呪文とその修養。もう飽き飽きだよ。私もそろそろArcane Universityに行かせてほしいものだが。	
__トレーニングにスペル、トレーニングにスペル。もう飽き飽きだよ。Arcane Universityに転属になるのはいつのことやら。
FormID: 00062605	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Are you interested in joining? You'll need to talk to Teekeeus, then. Otherwise, just talk to the head of any of the local guild halls.	
FormID: 0002D064	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	If you're skilled enough, Athragar has a rather powerful frost spell for sale. Very effective, but dangerous to the inexperienced.	
FormID: 00062606	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	You'll want to talk to Teekeeus, if you're interested in joining the guild. Any other leader of a local guild hall can help you as well.	
FormID: 0002D065	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	I wish I were qualified to have access to the Arcane University. Enchanting items whenever I want... ah, well. Maybe someday.	
__私はArcane Universityに入学できるような資格を得ることを願っています。エンチャントされた物品は私を魅了するのです…ああ、そうです。多分いつかは。
FormID: 00062607	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	I keep to myself around here. If you want to join the guild, go find Teekeeus. He's in charge of that sort of stuff here in Chorrol.	
FormID: 00062608	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	I can't imagine how the average person gets by without our extra services. No spell-crafting, and no enchanting? It must be awful.	
FormID: 0002D016	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	You want to join? You'll need to speak with one of the local guild heads. That'd be Carahil here in Anvil.	
FormID: 0002D066	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Carahil supported Arch-Mage Traven's appointment from the beginning, and I don't believe the rumors that she just wanted his job at this hall.	
__Carahilは当初からArch-Mage Travenの役務を担っています。彼女がここで仕事をしたかっただけだという噂は信じてません。
__Carahilは当初からArch-Mage Travenの就任を支持してきました。彼女がここでの彼の役職を欲しがっていただけだという噂は信じてません。
FormID: 00062609	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Any of the local guild heads can get you into the guild. If you're in a hurry, speak with Carahil. She should be somewhere around here.	
FormID: 0002D067	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Carahil's a good leader. She's been a staunch supporter of the Council of Mages for as long as I've known her.	
__Carahilは良いリーダーです。私の知る限りでは彼女はCouncil of Magesの熱心な支持者です。
FormID: 0006260A	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	If you're applying to join the guild, you'll need to speak with one of the local guild heads. Carahil would be the one to talk to here.	
FormID: 0002D017	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	I don't like talking to people much, but Kud-Ei's helping me get over that. That's why she put me in charge of selling alchemy supplies.	
FormID: 0006260B	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	You'll need to speak to one of the local guild heads to get into the guild. Talk to Kud-Ei if you just can't wait.	
FormID: 0002D06E	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Delphine can get you a spell to summon bound armor, if you're interested. And if you're able, of course.	
FormID: 0006260C	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Kud-Ei would be the one to talk to, if you wish to join. Otherwise, just find one of the other local guild heads.	
FormID: 0002D06F	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	It's my job to help people learn the proper, constructive use of Destruction magic. And let's face it... blowing things up can be ever so much fun.	
FormID: 0006260D	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	You'll need to talk to Kud-Ei if you want to join the guild. Or any of the heads of the local guild halls, for that matter.	
FormID: 0002D070	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	I'm just here doing research. If you need spells, talk to Ita or Delphine. They'll be happy to help.	
FormID: 0006260E	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	You want to join? Well, then either you'll  need to find Kud-Ei here in town, or go seek out one of the other local guild hall leaders.	
FormID: 0006260F	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Volanaro has a twisted sense of humor, but he also has a few nice spells up his sleeve. If you want to summon a Bound sword, talk to him.	
FormID: 00062BB2	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	You should think about joining the guild. If you're interested, talk to Jeanne Frasoric or one of the other local guild hall leaders.	
__ギルドへの加入を考えるべきですよ。興味があるなら、Jeanne Frasoricか他の地方のギルド支部長に話してみて下さい。
FormID: 00062610	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	It's a shame that Selena doesn't join in our fun, but she takes her role as an Alchemist very seriously. If you need supplies, she's the one to see.	
FormID: 00062BB3	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	If you're looking to join the guild, talk to Jeanne Frasoric. If nothing else, it means access to better services than most people enjoy.	
__ギルドへの加入を考えているなら、Jeanne Frasoricに話して下さい。もし加入できれば、一般の人より良いサービスを受けられるようになります。
__ギルドへの参加希望者なら、Jeanne Frasoricを尋ねてくれ。一般人より良いサービスを受けられるチャンスだよ。
FormID: 00062611	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	There's not much to do here in the Bruma Guild. If you can get to the Arcane University, though, they let you make your own spells there.	
__Brumaのギルドには大したものはありません。あなたがArcane Universityに入れれば、そこで呪文の生成などもできるでしょうが。	
__Bruma Guildは暇だよ。 Arcane Universityに入れれば、スペル作成が可能になるんだが。	
FormID: 00062BB4	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Have you thought of joining? There's a free place to rest in every town for you. That's got to be worth something.
FormID: 00062612	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Our hall doesn't offer much in the way of training. I can teach some basic Alteration skills, but that's about it.	
FormID: 00062BB5	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	The guild is a wonderful resource for those interested in magic. Talk to Falcar if you wish to join, or any other local guild leader.	
FormID: 00062613	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Trayvond has the best shield spell outside of the Arcane University. If you can cast it, it's definitely worth adding to your selection.	
__TrayvondはArcane Universityの外では一番良いShieldの呪文を知っています。唱える能力があるのなら、あなたの呪文の一つに加えておいて絶対に損はありませんよ。
__Arcane Universityを除けば、Trayvondは最高のシールド・スペルを持っています。詠唱できるなら、覚えておいて損はありません。
FormID: 00062BB6	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	The guild offers access to spells you can't find anywhere else. See Falcar here in town if you'd like to join.	
FormID: 00062614	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Orintur doesn't like to brag, but no one can match the Reflect spells he can cast. He might teach you one, if you're skilled enough.	
__本人は自慢するのが嫌いですが、 OrinturのReflectスペルにかなう人は誰もいません。 あなたが十分熟練しているなら、 彼はそれを教えるかもしれません。
FormID: 00062BB7	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Have you considered joining the guild? Falcar can admit you, if you'd like. So can the leader of any of the other local guild halls.	
FormID: 00062615	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	If you're looking for the most powerful spells, you'll want to speak to Borissean at the Arcane University. If you're allowed in, that is.	
__あなたが最も強力な呪文を探しているなら、Arcane UniversityのBorisseanと話してみるとよいでしょう。もっとも、あなたにその資格があるならば、ですが。
FormID: 00062BB8	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	If you want to make a name for yourself as a mage, you simply must join the guild. Talk to Falcar if you're interested.	
FormID: 00062616	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Only mages who have gotten recommendations from all the local guild halls can enter the Arcane University. It's a good policy, I think.	
__すべての地方ギルドから推薦を得た者だけがArcane Universityに入ることができます。良い方針だ、と私は思います。
FormID: 00062BB9	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Are you interested in joining the guild? Talk to Falcar here in Cheydinhal, if so. Otherwise, any leader of a local Mages Guild hall can help.	
FormID: 00062617	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	The guild lost a good number of members when Traven banned the practice of Necromancy, but some of us stayed behind.	
FormID: 00062BBA	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	The guild isn't what it once was, but it's still worth being a member. Talk to Dagail if you want to join.	
FormID: 00062618	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	You may need to ask around, but training in all the schools of magic can be found at our various guild halls.	
FormID: 00062BBB	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	There's no place like it in Cyrodiil; it's truly one-of-a-kind. You should think about joining. Dagail can make you a member, if you like.	

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