editlog - 投稿時の差分 (all)

editlog - 投稿時の差分 (all)

ページ名 Vanilla/Dialogue/Charactergen-05 (閲覧)
投稿者ID JVwjLncKyM2
投稿日 2012-10-07 (Sun) 00:56:13
差分情報 [ 差分 | 現在との差分 | ソース ]
投稿時変更行 追加:1, 削除:0

FormID: 00032482	Charactergen	CGEmperor18	0	I go to my grave. A tongue shriller than all the music calls me.	
FormID: 00032482	Charactergen	CGEmperor18	1	You shall follow me yet for a while, then we must part.	
FormID: 00032481	Charactergen	CGEmperor17	0	No trophies of my triumphs precede me. But I have lived well, and my ghost shall rest easy.	
FormID: 00032481	Charactergen	CGEmperor17	1	Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour.	
FormID: 00032481	Charactergen	CGEmperor17	2	In this I am blessed to see the hour of my death...	
FormID: 00032481	Charactergen	CGEmperor17	3	... To face my apportioned fate, then fall.	
FormID: 0003247F	Charactergen	CGEmperor15	0	My dreams grant me no opinions of success. Their compass ventures not beyond the doors of death.	
FormID: 0003247F	Charactergen	CGEmperor15	1	But in your face, I behold the sun's companion. The dawn of Akatosh's bright glory may banish the coming darkness.	
__だが、お前の顔には太陽の輝きが見える。その Akatosh の陽の光が、迫り来る闇を振り払うだろう。
FormID: 0003247F	Charactergen	CGEmperor15	2	With such hope, and with the promise of your aid, my heart must be satisfied.	
FormID: 00032472	Charactergen	CGEmperor14	0	Your stars are not mine. Today the Mage shall light your way on the paths of glory.	
__私の星座とは違うのだな。Mage は、お前の栄光の道を光で照らすだろう。
FormID: 00032473	Charactergen	CGEmperor14	0	Your stars are not mine. Today the Apprentice shall serve you at the forge of destiny.	
__私の星座とは違うのだな。Apprentice は運命の紡(つむ)ぎ手。その技で君に力を与えるだろう。
FormID: 00032474	Charactergen	CGEmperor14	0	Your stars are not mine. Today the Atronach shall aid you with your appointed burden.	
__私の星座とは違うのだな。Atronach は、運命づけられた苦しみを伴いながらお前に力を貸すだろう。
FormID: 00032475	Charactergen	CGEmperor14	0	Your stars are not mine. Today the Ritual shall speed you on your star-patterned path.	
__私の星座とは違うのだな。Ritual の星の力は、お前の旅路を軽やかにしてくれる。
FormID: 00032476	Charactergen	CGEmperor14	0	Your stars are not mine. Today the Warrior shall prove a stalwart companion when fortune fades.	
__私の星座とは違うのだな。Warrior の星の力、それは、お前の幸運が陰る時にその頼もしい力を感じるだろう。
FormID: 00032477	Charactergen	CGEmperor14	0	Your stars are not mine. Today the Steed shall speed your progress on the road to destiny.	
__私の星座とは違うのだな。Steed は運命の旅路において、その駆ける力がお前の助けとなろう。
FormID: 00032478	Charactergen	CGEmperor14	0	Your stars are not mine. Today the Lady shall fortify you in your quest for glory.	
__私の星座とは違うのだな。Lady は栄光を探す旅においてお前に力を与えてくれる。
FormID: 00032479	Charactergen	CGEmperor14	0	Your stars are not mine. Today the Lord shall prove a faithful patron in your quest for glory.	
__私の星座とは違うのだな。Lord は栄光を探す旅において誠実な後ろ盾となろう。
FormID: 0003247A	Charactergen	CGEmperor14	0	Your stars are not mine. Today the Thief shall guide your steps on the road to destiny.	
__私の星座とは違うのだな。Thief は運命を辿る道標となろう。
FormID: 0003247B	Charactergen	CGEmperor14	0	Your stars are not mine. Today the Lover shall sweeten your journey as you confront your fate.	
__私の星座とは違うのだな。Lover はお前が運命に直面するならば、その力はお前を優しく包み込むだろう。
FormID: 0003247C	Charactergen	CGEmperor14	0	Your stars are not mine. Today the Shadow shall hide you from destiny's cunning hounds.	
__私の星座とは違うのだな。Shadow は運命の番犬からお前を隠してくれるだろう。
FormID: 0003247D	Charactergen	CGEmperor14	0	Your stars are not mine. Today the Tower shall prove a stout refuge in time of need.	
__私の星座とは違うのだな。Tower は回避の力を必要な時に授けてくれるだろう。
FormID: 0003247E	Charactergen	CGEmperor14	0	Your stars are not mine. Today the Serpent shall sting the foes who seek your blood.	
__私の星座とは違うのだな。Serpent はお前の血を求める敵をその牙で喰らい倒すだろう。
FormID: 0003246F	Charactergen	CGEmperor11	0	I've served the Nine all my days, and I chart my course by the cycles of the heavens.	
__私は来る日も来る日も Nine に仕えてきた。そうすることで、私は天の周期を知り、進む道を決めるのだ。
FormID: 0003246F	Charactergen	CGEmperor11	1	The skies are marked with numberless sparks, each a fire, and every one a sign.	
FormID: 0003246F	Charactergen	CGEmperor11	2	I know these stars well, and I wonder... which sign marked your birth?	
FormID: 0003246D	Charactergen	CGEmperor10	0	I've served the Nine all my days, and I chart my course by the cycles of the heavens.	
__私は来る日も来る日も Nine に仕えてきた。そうすることで、私は天の周期を知り、進む道を決めるのだ。
FormID: 0003246D	Charactergen	CGEmperor10	1	The skies are marked with numberless sparks, each a fire, and every one a sign.	
FormID: 0003246D	Charactergen	CGEmperor10	2	I know these stars well, and I wonder... which sign marked your birth?	
FormID: 0003246C	Charactergen	CGEmperor09	0	I've served the Nine all my days, and I chart my course by the cycles of the heavens.	
__私は来る日も来る日も Nine に仕えてきた。そうすることで、私は天の周期を知り、進む道を決めるのだ。
FormID: 0003246C	Charactergen	CGEmperor09	1	The skies are marked with numberless sparks, each a fire, and every one a sign.	
FormID: 0003246C	Charactergen	CGEmperor09	2	I know these stars well, and I wonder... which sign marked your birth?	
FormID: 00032686	Charactergen	CGEmperor24	0	Then go. Take with you my blessings and the hope of the empire.	
FormID: 00032685	Charactergen	CGEmperor23	0	Remember me, and remember my words. This burden is now yours alone. You hold our future in your hands.	
FormID: 00032684	Charactergen	CGEmperor22	0	Stand true, my friend. May your heart be your guide and the gods grant you strength.	
FormID: 00032683	Charactergen	CGEmperor21	0	For me, it ends here. You are our only hope to stem the blood tide. Give me your hand.	
FormID: 00032682	Charactergen	CGEmperor20	0	The Amulet of Kings. It is the Empire's sacred emblem of rulership.	
__Amulet of Kings を託す。これは帝国の統治者のみが持つ神聖なる紋章だ。
__Amulet of Kingsを託す。これは帝国の統治者の聖なる紋章。
FormID: 00032682	Charactergen	CGEmperor20	1	It must pass to the last of the Dragon's Blood. Keep it safe from the pawns of the Destroyer.	
__決して Dagon の末裔に渡してはならぬ。破壊の使徒達から守り抜くのだ。
FormID: 00032681	Charactergen	CGEmperor19	0	This is where my journey ends. For you though, the road is long and dangerous. Now, give me your hand.	
FormID: 00033339	Charactergen	CharGenTaunt2	0	Hey, lizard! It must break your heart, huh? Being so close to the water, knowing you'll never get to swim again...	
__おい、トカゲ! 悲しいか、んん? 水辺はあんなにも近いのに、分かるだろ? お前はもう泳げないんだよ...。
__おい、トカゲ! 悲しいか、んん? 水辺はあんなにも近いのに、分かるだろ? お前はもう泳げないんだよ...
FormID: 0003333A	Charactergen	CharGenTaunt2	0	You know, sometimes, when they let us in the yard, you can hear the sounds from the lake. The boats, the gulls. So close...	
__時々奴等が俺達を庭に出してくれるが、聞こえるだろ? 湖の音が。ボート、カモメ、近いよなぁ...。
__時々奴等が俺達を庭に出してくれるが、聞こえるだろ? 湖の音が。ボート、カモメ、近いよなぁ...
FormID: 0003333B	Charactergen	CharGenTaunt2	0	No, you'll never get to swim again, Argonian. But don't worry, you'll be dead soon enough. That's right. You're going to die in here!	
__いいや! お前は2度と泳げないんだよ Argonian。でも心配するなって、すぐに死ぬんだからなぁ。そうだ、お前はここで死ぬんだよ!
FormID: 0004F235	Charactergen	CharGenTaunt2	0	Hey, you hear that? The guards are coming... for you!  He he he he he. 	
__おう、聞こえるか? ガード達が来たぜぇ。お前の為に! へっへっへっへっへ。
FormID: 0003333D	Charactergen	CharGenTaunt2	0	Wake up, kitty kitty. That's it. There's a rat in my cell, Khajiit. A fat, tasty rat. Does the kitty want it? Is the kitty hungry?	
FormID: 0003333E	Charactergen	CharGenTaunt2	0	You'd better take whatever you can get in here, Khajiit. They don't feed the new prisoners. Didn't you know that?	
FormID: 0003333F	Charactergen	CharGenTaunt2	0	First they starve you. Then they beat you. Then, if you're lucky, they kill you. That's right. You're going to die in here!	
FormID: 00033341	Charactergen	CharGenTaunt2	0	My, my, you're a big one. A Nord, I'd guess, right? So strong... But you can't bend steel, can you boy? You can't do anything to get out of here.	
__おい、おい、そこのデカぶつ。お前 Nord だろ? だが鉄を曲げれないんじゃあ、ガキか? お前は何も出来ないんだなぁ。
FormID: 00033342	Charactergen	CharGenTaunt2	0	And those big muscles? They're going to waste away. When the end comes, you won't even have the strength to cry for your mother.	
__何の為の筋肉だよ? 飾り物か? 終わりが来た時には、母ちゃんのために泣く力もなさそうだなぁ。
FormID: 00033343	Charactergen	CharGenTaunt2	0	That's right. You're going to die in here. You hear me, Nord? You're going to die in here!	
__そうだよ、お前はここで死ぬんだ。聞こえてるだろ Nord。お前はここで死んでいくんだよ!
FormID: 00033345	Charactergen	CharGenTaunt2	0	Oooh, aren't you a fair lass. Your skin is so pale, so pure. And your body is so... strong. Let me guess. A Nord, right?	
FormID: 00033346	Charactergen	CharGenTaunt2	0	I bet you think you're pretty tough, huh? I bet you can swing a sword and everything. Well, it doesn't matter! Not in here. It does no good to fight.	
__自分はタフだと思ってるだろう? 剣でも何でも振り回せるんじゃないのか。ああ、違うか! ここじゃあ無理だ。戦えやしない。

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