editlog - 投稿時の差分 (all)

editlog - 投稿時の差分 (all)

ページ名 Vanilla/Dialogue/Dark03Accidents (閲覧)
投稿日 2013-05-04 (Sat) 18:43:59
差分情報 [ 差分 | 現在との差分 | ソース ]
投稿時変更行 追加:16, 削除:7

FormID: 00023F7B	Dark03Accidents	GREETING	0	Baenlin is dead, yes, but you did not fulfill the contract precisely as directed. I will grant your reward of gold, but the bonus is forfeit.	
FormID: 00023F7B	Dark03Accidents	GREETING	1	Despite this misfortune, you are ready for advancement. I appoint you Slayer for the Dark Brotherhood. Now go, and continue to serve Sithis well.   	
__この不運はあるが、お前は昇進の準備が整っている。よって_Dark_Brotherhood_の_Slayer_に任命することとする。以上だ、これからも_Sithis_ 良く尽くすのだぞ。	
__それはそうと、あなたには昇進の資格があります。これよりDark BrotherhoodのSlayerに任命します。では解散、これからもSithisに尽くしてください。	
FormID: 00023F7C	Dark03Accidents	GREETING	0	So, the accident has been staged, and Baenlin lies dead. Well done! You have more than earned your reward and bonus. 	
FormID: 00023F7C	Dark03Accidents	GREETING	1	I present to you this dagger. It's an enchanted blade, known as Sufferthorn. Its prick is deadly, I assure you.	
FormID: 00023F7C	Dark03Accidents	GREETING	2	Yes, you are quite an asset to this Sanctuary. In fact, I believe you are ready for advancement. I hereby appoint you Slayer. Well done! 	
FormID: 00023F7C	Dark03Accidents	GREETING	3	Now go, child of Sithis. Go and rest. You'll need it.	
FormID: 0002D921	Dark03Accidents	GREETING	0	Huh? You're not Gromm. Who are you? Why are you in my home?	
FormID: 000253B8	Dark03Accidents	GREETING	0	Every moment that Baenlin draws breath is an affront to Sithis and the Night Mother. Fulfill the contract and honor the Brotherhood as you should.	
FormID: 00023E70	Dark03Accidents	contract	0	You are to travel to Bruma, enter the house of the Wood Elf Baenlin, and kill him. It should look like an accident. I'm sure you can handle it.	
__お前はBrumaへと旅立ち、Wood ElfのBaenlin家に入り込み奴を殺すことになった。事故に見せかけなければならない。お前ならうまくやれると信じているぞ。
FormID: 00023419	Dark03Accidents	contract	0	The manservant's name is Gromm, you say? Sounds like a Nord. Probably a big one. If he catches you, get ready for a serious fight. 	
FormID: 000251B1	Dark03Accidents	contract	0	What's the matter? You can't kill an old man? Want Gogron to hold your hand? You make me sick!	
FormID: 000251B4	Dark03Accidents	contract	0	If the target is old and weak, as you say, then his manservant is sure to be quite the opposite. Best stay out of his way.	
FormID: 000251B5	Dark03Accidents	contract	0	I could help you, yes. But I won't. Your failure will give me much joy.	
FormID: 000251BD	Dark03Accidents	contract	0	Yes, you'll find that some jobs require you to terminate a mark in a specific way. It's well worth the trouble, considering how good the bonuses are.	
FormID: 000251BF	Dark03Accidents	contract	0	This contract requires stealth and subtlety. You possess neither. When you fail, I will gladly take your place.	
FormID: 000251C5	Dark03Accidents	contract	0	How do you plan on entering this man's house? Through the front door? Be smart and look for a more inconspicuous way in, like a cellar entrance.	
FormID: 000251C7	Dark03Accidents	contract	0	That manservant is going to squash you like a bug! I can't wait to see what's left of you.	
FormID: 000251CD	Dark03Accidents	contract	0	If things go badly, forgo the plan and simply kill the mark any way you can. You'll lose the bonus, but at least the contract will be fulfilled. 	
FormID: 000251D1	Dark03Accidents	contract	0	For the love of Sithis, you have to kill a feeble old man. Is that too much for you to handle?	
FormID: 00023F3D	Dark03Accidents	Dark03Choice1C	0	Why are you here? What do you want? Get out of my house!	
FormID: 00023F3F	Dark03Accidents	Dark03Choice1B	0	The Night Mother? What's this all about? I... I think you should leave now. You hear me? Get out! Gromm! Gromm! we have an intruder! 	
FormID: 00023F3E	Dark03Accidents	Dark03Choice1A	0	Dead? Me? There... there must be some mistake.... I'm just an old man! Just an old man!	


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