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editlog - 現在との差分 (all)

ページ名 Vanilla/Dialogue/MG00General-03 (閲覧)
投稿者ID _73MxAtgVIE
投稿日 2012-09-21 (Fri) 16:40:45
差分情報 [ 差分 | 現在との差分 | ソース ]
現在との差分行 追加:27, 削除:2

FormID: 00062619	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	All of the local guild halls sell some amount of Alchemic ingredients, but for the best stuff, you'll need to do some exploring on your own.	
__各ギルドホールでは若干の錬金術の材料が売られているが、 もし最高の材料が必要になったときには自分で材料を探すことになるだろう。
__各地のギルドホールでは、錬金術の素材をいくらか扱っているが、 最高の素材を手に入れるには自力で探す必要があるだろう。
FormID: 00062BBC	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	The Mages Guild is the single best resource for Alchemists in all of Cyrodiil. If Alchemy interests you, talk to Dagail about joining.	
__Mages GuildはCyrodiil中のAlchemistsにとってかけがえのない組織です。Alchemyに興味があるなら、Dagailに入会のことを話して下さい。
__Mages GuildはCyrodiil中の錬金術師にとって最高の拠り所だ。錬金術に興味があるなら、Dagailまで入会について尋ねてみてくれ。
FormID: 0006261A	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Druja has a wide variety of spells for sale, if there's something you need. Most of them are simple, but they're a good starting point.	
FormID: 00062BBD	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	The guild offers magical supplies to the citizens of Tamriel, but has far greater benefits for its members. Talk to Dagail if you'd like to join.	
FormID: 0006261B	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	The guild can provide you with some training, but the best trainers are usually very hard to find.	
FormID: 00062BBE	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	The guild has quite a few connections, and it always helps to know the right people, wouldn't you say? You should think about joining.	
FormID: 0006261C	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Adrienne may read too much, but you should see the Summon spell she taught Vigge. He might teach you, if you're skilled enough.	
FormID: 00062BBF	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Adrienne can make you a member of the guild, if you can convince her to take her nose out of whatever book she's reading.	
FormID: 0006261D	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	The services provided at the Arcane University are just priceless. You can create your own enchantments there!	
__Arcane Universityで提供されるサービスは価値がつけられないほど貴重だ。君はそこで物品に魔力を付与することができる!
__Arcane Universityで提供されるサービスはプライスレスだ。エンチャント品を自作できるんだ!
FormID: 00062BC0	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	I wouldn't have any friends if it weren't for the guild. I'm very grateful. If you want to join, you should talk to Adrienne.	
FormID: 0006261E	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Between the two of them, Borissean and Gaspar have mastered nearly every type of spell there is. You'd be wise to go see them if you can.	
FormID: 00062BC1	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	The best spells are closely guarded by the guild, but are available to high-ranking members. You should consider joining.	
FormID: 0006261F	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Arch-Mage Traven was right to ban Necromancy, and place restrictions on the addition of new members to the guild. He's served us well.	
__Arch-Mage Travenが死霊術を追放し、ギルド入会に制限を設けたことは正しい決断でした。彼はギルドに十二分に貢献しています。
FormID: 00062BC2	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	We're all better off now that Necromancy has been banned from the guild. It's just safer that way.	
FormID: 00062BC3	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	The guild is still powerful in Cyrodiil, but poor decisions in the recent past have weakened it. Perhaps killed it. We shall see.	
FormID: 00062BC4	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Guild members who have access to the University can craft their own spells, not to mention chat with the most important people in the guild.	
FormID: 00062BC5	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	There's at least one person in every guild hall who offers spells; check at every hall to make sure you don't miss any.	
FormID: 00062BD0	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Each local guild hall has its own way of doing things. That means each hall has its own set of problems.	
FormID: 00062BD1	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	The guild needs you, child. Perhaps it has always needed you; always been waiting for you.	
FormID: 00062BD2	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	The Arcane University has been here for nearly as long as the Mages Guild has been in Cyrodiil. It has been our home for ages.	
__Arcane UniversityはCyrodiilにおけるMages Guildの歴史と言えます。何世代にも渡り私たちの本拠地を務めてきました。
FormID: 00062BD3	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	If you're looking to create your own enchantments, you've come to the right place.	
FormID: 00062BD4	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	The Mystic Archives have a large collection of books. Look around, and you may learn a thing or two.	
__Mystic Archivesは莫大な本のコレクションを所有しています。見渡してごらん、なんとなく分かるでしょう。
FormID: 00062BD5	MG00General	MagesGuildTopic	0	Gaspar and I have learned a great many spells over the years. Once you''ve learned them, you can use the knowledge to create your own.	
FormID: 0002D28F	MG00General	VidkunTopic	0	I heard what happened to him. I wonder if the Mages Council will do anything?	
FormID: 0002D290	MG00General	VidkunTopic	0	What a way to go. Awful news, just awful.	
FormID: 000C47F0	MG00General	tasks	0	Before we continue, you should speak to Raminus Polus about your advancement within the guild.	
__その前に、あんたはギルドでの昇格についてRaminus Polusと話すといい。
FormID: 00188F42	MG00General	tasks	0	Before you begin, we must first discuss your advancement within the guild.	
FormID: 0005E1DB	MG00General	tasks	0	Your tasks now come directly from Arch-Mage Traven. Please speak with him if you're unsure what you should be doing.	
__これからはArch-Mage Travenから直接、任務を受け取るようになる。やるべきことを終えたら、彼と話してくれ。
__これからはArch-Mage Travenから直接、任務を受け取るようになる。何をすべきかわからなくなったら、彼と話してくれ。
FormID: 00188F3E	MG00General	Advancement	0	I can truly consider you an equal, and so grant you the rank of Master-Wizard. There is no higher rank which I can bestow upon you.	
FormID: 00188F3E	MG00General	Advancement	1	You have my congratulations, and my thanks.	
FormID: 00188F3F	MG00General	Advancement	0	Truly, you are an asset to the guild. I reward you with the rank of Wizard, and teach you a most powerful spell.	
FormID: 00188F40	MG00General	Advancement	0	Your role within the guild becomes ever more essential. You have now attained the rank of Warlock, and are freely able to access the Council Chamber.	
__ギルドにおける君の役職は、さらに重要なものとなった。今から君のランクはWarlockとなり、Council Chamberへの自由な出入りが許可される。
FormID: 00188F41	MG00General	Advancement	0	You are Conjurer no more. Guild members shall now address you as Magician. Congratulations.	
FormID: 0003ABF9	MG00General	Advancement	0	You become more valuable to the guild with each passing day. The guild wishes to reward that, and so you are raised to the rank of Conjurer.	
FormID: 0003ABF9	MG00General	Advancement	1	Accept these robes, and wear them with pride.	
FormID: 00084B4A	MG00General	Advancement	0	Your services to the guild have not gone unnoticed. As of this moment, you have gained the rank of Evoker.	
FormID: 00084B4A	MG00General	Advancement	1	Along with your new rank, please take this amulet. May it help keep you safe in times of danger.	
FormID: 000836D0	MG00General	Advancement	0	In accordance with guild rules, you now qualify for the rank of Journeyman. May you wear your rank well.	
FormID: 000836D2	MG00General	Advancement	0	You do not yet qualify for further advancement in the guild.	
FormID: 0003353D	MG00General	VahtacenTopic	0	With the mystery solved, we can explore the rest of the ruins and see if there's further information we can divulge from them.	
FormID: 0003353E	MG00General	VahtacenTopic	0	Good work getting that straightened out. I'm glad someone finally came along that was able to make progress with it.	
FormID: 000473EC	MG00General	ArcaneUniversityTopic	0	The Arcane University is the seat of the Mages Guild in Cyrodiil. Located in the Imperial City, it houses the leaders of our guild.	
__Arcane UniversityはCyrodiilにおける魔術師ギルドの中心地です。Imperial Cityに位置を占め、ギルドの指導者がいる場所でもあります。	
__Arcane UniversityはCyrodiilにおける魔術師ギルドの中心地です。Imperial Cityにあり、ギルドのリーダーたちが住んでいます。
FormID: 000473ED	MG00General	ArcaneUniversityTopic	0	Why, all the important people in the guild are there!	
FormID: 000473ED	MG00General	ArcaneUniversityTopic	1	Arch-Mage Traven lives there, in the tower. It's a fabulous place - you really should see it some day. I've been there many times myself.	
__敷地内にある塔ではArch-Mage Travenが暮らしているの。夢のような所…いつか自分の目で見てみるべきよ。私は何度も行ったことがあるけど。
FormID: 000473ED	MG00General	ArcaneUniversityTopic	2	The Imperial City just wouldn't be the same without it. Maybe, some day, if you know the right people, you might get a chance to see it.	
__Imperial Cityはそれなくして語れないほどよ。たぶん、資質があれば、いつの日か、あなたにも機会があるかもね。
FormID: 000473EE	MG00General	ArcaneUniversityTopic	0	Without recommendations from the local guildhalls, you'll never see the inside of it. I dare say that's one of the few things Traven has done right.	
FormID: 000473EE	MG00General	ArcaneUniversityTopic	1	By all means, travel to the Imperial City and get stopped at the gates. You should get used to that sort of rejection.	
__Imperial Cityに旅したなら、その門の前に立ち止まってみたまえ。君はその種の拒絶に慣れておくべきだろうからな。
__是非、Imperial Cityに旅して、門前払いされてみるといい。その種の拒絶に慣れておくべきだ。
FormID: 000473EF	MG00General	ArcaneUniversityTopic	0	It's been the home of the Mages Guild for the longest time. You should see the library they have there!	
FormID: 000473EF	MG00General	ArcaneUniversityTopic	1	It's the only place worth visiting in the Imperial City, if you ask me. I only make the trip if I can't find a specific book here.	
__私に言わせれば、そこはImperial Cityで唯一訪問する価値のある場所です。私が旅行するのは、そこで見つけられない書物があった場合だけです。
__私に言わせれば、あそこはImperial Cityで唯一訪問する価値のある場所です。私がImperial Cityへ行くのは、ここで見つけられない書物があった場合だけです。
FormID: 000473F0	MG00General	ArcaneUniversityTopic	0	Arch-Mage Traven has closed the doors of the University to all who are not qualified to enter. A wise decision, in my opinion.	
__Arch-Mage Travenは、入学する資格のない者に対しては、大学内へ入場する為のトビラをすべて閉じさせています。私の考えでは、それは賢明な選択だと思います。	
__Arch-Mage Travenは、入学する資格のない者に対しては、大学内へ入場する為のトビラをすべて閉じさせています。私の考えでは、それは賢明な選択だと思います。
__Arch-Mage Travenは、無資格者のUniversityへの立ち入りを禁じました。賢明な決断だと思います。		
FormID: 000473F0	MG00General	ArcaneUniversityTopic	1	It's in the Imperial City; perhaps some day you may be able to visit him there. He's done wonderful things for this guild.	
__それはImperial Cityの中にあります。おそらくあなたはいつかそこで彼に会えるかもしれません。彼はギルドの為に素晴らしい事をしました。	
__それはImperial Cityの中にあります。おそらくあなたはいつかそこで彼に会えるかもしれません。彼はギルドの為に素晴らしい事をしました。
__あなたもいつかImperial Cityある大学で彼に会えるかもしれません。	ギルドに多大な貢献をした方です。
FormID: 000473F1	MG00General	ArcaneUniversityTopic	0	Within its walls live those who determine the fate of the guild. It is our stronghold, our sanctuary.	
FormID: 000473F1	MG00General	ArcaneUniversityTopic	1	You will come to know it well, in time. I have seen it.	
FormID: 000473F2	MG00General	ArcaneUniversityTopic	0	The Council of Mages meets there in the Imperial City. That's where the real power of the guild lies.	
__Council of Magesの所在地はImperial Cityです。ギルドの真の実力が結集する地でもあります。
FormID: 000473F2	MG00General	ArcaneUniversityTopic	1	If you do what you need to, you'll get there one day. Just don't forget to help those who have aided you on your way.	
FormID: 00047467	MG00General	MG01ErthorTopic	0	He's probably still out at the cave. Adrienne hasn't let him work here in a long time.	
FormID: 00047468	MG00General	MG01ErthorTopic	0	I know, but he usually stops by once a week or so. I don't recall seeing him lately. 	
FormID: 00047461	MG00General	MGSkingradAdrienne	0	I did, in fact. I don't think she was paying attention, though.	
FormID: 00047462	MG00General	MGSkingradAdrienne	0	That's not surprising. Sometimes I wonder if she forgets to eat, being so focused on that research of hers.	
FormID: 00047464	MG00General	MGSkingradAdrienne	0	Perhaps I'll steer clear of her, then.	
FormID: 000279E1	MG00General	IngredientCollection	0	As the Arch-Mage, you are entitled to certain privileges. In addition to the full use of all Guild facilities, there is one service available to you.	
FormID: 000279E1	MG00General	IngredientCollection	1	Julienne Fanis has long served Arch-Mage Traven in collecting alchemical ingredients for his personal research.	
__Julienne FanisはArch-Mage Travenに長いこと仕え、彼の研究のため錬金術用の材料を収集してきました。
__Julienne FanisはArch-Mage Travenに長いこと仕え、彼の個人的研究のための錬金術用素材を収集してきました。
FormID: 000279E1	MG00General	IngredientCollection	2	As the new Arch-Mage, I'm sure she'll extend the service to you as well. At your convenience, consult her at the Lustratorium.	
__新しいArch-Mageの為に、彼女は引き続きその仕事を貴方に提供するでしょう。よろしければ、 Lustratoriumで彼女とお話ください。
__新しきArch-Mageにも、彼女は変わらずに奉仕するでしょう。よろしければ、 Lustratoriumで彼女とお話ください。
FormID: 000AEF8D	MG00General	IngredientCollection	0	Ah, yes. Arch-Mage Traven was quite fond of making potions in his spare time. So much so, in fact, that it became difficult for me to meet his needs.	
__ああ、はい。Arch-Mage Travenは時間を惜しんでまでポーションを作るほど本当に熱心な方でした。どれほどかと言うと、実際必要なときですら会うことが難しいくらいでした。
__ああ、はい。Arch-Mage Travenは自由な時間にはポーション作りに熱中していました。本当に熱心なので、私がいくら材料を集めても彼が必要とする量には間に合わなくなってきたのです。
__ああ、はい。Arch-Mage Travenは自由な時間にはポーション作りに熱中していました。本当に熱心なので、私がいくら材料を集めても足りなかったのです。
FormID: 000AEF8D	MG00General	IngredientCollection	1	I finally accomodated him by enchanting a very special chest for him. You'll find it in the Arch Mage's quarters.	
__最後には彼のために魔法をかけた非常に特別なチェストを作って調整してもらいました。Arch Mage用の個室でそれを見つけることができるでしょう。
__そこで結局、彼のために魔法をかけた非常に特別なチェストを作ることにしたのです。そのチェストはArch Mage用の個室にあります。
FormID: 000AEF8D	MG00General	IngredientCollection	2	Once a week, place a single ingredient in the chest. After twenty-four hours, you'll find a sizable quantity of the ingredient available for use.	
FormID: 000AEF8D	MG00General	IngredientCollection	3	Do be prompt in collecting them, however. Anything left in the chest for a full week will be destroyed.	
FormID: 000AEF8D	MG00General	IngredientCollection	4	And before you ask, yes this only works with ingredients. Be very careful in what you place in that chest. I can't be held responsible.	

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