editlog - ソース表示 (all)

editlog - ソース表示 (all)

ページ名 Vanilla/Dialogue/Generic-01 (閲覧)
投稿者ID k2lSqVmZj7b
投稿日 2012-08-17 (Fri) 18:48:36
差分情報 [ 差分 | 現在との差分 | ソース ]
投稿時変更行 追加:1, 削除:0

FormID: 0002A4B8	Generic	TimeToGo	0	It's time for you to go.	
FormID: 0002A51D	Generic	TimeToGo	0	Excuse me, but you have to leave now. I need to lock up.	
FormID: 0002A7D9	Generic	TimeToGo	0	Sorry. I have things to do. You'll have to leave now.	
FormID: 0002A7DC	Generic	TimeToGo	0	If you don't mind, I have things to do. Would you leave now, please?	
FormID: 0002A7DD	Generic	TimeToGo	0	I need you to leave now.	
FormID: 0002A7DE	Generic	TimeToGo	0	I need you to leave so I can lock up.	
FormID: 00027528	Generic	Corpse	0	[Gasp!] Oh my goodness. Excuse me, are you all right? I... By the Divines, this person's dead!	
__[ゲップ!] おっと、いつもの癖が・・・大丈夫だったかい? 一般人なら死んでたところだよ。
__[Gasp!] なんてこった。すみません、大丈夫ですか?おお神よ…、死んでいる!
__[はっと息をのむ] ああなんてことだ。もしもし、大丈夫ですか?あ…駄目だ、死んでいる。
__[Gasp!] ああなんてことだ。もしもし、大丈夫ですか?あの…大変だ、死んでしまった!
FormID: 00062510	Generic	Corpse	0	May you rest in peace.	
FormID: 00062511	Generic	Corpse	0	Tsk. Such terrible times we live in. Is no place safe anymore?	
FormID: 00062512	Generic	Corpse	0	Hmm. Body's still warm. Looks like there's a killer about.	
__うむ。 死体はまだ暖かい。 犯人はまだこの辺りにいるな。
FormID: 00027959	Generic	ObserveCombat	0	Watch out!	
FormID: 0002B376	Generic	ObserveCombat	0	Stay away!	
FormID: 0002B377	Generic	ObserveCombat	0	Look out!	
FormID: 0018B57F	Generic	Idle	0	Two hundred gold? I don't think so. Not from me.	
FormID: 0018B580	Generic	Idle	0	These trees. So perfect. Almost seems like home.	
FormID: 0018B581	Generic	Idle	0	There's just no accounting for it. Sad, really.	
FormID: 0018B582	Generic	Idle	0	All I wanted was a hug.	
FormID: 0018B583	Generic	Idle	0	I don't know. I just don't.	
FormID: 0018B584	Generic	Idle	0	Who does he think he is, acting all high and mighty?	
FormID: 0018B585	Generic	Idle	0	The indignity of it all.	
FormID: 0018B586	Generic	Idle	0	If that creature visits again, I think I'll have choice words to say.	
FormID: 0018B587	Generic	Idle	0	First the vision. Then the conjuration. This is unsettling.	
FormID: 0018B588	Generic	Idle	0	Clearly he was wrong. Yet I do think he meant well.	
FormID: 0018B589	Generic	Idle	0	Such useless creatures.	
FormID: 0018B58A	Generic	Idle	0	I don't recall using teleportation, and yet there I was. Alone. Naked.	
FormID: 0018B58B	Generic	Idle	0	It just stood there, holding its tail and whispering. What did it say?	
FormID: 0018B58C	Generic	Idle	0	The sun and moons transform day to night, but what transforms the mind?	
FormID: 0018B58D	Generic	Idle	0	These Dunmer are useless.	
FormID: 0018B58E	Generic	Idle	0	Do I drop the sweetroll or hand it over and come back later? Dunno....	
__私はロールパンを落としてしまったのか、誰かに渡したんだっけ? 戻ってくるのかなぁ? うーーん。
FormID: 0018B58F	Generic	Idle	0	The blue plates are nice, but the brown ones seem to last longer.	
FormID: 0018B590	Generic	Idle	0	So many bottles to collect.	
FormID: 0018B591	Generic	Idle	0	I shouldn't have pushed so hard.	
FormID: 0018B592	Generic	Idle	0	That guy asks way too many questions.	
FormID: 0018B593	Generic	Idle	0	What was I thinking?	
FormID: 0018B594	Generic	Idle	0	Dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt, dirt. Everywhere dirt.	
__汚い、汚い、汚い、汚い、汚い。 どこもかしこも汚れている。
FormID: 0018B595	Generic	Idle	0	Who put that there?	
FormID: 0018B596	Generic	Idle	0	Wood Elves. Why? What's the point?	
__ウッド・エルフよ。何故だ? 何が目的だ?
FormID: 0018B597	Generic	Idle	0	Perhaps a trip back to Morrowind would do me some good.	
FormID: 0018B598	Generic	Idle	0	Talking to yourself is not a sign of mental illness. It's not.	
__自分と話すのは、精神病の兆候ではありません。 それはそうではありません。	
FormID: 0018B599	Generic	Idle	0	I can't read them all. They make no sense.	
FormID: 0018B59A	Generic	Idle	0	I could use a guar. Hell on my boots, though.	
__私は guar を使うことが出来たんだが、物凄い剣幕だったよ。
FormID: 0018B59B	Generic	Idle	0	There is someone watching me. I can tell.	
FormID: 0018B59C	Generic	Idle	0	Stuck his tongue to his axe! Ha! Serves him right.	
__彼の舌を斧に結び付けてしまえ! ハッ! 当然の報いだろう。
FormID: 0018B59D	Generic	Idle	0	Wonder why Solstheim wasn't on the old maps... not that anyone should care.	
FormID: 0018B59E	Generic	Idle	0	Snow. We need more snow. Can't have enough snow.	
FormID: 0018B59F	Generic	Idle	0	I haven't seen that before.	
FormID: 0018B5A0	Generic	Idle	0	Bloody scamps. I could skin them all.	
__残忍な scamp どもめ。私は奴等全ての皮を剥ぐ事ができたぞ。
FormID: 0018B5A1	Generic	Idle	0	What makes this smell?	
FormID: 0018B5A2	Generic	Idle	0	I wouldn't. Not even with yours.	
FormID: 0018B5A3	Generic	Idle	0	Was that you? What did you eat?	
FormID: 0018B5A4	Generic	Idle	0	Finally something interesting.	
FormID: 0018B5A5	Generic	Idle	0	An oath is an oath.	
FormID: 0018B5A6	Generic	Idle	0	So careless, these creatures.	
FormID: 0018B5A7	Generic	Idle	0	Need to practice more.	
FormID: 0018B5A8	Generic	Idle	0	I don't care for those elves.	
FormID: 0018B5A9	Generic	Idle	0	Work, work, work. Keeps my hands busy.	
FormID: 0018B5AA	Generic	Idle	0	Goblins and rats. Seems like they're everywhere. I'm just waiting for the giant spiders to show up.	
FormID: 0018B5AB	Generic	Idle	0	It's good to get up and move about a bit.	
FormID: 0018B5AC	Generic	Idle	0	I think I need something to drink.	
FormID: 0018B5AD	Generic	Idle	0	I heard him tell the joke. I understood it. It just wasn't funny.	
FormID: 0018B5AE	Generic	Idle	0	All I needed was that right pauldron, and my set would have been complete.	
FormID: 0018B5AF	Generic	Idle	0	Thirty-six. That's pretty impressive, actually.	
FormID: 0018B5B0	Generic	Idle	0	There's just no use to it.	
FormID: 0018B5B1	Generic	Idle	0	Everyone is talking, but no one has anything to say.	
FormID: 0018B5B2	Generic	Idle	0	I'm so hungry I could eat a Bosmer.	
__私は Bosmer を食べることが出来たくらい、お腹が空いているよ。
FormID: 0018B5B3	Generic	Idle	0	I'd kill for a sweetroll right now.	
FormID: 0018B5B4	Generic	Idle	0	Brandy and comberry wine. Not a good combination.	
FormID: 0018B5B5	Generic	Idle	0	So many things do do. So little time.	
FormID: 0018B5B6	Generic	Idle	0	Guess I won't be visiting Kvatch.	
__私が Kvatch を訪れないと思いなさい。
FormID: 0018B5B7	Generic	Idle	0	Strange.	
FormID: 0018B5B8	Generic	Idle	0	I don't know if I like this.	
FormID: 0018B5B9	Generic	Idle	0	That was the strangest book I've ever read.	
FormID: 0018B5BA	Generic	Idle	0	A strong post to sharpen my claws. That's what is needed.	
FormID: 0018B5BB	Generic	Idle	0	Much to see. Much to learn.	
FormID: 0018B5BC	Generic	Idle	0	Hairballs attacking me. They were everywhere. It was the strangest dream.	
FormID: 0018B5BD	Generic	Idle	0	Sweet moon sugar.	
FormID: 0018B5BE	Generic	Idle	0	Sweet Skooma.	
FormID: 0018B5BF	Generic	Idle	0	Over there. That's new.	
FormID: 0018B5C0	Generic	Idle	0	There is much to learn.	
FormID: 0018B5C1	Generic	Idle	0	So I said. Where's the money in that?	
FormID: 0018B5C4	Generic	Idle	0	I wonder if she heard me say that?	
FormID: 0018B5C5	Generic	Idle	0	I should probably wash up before heading home.	
FormID: 0018B5C6	Generic	Idle	0	I can't imagine eating one of those things.	
FormID: 0018B5C7	Generic	Idle	0	What day is today?	
FormID: 0018B5C8	Generic	Idle	0	I long for a Colovian Fur Helm.	
__Colovian Fur Helmが欲しい。	
FormID: 0018B5C9	Generic	Idle	0	I can't believe it. Pfft.	
FormID: 0018B5CA	Generic	Idle	0	If I ever see that elf, he's in so much trouble.	
FormID: 0018B5CB	Generic	Idle	0	I'm sure it's around here somewhere.	
FormID: 0018B5CC	Generic	Idle	0	Now where did I put that?	
FormID: 0018B5CD	Generic	Idle	0	No. That's not it.	
FormID: 0018B5D0	Generic	Idle	0	A new scent is here. Who can it be?	
FormID: 0018B5D1	Generic	Idle	0	It is hidden away. Yes. No one will find it....	
FormID: 0018B5D2	Generic	Idle	0	Stick the wickwheat until soft, add the marshwillow...	
FormID: 0018B5D3	Generic	Idle	0	Oviparous. Ovovivparous. What's the difference? We are born and we die.	
__硬い殻から産まれるか、柔らかい殻から産まれるか。どう違うと? 我々は産まれ、我々は死ぬ。
FormID: 0018B5D4	Generic	Idle	0	Small fork on outside, or is it inside....	
FormID: 0018B5D5	Generic	Idle	0	So much to remember.	
FormID: 0018B5D6	Generic	Idle	0	So strange this place. Far from the marsh.	
FormID: 0018B5D7	Generic	Idle	0	So clumsy, all my fault.	
FormID: 00024599	Generic	InfoRefusal	0	That's privileged information. I'm sorry.	
FormID: 0002459A	Generic	InfoRefusal	0	Look, I like you, but not enough to tell you that.	
FormID: 0002459B	Generic	InfoRefusal	0	I'm sorry, but I don't feel comfortable telling you.	
FormID: 0002459C	Generic	InfoRefusal	0	It's a matter of trust. And I don't trust you enough yet.	
FormID: 0002459D	Generic	InfoRefusal	0	I don't trust you enough to talk about that.	
FormID: 0002459E	Generic	InfoRefusal	0	Concerning this, I can only speak to a friend.	
FormID: 0002459F	Generic	InfoRefusal	0	Some words should be shared only by friends.	
FormID: 000245A0	Generic	InfoRefusal	0	When we are better friends, ask again.	
FormID: 000245A1	Generic	InfoRefusal	0	I ask myself... Do I like you enough to tell you about this?	
FormID: 000245A2	Generic	InfoRefusal	0	If I liked you better, then I might tell you.	
FormID: 000245A3	Generic	InfoRefusal	0	This is not something I would tell the likes of you.	
FormID: 0002461B	Generic	InfoRefusal	0	I'm not telling you that. Anything else?	
FormID: 0002461C	Generic	InfoRefusal	0	Nothing I would tell to you. Get lost.	
FormID: 0006550E	Generic	Recharge	0	Always keep your magical equipment charged.	
FormID: 00066A4D	Generic	Recharge	0	A magic item without a charge is like a sword without a blade.	
FormID: 00066A4E	Generic	Recharge	0	I can get your magic items working again.	
FormID: 00066A4F	Generic	Recharge	0	All your charging needs... for a very small charge.	
FormID: 00066A50	Generic	Recharge	0	A charged magic item is a useful magic item.	
FormID: 00066A51	Generic	Recharge	0	Magic items are no good without a charge.	
FormID: 00066A52	Generic	Recharge	0	Something need charging?	
FormID: 00066A61	Generic	Recharge	0	Let's charge it back up.	
FormID: 0006550F	Generic	Recharge	0	Can't have you walking around without working equipment.	
FormID: 00065510	Generic	Recharge	0	Smart to keep your magic items charged.	
FormID: 0003D08D	Generic	BarterExit	0	Don't forget, only I can fence the most difficult items.	
FormID: 0003D08C	Generic	BarterExit	0	Remember, act casual, like we haven't done anything illegal.	
FormID: 0003D08B	Generic	BarterExit	0	Let's just keep this affair between the two of us.	
FormID: 0003D08A	Generic	BarterExit	0	Just walk away like you don't know me.	
FormID: 0003D089	Generic	BarterExit	0	I'm glad that's done. I need a nap.	
FormID: 000091D2	Generic	BarterExit	0	Another satisfied customer.	
FormID: 000091E5	Generic	BarterExit	0	Come back and see me again.	
FormID: 000091E6	Generic	BarterExit	0	Thank you for your patronage.	
FormID: 000091E7	Generic	BarterExit	0	I appreciate your business.	
FormID: 000091E8	Generic	BarterExit	0	Thank you. Come again.	
FormID: 000091E9	Generic	BarterExit	0	Tell your friends about me!	
FormID: 000091EA	Generic	BarterExit	0	A pleasure to serve you.	
FormID: 0000921D	Generic	BarterExit	0	Thank you for your business.	
FormID: 0003D087	Generic	BarterSellItem	0	Why must I be such a soft touch?	
FormID: 0003D086	Generic	BarterSellItem	0	Sure, why not. I might even be able to ransom it back to the original owner.	
FormID: 0003D085	Generic	BarterSellItem	0	I do think I've been taken advantage of.	
FormID: 0003D084	Generic	BarterSellItem	0	Deal! I can sell it for twice that price, to the right customer.	
__もっとだ! 然るべき客になら、その2倍の値で売れるんだぜ。
FormID: 0003D083	Generic	BarterSellItem	0	I think I can move this item for ya at that price. Got anything else?	
FormID: 000091D0	Generic	BarterSellItem	0	That's a fair deal.	
FormID: 000091D6	Generic	BarterSellItem	0	A good price for a good customer.	
FormID: 000091D7	Generic	BarterSellItem	0	A fine transaction.	
FormID: 000091D8	Generic	BarterSellItem	0	You got a great deal there.	
FormID: 000091D9	Generic	BarterSellItem	0	That's more than I'd usually pay.	
FormID: 000091DA	Generic	BarterSellItem	0	You've made a good bit of gold.	
FormID: 000091DB	Generic	BarterSellItem	0	An excellent bargain.	
FormID: 000091DC	Generic	BarterSellItem	0	That seems a fair price.	
FormID: 000091DD	Generic	BarterSellItem	0	That's a good deal.	
FormID: 00009220	Generic	BarterSellItem	0	You drive a hard bargain.	
FormID: 0003D082	Generic	BarterBuyItem	0	It is an honor to bargain with a thief of your reputation.	
FormID: 0003D081	Generic	BarterBuyItem	0	If you need any more of those, I might be able to get some later.	
FormID: 0003D080	Generic	BarterBuyItem	0	See anything else you're interested in?	
FormID: 0003D07F	Generic	BarterBuyItem	0	I accept such low prices only for guild members.	
FormID: 0003D07E	Generic	BarterBuyItem	0	I shouldn't sell it to ya so cheap, but I know you won't ask too many questions.	
FormID: 000091C5	Generic	BarterBuyItem	0	A bargain at any price.	
FormID: 000091C7	Generic	BarterBuyItem	0	That's a good deal.	
FormID: 000091C8	Generic	BarterBuyItem	0	An excellent deal.	
FormID: 000091CA	Generic	BarterBuyItem	0	Pleasure doing business with you.	
FormID: 000091CB	Generic	BarterBuyItem	0	I wouldn't make that deal with just anybody.	
FormID: 000091D3	Generic	BarterBuyItem	0	You're a fine negotiator.	

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