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ページ名 Vanilla/Dialogue/MQ00-03 (閲覧)
投稿者ID Cwy9Z1TPcsO
投稿日 2012-09-04 (Tue) 23:36:10
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投稿時変更行 追加:2, 削除:2

FormID: 000A7158	MQ00	HELLO	0	Hello, my friend.	
FormID: 000981D3	MQ00	HELLO	0	Hello.	
FormID: 000A715A	MQ00	HELLO	0	Take care.	
FormID: 000ADC6C	MQ00	HELLO	0	Good to see you.	
FormID: 00064D27	MQ00	HELLO	0	Yes?	
FormID: 000ADD07	MQ00	HELLO	0	What do you need, friend?	
FormID: 0003C14C	MQ00	HELLO	0	Good to see you, sir. We won't forget how you helped Anvil.	
__お会いできて光栄です。あなたが Anvil を救ってくださったことは忘れません。
FormID: 0003C14D	MQ00	HELLO	0	Good to see you, ma'am. We won't forget how you helped Anvil.	
__お会いできて光栄です。あなたが Anvil を救ってくださったことは忘れません。
FormID: 0003C14E	MQ00	HELLO	0	You're the one that saved Cheydinhal from that Oblivion Gate, aren't you?	
__CheydinhalをOblivion Gateの脅威から救ってくださったのは、あなたですよね?
FormID: 0003C14F	MQ00	HELLO	0	You don't need to worry about the daedra taking Bruma. You've got the best soldiers in Cyrodiil here now.	
FormID: 0003C150	MQ00	HELLO	0	I'm looking forward to some payback for what those bastards did to Kvatch.	
FormID: 0003C151	MQ00	HELLO	0	How long will Bruma need our help? Count Caro's orders were to return to Leyawiin as soon as Bruma was secure.	
__Brumaはいつまで我々の手助けが必要なのだろう? Caroから、Brumaが安全であればLeyawiinへ戻れとのご命令があるのだが。
FormID: 0003C152	MQ00	HELLO	0	I can't wait to get back to Skingrad. I ain't cut out for this damned weather.	
FormID: 0003C153	MQ00	HELLO	0	Do you think the attack will come soon, ma'am?	
FormID: 0003C154	MQ00	HELLO	0	Do you think the attack will come soon, sir?	
FormID: 0003C155	MQ00	HELLO	0	Congratulations on your victory, sir.	
FormID: 0003C156	MQ00	HELLO	0	Congratulations on your victory, ma'am.	
FormID: 00054672	MQ00	HELLO	0	Do you think we stand a chance?	
FormID: 00054673	MQ00	HELLO	0	Let's teach those bastards a lesson!	
FormID: 00054674	MQ00	HELLO	0	There's no way I'm going in there!	
FormID: 00037F5A	MQ00	HELLO	0	Welcome aboard, sir. It will be an honor to serve with you.	
FormID: 00037F5B	MQ00	HELLO	0	Welcome aboard, ma'am. It will be an honor to serve with you.	
FormID: 00037F5C	MQ00	HELLO	0	Good morning, ma'am.	
FormID: 00037F5D	MQ00	HELLO	0	Good afternoon, ma'am.	
FormID: 00037F5E	MQ00	HELLO	0	Good evening, ma'am.	
FormID: 00037F5F	MQ00	HELLO	0	Good morning, sir.	
FormID: 00037F60	MQ00	HELLO	0	Good afternoon, sir.	
FormID: 00037F61	MQ00	HELLO	0	Good evening, sir.	
FormID: 0008B5FE	MQ00	HELLO	0	Sir.	
FormID: 0008B5FF	MQ00	HELLO	0	Ma'am.	
FormID: 00037F62	MQ00	HELLO	0	Hail.	
FormID: 0001F104	MQ00	GREETING	0	Dawn is breaking.	
FormID: 00097CAC	MQ00	GREETING	0	I have nothing to say to you.	
FormID: 00026D58	MQ00	GREETING	0	I've figured out another item needed for the ritual to open the portal to Camoran's Paradise.	
__Camoran's Paradiseの開門の儀式に必要となる次のアイテムが判明した。
FormID: 00026D58	MQ00	GREETING	1	The second item is the counterpart to the first: the blood of a Divine. This was a terrible puzzle to me. 	
__第二項目は第一項目の対となっている。すなわち「blood of a Divine」だ。これは私には非常に難解だ。
FormID: 00026D58	MQ00	GREETING	2	Unlike the Daedra Lords, the gods have no artifacts, and do not physically manifest themselves in our world.	
__Daedra Lordと違って、その神はartifactを持たず、我々の世界に物理的に現れることも無い。
__Daedra Lordとは違い、神々は私たちの世界に姿を現すこともなければ、アーティファクトも持たないのだ。
__Daedra Lordとは違い、神々はArtifactを持たないし、我々の世界に肉体が顕現することもないからだ。
FormID: 00026D58	MQ00	GREETING	3	How then to obtain the blood of a god? But Jauffre solved it. The blood of Tiber Septim himself, who became one of the Divines.	
__如何にして神の血液を手に入れれば良いのか? しかしJauffreはそれを見つけた。神々の一人に加わったTiber Septimその人の血を。
__如何にして神の血を手に入れればよいのか? Jauffreがその答えを教えてくれた。死後、神々の一員となった Tiber Septimその人の血だ 。
__なら、如何にして神の血を手に入れるか?Jauffreが解決してくれた。死後、Divineの一員となった Tiber Septimその人の血だ 。
FormID: 00026D58	MQ00	GREETING	4	This is a secret remembered only by the Blades, passed down from one Grandmaster to the next. Jauffre should tell it to you himself.	
FormID: 000270EB	MQ00	GREETING	0	Thank Akatosh you're here! I have deciphered the final item for the ritual to open a portal to Camoran's Paradise!	
__あなたがここに来たことをAkatoshに感謝せねば! CamoranのParadiseのポータルを開くための儀式を記した最終項目を解読しました!
__君の到着をAkatoshに感謝せねば!Camoran's Paradiseへの開門の儀式に必要となる最後のアイテムを解読したんだ!
FormID: 00026D5D	MQ00	GREETING	0	The next section of the Mysterium Xarxes is very difficult. I haven't deciphered the rest of the ritual yet. I hope you are making better progress.	
__Mysterium Xarxesの次の節は非常に難解だ。まだ儀式の残りは解読出来ていない。あなたの方も順調に行くことを願っているよ。
FormID: 00033FBF	MQ00	GREETING	0	What can I do for you, sir?	
FormID: 00033FC0	MQ00	GREETING	0	What can I do for you, ma'am?	
FormID: 00038FBD	MQ00	GREETING	0	You should be gathering the items Martin needs for the Mysterium Xarxes ritual. There's no time to lose.	
__MartinがMysterium Xarxesの儀式を行うのに必要としている遺物を集めなければならない。時間を無駄に出来ないぞ。
FormID: 0006BED3	MQ00	GREETING	0	A victory beyond hope! You and Martin defeated Mehrunes Dagon in the very moment of his triumph! All hail the Champion of Tamriel!	
__期待した以上の勝利だった!君とMartinはMehrunes Dagonの勝利が決まろうとした決定的瞬間に奴を倒したんだ。 Tamrielのチャンピオン万歳!
__信じられないような勝利だった!勝利を目前にしたMehrunes Dagonを、君とMartinは打ち倒した!Tamrielの勇者に敬礼!
FormID: 0006BED4	MQ00	GREETING	0	What can I do for you, Blade?	
__何かお手伝い出来るかな? ブレードよ。	
__何かお手伝い出来るかな? Bladeよ。
FormID: 0006BED5	MQ00	GREETING	0	What can I do for you, Savior of Tamriel?	
__何かお手伝い出来るかな? Tamrielの救世主よ。
FormID: 00038FAB	MQ00	GREETING	0	What is it?	
FormID: 0005D2C6	MQ00	GREETING	0	I know that you are on an important mission for the Blades. Please, if you need a horse, take mine from the Priory stables.	
FormID: 0003C13A	MQ00	GREETING	0	I look forward to fighting these daedra side by side with the Hero of Kvatch.	
FormID: 0003C13C	MQ00	GREETING	0	Let's talk after the battle is won.	
FormID: 0003C13D	MQ00	GREETING	0	Hail, daedra-slayer!	
FormID: 0003C13E	MQ00	GREETING	0	So, you're the famous Hero of Kvatch.	
FormID: 0003C13F	MQ00	GREETING	0	I'm a bit busy here!	
FormID: 0003C140	MQ00	GREETING	0	Congratulations on your victory. Your fame was well-deserved, it seems.	
FormID: 0003C147	MQ00	GREETING	0	Congratulations on your victory! I admit, I thought your plan would lead to disaster, but you came through for Bruma. I won't forget it.	
__戦勝、おめでとうございます! あなたの計画が大変な災いとなることを恐れていたのを認めます。ですが、あなたはBrumaを救ってくれました。そのことを忘れることは無いでしょう。
FormID: 0003C144	MQ00	GREETING	0	We did it! We showed those damned daedra a thing or two!	
__やったぞ! あの忌々しいdaedraどもに我らの力を見せ付けてやったぞ!
FormID: 00073925	MQ00	GREETING	0	My friend! It is good to see you again. You risked your life to save me, a stranger. You are truly among the blessed of Arkay's children.	
FormID: 00073925	MQ00	GREETING	1	As a small token of my gratitude, please allow me to share with you some of my small store of knowledge of the healing arts.	
FormID: 00073926	MQ00	GREETING	0	Arkay's blessings upon you.	
FormID: 0003C148	MQ00	GREETING	0	I was honored to fight by your side again.	
FormID: 0006BED7	MQ00	GREETING	0	Martin couldn't have done it without you. I count you among the greatest heroes of the Blades.	
FormID: 0006BED7	MQ00	GREETING	1	To think we'd end up here, after such a beginning! Sending an escaped prisoner off with the Amulet of Kings...	
__Amulet of Kingsを囚人に持たせて送り出すという…あのように始まったことも、ここで終わりを迎えたのだと思う。
FormID: 0006BED7	MQ00	GREETING	2	But I never doubted you, my friend. Emperor Uriel, he had the vision of the Dragonborn. He saw something in you. And he was right.	
FormID: 00073927	MQ00	GREETING	0	I never had time to properly thank you for your help back in the Imperial City. I wouldn't have made it back here if it weren't for you.	
__Imperial Cityで助けてくれた礼がまだだったな。君があの時いなかったら、無事ここに帰る事はできなかったろう。
FormID: 00073927	MQ00	GREETING	1	Now that we have a free moment, I thought you might be able to use some tricks I've picked up fighting with the Blades over the years.	
FormID: 00073927	MQ00	GREETING	2	Nobody who hasn't trained with the Blades will know these moves, so you should find them useful.	
FormID: 00073927	MQ00	GREETING	3	See, when they swing at you sidearm, you twist your wrist like this... exactly! You're a natural at this. Let me show you another one...	
FormID: 0006BED8	MQ00	GREETING	0	Whatever you need, friend.	
FormID: 0003C149	MQ00	GREETING	0	I wish I could have been at the battle. It sounds like you taught Mehrunes Dagon's boys a lesson they won't soon forget.	
__決戦の場に私も立ち会っていればなぁ。そうしたらあなたみたいに、Mehrunes Dagonのガキに忘れることの出来ない教訓を叩き込んでやることが出来たのに。
FormID: 0003D7F6	MQ00	GREETING	0	We're going to show them daedra a thing or two, aren't we ma'am?	
FormID: 0003C14A	MQ00	GREETING	0	We're going to show them daedra a thing or two, aren't we sir?	
FormID: 0001E8D0	MQ00	GREETING	0	Thanks for the rescue. I didn't think we would make it out of the Chapel alive. Perhaps Akatosh guided you to us.	
FormID: 00064F39	MQ00	GREETING	0	What is it, my friend?	
FormID: 00058E01	MQ00	GREETING	0	I always wanted to see the Jerall Mountains. Beautiful, aren't they? Almost makes you forget why we're here.	
FormID: 00058E02	MQ00	GREETING	0	I'm sure you hear it all the time, but I'd like to thank you personally for closing that Oblivion Gate outside Cheydinhal.	
__もう何度も聞いたとは思うか、Cheydinhalの外にあったOblivion Gateを閉じてくれて、個人的に感謝したい。 
__もう何度も聞いたとは思うが、Cheydinhalの外にあったOblivion Gateを閉じてくれて、個人的に感謝したい。 
FormID: 00058E02	MQ00	GREETING	1	We were all expecting to become the next Kvatch, you know?	
FormID: 00058E02	MQ00	GREETING	2	With the Count worrying more about his son than the defense of the city, things were looking pretty grim.	
FormID: 00058E02	MQ00	GREETING	3	So, like I said, thanks. I'm glad I was able to come here and do my bit for our side, you know?	
FormID: 00058E03	MQ00	GREETING	0	The Mythic Dawn won't dare try anything now that the best soldiers in Cyrodiil are defending Bruma!	
__Mythic Dawnには最早何もできまい、このCyrodiil最高の兵士たちが守るBrumaにはな!	
FormID: 00058E04	MQ00	GREETING	0	Remember Kvatch, that's our watchword. We won't let that happen here, don't worry.	
FormID: 00058E05	MQ00	GREETING	0	I can't stay long. Count Caro's orders were to return to Leyawiin as soon as Bruma was safe.	
FormID: 00058E06	MQ00	GREETING	0	Is it always this cold up here? This weather would freeze the arse off an ogre.	
FormID: 00058E07	MQ00	GREETING	0	I hope there are more reinforcements on the way. We can't hold Bruma by ourselves!	
FormID: 00058E08	MQ00	GREETING	0	It's good to see some reinforcements from across Cyrodiil. It's been too long since we all stood together in a common cause.	
FormID: 00058E08	MQ00	GREETING	1	But so few ... surely the other cities will send help?	
FormID: 00058E09	MQ00	GREETING	0	The cities of Cyrodiil are finally rallying together to make a stand against the Oblivion invasion.	
FormID: 00058E09	MQ00	GREETING	1	I'm starting to think we might actually beat these bastards!	
FormID: 0003C141	MQ00	GREETING	0	We won't let those daedra take Bruma.	
FormID: 0003C142	MQ00	GREETING	0	It's the waiting that gets to me. Why don't they just attack and get it over with?	
FormID: 0003C143	MQ00	GREETING	0	You helped our city fight off those damned daedra. Now it's our turn to help Bruma.	

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