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ページ名 Vanilla/Dialogue/MG00Join (閲覧)
投稿者ID 48g5Mrnu6Js
投稿日 2012-09-23 (Sun) 17:33:38
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投稿時変更行 追加:3, 削除:3

FormID: 00034EAA	MG00Join	GREETING	0	Hello, Associate. It seems you've obtained the final recommendation you required.	
FormID: 0002D28A	MG00Join	GREETING	0	Greetings, citizen. Is there something I can do for you? Are you perhaps interested in joining the Mages Guild?	
FormID: 0002EDDA	MG00Join	GREETING	0	Hello there. Is there something with which I can assist you? Perhaps you're curious about joining the Mages Guild?	
__こんにちは。何かお手伝い出来ることはありますか? もしかしてMages Guildへの入会のことを悩んでおられるとか?
__こんにちは。何かお手伝いできることはありますか? もしかしてMages Guild入会に興味をお持ちとか?
__どうも。何のご用でしょうか?もしかして、Mages Guildへの参加に興味がおありかしら?
FormID: 0002EDDB	MG00Join	GREETING	0	Are you here about joining the Mages Guild?	
__ここへはMages Guildに入会するために?
FormID: 0002EDDC	MG00Join	GREETING	0	Hmm, what? I'm rather busy right now.	
FormID: 0002EDDC	MG00Join	GREETING	1	Oh, is this about joining the Mages Guild? I suppose I could spare the time, if necessary.	
FormID: 0002EDEA	MG00Join	GREETING	0	Did you want something? You're not here to join the Mages Guild, are you?	
FormID: 0002EDEE	MG00Join	GREETING	0	Hello there! Are you here to join the Mages Guild?	
__こんにちは!Mages Guildに入会するおつもり?
FormID: 0002EDF5	MG00Join	GREETING	0	Greetings, child. The Mages Guild has a future for you, I believe. I have seen it. You should consider joining.	
__こんにちは。Mages Guildならあなたにとって将来性のあるところだと思いますよ。私はそう見ました。入会を考えてみてはどうですか。
FormID: 00034E12	MG00Join	Recommendation	0	I have received recommendations from all the local guild halls in Cyrodiil. You have done well for yourself. You may now enter the University.	
FormID: 00034E12	MG00Join	Recommendation	1	As a full-fledged member of the Mages' Guild, I now also promote you to the rank of Apprentice, and grant you the Robe of the Apprentice.	
__それと今、Mages Guildの一人前のメンバーとして、弟子の地位に昇進させよう。それから君には弟子のローブが授与される。
__Mages' Guildの一人前のメンバーとして、君はApprenticeの地位に昇進し、Robe of the Apprenticeが授与される。
FormID: 00034E12	MG00Join	Recommendation	2	Take a moment to try it on, and then we shall speak of what comes next for you.	
FormID: 00034E13	MG00Join	Recommendation	0	You haven't yet been given recommendations by all the necessary individuals, Associate. Keep working at it.	
FormID: 00034E19	MG00Join	Recommendation	0	You'll need a recommendation from each ranking member at the local guild halls around Cyrodiil before we may continue, Associate.	
FormID: 0005323C	MG00Join	Recommendation	0	All of your recommendations have been approved, have they not? Then everything appears to be in order.	
FormID: 0005323C	MG00Join	Recommendation	1	Report to the Arcane University, and speak with Raminus Polus. He will provide further instructions for you.	
__Arcane_University の Raminus_Polus に報告しなさい。詳しいことは彼から聞くといいでしょう。
FormID: 0005323D	MG00Join	Recommendation	0	You've been to all the guild halls, haven't you? Well, then you're all set! Congratulations!	
FormID: 0005323D	MG00Join	Recommendation	1	You'll need to speak to Raminus Polus at the Arcane University now. Look at you, moving up in the world... how wonderful!	
__Arcane_University の Raminus_Polus と話したまえ。今すぐにだ。見たまえ、栄光の未来が約束された君自身の姿を。素晴らしいと思わないか?
FormID: 0005323E	MG00Join	Recommendation	0	You have received recommendations from every guild hall, have you not? Then you are ready to advance to the Arcane University.	
FormID: 0005323E	MG00Join	Recommendation	1	Raminus Polus will want to speak with you. I must say, you will be a credit to the guild. Arch-Mage Traven will be lucky to have you there.	
FormID: 0005323F	MG00Join	Recommendation	0	Your time has come. The Arcane University needs you, child. Raminus Polus waits for you even now.	
FormID: 0005323F	MG00Join	Recommendation	1	Great things will befall you. There will be trials, but you will prevail. You must, for the good of the guild.	
FormID: 00053240	MG00Join	Recommendation	0	You have all the recommendations you need, I believe. Raminus Polus will want to speak with you. You can find him at the Arcane University.	
FormID: 00053241	MG00Join	Recommendation	0	You've been through quite a bit, haven't you? Well, I think you have proven yourself worthy. The Arcane University awaits you now.	
__あなたはずいぶん頑張ったんじゃない?ええ、自らの実力を立派に証明して見せたわ。Arcane Universityの門をくぐりなさい。
FormID: 00053241	MG00Join	Recommendation	1	Speak with Raminus Polus when you arrive. He will assist you.	
__そこに着いたらRaminus Polusと話しなさい。彼はあなたを助けてくれるでしょう。
FormID: 00053242	MG00Join	Recommendation	0	Time for you to see where the real power of the guild lies. Raminus Polus will want to speak with you; head to the Arcane University.	
__今こそあなたがギルドの本当の力がある場所を見る時です。Raminus Polusはあなたと話したいはずです。Arcane Universityに向かいなさい。
FormID: 0002D05C	MG00Join	jointheMagesGuild	0	I'm sorry, but I don't think so. The guild doesn't accept wanted criminals. Get rid of that bounty on your head, and perhaps I'll reconsider.	
FormID: 0002D05D	MG00Join	jointheMagesGuild	0	Well, then. It's no small matter; membership in the guild is quite an honor, but also a responsibility. Do you wish to join the guild?	
FormID: 0002D05E	MG00Join	jointheMagesGuild	0	I'm sorry, but the guild doesn't accept criminals as members. Get rid of that bounty on your head, and we'll talk.	
FormID: 0002D05F	MG00Join	jointheMagesGuild	0	As long as you're not a wanted criminal, there's a place for you in the guild. Are you interested?	
FormID: 0002D060	MG00Join	jointheMagesGuild	0	You're a wanted criminal. The guild doesn't accept criminals. Understand? Clear things up, and then come back.	
FormID: 0002D061	MG00Join	jointheMagesGuild	0	Well, no bounty on your head, and you look able enough. Very well; are you sure you want to join the guild?	
FormID: 0002D062	MG00Join	jointheMagesGuild	0	Looks to me like you're in trouble with the law. Clear that matter up, and then perhaps we'll discuss the guild.	
FormID: 0002D27B	MG00Join	jointheMagesGuild	0	The guild is always accepting new members. You seem capable enough; are you sure you want to join?	
FormID: 0002D27C	MG00Join	jointheMagesGuild	0	Is this a joke? Do I look like I associate with common criminals, let alone grant them access to the guild? Begone.	
FormID: 0002D27D	MG00Join	jointheMagesGuild	0	Are you sure you're up to it? You seem a little... slow.	
FormID: 0002D27E	MG00Join	jointheMagesGuild	0	Oh, no. You can't join the guild with that bounty on your head. Get that taken care of, and then come see me again.	
FormID: 0002D27F	MG00Join	jointheMagesGuild	0	The guild is accepting new members, but it may require some hard work on your part. Are you sure you wish to join?	
FormID: 0002D280	MG00Join	jointheMagesGuild	0	You're a wanted criminal, hardly the sort of person that has a place in the guild. Clean up that record of yours, and maybe you'll be considered.	
FormID: 0002D281	MG00Join	jointheMagesGuild	0	You're interested in joining? Great things will be expected of you. Are you sure you're ready for it?	
FormID: 0002D282	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	0	Very well. You are now an Associate of the Mages Guild. The full guild hall is now available for your use.	
FormID: 0002D282	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	1	You'll need a recommendation from each local guild hall in order to advance further. Until then, the Arcane University will be closed to you.	
__もしあなたがArcane Universityに入学を希望するのであれば、地方のギルドから推薦を得ねばなりません。それまでは行っても無駄ですぞ。	
__もしあなたがArcane Universityに入学を希望するのであれば、全てのギルド支部から推薦を得る必要が有ります。それまでは大学に立ち入る事は出来ません。
FormID: 0002D282	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	2	Welcome to the guild, and good luck to you.	
FormID: 0002D283	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	0	All right, then. You're now an Associate of the Mages Guild.	
FormID: 0002D283	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	1	Congratulations!	
FormID: 0002D283	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	2	You'll need to receive a recommendation from each local guild hall in Cyrodiil to advance in the guild, and be given any sort of responsibility.	
FormID: 0002D283	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	3	They can be done in any order, but they all must be sent in to the Council before you can enter the Arcane University.	
__誰からでもいいが、彼ら全員が評議会に推薦を送って初めて君はArcane Universityに入学することが出来る。
__順番は不問ですが、Arcane Universityに入学するには、全支部からの推薦を得る必要があります。
__順序はありませんが、その全てからCouncilに推薦状が提出されれば、Arcane Universityへの立ち入りが許されます。
FormID: 0002D284	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	0	Then I declare you to now be an Associate of the Mages Guild. Welcome to the ranks.	
FormID: 0002D284	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	1	You'll need to acquire recommendations from all the local guild hall leaders to advance further in the guild.	
FormID: 0002D284	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	2	If they're smart, they'll take the opportunity to have you perform a small service for them. One good turn deserves another, after all.	
FormID: 0002D284	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	3	We have a responsibility to look after one another, don't we? I dare say we do, no matter what the costs.	
FormID: 0002D286	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	0	Very good! You are now an Associate of the Mages Guild. What a wonderful opportunity for you!	
__いいでしょう!あなたは今からMages GuildのAssociateです。あなたにとって素晴らしい機会よ!
__いいでしょう!あなたは今からMages GuildのAssociateです。すばらしいチャンスよ!
FormID: 0002D286	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	1	Now, please keep in mind that you'll need recommendations from every local guild hall in Cyrodiil before you may enter the Arcane University.	
__Arcane Universityに入学するためにはCyrodiilの各地方ギルドから推薦状をもらう必要があることを肝に銘じておいてね。
__Arcane Universityに入学するためにはCyrodiilの全ギルド支部から推薦をもらう必要があることを肝に銘じておいてね。
FormID: 0002D286	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	2	I dare say my opinion might carry more weight than others, if you take my meaning. Still, all are necessary to proceed. Good luck to you!	
FormID: 0002D287	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	0	I expect this will end in disaster, but nonetheless, I will grant your request.	
FormID: 0002D287	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	1	Very well... you are now an Associate of the Mages Guild.	
FormID: 0002D287	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	2	To advance in the guild, you'll need recommendations from each local guild hall in Cyrodiil. A feat which I'm sure will elude you completely.	
FormID: 0002D287	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	3	If you manage to actually receive the recommendations, you'll be eligible for entrance to the Arcane University. I shall be quite surprised, as well.	
__何とか推薦を受けることができれば、君はArcane Universityに入学を許されるだろう。そのようなことになれば私は驚くだろうが。
__何とか推薦を受けることができれば、Arcane University入学の資格が得られる。そうなったら驚きだね。
FormID: 0002D287	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	4	Now unless you wish to attempt to impress me with your no doubt staggering intellect, I have actual work to attend to.	
FormID: 0002D288	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	0	Welcome, child, to the Guild of Mages. You shall be called Associate by all.	
FormID: 0002D288	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	1	Recommendations you need, from all guild halls in Cyrodiil. None will be easy to acquire. Too many motives, too much noise.	
FormID: 0002D288	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	2	May luck be with you, and may your wisdom guide you well. The Arcane University will need your help someday. I have seen it.	
__貴方に幸運がありますように、そして知が君をより良く導くように。Arcane Universityは、いつか君の手を必要とするでしょう。その光景が見えるのです。
__あなたに幸運がありますように、そして知恵があなたを良く導きますように。Arcane Universityは、いつかあなたの手を必要とするでしょう。その光景が見えたのです。
__あなたに幸運を、そして知恵によって導かれんことを。Arcane Universityは、いつかあなたの助けを必要とするでしょう。それが見えました。
FormID: 0002D289	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	0	Then you are now an Associate of the Mages Guild.	
FormID: 0002D289	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	1	You must receive a recommendation from every local guild hall in Cyrodiil before you may advance through the ranks of the guild.	
FormID: 0002D289	MG00Join	MG00JoinA	2	In the meantime, as a member of the guild, you now have full access to the guild halls around Cyrodiil. Only the Arcane University is closed to you.	
__ところで、ギルドのメンバーとして、今から君はCyrodiil中の全ギルド支部への立ち入りを許される。Arcane Universityだけは別だが。
__ところで、ギルドのメンバーとして、今から君はCyrodiil中の全ギルド支部の利用が可能になった。Arcane Universityだけはまだダメだが。
FormID: 0002D071	MG00Join	MG00JoinB	0	No? Very well. Should you change your mind, you know where to find me.	
FormID: 0002D072	MG00Join	MG00JoinB	0	Hmm. Well, that's your choice.	
FormID: 0002D073	MG00Join	MG00JoinB	0	No? Joining the guild is a good idea for anyone who wishes to become a powerful mage, you know.	
FormID: 0002D074	MG00Join	MG00JoinB	0	I see. Let me know if you change your mind. I'm sure I could be helpful.	
FormID: 0002D075	MG00Join	MG00JoinB	0	Hrmph. Not much of a loss, if you ask me.	
FormID: 0002D076	MG00Join	MG00JoinB	0	As you say. Perhaps fate will return you to us, someday?	
FormID: 0002D077	MG00Join	MG00JoinB	0	Well then. If you re-think your decision, I'll be around.	

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