editlog - ソース表示 (201210)

editlog - ソース表示 (201210)

ページ名 Vanilla/Dialogue/FGD04Defector (閲覧)
投稿者ID p3TLCTpys46
投稿日 2012-10-15 (Mon) 23:28:16
差分情報 [ 差分 | 現在との差分 | ソース ]
投稿時変更行 追加:5, 削除:2

FormID: 0003375E	FGD04Defector	GOODBYE	0	Next time, on time, please.	
FormID: 0003376C	FGD04Defector	GOODBYE	0	I'll be waiting right here.	
FormID: 00033784	FGD04Defector	GOODBYE	0	You're wasting your time.	
FormID: 000335DD	FGD04Defector	GOODBYE	0	You're staring at me again.	
FormID: 000335E7	FGD04Defector	GOODBYE	0	Stop staring at me. Let's get to work.	
FormID: 0003374F	FGD04Defector	HELLO	0	Good enough.	
FormID: 00033771	FGD04Defector	HELLO	0	No more delays, please.	
FormID: 00033786	FGD04Defector	HELLO	0	Oh, look. You again.	
FormID: 000335D6	FGD04Defector	HELLO	0	What's the story on Maglir and his contract?	
__Maglir と契約は一体どうなったんだ?	
FormID: 000335DA	FGD04Defector	HELLO	0	Go ahead.	
FormID: 0002EE5B	FGD04Defector	GREETING	0	Well, have you found that imp gall for me yet? I've got some research I need to get to.	
__おや、もう imp gall は見つかったのかい? 私にはやらなきゃいけない研究があるの。	do not REC
__おや、もう imp gall は見つかったのかい? 私にはやらなきゃいけない研究があるの。
FormID: 0002EE5C	FGD04Defector	GREETING	0	It's about time someone from the Fighters Guild showed up. I've got work for you to do. I need imp gall for my research.	
__そろそろ戦士ギルドから誰か現れてもいい頃だと思っていたわ。あんたにやってもらいたい仕事があるの。研究用に imp gall が要るのよ。	
__いい加減に戦士ギルドの人が現れてもいい頃だと思っていたわ。あなたに仕事よ。研究用のimp gallが必要なの。	
FormID: 0002EE5D	FGD04Defector	GREETING	0	Got nothing else to say to you. Get out of here before I get angry.	
FormID: 0002EE5E	FGD04Defector	GREETING	0	You again. I imagine I know why you're here, guild rat.	
FormID: 0002EE5F	FGD04Defector	GREETING	0	What is it? Shouldn't you be taking care of Maglir's contract?	
__何だ? Maglir の契約は片付いたのか?	
FormID: 0002EE61	FGD04Defector	GREETING	0	Yes? I assume you've spoken to that lout Maglir?	
__ん? 当然あの田舎者の Maglir と話をして来たんだろ?	
FormID: 0002EE62	FGD04Defector	GREETING	0	What is it? You're supposed to find Maglir.	
__何だ? Maglir を見つけたのか。	
FormID: 0002EE75	FGD04Defector	GREETING	0	You again. Fine. I imagine you're looking for work from me.	
FormID: 0002EE70	FGD04Defector	BlackwoodCompany	0	I just don't trust them. I know they're efficient -- a bit too efficient for my liking. Some endeavors demand time and care.	
FormID: 0002E59F	FGD04Defector	defaulted	0	Defaulted? That all you talk about? I'm Blackwood Company now. Plenty of work, the pay is good, and I don't have Oreyn on my back all the time.	
FormID: 0002EE69	FGD04Defector	defaulted	0	Wish I knew what happened. He had a contract for a local mage in Bravil. Didn't seem like a particularly difficult assignment.	
FormID: 0002EE69	FGD04Defector	defaulted	1	He hasn't reported to the client at all. Get yourself down to Bravil and find Maglir. Make sure that contract of his gets done. And send him to me.	
FormID: 0002E581	FGD04Defector	duties	0	Good that you took care of it. This whole Blackwood Company business is starting to chafe.	
__お前が契約を終わらせてくれて良かったよ。この Blackwood Company の商売全体がすり減り始めているな。
FormID: 0002E584	FGD04Defector	duties	0	Take care of Maglir's contract. Then report back to me.	
__Maglir の契約の面倒をみてこい。終わったら報告するんだぞ。
FormID: 0002E585	FGD04Defector	duties	0	He's what??? That little lump of guar dung! You get back to Bravil and take care of that contract. I need to think about this.	
__奴が何だって??? あのグアーのウンコ野郎が! お前は Bravil に戻って、依頼をやっつけろ。何か考えないとだめだな。
FormID: 0002E586	FGD04Defector	duties	0	You need to track down Maglir. Again. Look for him in Bravil. Now go.	
__Maglir を追いかけろ。もう一度だ。 Bravil で奴を探し出んだ。すぐに行け。
FormID: 0002E59D	FGD04Defector	duties	0	I'm going to need you to find Maglir again. The little fetcher.	
__お前はもう一度 Maglir に会ってこなきゃならねぇ。カスが!
FormID: 0002C5BF	FGD04Defector	FGD04Choice3	0	They weren't always a threat. Small scale mercenary band, until Ri'Zakar took over. Then came the fat Imperial contracts.	
__奴等は別に脅威というわけじゃなかった。小さな傭兵の集まりだったのさ、 Ri'Zakar が支配するまではな。それから多額の Imperial の契約を扱うようになったんだ。	
FormID: 0002C5BF	FGD04Defector	FGD04Choice3	1	After a mission in Black Marsh, they set up shop in Leyawiin. More ruthless than ever. It needs investigating. First, though, you need advancement.	
__ Black Marsh での任務の後、奴等は Leyawiin で商売を始めたんだ。これまで以上に手段を選ばなくなってちまった。調査が要る。だが、まずお前は昇進が必要だ。
__Black Marshでの任務の後、奴等はLeyawiinで商売を始めたんだ。これまで以上に手段を選ばなくなっちまった。調査が要る。だが、まずお前は昇進が必要だ。
FormID: 0002E59E	FGD04Defector	MaglirTOPIC2	0	I can't believe we lost another to that bunch. Well done taking care of the contract, though. We can't afford to lose any of them, these days.	
FormID: 0002E59E	FGD04Defector	MaglirTOPIC2	1	Here's your payment for completion of the contract. I think it's time for us to discuss the Blackwood Company a bit.	
__お前が片付けた契約の報酬はこれだ。Blackwood Company について少し検討する頃かもしれねえな。	
FormID: 0002EE65	FGD04Defector	MaglirTOPIC2	0	Take care of his contract. We'll discuss him later.	
FormID: 0002EE66	FGD04Defector	MaglirTOPIC2	0	The little bastard! We took him in when no one else would. This is how he repays us? Talk to Aryarie in Bravil. She's our client. Do the job.	
__あのカスが! 誰もが見捨てたのを俺達が拾ってやったのに。恩を仇で返すつもりか? Bravil の Aryarie に話をするんだ。彼女は顧客だ。仕事を済ませて来い。	
FormID: 0002EE6A	FGD04Defector	MaglirTOPIC2	0	That's right. The little vermin has defaulted on another contract. I need you to go babysit him again.	
FormID: 000366C3	FGD04Defector	MaglirTOPIC2	0	I think he's around here somewhere.	
FormID: 000366C4	FGD04Defector	MaglirTOPIC2	0	Maglir? I think I've seen him. Try in the Lonely Suitor Lodge.	
__Maglir ? 見たと思うけど。 Lonely Suitor Lodge で当たってみたら。	
FormID: 0002EE63	FGD04Defector	ImpGallTOPIC	0	Ah... you've got it. Looks fresh, too! I realize that you'll be paid by your superior, but take this as well. It might come in handy in your work.	
__あっ…手に入れたのね。それも新鮮だわ! 上司の方から報酬が支払われるんでしょうけど、ついでにこれを持っていきなさい。仕事する上で役に立つかもしれないわ。	
FormID: 0002EE64	FGD04Defector	ImpGallTOPIC	0	Doesn't look like you have it yet. Let me know when you do.	
FormID: 0002EE71	FGD04Defector	ImpGallTOPIC	0	I need imp gall for my studies. Ten portions of it, in fact. Since I hired the Fighters Guild, I expect you to get it done. And carefully, please.	
__研究の為に imp gall が必要なの。ざっと10個はいるわ。戦士ギルドを雇ったからには、やってくれると期待してるわ。ただ気を付けてね。	Do Not REC
__研究の為に imp gall が必要なの。ざっと10個はいるわ。戦士ギルドを雇ったからには、やってくれると期待してるわ。ただ気を付けてね。
__研究用のimp gallが必要なの。ざっと10個ね。戦士ギルドを雇ったからには、期待して待っているわ。もちろん、安全第一で。
FormID: 0002EE71	FGD04Defector	ImpGallTOPIC	1	You might check Robbers Glen Cave for the imp gall. That place has been known to contain the imps.	
__imp gall を集めるには Robbers Glen Cave を調べるのがいいかもね。あの場所は imp 達がいる事で知られているわ。
__imp gallを集めるにはRobbers Glen Caveがいいかもしれない。Impがいることで知られる場所よ。
FormID: 0002EE6E	FGD04Defector	FGD04Choice2	0	Honor, huh? I prefer feeding my family. I figure I owe you one for covering for me, so I'll let you leave. Get moving, before I forget myself.	
FormID: 0002EE6F	FGD04Defector	FGD04Choice2	0	That means a lot, coming from you. You think I didn't hear about you ratting me out to Oreyn? Now get out of here before my friend and I get angry.	
__お前が言うとは、大したもんだな。 Oreyn に告げ口した事を俺が知らないとでも思っているのか? 俺や連れの怒りを買う前に今すぐ出て行くんだな。
FormID: 0002EE6B	FGD04Defector	FGD04Choice1	0	Oh? I know you're the one who ratted me out to Oreyn about that other contract. Go back to Oreyn. Give him my regards. We're done talking. 	
__ああ? 前の契約の事で Oreyn に告げ口したことはわかってるんだ。 Oreyn の所へ戻って、よろしく言っといてくれ。話は済んだぜ。	
FormID: 0002EE6C	FGD04Defector	FGD04Choice1	0	Look, I know that you covered for me before, so I'll give you this one. Talk to Aryarie at the Mages Guild for the job. After this, we're done.	
__いいか、以前俺を庇ってくれたことは知っている、だから一つ教えといてやるよ。仕事の事はメイジギルドの Aryarie に話をしろ。これを最後に、お別れだ。
__いいか、以前俺を庇ってくれたことは知っている、だから一つ教えといてやるよ。仕事の事はMages Guildの Aryarie に話をしろ。これを最後に、お別れだ。

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