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ページ名 Vanilla/Dialogue/Dark05Assassinated (閲覧)
投稿日 2013-05-04 (Sat) 21:43:18
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FormID: 0002D395	Dark05Assassinated	Yield	0	Aggh! What are you doing? No, no... you must use the POISONED blade!	
__うわぁっ! あんた何やってんだ! や、やめろ! あの毒物を塗った刃を使う話になってただろ!
FormID: 0002DA1C	Dark05Assassinated	Yield	0	Aggh! Not yet! You must wait until Hides-His-Heart gets here! You must cut me with the knife in his presence, so he thinks you've killed me!	
__うわぁっ! まだだ! お前は Hides-His-Heart が来るまで待たないと! 奴の目の前で俺を斬りつければ、奴はお前が俺を殺したと思いこむだろ! 
FormID: 0002F257	Dark05Assassinated	HELLO	0	*Gasp!*	
FormID: 0002F258	Dark05Assassinated	HELLO	0	Hides-His-Heart will be here any moment!	
FormID: 00086965	Dark05Assassinated	HELLO	0	Oh! Oh look! My goodness... Two people here to confront me! Whatever shall I do?	
FormID: 0002D396	Dark05Assassinated	HELLO	0	Ooohhh...	
FormID: 0002EDD0	Dark05Assassinated	HELLO	0	Oh, my head...	
FormID: 0002EDD1	Dark05Assassinated	HELLO	0	I... I must get to the Grey Mare. Must get away from here... 	
FormID: 0002EE99	Dark05Assassinated	HELLO	0	Ah, the Gray Mare! Chorrol's finest repository of wine, women and song!	
FormID: 0002F52E	Dark05Assassinated	HELLO	0	Oooohhh...	
FormID: 00086966	Dark05Assassinated	HELLO	0	I have a job to do, and nothing will stand in my way!	
FormID: 000253B6	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	0	Oh! Well... um, hello. You must be the one Lucien Lachance told me about. I've been expecting you. We haven't got much time, I'm afraid.	
__うわっ!あ…どうも。Lucien Lachanceが言っていた者だね。待っていたよ。残念なことに、あまり時間がないんだ。	
FormID: 000253B6	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	1	I borrowed quite a bit of gold from some underworld types.  I... I missed a payment. Now they don't even want the money. They say I insulted them!	
FormID: 000253B6	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	2	They've sent an enforcer to kill me! His name is Hides-His-Heart, and he's on his way here now! That's why I hired you! So you can fake my death!	
FormID: 0002F08C	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	0	Now is not the time!	
FormID: 0002F08D	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	0	Ohhh... I'm a bit stiff, but quite fine otherwise. Ah yes, the Undercroft. My family members are buried here, you know.	
FormID: 0002F08D	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	1	Which... um... leads me to something I may have failed to mention before. My ancestors will see my [QUOTE]revival[QUOTE] as a desecration of their tomb.	
FormID: 0002F08D	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	2	This Undercroft is... well... quite cursed. Any desecration will cause my ancestors to rise from their graves and defend their resting place.	
FormID: 0002F08D	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	3	I can hear them coming as we speak! You must protect me... escort me to the Gray Mare where I can buy passage out of Chorrol!	
__こうしている間にもご先祖さまが近づく音が聞こえるんだ。守ってくれ…Chorroを出るための通行手形を買うことができるGray Mareまで護衛してくれ!	
FormID: 0002F08D	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	4	*Gasp!* Here they come! Oh my, Aunt Margaret! You are looking the worse for wear...	
FormID: 0002D393	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	0	Ah, so Motierre has escaped? Well done! As payment, I am pleased to award you this amulet, Cruelty's Heart, as well as another advancement in rank.	
__おお、そうか_Motierre_は脱出したのだな?_よくやった!_報酬として喜んでこのアミュレット、『_Cruelty's Heart_』を与えよう、加えて新たなランクへの昇進もだ。	
FormID: 0002D393	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	1	I hereby bestow upon you the title of Eliminator. Your blood is cold, your heart hard. You exemplify everything the Dark Brotherhood stands for.	
FormID: 0002D393	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	2	I present to you now this key. It unlocks the well behind the Abandoned House above. Use it to gain hidden, quick access to this Sanctuary.	
FormID: 0002D3A3	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	0	So, you are here to kill Motierre, eh? Well he's mine, and nothing will stand in my way!	
FormID: 0002EE29	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	0	Is it not safe? Do you want me to wait here?	
FormID: 0002EE2D	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	0	Ah, the Gray Mare! From here I will be able to arrange for transportation out of Cyrodiil! You have served me well, assassin.	
__ああ、Gray Mareだ!ここでCyrodiilを離れる移動手段の手配ができるはずだ!世話になったな、アサシン。	
FormID: 0002EE2D	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	1	Francois is forever in your debt! Farewell!	
FormID: 0002EE2E	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	0	Thanks again, assassin. Your services have been invaluable. Soon I will find passage out of Cyrodiil, and be rid of those moneylenders forever!	
FormID: 0002EE2F	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	0	So, the enforcer Hides-His-Heart has been killed. He was to bear witness to Motierre's death, and report back to his superiors.  	
FormID: 0002EE2F	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	1	By failing to fulfill this contract, you have brought shame upon us all. Leave me now, and contemplate your uselessness as a member of this family.	
FormID: 0002EE30	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	0	So, Francois Motierre has been killed. He hired us, sacrificed his own mother's blood, and we could not even fulfill our end of the bargain.	
FormID: 0002EE30	Dark05Assassinated	GREETING	1	By failing to fulfill this contract, you have brought shame upon us all. Leave me now, and contemplate your uselessness as a member of this family.	
FormID: 000253D8	Dark05Assassinated	specialarrangement	0	The Dark Brotherhood is not in the business of staging deaths, no matter how much gold is offered. Sithis demands blood, and blood must be paid.	
FormID: 000253D8	Dark05Assassinated	specialarrangement	1	In order to accept the contract, we demanded a life. Motierre offered his mother, and we accepted. Lucien has already taken care of that... detail.	
FormID: 00023C10	Dark05Assassinated	contract	0	The knife I gave you has been coated with a rare poison called Languorwine. You need only cut Motierre once, and he will appear to die.   	
FormID: 000253E1	Dark05Assassinated	contract	0	What a pathetic contract. Play acting and running, but no actual killing? I can see why Vicenti gave it to you... coward.	
FormID: 000253E2	Dark05Assassinated	contract	0	What? Fake a death? And you can't even kill the enforcer? I don't envy you, friend. But a contract's a contract. Just do what you've got to do.	
FormID: 000253E3	Dark05Assassinated	contract	0	For giving you this contract, Ocheeva is wise beyond her years. You will fail in your task, and die in the process.	
FormID: 000253E4	Dark05Assassinated	contract	0	The enforcer will not appreciate your little show. He'll likely attack you on sight, but you must resist the urge to fight back!	
FormID: 000253E5	Dark05Assassinated	contract	0	Remember, timing is everything. You need to slash Motierre with the blade in Hides-His-Heart's presence, and then flee before the enforcer can react.	
FormID: 000253E6	Dark05Assassinated	contract	0	Bah! You have neither the skill nor the daring to fulfill this contract. I hope the moneylender cuts out your heart.	
FormID: 000253E7	Dark05Assassinated	contract	0	It just so happens I am familiar with the Chorrol Chapel Undercroft. You're as good as dead.	
FormID: 000253E8	Dark05Assassinated	contract	0	I once slept in the Chorrol Chapel Undercroft. It's damp, cold... and cursed! Getting Motierre out of there may be a challenge.	
__以前_Chorrol_Chapel_の聖堂地下室で住み込みをしたことがあるの。湿っぽく、寒くて…呪われているわ!_ Motierre_をそこから出すのは難関よ。	 
FormID: 000282FE	Dark05Assassinated	poisonedknifetopic	0	The blade has been coated with a rare poison called Languorwine. One drop in a normal human bloodstream will mimic the effects of death immediately.	
FormID: 000282FE	Dark05Assassinated	poisonedknifetopic	1	I have provided you with a vial of antidote, which will be used to revive Francois Motierre after you successfully stage his death.	
FormID: 000282FE	Dark05Assassinated	poisonedknifetopic	2	You should also know that there's only enough Languorwine on the blade for this one contract. After Motierre is sliced, the knife will be useless.	
FormID: 0002EE2C	Dark05Assassinated	Dark05Choice1B	0	Very good. Let us hurry to the Gray Mare!	
FormID: 0002EE2A	Dark05Assassinated	Dark05Choice1A	0	Very well. I will wait here until you return. You... you will return, won't you?	
FormID: 0004CAD1	Dark05Assassinated	Dark05Choice2C	0	When... When Hides-His-Heart gets here, I'll put on a little act. You'll cut me with your poison knife, and that idiot will think I'm dead! Okay?	
FormID: 0004CAD1	Dark05Assassinated	Dark05Choice2C	1	After that, you must flee from Chorrol, and Hides-His-Heart must not be killed! That way he can go back and tell his employers I'm dead.   	
FormID: 0004CAD1	Dark05Assassinated	Dark05Choice2C	2	If you wait a day my [QUOTE]body[QUOTE] will be put on display in the Chorrol Chapel Undercroft. You can come to me then and administer the antidote.	
FormID: 0004CAD1	Dark05Assassinated	Dark05Choice2C	3	Got all that? Good! Hides-His-Heart will be here any moment. Get ready! Oh, I do hope this works...                            	
FormID: 0004CAD0	Dark05Assassinated	Dark05Choice2B	0	Oh! Sorry! Please, I'm sorry! See, when Hides-His-Heart gets here, I'll put on a little act. Then you cut me with the knife, and it looks like I die!	
FormID: 0004CAD0	Dark05Assassinated	Dark05Choice2B	1	You must then flee from Chorrol, and Hides-His-Heart must not be killed! That way he can go back and tell his employers I'm dead.   	
FormID: 0004CAD0	Dark05Assassinated	Dark05Choice2B	2	If you wait a day my [QUOTE]body[QUOTE] will be put on display in the Chorrol Chapel Undercroft. You can come to me then and administer the antidote.	
FormID: 0004CAD0	Dark05Assassinated	Dark05Choice2B	3	Got all that? Good! Hides-His-Heart will be here any moment. Get ready! Oh, I do hope this works...                            	
FormID: 0004CACF	Dark05Assassinated	Dark05Choice2A	0	Well, when Hides-His-Heart gets here, I'll put on a little act. You'll cut me with your poison knife, and that vile enforcer will think I'm dead.	
FormID: 0004CACF	Dark05Assassinated	Dark05Choice2A	1	You must then flee from Chorrol, and Hides-His-Heart must not be killed! That way he can go back and tell his employers I'm dead.   	
FormID: 0004CACF	Dark05Assassinated	Dark05Choice2A	2	If you wait a day my [QUOTE]body[QUOTE] will be put on display in the Chorrol Chapel Undercroft. You can come to me then and administer the antidote.	
FormID: 0004CACF	Dark05Assassinated	Dark05Choice2A	3	Got all that? Good! Hides-His-Heart will be here any moment. Get ready! Oh, I do hope this works...                            	
FormID: 0004CACE	Dark05Assassinated	HidesHeartTalk	0	Motierre! I know you're in there! My employers are most displeased. I'm coming in and you can beg for your life. Not that it will do any good! Ha ha!	

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