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ページ名 Vanilla/Dialogue/MSConversations (閲覧)
投稿者ID Fpl1hTtZqkJ
投稿日 2014-09-02 (Tue) 23:21:50
差分情報 [ 差分 | 現在との差分 | ソース ]
投稿時変更行 追加:4, 削除:0

FormID: 000343B2	MSConversations	GOODBYE	0	Take care, father.	
FormID: 000343B6	MSConversations	GOODBYE	0	Goodbye, darling.	
FormID: 000343B5	MSConversations	HELLO	0	Hello, father.	
FormID: 000343B8	MSConversations	HELLO	0	How are you doing, dear?	
FormID: 000343BE	MSConversations	HELLO	0	What is it, Barthel?	
FormID: 0002B533	MSConversations	MS18Convo	0	I don't think I'm going to make it!	
FormID: 0002B534	MSConversations	MS18Convo	0	I could use a hand here!	
FormID: 0001CB75	MSConversations	MS18Convo	0	Why not? We can't just let those creatures live, and no one else is going to do anything about it, so we should get going!	
FormID: 0001CB76	MSConversations	MS18Convo	0	Patience, Antus. He'll be here as soon as he can. Don't be so anxious to go rushing into battle.	
FormID: 0001CB77	MSConversations	MS18Convo	0	Why isn't he here yet? What's taking him so long? He knew we were coming back for him...	
FormID: 0002B1C9	MSConversations	MS18Convo	0	Father's not scared - don't you dare say that! You'll see when he gets here. I'll ask him, and then you'll see!	
FormID: 0002B1CA	MSConversations	MS18Convo	0	I'm here because even though I'm afraid, I know that we have to do this. Father would feel the same way.	
FormID: 0001CB78	MSConversations	MS18Convo	0	If you don't want to be doing this, then why are you even here? Father and I can handle this.	
FormID: 0001CB79	MSConversations	MS18Convo	0	This is no joke, Antus, and it's nothing to be excited about.	
FormID: 0001CB7A	MSConversations	MS18Convo	0	I just can't wait. This is going to be the greatest fight ever!	
FormID: 0001CB7B	MSConversations	MS18Convo	0	Antus, calm down. We'll be leaving soon enough.	
FormID: 000699F2	MSConversations	MS48Convo	0	Over here! Quickly!	
FormID: 000699F5	MSConversations	MS48Convo	0	In the cage! Over here!	
FormID: 00024829	MSConversations	MS48Convo	0	Civilians! It's time to move out! Let's go!	
FormID: 0002482A	MSConversations	MS48Convo	0	Sir, yes sir!	
FormID: 0002482B	MSConversations	MS48Convo	0	You will, soldier. Once they're secure, get back here immediately. We'll need every available blade, and there'll be plenty of fighting to go around.	
FormID: 00024836	MSConversations	MS48Convo	0	But, sir! I want to help fight!	
FormID: 00024839	MSConversations	MS48Convo	0	Very well. The area outside the Chapel has been cleared, and these people need to be taken to safety. Escort them to the camp south of here at once.	
FormID: 0002483A	MSConversations	MS48Convo	0	There were others, sir. But they refused to stay put. We tried to convince them it was dangerous, but they left anyway. I guess they didn't make it.	
FormID: 0002483C	MSConversations	MS48Convo	0	That's it? There's no one else?	
FormID: 0002483F	MSConversations	MS48Convo	0	Sir, we're all that's left. Berich Inian, myself, and these civilians.	
__残ったのはここにいる者だけです。Berich Inianと小官、そしてこれらの市民たちです。
__生存者はこれで全部です。Berich Inianと私、そしてこれらの市民たちだけです。
FormID: 0002485B	MSConversations	MS48Convo	0	Report, soldier.	
FormID: 00026150	MSConversations	MS48Orders	0	Tierra, get these civilians to the camp south of the city immediately, and then report back here at once!	
FormID: 000343B3	MSConversations	MS46Response	0	Have faith, Aloys. I'm sure my father will think of something.	
FormID: 000343B4	MSConversations	MS46Response	0	Your father was the one that got us into this mess! I'm tired of you always defending him.	
FormID: 000343B7	MSConversations	MS46Response	0	You know what I think. We should go home before the goblins find us and kill us all.	
FormID: 000343BC	MSConversations	MS46Response	0	I wouldn't recommend it, sir. You don't want to put yourselves in the middle of a goblin war.	
FormID: 000343BD	MSConversations	MS46Response	0	I'm sure you're right. You saved our lives back there. I'm just not ready to give up on our dream...	
FormID: 0009813C	MSConversations	MS40Conversation	0	What? Janus... please, no. Let me sleep. Please, let me sleep.	
FormID: 0009813D	MSConversations	MS40Conversation	0	It's all right... it's all right. I've come to give you peace at last.	
FormID: 0009813E	MSConversations	MS40Conversation	0	I can... rest? Truly?	
FormID: 0009813F	MSConversations	MS40Conversation	0	Yes, my dear. Just drink this, and it will all be better.	
FormID: 00098140	MSConversations	MS40Conversation	0	Oh, Janus. Thank you... thank you for saving me.	
FormID: 00098141	MSConversations	MS40Conversation	0	Rona, my dear, it's time to wake up.	
FormID: 000A2E57	MSConversations	MS45Convo	0	Thank you! Let's get out of here!	
FormID: 000A2E58	MSConversations	MS45Convo	0	Have you seen my horse? I can't leave her here!	
FormID: 000343B9	MSConversations	MS46AloysStart	0	I think we should just pack up and go home.	

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