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ページ名 Vanilla/QuestStages/MS-03 (閲覧)
投稿者ID ybWJnndDtr1
投稿日 2015-05-29 (Fri) 04:54:50
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投稿時変更行 追加:3, 削除:0

FormID: 0001F426	MS08	5	0	While in Bravil, I've heard that Ursanne Loche's husband, Aleron, is missing. If I wish to help, I should attempt to locate Ursanne and see if I can find out more information.
__Bravilに滞在中、Ursanne Locheの夫、Aleronが行方不明であることを耳にした。手を貸すならば、Ursanneを探し出してより多くの情報を得られるかどうか確認しなければならない。
FormID: 0001F426	MS08	10	0	I've met Ursanne Loche in Bravil. She's told me that her husband, Aleron Loche is missing and she needs my help to locate him. I should ask her more about Aleron to help determine if I'm interested in helping.
__BravilでUrsanne Locheに会った。彼女は行方不明となっている夫Aleron Locheを探すために助けを必要としている。協力するかどうかを決めるため、Aleronについてもっと話を聞こう。
FormID: 0001F426	MS08	20	0	Aleron owed a great deal of money to an Orc usurer named Kurdan gro-Dragol. He went there a day ago to beg for more time, and hasn't returned since. Kurdan gro-Dragol usually frequents The Lonely Suitor Lodge, which is close by. Perhaps I should pay him a visit.
__AleronはKurdan gro-Dragolという名のOrcの高利貸しから多額の借金をしていたそうだ。彼は昨日期間を延ばしてもらうよう頼みに行ったきり帰ってこないらしい。Kurdan gro-DragolはすぐそばにあるThe Lonely Suitor Lodgeによく行くそうだ。彼を訪ねる必要があるだろう。
__AleronはKurdan gro-Dragolという名のOrcの金貸しから多額の借金をしていたそうだ。彼は昨日支払いを待って貰うよう頼みに行ったきり帰ってこないらしい。Kurdan gro-Dragolはすぐ側にあるThe Lonely Suitor Lodgeによく行くそうだ。彼を訪ねる必要があるだろう。
FormID: 0001F426	MS08	30	0	Kurdan gro-Dragol has told me that he knows the location of Aleron Loche, and if I want him to reveal it to me, I'll have to retrieve an axe that belonged to his father and was lost on Fort Grief Island some time ago. If I don't bring the axe back, he says that Aleron will die. When I'm ready, I need to speak to Kurdan who will provide a boat for me.
__Kurdan gro-DragolはAleron Locheの居場所を知っているようだが、知りたければ、彼の父が持っていたという、以前にFort Grief Islandで失くした斧を取って来る必要があるそうだ。その斧を持ってこなければAleronは死ぬだろうとのことだ。準備でき次第Kurdanに言って小舟を借りる必要がある。
__Kurdan gro-Dragolから、Aleron Locheの居場所を知りたければ以前Fort Grief Islandで失くした彼の父の斧を取って来いと言われた。その斧を取り戻せなければ、Aleronは死ぬだろうとのことだ。準備ができ次第、Kurdanから小舟を借りる必要がある。
FormID: 0001F426	MS08	40	0	Kurdan gro-Dragol told me that the boat is waiting for me at the dock next to the magic shop here in Bravil. I should get underway soon, as I wish to find out what's happened to Aleron.
__Kurdan gro-DragolによるとここBravilの魔法屋の隣にある波止場に小舟があるそうだ。Aleronに起こったことを調べるなら、すぐに向うべきだろう。
__Kurdan gro-Dragolから、ここBravilの魔法店の隣にある波止場で小舟が待っていると言われた。Aleronに何が起きたか知りたいなら、すぐに向かうべきだろう。
FormID: 0001F426	MS08	50	0	I've arrived at Fort Grief. I should proceed inside the ruined keep and begin my search for the axe.
__Fort Griefに着いた。廃墟となっている砦の中へと進み、斧探しを始めよう。
FormID: 0001F426	MS08	60	0	To my surprise, I've come across Aleron Loche inside the ruined keep of Fort Grief! He told me that the search for the axe is a ruse that Kurdan gro-Dragol uses to lure people into the ruins. Apparently, Aleron and I are now the prey in a bizarre hunting sport that Kurdan created. I should talk to Aleron and find out more.
__驚くべきことにFort Griefの廃墟の中でAleron Locheを見付けた! 彼が言うには、斧探しはKurdan gro-Dragolが人々を廃墟へ誘い込むための策略だという。どうやらAleronと共に、Kurdanが作った奇怪な狩猟ゲームの獲物となってしまったようだ。Aleronにもっと話を聞くべきだ。
FormID: 0001F426	MS08	65	0	If Aleron and I are to survive, I need to proceed down into the Hunter's Run and defeat the hunters being sent after us. According to the [QUOTE]rules[QUOTE], one of them will have the key to unlock the door Kurdan sealed behind us. Since Aleron is in no condition to fight, I'll have to seek these hunters out myself.
__Aleronと生き残るには階下のHunter's Runへと進み、後から送り込まれたハンター達を倒さねばならない。『ルール』ではKurdanによって閉じられた扉の鍵をハンターの一人が持っているそうだ。Aleronは戦うことができないため、一人でハンター達を見つけなければならない。
__Aleronと生き残るには階下のHunter's Runへと進み、後から送り込まれたハンター達を倒さねばならない。[QUOTE]ルール[QUOTE]ではKurdanによって閉じられた扉の鍵をハンターの一人が持っているそうだ。Aleronは戦うことができないため、一人でハンター達を見つけなければならない。
FormID: 0001F426	MS08	70	0	I've defeated all of the hunters. I should search the body of the Orc Hunter for the key to the keep door of Fort Grief.
__すべてのハンターを倒した。オーク(Orc)のハンターの死体を調べ、Fort Griefの扉の鍵を探そう。
__すべてのハンターを倒した。Orcのハンターの死体を調べ、Fort Griefの扉の鍵を探そう。
FormID: 0001F426	MS08	75	0	I've found the key to the door of the keep at Fort Grief. I should now return to Aleron and get us both off this island.
__Fort Griefの扉の鍵を見つけた。Aleronのところへ戻り、この島を発とう。
FormID: 0001F426	MS08	80	0	I've returned to find Kurdan himself standing over the corpse of Aleron, whom he'd murdered. I had no choice but to attack and slay him. I should search Kurdan's corpse for anything that may help me get out of these ruins.
FormID: 0001F426	MS08	90	0	The key I discovered on the Orc Hunter was indeed a fake and the real key was on Kurdan's body. He'd never intended to let us leave whether we won his demented hunt or not. The real key should allow me to unlock the gateroom inside the Hunter's Run and then leave Fort Grief. I will then have to bring Ursanne the sad news.
__オーク(Orc)のハンターから見付けた鍵はやはり偽物であり、本物の鍵はKurdanの死体から見つかった。我々がこの狂った狩猟に勝とうが負けようが、帰すつもりは無かったようだ。この本物の鍵があればHunter's Runの中にある扉を開錠し、Fort Griefを去ることができる。そして、Ursanneには悲しい知らせを届けることになるだろう。
__Orcのハンターから見付けた鍵はやはり偽物であり、本物の鍵はKurdanの死体から見つかった。我々がこの狂った狩猟に勝とうが負けようが、帰すつもりは無かったようだ。この本物の鍵があればHunter's Runの中にある扉を開錠し、Fort Griefを去ることができる。そして、Ursanneには悲しい知らせを届けることになるだろう。
FormID: 0001F426	MS08	100	0	I've told Ursanne about her husband's death. I said that he fought bravely and that his thoughts were with her before he died. She thanked me for my kind words and bestowed a book upon me that belonged to Aleron. I know that I did the best I could, but at least Aleron's death was avenged.
FormID: 0001F426	MS08	150	0	One of the characters needed to complete this quest has died.
FormID: 00017837	MS09	10	0	I've heard that Arnora Auria of Bruma is looking for some help recovering some money that was stolen from her. I should make my way to her house and see if I can help.
__BrumaのArnora Auriaが、盗まれた金を取り戻すための助けを求めていると聞いた。彼女の家へ行き、手助けできるかどうか確かめよう。
FormID: 00017837	MS09	15	0	I've spoken to Arnora, but it sounds like she wants me to do something potentially illegal. I've told her I'm not interested. It sounded like she'd welcome me back if I changed my mind.
FormID: 00017837	MS09	20	0	Arnora told me about a particular crime that she was forced to help her lover, Jorundr, commit. They stole some gold and buried it, but Jorundr was arrested. When she returned to the hiding place, the gold was gone. Jorundr must have moved it. Now she wants to recover the money. I should go to Bruma Castle Dungeons and speak to him.
FormID: 00017837	MS09	30	0	Jorundr refused to speak to me. He said that he doesn't talk to [QUOTE]outsiders[QUOTE]. I think he's referring to the fact that I'm not a prisoner. Sounds like the only way to get him to talk is by getting arrested.
FormID: 00017837	MS09	35	0	I've committed a crime and been sent to jail. This may be the perfect opportunity to speak to Jorundr about the stolen gold.
FormID: 00017837	MS09	35	1	I've committed a crime and been sent to jail. Perhaps now I can convince Jorundr to tell me about the stolen gold.
FormID: 00017837	MS09	40	0	Jorundr had a completely different take on what happened with Arnora. He says she turned him in, hoping to get the gold for herself, but he had moved it. He's furious and wants revenge. Jorundr then offered to give me all of the gold if I kill her. All I have to do is show him her amulet.
FormID: 00017837	MS09	50	0	I've slain Arnora. I should take the amulet off her body and bring it to Jorundr.
FormID: 00017837	MS09	60	0	I've convinced Arnora to give me her amulet. However, I've agreed to split the gold with her. She gave me the key to unlock the chest next to her bed. Inside is the amulet Jorundr is looking for. I should retrieve it and bring it to the Bruma Castle Dungeon.
FormID: 00017837	MS09	70	0	I've shown Arnora's Amulet to Jorundr. He revealed the location of the treasure as being buried outside the town wall.
FormID: 00017837	MS09	100	0	I've found the treasure that Jorundr concealed outside the walls of Bruma.
FormID: 00017837	MS09	140	0	I've killed a corrupt guard named Tyrellius Logellus near the stashed loot. Apparently, he had overheard my conversation with Jorundr in the Bruma Castle Dungeons and wanted the gold for himself. I think he's also killed Arnora. I can now recover the gold unhindered.
__盗品の隠された場所の近くにいた、Tyrellius Logellusという名の汚職衛兵を殺した。どうもこいつは、金欲しさにBrumaの城の地下牢での、Jorundrとの会話を盗み聞きしていたらしい。Arnoraも殺したようだ。もう邪魔されることなく金を回収できる。
__盗品の隠された場所の近くにいた、Tyrellius Logellusという名の汚職衛兵を殺した。どうやら彼は、金欲しさにBrumaの城の地下牢での、Jorundrとの会話を盗み聞きしていたらしい。Arnoraも殺したようだ。もう邪魔されることなく金を回収できる。
FormID: 00017837	MS09	150	0	I've found the treasure that Jorundr concealed. I should go check to see if Tyrellius was telling the truth about Arnora.
FormID: 00017837	MS09	160	0	I've found Arnora's body in her house. Tyrellius has indeed killed her. I should probably leave before the town guard thinks I had something to do with it. On the bright side, all of Jorundr's gold is now mine.
FormID: 00017837	MS09	180	0	Arnora's death occurred before I struck a bargain with Jorundr and if he would have rewarded me before, he certainly won't now.
FormID: 00017837	MS09	200	0	One of the characters needed to complete this quest has died.
FormID: 00017838	MS10	10	0	I was told by one of the townspeople in Cheydinhal that the guards have been imposing heavy and unfair fines lately. This seemed to begin ever since the new Captain of the Guard, Ulrich Leland, took office. I was referred to Llevana Nedaren, who lives in the south end of town, as she is the most vocal about her dislike of the new commander.
__Cheydinhalで、街の住民から、最近衛兵が重く、不公平な罰金を課していると聞かされた。それは新しいガードの隊長、Ulrich Lelandが就任してからのようだ。そして街の南端に住む、新しい指揮官を嫌いだと最も言っている、Llevana Nedarenについて言い及んできた。
__Cheydinhalの住民から、最近衛兵が重く、不公平な罰金を課していると聞かされた。それは新しい衛兵の隊長、Ulrich Lelandが就任してから始まったようだ。そして新しい指揮官への嫌悪を激しく主張している、街の南端に住むLlevana Nedarenのことも聞いた。
FormID: 00017838	MS10	20	0	Llevana Nedaren told me about the plight of a good friend of hers, Aldos Othran. She explained how he was evicted from his home for non-payment of fines and expressed her hatred of Ulrich. She mentioned that Ulrich's second in command, Garrus Darelliun, seemed sympathetic to the people's plight. I should speak to Garrus next about this matter.
__Llevana Nedarenは、Aldos Othranという彼女の友達の苦境について語った。彼女は、どのようにして彼が罰金の不払いによって家から退去させられたかを、Ulrichへの憎しみを表して説明した。彼女は、Ulrichの副官、Garrus Darelliunが、人々の苦境にたいして同情的なようだと述べた。次に、この問題についてGarrusと話すべきだ。
__Llevana Nedarenは、Aldos Othranという友人の苦境について語った。その友人が罰金の不払いによって家から退去させられた様を彼女は説明し、Ulrichへの憎しみをあらわにした。しかし、Ulrichの副官Garrus Darelliunは、人々の苦境にたいして同情的なようだと彼女は付け加えた。次に、この問題についてGarrusと話すべきだ。
FormID: 00017838	MS10	30	0	Garrus Darelliun let me know his dislike of his commanding officer and took it a step further by letting me know he thinks Ulrich is pocketing much of the money from the inflated fines. He said I should speak to Aldos, as Garrus needs a witness to bring Ulrich to justice.
__Garrus Darellliunは、彼の上官がいかに嫌いかを教えてきた。さらに進んで、こちらの知らせによって、彼はUlrichが高い罰金から多額の金を懐に入れていると考えている。彼はUlrichを正義において連行するために証拠が必要なので、Aldosに話すように言った。
__Garrus Darellliunは彼の上官への嫌悪を表した。さらに彼は、Ulrichが増加した罰金から多額の金を懐に入れているとも考えているようだ。Ulrichを裁きにかけるためには証人が必要なので、Aldosに話すべきだと言われた。
FormID: 00017838	MS10	40	0	I found Aldos, drunk as usual. He begged me to follow him back to his old house where wanted me to witness something. I should follow.
FormID: 00017838	MS10	50	0	Aldos Othran has been slain by a Cheydinhal guard. He had led me to his old house, where he exchanged heated words with the guards. During the argument, Aldos pulled a knife and the guard put him down. I should tell Llevana the sad news.
__Aldos OthranはCheydinhal衛兵に殺された。彼にかつての家まで案内されると、そこで衛兵と激しいやり取りをした。議論の最中、Aldosはナイフを引き抜き、そして衛兵は彼を打ち倒した。Llevanaにこの悲しい知らせを届けなければ。
__Aldos OthranはCheydinhal衛兵に殺された。かつての家まで彼と一緒に行くと、そこで彼は衛兵と激しいやり取りをした。言い争いの中、Aldosはナイフを抜き、そして衛兵に倒された。Llevanaにこの悲しい知らせを届けなければ。
FormID: 00017838	MS10	60	0	Llevana was furious after I told her of Aldos's fate. She wants me to go speak to Ulrich and somehow convince him to follow me back to her house, where she would [QUOTE]take care of him.[QUOTE] This doesn't sound like the best method to deal with Ulrich. I think I should speak to Garrus first then decide how to handle this situation.
FormID: 00017838	MS10	70	0	Garrus was saddened by the news of Aldos's death. He vowed to bring Ulrich to justice by any means. He suggested the only way to incriminate the Captain would be by searching his quarters. He is suggesting that I sneak in there and look for such evidence. I'll have to decide if I want to do this Garrus's way or Llevana's way.
FormID: 00017838	MS10	75	0	I have convinced Ulrich to follow me to Llevana's house. I should lead him there now.
FormID: 00017838	MS10	78	0	I have arrived at Llevana's house with Ulrich. I should see where he goes.
FormID: 00017838	MS10	80	0	Once Ulrich was led inside Llevana's house, she cast some sort of paralysis spell on him. At that point, Llevana released some rats upon Ulrich's helpless body that bit into him until he was dead. I should report this to Garrus.
FormID: 00017838	MS10	90	0	In Ulrich's quarters, I've discovered a letter he wrote to some relatives outside of Cyrodiil. In it, he talks about sending them a great deal of money and goods he purchased using the illicit funds. This is the evidence Garrus would need. I should take it to him.
FormID: 00017838	MS10	95	1	Garrus was upset that I would resort to such a method to have Ulrich removed from his position, but he was glad it was over. He said he would report this to the Count of Cheydinhal, and told me to meet him at the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn in two hours.
__Garrusは、Ulrichをその地位からはずすためにこのような方法に訴えたことに動揺していた。しかし終わったことには喜んでいた。彼はこのことをCheydinhal伯爵に報告すると言い、Cheydinhal Bridge Innに二時間後に会おうと言った。
__Ulrichをその地位からはずすためにこのような方法に訴えたことにGarrusは動揺していたが、ことが終わったことは喜んでいた。彼はこのことをCheydinhal伯爵に報告すると言い、Cheydinhal Bridge Innに二時間後に会おうと言った。
FormID: 00017838	MS10	95	2	I have given the evidence to Garrus he needs to remove Ulrich from office. He said he would take it directly to the Count of Cheydinhal. He told me to meet him at the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn in two hours.
__Garrusが、Ulrichをその職務からはずすために必要な証拠を提出した。彼はこれをCheydinhal伯爵のもとへ直接持ち込むつもりだ、と言っていた。二時間後にCheydinhal Bridge Innで会おうと彼は言った。
__Ulrichをその職務からはずすために必要な証拠をGarrusに渡した。彼はこれをCheydinhal伯爵のもとへ直接持ち込むつもりだ、と言っていた。二時間後にCheydinhal Bridge Innで会おうと彼は言った。
FormID: 00017838	MS10	97	0	It's been about two hours, and Garrus Darelliun should be meeting me at the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn.
__大体二時間たっただろう。Garrus DarelliunとCheydinhal Bridge Innで会っていなければならない。
__大体二時間経っただろう。Cheydinhal Bridge InnでGarrus Darelliunと会わなければならない。
FormID: 00017838	MS10	100	0	Garrus has informed me that he was made Captain of the Guard of Cheydinhal to replace Ulrich, and has rewarded me for helping him.
FormID: 00017838	MS10	150	0	I've slain Ulrich Leland. At my first opportunity, I should speak with Garrus Darelliun, his second-in-command.
__Ulrich Lelandを殺した。できるだけ早く彼の副官であるGarrus Darelliunに話さなければならない。
FormID: 00017838	MS10	180	0	Although my actions removed Ulrich from his position as Captain of the Guard, Garrus didn't approve of my method.
FormID: 00017838	MS10	200	0	One of the characters needed to complete this quest has died.

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