FormID: 000807F2 SE03A HELLO 0 I can't believe they're here!
FormID: 000807F3 SE03A HELLO 0 I hope you're pleased with your earnings.
FormID: 000432A9 SE03A HELLO 0 I have some things for you.
FormID: 0007E95F SE03A HELLO 0 Ah, the ghost effect; an excellent demonstration of Xedilian's true power.
__ああ、ghost effectですか、それはXedilianの真の力の素晴らしき発現なのです。
FormID: 0007E960 SE03A HELLO 0 Nothing warms the heart like the sound of rending flesh. Great choice!
FormID: 0007E961 SE03A HELLO 0 Last chamber... this should be entertaining.
FormID: 0007E962 SE03A HELLO 0 Too bad none of those keys fit the lock... hahahaha!
FormID: 0007E963 SE03A HELLO 0 Ah! The classic fire trap. Always a favorite, especially in the colder months.
FormID: 0007E964 SE03A HELLO 0 Another chamber, another victim to eliminate. Hurry, the anticipation is overwhelming!
FormID: 0007E3E8 SE03A HELLO 0 Hehe. Watching them run from the Giant Gnarl gets me every time.
__フフフ。奴らがGiant Gnarlから逃げる様を見ると何時だってワクワクしちゃいますよ。
FormID: 0007E3E9 SE03A HELLO 0 Unleashed the swarm did we? Nothing like a little bloodlust to start the encounter off right.
FormID: 0007E3EA SE03A HELLO 0 Time to choose! Oh, how I missed these moments... so exhilarating!
FormID: 000432B4 SE03A HELLO 0 Allow me to be your guide.
FormID: 000432B5 SE03A HELLO 0 My goodness!
FormID: 0008EF6E SE03A Hit 0 Agh! Now it's my turn!
FormID: 0008EF6F SE03A Hit 0 Urgh! Blood for blood!
FormID: 0008EF70 SE03A Hit 0 Strike me, will you?
FormID: 00073008 SE03A Hit 0 Agh! No! I can't take much more of this!
FormID: 0008EF74 SE03A Hit 0 No! Please!
FormID: 0008EF75 SE03A Hit 0 I can't die here... not here!
FormID: 0008EF76 SE03A Hit 0 Agh! They're getting the best of me!
FormID: 0008EF77 SE03A Hit 0 Ergh! What twisted mind spawned these beasts?
FormID: 00018DFB SE03A SE03AInstUntilWhen 0 You'll know you're done when they lie dead on the ground, or they are out of their minds.
FormID: 00018DFB SE03A SE03AInstUntilWhen 1 Of course, any of their possessions you wish to keep are yours for the taking. I'll make sure you get them when you're done.
FormID: 00018DFA SE03A SE03AInstMakeChoices 0 Simple. Wait until the adventurers are in position, and then press a button!
FormID: 00018DFA SE03A SE03AInstMakeChoices 1 If they survived, they will proceed to the next chamber, and so on.
FormID: 00018DFA SE03A SE03AInstMakeChoices 2 It's really quite ingenious!
FormID: 00018DF9 SE03A SE03AInstructions 0 As the adventurers make their way through Xedilian's chambers, they will encounter choices that you make in these control platforms.
FormID: 00018DF9 SE03A SE03AInstructions 1 All you need to do is decide what becomes of the adventurers. Will you drive them insane or will you pull the life from their bodies?
FormID: 00018E5C SE03A SE03AInstructions 0 What else can I answer for you?
FormID: 00018DF7 SE03A SE03ATellMeMore 0 Ever since that wretched Gatekeeper was made, Xedilian became redundant. It fell into disrepair and was eventually all but forgotten.
FormID: 00018DF7 SE03A SE03ATellMeMore 1 After only a few years passed, the Grummites began moving in. Ghastly things!
FormID: 00018DF7 SE03A SE03ATellMeMore 2 They mistook the Focus Crystals for some sort of religious symbols, and removed them from their rightful places.
__彼らは_Focus Crystal_をある種の宗教的なシンボルと勘違いし、自分達に相応しいところへ移しました。
__彼らは_Focus Crystal_をある種の宗教的なシンボルと勘違いし、自分達があがめ奉るところへ移してしまいました。
FormID: 00018DF7 SE03A SE03ATellMeMore 3 This rendered the Resonator inert and Xedilian completely useless. Luckily, you came along and placed Xedilian back into operation.
FormID: 0008EF78 SE03A PowerAttack 0 Take this!
FormID: 0008EF79 SE03A PowerAttack 0 Yaaaaa!
FormID: 0008EF7A SE03A PowerAttack 0 I'll cut you limb by limb!
FormID: 0008EF7B SE03A PowerAttack 0 If it's steel you want, it's steel you'll get!
FormID: 00018DF8 SE03A SE03AResonatorofJudgmentT 0 The Resonator works by drawing adventurers to itself with a sort of magical [QUOTE]siren's call[QUOTE].
FormID: 00018DF8 SE03A SE03AResonatorofJudgmentT 1 Sheogorath uses the Resonator to find the [QUOTE]cream of the crop[QUOTE] as he calls them; the best of the worst to populate the Isles.
FormID: 00018DF8 SE03A SE03AResonatorofJudgmentT 2 Quite clever, eh?