Shivering Isles/Dialogue/SENQDDementia-INFOGENERAL-04 のバックアップ(No.1)

Top/Shivering Isles/Dialogue/SENQDDementia-INFOGENERAL-04

FormID: 0005F208 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Rebuilding the Gatekeeper is one of the few things that has gone right lately.
FormID: 0005F20A SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 They built a new Gatekeeper, did they? Hope they didn't use anything of mine when putting him back together.
FormID: 0005F20B SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 There's a new Gatekeeper guarding the Realm. Uncle Leo thinks it's too little, too late, but I disagree.
FormID: 0005F20D SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 A new Gatekeeper protects the Fringe. But he does nothing to stop the spread of disease.
FormID: 0005F20E SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Always nice to have a new Gatekeeper. I hope that when this one gets killed, someone thinks to bring me something for the Museum.
FormID: 0005F20F SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 The new Gatekeeper will keep out those horrible Khajiit.
FormID: 0005F3ED SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Sheogorath's armies are at full strength once more. They will be needed in times ahead.
FormID: 0005F3F0 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 The realm has regained an army. Let's hope it can protect us.
FormID: 0005F3F1 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 By the grace of Arden-Sul, the armies have returned.
FormID: 0005F3F4 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 The armies of Sheogorath march again!
FormID: 0005F3F7 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 The armies are restored? That calls for a celebration!
FormID: 0005F3FB SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Our Lord has His armies restored. They carry such wonderfully sharp blades.
FormID: 0005F3FC SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 If the newly restored armies need conscripts, I could be persuaded to enlist a few of my exhibits.
FormID: 0005F416 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 No precious army will bring back Lady Syl. Without her, who will let me do what I do best?
FormID: 0005F41E SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Sheogorath's army is restored? I should find them. They'd be sure to kill me.
FormID: 0005F41F SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 I'm not saying I couldn't do a better job, but at least someone is in charge who can get things done.
FormID: 0005F420 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 It's about time someone restores some order around here.
FormID: 0005F425 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Who would want an entire army destroyed, and for what purpose? I know there's something big going on.
FormID: 0005F427 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 The Daedric armies are whole again. If only I could live to see them in battle. The chills are getting worse, though.
FormID: 0005F428 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 It was truly shocking. The guards just dropped dead, all across the city! I'm glad it's over, but it makes you wonder, doesn't it?
FormID: 0005F42A SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 The armies of Sheogorath are renewed. Let them march now on the horrible cats! Wipe them from the Isles!
FormID: 000603A2 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Sheogorath is gone. This can only mean the end is near.
FormID: 000603A8 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Maybe there really is no place left to hide. We are truly doomed if the attempts to find Him fail.
FormID: 00060507 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Have we been forsaken? What has happened to Sheogorath? Arden-Sul, guide me in this time of need!
FormID: 00060508 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Sheogorath is gone? If he is gone, then who is watching us?
FormID: 00060509 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 They say our Lord just took off. Can you believe that? I need a drink. I need the Skooma.
FormID: 0006050A SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Sheogorath is gone. Better carry a blade, just in case. Use it on your enemies, if things get bad. Or on yourself, if things get worse.
FormID: 0006050B SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 The Madgod has vanished? Perhaps He simply stepped out of our time until the Greymarch passes.
FormID: 0006050C SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 With the whole Realm in jeopardy, my days of work may be at an end. How truly sad.
FormID: 00060512 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Sheogorath is gone. Maybe I kidnapped him. That would merit a death sentence!
FormID: 00060514 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 I can say without hesitation that none of this is my fault. Could've told you it was coming, though.
FormID: 0006051A SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Just when I thought I was making some progress, I hear that Sheogorath himself has gone missing. Is this the end?
FormID: 0006051E SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 I know what the next sign is. You'll see it, mark my words. All efforts to save us will fail, because that's how this will all end.
FormID: 00060520 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Sheogorath gone, and me not far behind. I think this cold will finally be the death of me.
FormID: 00060521 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Sheogorath hasn't disappeared. Did you know that he and Jyggalag are the same person? It's all very hard to understand.
FormID: 00060526 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Where has Sheogorath gone? Who will save us from the cats? Won't someone think of the cats?
FormID: 000607B6 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 The forces of Order are no more. What horror will replace them?
FormID: 000607C0 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 The Greymarch is over. At least I'll be able to sleep a little safer now.
FormID: 000607C1 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 So, the story has been rewritten and the Greymarch is at a new ending. Arden-Sul's will be done.
FormID: 000607C8 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Do you know the best part about the end of a war? Picking the bodies clean of their treasure.
FormID: 000607C9 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Victory over Order! That calls for a grand celebration. Break out the casks of Skooma!
FormID: 000607CA SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 I thought we were all doomed for a while there. I carved my last will and testament, but I won't say where.
FormID: 000607CC SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 The Greymarch is over, the war has been won, but at what cost? This timeline will never be the same.
FormID: 000607CE SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Now that things are returning to normal, it's high time I prepare my chamber for some new visitors.
FormID: 000607CF SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 An invading army sweeps the land, there's a giant battle in the palace, and yet I'm still alive. How did I not die during all that? It's not fair.
FormID: 000607D0 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 You know, of course, that the Realm would still be in jeopardy were it not for me.
FormID: 000607D1 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Just because the Isles didn't come crashing down around our heads doesn't mean everything is fine.
FormID: 000607D3 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 I suspect this whole Greymarch fiasco is a cover-up for something more sinister. I can't prove it just yet, though.
FormID: 000607D4 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Order is defeated! I think I actually feel a little better. No... I don't.
FormID: 000607D5 SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 I hope someone saved a piece of Jyggalag's armor. Just the thing for my museum!
FormID: 000607DF SENQDDementia INFOGENERAL 0 Order is defeated, but the cats still prey on us all.

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