Knights of the Nine/Dialogue/ND07 のバックアップ(No.2)

FormID: 01002995 ND07 GREETING 0 Sir knight! Thank Arkay you're back. I have terrible news. Sir Roderic... I think he's dead.
__騎士殿!あなたが戻ってこられた事をArkayに感謝します。悪いニュースがあるのです。Sir Rodericが...彼は亡くなったと思われます。
FormID: 01002B88 ND07 ND07LathonGreetA1 0 My master. We met you on the Pilgrim's Way. Back then I thought for sure the gods had chosen him for a holy purpose.
__我が主よ。私たちはPilgrim's Wayで出会いました。あの時、神は聖なる目的ためにこの方を選んだのだと確信したのです。
FormID: 01002B89 ND07 ND07LathonGreetA1 0 A holy knight, like you, questing for the Relics at the Prophet's call. I was his squire. I believed he was chosen by the gods to reclaim the Relics.
FormID: 01002B86 ND07 ND07LathonGreetA2 0 At first things were going well. He prayed at all the shrines, and received a vision. A disturbing vision.
FormID: 01002B86 ND07 ND07LathonGreetA2 1 [QUOTE]The shade of Sir Berich spoke to me,[QUOTE] was all he said. [QUOTE]We must put him to rest.[QUOTE]
__[QUOTE]Sir Berichの影が話し掛けてきた[QUOTE]と彼は言いました。そして[QUOTE]彼を永遠の眠りにつかせねばならない。[QUOTE]とだけ。
FormID: 01002B86 ND07 ND07LathonGreetA2 2 We travelled back and forth across Colovia. He was always asking about an old noble family, the Vlindrels.
FormID: 01002B86 ND07 ND07LathonGreetA2 3 Finally, he found what he was looking for. We went to Underpall Cave, and there... he fell.
__ついに彼は捜し求めていた物を見つけたのです。我々はUnderpall Caveに向かい、そしてそこで...彼は亡くなったのです。
FormID: 01002B80 ND07 ND07LathonGreetB1 0 Then you know it is a place of evil. Sir Roderic and I fought our way into the cave, which actually seems to be a buried keep.
__邪悪な地とお分かりになりましたね。Sir Rodericと私は洞窟を道を開きつつ闘いました。その洞窟は実際に埋まった城郭のようでした。
FormID: 01002B80 ND07 ND07LathonGreetB1 1 We made our way to Lord Vlindrel's crypt. Sir Roderic spoke the words that unsealed the tomb...
__我々はLord Vlindrelの遺体安置所に辿り付きました。Sir Rodericは墓の封印を解く言葉を口にしました...
FormID: 01002B84 ND07 ND07LathonGreetB2 0 He did. I owe him my life. He faced the evil wraith of Lord Vlindrel, and told me to run.
__彼は死にました。私の生は彼のお陰です。彼は邪悪なLord Vlindrelのwraithに立ち向かい、私に逃げるように命じたのです。
FormID: 01002B84 ND07 ND07LathonGreetB2 1 And... I did. I know I should have stayed with him. Perhaps together we could have destroyed that evil thing...
FormID: 01002B82 ND07 ND07LathonGreetB3 0 He said that Sir Berich's tomb was in Underpall Cave -- which is no cave, but some kind of buried keep.
__Sir Berichの墓がUnderpall Caveに在ると彼は言いました -- それは実際には洞窟ではなく、埋まっている一種の城郭だそうです。
FormID: 01002B82 ND07 ND07LathonGreetB3 1 He had learned that Sir Berich had once been a questing knight, like us. He had found the Greaves and Sword of the Crusader, but then turned to evil.
__彼はSir Berichはかつて探求の旅をする騎士、そう、我々のような騎士であったと聞き及んだそうです。彼はGreaves of the CrusaderとSword of the Crusaderを見つけたのですが、邪悪に飲まれてしまったのです。
FormID: 01002B82 ND07 ND07LathonGreetB3 2 Sir Roderic hoped to find the Relics within Sir Berich's tomb. And he did.
__Sir RodericはSir Berichの墓のRelicsを見つけようとしたのですが、彼は亡くなってしまったのです。
FormID: 01002B82 ND07 ND07LathonGreetB3 3 But we also found a terrible guardian -- the wraith of Lord Vlindrel -- Sir Berich.
__しかし、我々は恐ろしいガーディアンをも見つけています。wraith of Lord Vlindrel、Sir Berich。
FormID: 01002B7D ND07 ND07LathonGreetC1 0 Yes, my lord. And I brought you... Sir Roderic shouted for me to take them... the Greaves. The holy Relic. They're yours.
__はい、閣下。私は持って来ました...Sir Rodericはそれを持っていくように叫びました...Greavesを。聖なるRelicを。これはあなたの物です。
FormID: 01002B7E ND07 ND07LathonGreetC1 0 Yes, my lady. And I brought you... Sir Roderic shouted for me to take them... the Greaves. The holy Relic. They're yours.
__はい、レディ。私は持って来ました...Sir Rodericはそれを持っていくように叫びました...Greavesを。聖なるRelicを。これはあなたの物です。
FormID: 01002B7B ND07 ND07LathonGreetD1 0 The wraith. It used it against Sir Roderic. I don't know how that evil thing could use the holy weapon, but it did. It screamed as it struck... getting more and more frantic
__wraithです。Sir Rodericにそれを使ったのです。私は今まであのような邪悪な生き物が聖なる武具を使っていたのを見た事が有りませんが、奴は使っていたのです。そいつは打ったような金切り声を上げました...
FormID: 01002C0B ND07 ND07LathonGreetD2A 0 I'm sorry. I remember Sir Roderic saying something about the Sword, before we went to Underpall... it may be important. trying to get a grip on himself.
__申し訳有りません。Sir Rodericは何かSwordの事を言っていました。Underpall Caveに行く前に...それはきっと重要な事だったに違い有りません。
FormID: 01002C0B ND07 ND07LathonGreetD2A 1 He was worried that the Sword may have been turned to evil. That it may have to be reconsecrated on the altar of its creator, the divine Arkay. more calmly
FormID: 01002C0B ND07 ND07LathonGreetD2A 2 That's all I remember. I hope it may help you. glumly
FormID: 01002C09 ND07 ND07LathonGreetD2B 0 I'm sorry. I've already failed Sir Roderic once. I don't want to fail him again. I remember he said something about the Sword, before we... trying to get a grip on himself.
__申し訳有りません。既にSir Rodericを既に失っているのです。私は再び彼に背きたくは有りません。私はSwordのことについて何か言っていました。私達が旅立つ前に...
__申し訳有りません。既にSir Rodericを失っているのです。私は再び彼に背きたくは有りません。私はSwordのことについて何か言っていました。私達が旅立つ前に...
FormID: 01002C09 ND07 ND07LathonGreetD2B 1 He was worried that the Sword may have been turned to evil. That it may have to be reconsecrated on the altar of its creator, the divine Arkay. more calmly
FormID: 01002C09 ND07 ND07LathonGreetD2B 2 That's all I remember. I hope it may help you. glumly
FormID: 01002B79 ND07 ND07LathonGreetE1 0 Thank you, sir knight. I would ask a boon, if I could, although I know I do not deserve it.
FormID: 01002B79 ND07 ND07LathonGreetE1 1 Would you make me a Knight of the Nine? I want to dedicate myself to ridding the world of evil. I owe it to Sir Roderic.
__それでも、私をKnight of the Nineに任命して貰えないでしょうか?世界から邪悪を取り払うことに自身を捧げたいのです。Sir Rodericに私は借りがあるのです。
FormID: 01002B77 ND07 ND07LathonGreetE2 0 Sir, might I ask a boon? Let me come with you. I would become a Knight of the Nine, and dedicate my life to the service of the gods.
__騎士殿、お願いをして宜しいでしょうか?あなたと同行させて下さい。Knight of the Nineになり人生を神々に仕える事に捧げたいのです。
FormID: 01002B75 ND07 ND07LathonGreetF1 0 Thank you! I mean, thank you, Sir Knight. I will not fail you. Starts overly enthusiastic (kid-like), then corrects himself and tries to be more serious, like he thinks a knight should act
FormID: 01002B75 ND07 ND07LathonGreetF1 1 Give me a moment to arm myself and I will accompany you to Underpall Cave to destroy the foul wraith.
__戦いの準備をするための時間をください。foul wraithを打ち倒すため、Underpall_Caveまであなたと共に行きます。
FormID: 01002B73 ND07 ND07LathonGreetF2 0 I... I understand. I'll be patient. I'll stay here and train every day until you decide I'm ready. I won't give up, I swear it. Very disappointed, but trying not to show it.

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