Shivering Isles/Dialogue/SE02-01 のバックアップ(No.5)

FormID: 00012063 SE02 SE02BoneArrows 0 The arrows are ready. Here are some for you, and I'll keep some.
FormID: 00012063 SE02 SE02BoneArrows 1 Let's go kill the Gatekeeper. We might die. But there's worse things.
FormID: 00012062 SE02 SE02BoneArrows 0 The arrows aren't ready yet. Come back later.
FormID: 0005604A SE02 SheoIntroSpeech2 0 Daedra are the embodiment of change. Change and permanency. I'm no different, except in the ways that I am.
FormID: 0005604A SE02 SheoIntroSpeech2 1 The Greymarch is coming. And you're going to stop it.
FormID: 00082756 SE02 SE02Dementia 0 The lands of Dementia reflect the darker side of its residents. It is easy to get lost among the tangle of roots growing out of the ground.
FormID: 00082756 SE02 SE02Dementia 1 If you wish to meet Dementia's citizens, seek them out in Deepwallow or Fellmoor. I'm sure they'll welcome one such as you with open arms.
FormID: 00012065 SE02 SE02JayredFollow 0 Let's go!
FormID: 0008E4F6 SE02 SE02Gardens 0 It's just down the road from Passwall. It's where Relmyna created the Gatekeeper.
FormID: 0007EAEB SE02 SE02Gardens 0 It is where the body of my child was grown, and the resting place of his less fortunate siblings. You have no business going there.
FormID: 0008E4F7 SE02 SE02Gardens 0 They say the Gatekeeper's magical. I don't believe in magic. But I do believe in bones.
FormID: 0008E4F7 SE02 SE02Gardens 1 And the best way to kill something is with the bones of its own.
FormID: 0008E4F7 SE02 SE02Gardens 2 I can see the bones of a dead Gatekeeper in the courtyard of the Gardens. The door's locked, though.
__courtyard of the Gardensで死んだGatekeeperの骨が見えるんだが、扉には鍵が掛けられているんだ。
FormID: 0008E4F7 SE02 SE02Gardens 3 You'll pick that lock, and I'll collect the bones. Then I'll make some arrows, and we'll kill the Gatekeeper. Sound good?
FormID: 0007EAF6 SE02 SE02Gardens 0 You ready to go?
FormID: 0008E54E SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 0 Go up there now. The Gatekeeper is about to turn some adventurers into bones. I'll collect those later.
FormID: 0008E4C8 SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 0 I want him dead. I need him dead! His bones are calling to me. Rumor has it you want him dead, too.
FormID: 0008E4C8 SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 1 If you're any good with a lockpick, we can help each other out. We can get into the Gardens of Flesh and Bone.
__lockpickが得意なら、お互いの助けになるぜ。Gardens of Flesh and Boneに入ることができるぞ。
__もしお前がLockpickが得意なら、お互いの助けになるな。Gardens of Flesh and Boneに入ることができるんだ。
FormID: 0007EAF7 SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 0 He must die. It's the only way.
FormID: 0008E4CF SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 0 He guards the Gates of Madness. See for yourself. He's about to destroy a party of adventurers.
__奴はGates of Madnessを守っているんだ。お前自身の目で見てみるがいい。正に今、冒険者の1パーティを殲滅しようとしている所だ。
__あいつはGates of Madnessを守っているんだ。お前自身の目で見てみるがいい。正に今、冒険者の一団を殲滅しようとしている所だ。
__Gates of Madnessの番人なんだよ。自分で見てくるといい。ちょうど、冒険者の一団を倒そうとしているところだぞ。
FormID: 0008E54F SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 0 He guards the Gates of Madness. Don't get too close to him. He'll kill you, and it will leave a mess in my town.
__あいつはGates of Madnessを守っているんだ。あいつに近づきすぎるな。お前を殺して、俺の町に混乱を残していくだろうからな。
__あいつは、Gates of Madnessの番人なんだ。あまり近づかないほうがいい。あんたの死体で、俺の町が汚れちまう。
FormID: 0008E54F SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 1 Jayred Ice-Veins wants to kill the Gatekeeper. Sounds like suicide to me.
__Jayred Ice-VeinsはGatekeeperを殺したいようだ。俺には自殺行為のようなものだな。
__Jayred Ice-VeinsはGatekeeperを殺したいようだ。俺が思うに、それは自殺行為のようなものだな。
__Jayred Ice-Veinsという男が、Gatekeeperを殺したがっているが。俺には自殺行為としか思えん。
FormID: 0008E4ED SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 0 He's pretty scary, isn't he? Let's watch him in action.
FormID: 0008E550 SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 0 Pretty scary, isn't he? Jayred's planning on killing him. I don't know how... the Gatekeeper looks indestructible to me.
FormID: 0008E4EE SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 0 He protects the Gates of Madness. He'll kill anyone who gets near. He's about to destroy some adventurers up there now.
__彼はGates of Madnessを守っているわ。門に近づく者を殺そうとするの。今はそこで数人の冒険者たちを抹殺しようとしているわ。
FormID: 0008E551 SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 0 He protects the Gates of Madness. He'll kill anyone who gets near... anyone except Relmyna Verenim. She's staying upstairs right now.
__彼はGates of Madnessを守っているのよ。近づく者誰でも殺してしまう...Relmyna Verenim以外の者を。彼女はちょうど今2階にいるわ。
__彼はGates of Madnessを守っているのよ。近づく者誰でも殺してしまう…Relmyna Verenim以外の者を。彼女はちょうど今2階にいるわ。
FormID: 0008E4EF SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 0 He's the crowning achievement of Relmyna Verenim. She's my teacher. The Gatekeeper keeps out people who don't belong.
__彼はRelmyna Verenimの最高傑作よ。彼女は私の師匠なの。Gatekeeperは資格のない者達を排除するわ。
__あれはRelmyna Verenimの最高傑作なの。彼女は私の師匠なの。Gatekeeperは、部外者を排除するの。
FormID: 0008E4EF SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 1 I saw some strangers heading up there earlier. If they're still alive, you can see the Gatekeeper in action. It's glorious.
FormID: 0008E552 SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 0 He's Relmyna's crowning achievement. The Gatekeeper keeps out people who don't belong in the Shivering Isles.
__彼はRelmynaの最高傑作よ。GatekeeperはShivering Islesにふさわしくない者達を中へ入れないわ。
__あれはRelmyna Verenimの最高傑作なの。Gatekeeperは、Shivering Islesに関係のない者たちを排除するのよ。
FormID: 0008E552 SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 1 She made him in the Gardens of Flesh and Bone. She's my teacher. She's going to teach me all her secrets.
__Gardens of Flesh and Boneで彼を創ったのよ。彼女は私の師匠なの。秘密の全てを私に教えてくれるつもりなのよ。
__彼女は、あれをGardens of Flesh and Boneで作り上げたの。彼女は私の師匠なの。秘密の全てを私に教えてくれるつもりなのよ。
FormID: 0008E552 SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 2 Oh, and this is really interesting -- wait! Never mind. My big mouth almost just got me in trouble again.
__あぁ、それとこれは本当に面白いのよ -- 待って!気にしないで。私のお喋りでもう少しでまた困ったことになる所だったわ。
__あぁ、それにこれは本当に面白いのだけど ― 待って!気にしないで。私のお喋りでもう少しでまた困ったことになる所だったわ。
FormID: 0007EAC9 SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 0 I'd like to tell you, but... really, I shouldn't say anything more.
FormID: 0008E4F0 SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 0 I've been dying to tell someone. You seem trustworthy enough... but don't tell Relmyna I said anything!
FormID: 0008E4F0 SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 1 Her Gatekeeper is flawed! Her tears hurt him!
FormID: 0007EAEC SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 0 You want to know about my child? Go see for yourself. He guards the Gates at the top of the hill. Be warned, he doesn't play nice.
FormID: 0008E553 SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 0 The Gatekeeper is my child, the consummation of Sheogorath's wisdom in the womb of my genius. It was a painful and bloody birth, but well worth it.
FormID: 0008E553 SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 1 His brothers were less... successful.
FormID: 0008E553 SE02 SE02Gatekeeper 2 He won't bother those blessed by Lord Sheogorath. You, however, will die trying to get the keys from my child.
__彼はLord Sheogorathに祝福された者に対してはその邪魔をする事は無いわ。でもアンタは違う。アンタは我が子から鍵を得ようとして死ぬのよ。
__彼はLord Sheogorath様に祝福された者に対してはその邪魔をする事は無いわ。でもあなたは違う。あなたは私の子から鍵を得ようとして死ぬのよ。
FormID: 0008E4CD SE02 SE02GatesOfMadness 0 They say the keys are sewn up in the Gatekeeper's body. Basically, that means you're not getting in.
FormID: 0008E4CE SE02 SE02GatesOfMadness 0 One leads to the lands of Mania, and one to Dementia. The Gatekeeper makes sure no one gets in who isn't supposed to.
FormID: 0008E4F9 SE02 SE02GatesOfMadness 0 I feel like I need to be on the other side. I'm just not sure how to get in.
FormID: 0008E4FA SE02 SE02GatesOfMadness 0 Can't get in without Sheogorath's Blessing. That's what Relmyna says. That's the reason we're all waiting here - for Sheogorath's blessing.
__Sheogorath's Blessingが無い者は向こう側には行けないの。Relmynaがそう言っていたわ。だから私たちがこっちに今も居て待っているのよ - Sheogorath's Blessingを。
__Sheogorath's Blessingが無い者は向こう側には行けないの。Relmynaがそう言っていたわ。だから私達はここで待っているのよ ― Sheogorath's Blessingをね。
FormID: 0008E4FA SE02 SE02GatesOfMadness 1 Oh, and I guess there's keys sewn up inside the Gatekeeper's body. Not sure why someone would do that. It's not like anyone can get them now.
FormID: 0007EAE7 SE02 SE02GatesOfMadness 0 One leads to Mania, one to Dementia. Two shades of madness.
FormID: 0007EAE7 SE02 SE02GatesOfMadness 1 You're not getting in because you're not blessed by Sheogorath. You can try to get the keys. My Lord had them sewn into my child's body.
FormID: 0007EAE7 SE02 SE02GatesOfMadness 2 I wonder if you are a fast bleeder, or a slow bleeder.
FormID: 0008E4FB SE02 SE02GatesOfMadness 0 I can hear them, calling to me from the other side.
FormID: 0008E554 SE02 SE02GatesOfMadness 0 I can hear them, calling to me from the other side. We need to kill the Gatekeeper! He has the keys.
FormID: 0009101B SE02 SE02GatesOfMadness 0 The doorways into the Realm proper. You may enter through either one. Really, it depends on which aspect of the Realm more suits your disposition.
FormID: 0009101B SE02 SE02GatesOfMadness 1 As I've said, all choices have consequences, but don't trouble yourself too much with your decision.
FormID: 0009101B SE02 SE02GatesOfMadness 2 All those that enter the Realm are forever changed, but some believe it is for the better. A good portion of them, at least.
FormID: 00011FA6 SE02 GOODBYE 0 Out of my way!

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