倉庫/Vanilla/GameSettings/NounJA-01 のバックアップ(No.1)

sAbortText Abort
sActivateCreatureCalmed The creature is calmed and cannot respond.
sActivateNPCCalmed is calmed and cannot respond.
sAddAnEffect You must add at least one effect in order to create a spell.
sAddIngredient Add Ingredient
sAddItemtoInventory added.
sAddItemtoInventoryText removed.
sAddItemtoSpellList added.
sAddedEffects Added Effects
sAge Age
sAll All
sAnimationCanNotEquipArmor You cannot change armor while attacking.
sAnimationCanNotEquipWeapon You cannot change weapons while attacking.
sAnimationCanNotUnequip You cannot change weapons while attacking.
sAreaText Area
sArmor Armor
sArmorWeightHeavy Heavy
sArmorWeightLight Light
sAttributeDamaged has been damaged
sAttributeDescAgility Affects your ability to maneuver and balance, your total Fatigue, and damage done by bows. Governs the skills of Security, Sneak, and Marksman.
sAttributeDescEndurance Affects how much Fatigue you have, your Health, and how much your Health will increase when you sleep and raise levels. Governs the skills of Block, Armorer, and Heavy Armor.
sAttributeDescIntelligence Affects your total Magicka and magic use. Governs the skills of Alchemy, Conjuration, and Mysticism.
sAttributeDescLuck Luck has an effect on everything you do, but governs no skills.
sAttributeDescPersonality Affects how much people like you, which leads to better information-gathering. Governs the skills of Speechcraft, Mercantile, and Illusion.
sAttributeDescSpeed Determines how fast you move. Governs the skills of Athletics, Light Armor, and Acrobatics.
sAttributeDescStrength Affects how much you can carry, how much Fatigue you have, and how much damage you can do with melee weapons such as swords and axes. Governs the skills of Blunt, Blade, and Hand to Hand.
sAttributeDescWillpower Affects how quickly you regenerate Magicka, and how much Fatigue you have. Governs the skills of Destruction, Alteration, and Restoration.
sAttributeDrained is being drained
sAttributeNameAgility Agility
sAttributeNameEndurance Endurance
sAttributeNameIntelligence Intelligence
sAttributeNameLuck Luck
sAttributeNamePersonality Personality
sAttributeNameSpeed Speed
sAttributeNameStrength Strength
sAttributeNameWillpower Willpower
sAttributeText Attribute
sAutoAttempt Auto Attempt
sAutoLoading Autoloading...
sAutoSaveDisabledDueToLackOfSpace Save location full. Disabling Autosave.
sAutoSaving Autosaving...
sBack Back
sBald Bald
sBeard Beard
sBeardcheeks Beard cheeks light/dark
__ほほひげ 濃い/薄い
sBeardcircle Beard circle light/dark
__丸ひげ 明るい/暗い
sBeardflushed Beard flushed/pale
__あごひげ 赤みがかった/青白い
sBeardgoatee Beard goatee light/dark
__ヤギひげ 濃い/薄い
sBeardlight Beard light/dark
__あごひげ 濃い/薄い
sBeardmoustache Beard moustache light/dark
__口ひげ 濃い/薄い
sBladeOneHand Blade - One Hand
__Blade- 片手
sBladeTwoHand Blade - Two Hand
__Blade- 両手
sBlue Blue
sBluntOneHand Blunt - One Hand
__Blunt- 片手
sBluntTwoHand Blunt - Two Hand
__Blunt- 両手
sBow Bow
sBrow Brow
sBrowRidge Brow Ridge high/low
__眼窩上孔 高い/低い
sBrowRidgeInner Brow Ridge Inner up/down
__眼窩上孔内 上/下
sBrowRidgeOuter Brow Ridge Outer up/down
__眼窩上孔外 上/下
sButton Button
sButtonLocked That button cannot be remapped
sBuy Buy
sCanNotEquipAlchemy You cannot create potions when enemies are nearby.
sCanNotEquipQuestArrows You can not fire this quest arrow.
sCanNotEquipRepairHammer You cannot repair items when enemies are nearby.
sCanNotEquipSoulGem You cannot recharge enchanted items during combat.
sCanNotEquipWornEnchantment You cannot equip this enchanted item right now.
sCanNotReadBood You cannot read when enemies are nearby.
sCanNotSummonInWater Can't summon while in water
sCanNotTrainAnymore You have reached your training limit for your current level.
sCanNotTrainHigher This character cannot help you train any higher.
sCancel Cancel
sCantChangeResolution You must close your current game to change resolutions.
sCantEquipBrokenItem Broken items cannot be equipped until they have been repaired.
sCantEquipGeneric You cannot equip this item.
sCantQuickLoad You can't Quickload while the game is paused.
sCantQuickSave You can't Quicksave while the game is paused.
sCantRaiseAnyAttributes Perfection cannot be improved upon. Your attributes are as high as they can go.
sCantRemoveWornItem Unable to remove the worn item.
sCantSaveNow You cannot save right now.
sCantUnequipGeneric You cannot unequip this item.
sCheekblush Cheek blush light/red
__ほほの赤み 薄い/濃い
sCheekboneslow Cheekbones low/high
__頬骨 低い/高い
sCheekbonesshallow Cheekbones shallow/pronounced
__ほほ骨 浅い/出ている
sCheekbonesthin Cheekbones thin/wide
__ほお骨 細い/広い
sCheeks Cheeks
sCheeksconcave Cheeks concave/convex
__ほほ 凹/凸
sCheeksround Cheeks round/gaunt
__ほほ 膨れている/やせている
sChin Chin
sChinforward Chin forward/backward
__頤(おとがい) 前/後
sChinpronounced Chin pronounced/recessed
__頤(おとがい) 出ている/奥まっている
sChinretracted Chin retracted/jutting
__頤(おとがい) 引っ込める/突き出す
sChinshallow Chin shallow/deep
__頤(おとがい) 出ている/引いている
sChinsmall Chin small/large
__頤(おとがい) 細い/太い
sChintall Chin tall/short
__頤(おとがい) 高い/短い
sChinwide Chin wide/thin
__頤(おとがい) 広い/とがっている
sChoose Choose
sClass class
sClassMenuPrompt Enter a name for your custom class:
sClassSpecialization Specialization:
sCloseButton Close
sColor Hair Color
sCombatDescription Allows you to progress more quickly in these skills as you use them: Armorer, Athletics, Blade, Block, Blunt, Hand to Hand, Heavy Armor.
sCombatName Combat
sComplexion Complexion
sConfirmBirthsign1 Are you sure you want to be born under the sign of
sConfirmBuySpell Are you sure you want to buy
sConfirmChoice1 Are you sure you want to be a
sConfirmChoice2 Are you sure you want to be an
sConfirmRecharge Recharge this item for
sConfirmRepair Repair this item for
sConfirmRepairAll Repair all items for
sContinue Continue
sContinueLastSave Continue from your last saved game?
sContinueText Continue Playing?
sContractedDisease You have contracted
sControlsMenuConfirmReset1 Reset all
sControlsMenuConfirmReset2 mappings to their default values
sControlsMenuInstructions1 Press the
sControlsMenuInstructions2 button you want mapped to this action.
sCorruptContentMessage Some of your downloaded content is corrupt and could not be loaded.
sCreate Create
sCreaturesDontYield Creatures never accept a yield!
sCrimeTypeAttack Attack
sCrimeTypeMurder Murder
sCrimeTypePickpocket Pickpocket
sCrimeTypeSteal Steal
sCrimeTypeStealHorse Steal Horse
sCrimeTypeTrespass Trespass
sCurrentSoul Current Soul Level
sCustomClassDefaultName Adventurer
sCustomColor Custom color
sDefaultCellName Wilderness
sDeleteSaveGame Are you sure you want to delete this save game?
sDeleteSuccessful Save game deleted.
sDerivedAttributeDescEncumbrance Represents the total weight you can carry. When full, you cannot move until you drop some items.
sDerivedAttributeDescFatigue Fatigue is how tired you are. Low Fatigue hurts your effectiveness, especially when doing melee attacks. Fatigue returns faster if you are walking.
sDerivedAttributeDescHealth The amount of damage you can take. Sleeping, potions or spells can restore your Health.
sDerivedAttributeDescMagicka Casting spells uses Magicka. Magicka regenerates based on your Willpower. Sleeping, potions or spells can restore your Magicka.
sDerivedAttributeNameEncumbrance Encumbrance
sDerivedAttributeNameFatigue Fatigue
sDerivedAttributeNameHealth Health
sDerivedAttributeNameMagicka Magicka
sDeviceKeyboard Keyboard
sDeviceMouse Mouse
sDeviceRemoved The save device you selected is no longer available. You will need to select a new device the next time you save. Until then, Autosave is disabled.
sDiscoveredText You found
sDone Done
sDownloads Downloads
sDownloadsAvailable New Content Available
sDownloadsNotAvail No New Content Available
sDropEquippedItemWarning You cannot drop an equiped item until you complete your current action.
sDropQuestItemWarning You cannot remove Quest Items from your Inventory.
sDuplicateName A spell with this name already exists.
sDurationText Duration
sEffectAlreadyAdded Effect has already been added. Edit the effect instead.
sEnchantedItem enchanted item
sEnchantmentSuccess Congratulations! You have created a new enchanted item.
__おめでとうございます! 新しいエンチャントアイテムを作成しました。
sEnterName Enter character name.
sEntryInstructions1 Enter a name for the
sEntryInstructions2 you are trying to create.
sEquipItemOnPlayer was equipped on the player
sEssentialCharacterDown is unconscious.
sExitGameAffirm Exit Game
sExitGameQuestion Exit the game?
sEyebrows Eyebrows
sEyebrowsdark Eyebrows dark/light
__眉毛 明るい/暗い
sEyebrowslow Eyebrows low/high
__眉毛 低い/高い
sEyebrowslower Eyebrows lower light/dark
__眉毛下部 明るい/暗い
sEyebrowsouter Eyebrows outer light/dark
__眉のふち 明るい/暗い
sEyebrowsthick Eyebrows thick/thin
__眉毛 濃い/薄い
sEyebrowsuppert Eyebrows upper dark/light
__眉毛の上 暗い/明るい
sEyebrowsvery Eyebrows very thin/thick
__眉毛 とても細い/太い
sEyelidslight Eyelids light/dark
__まぶた 明るい/暗い
sEyelidspale Eyelids pale/red
__まぶた 青白い/赤みがかった
sEyeliner Eyeliner light/dark
__目張り 明るい/暗い
sEyes Eyes
sEyesTex Eye shades
sEyesdark Eyes dark brown/light blue
__目 こげ茶/薄青
sEyesdown Eyes down/up
__目 下/上
sEyeshadow Eyeshadow light/dark
__アイシャドー 明るい/暗い
sEyesocketsbruised Eye sockets bruised/bright
__眼窩 暗い/輝いた
sEyesocketsdark Eye sockets dark/light
__眼窩 暗い/明るい
sEyessmall Eyes small/large
__目 小さい/大きい
sEyestilt Eyes tilt inward/outward
__目 奥/手前
sEyestogether Eyes together/apart
__目 よっている/離れている
sEyeswhites Eyes whites dim/bright
__白目 よどんでいる/輝いている
sFace Face
sFacebrow Face brow/nose/chin ratio
sFaceforehead Face forehead/sellion/nose ratio
sFaceheavy Face heavy/light
__顔 濃い/薄い
sFaceround Face round/gaunt
__顔 丸い/やつれている
sFacethin Face thin/wide
__顔 細い/幅広い
sFastTravelHorseatGate Your horse is stabled outside the city gate.
sFastTravelNoTravelHealthDamage You can't fast travel while taking health damage
sFavoredAttributes Choose your 2 favored attributes. You will gain +5 to each one.
sFemale Female
sFileNotFound File does not exist
sFilter Filter
sFindingContentMessage Looking for content. Please wait.
sFloraFailureMessage You find nothing of use.
sFloraSuccessMessage You successfully harvest %s.
sFor for
sForehead Forehead
sForeheadsmall Forehead small/large
__額 狭い/広い
sForeheadtall Forehead tall/short
__額 高い/狭い
sForeheadtilt Forehead tilt forward/back
__前額部傾斜 出ている/引っ込んでいる
sGender Gender
sGeneralFace General(Face)
sGeneralSkin General(Skin)
sGetAllConfiscatedItems You get all the items that were confiscated by the Guards.
sGiveAway Give away
sGold gold
sGotAwayWithStealing got away with stealing
sGoverningAttribute Governing Attribute:
sGreen Green
sHair Hair
sHairColor0 Bright Grey
sHairColor1 Charcoal
sHairColor10 Bright Copper
sHairColor11 Mahogany
sHairColor12 Blue Black
sHairColor13 Dark Brown
sHairColor14 Grey
sHairColor15 Satin Blonde
sHairColor2 Black
sHairColor3 Bright Blonde
sHairColor4 Rose Blonde
sHairColor5 Light Brown
sHairColor6 Cool Brown
sHairColor7 Auburn
sHairColor8 Copper
sHairColor9 Golden Blonde
sHeavyArmorNoJump Your heavy armor prevents you from jumping.
sHeavyArmorSink Your heavy armor is causing you to sink.
sHigh High
sHolidayEmperorsBirthday Emperor's Birthday
sIgnoreText Ignore
sImpossibleLock This lock cannot be picked. You need a key.
sIngredientFail Ingredient had no effect.
sInvalidPickpocket You cannot place items in a container while pickpocketing.
sJaw Jaw
sJawNeck Jaw-Neck slope high/low
__頭頸部 傾斜 高い/低い
sJawline Jawline concave/convex
__下顎の輪郭 凹/凸
sJawretracted Jaw retracted/jutting
__顎 奥まっている/突き出ている
sJawwide Jaw wide/thin
__顎 広い/細い
sJournalTitleActive Active Quest
sJournalTitleCompleted Completed Quests
sJournalTitleCompletedDetails Completed Quest Detail
sJournalTitleCurrent Current Quests
sKBDown Down
sKBLControl L-Ctrl
sKBLMenu L-Alt
sKBLShift L-Shift
sKBLeft Left
sKBMute Mute
sKBPause Pause
sKBRControl R-Ctrl
sKBRMenu R-Alt
sKBRShift R-Shift
sKBReturn Enter
sKBRight Right
sKBSleep Sleep
sKBUnlabeled Unlabeled
sKBWake Wake
sKBWebRefresh Refresh
sKBWebSearch Search
sKeyLocked That key cannot be remapped.
sKnownEffects Known Effects
sLarge Large
sLeaveMarker Leave It
sLength Length
sLevelDefault The results of hard work and dedication always look like luck. But you know you've earned every ounce of your success.
sLevelDoneWarning You need to finish distributing attribute points before leaving.

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