Backup/Vanilla/Dialogue/INFOGENERAL-01 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


FormID: 0002A86A	INFOGENERAL	0	You're talking to me, and I don't like you. Goodbye.
FormID: 0002AB84	INFOGENERAL	0	I see no reason to talk to you.
FormID: 0002AB85	INFOGENERAL	0	I don't like you and don't want to talk to you.
FormID: 0002AB86	INFOGENERAL	0	I'm not listening to you. It's because I don't like you.
FormID: 0002AB8B	INFOGENERAL	0	You're still speaking. Stop.
FormID: 00062349	INFOGENERAL	0	At least now we have a name to put to our enemy. Mankar Camoran and the Mythic Dawn will pay for their foul crimes.
__少なくとも、今のところ、我々の敵が存在する。Mankar CamoranとMythic Dawnは、その犯した悪行のツケを払うことになるだろうさ。
__少なくとも、我々の敵の名前だけは分かっている。Mankar CamoranとMythic Dawnは、その犯した悪行のツケを払うことになるだろう。
FormID: 0006234A	INFOGENERAL	0	The Mythic Dawn will never take Cloud Ruler Temple. Not while any Blade still draws breath.
__Mythic DawnはCloud Ruler Templeを決して落とせないだろう。Bladeの誰であれ、まだ生き永らえている限りはね。
__Mythic Dawnは決して、Cloud Ruler Templeを落とせないだろう。ブレードが一人でも生き延びている限りはね。
FormID: 0006234B	INFOGENERAL	0	The noose around Bruma is tightening. Now that the Mythic Dawn has learned Martin's location, we have to be prepared for the worst.
__Brumaに対する包囲は迫ってきている。Mythic DawnがMartinの居所を掴んだ今となっては、最悪の事態に備えねばならない。
FormID: 0006234C	INFOGENERAL	0	The Battle of Bruma was a great victory! The Mythic Dawn have learned that we are not defenseless.
__Brumaの戦は大勝利を収めた! 我々は丸裸ではないということ、Mythic Dawnは思い知ったな。
__Brumaの戦いは大勝利だった! 我々にも対抗策があることをMythic Dawnも思い知ったことだろう。
FormID: 0006234D	INFOGENERAL	0	Martin Septim will soon claim his rightful place at the head of the Empire, and the Blades will stand beside him.
__Martin Septimは、まもなく、然るべき地位すなわち帝国トップの座を求めるだろう。そして、Bladeは彼の傍に控えることになるのだ。
__Martin Septimは直ぐにでも帝国の長としての然るべき地位を手に入れ、Bladesも彼の側に仕えることになる。
FormID: 00062354	INFOGENERAL	0	The Emperor's death was a harsh lesson for all of us. We failed in our duty to the Dragonborn. It must not happen again.
FormID: 00061381	INFOGENERAL	0	Martin showed himself a true son of the Dragon Blood. But where does that leave us, with no Emperor to serve?
__Martinは、自分がDragon Bloodの本当の息子であることを示した。しかし、それで私達はどうなるのだろう? 仕えるべき皇帝の不在のままに。
FormID: 00061382	INFOGENERAL	0	With no Emperor to serve, the Blades now return to our ancient role. We will bide our time until the next Dragonborn arises.
FormID: 0018B1F5	INFOGENERAL	0	Everyone's talking about the assassination, of course. Here. Take my copy of the new Black Horse Courier. Go ahead. Keep it.
__もちろん、誰も彼も、あの暗殺のことを話しているね。ほら、Black Horse Courierの新刊の写しだ、受け取りな。
__もちろん、誰もがあの暗殺のことを話しています。Black Horse Courierの新刷の写しです。どうぞ差し上げます。
FormID: 000AF060	INFOGENERAL	0	Everyone's talking about the victory over Mehrunes Dagon! I can hardly believe that the great Oblivion Crisis is over.
__みんな、Mehrunes Dagonを打ち破った勝利のことを話しているよ!あの酷かったOblivionの危機が終わるだなんて、ほとんど信じられないね。
FormID: 000AF061	INFOGENERAL	0	They say that Akatosh appeared and killed Mehrunes Dagon, right in the middle of the Temple of the One! Do you believe it?
__みんなが言うには、ちょうどTemple of the Oneの真ん中で、Akatoshが現れてMehrunes Dagonを殺したのさ! 君は信じるかい?
FormID: 000AF062	INFOGENERAL	0	I'm glad that the Oblivion Crisis is over, of course, but I can't help wondering... what happens to the Empire time	slightly worried
__もちろんOblivionの危機が終わって嬉しいけど、思わずに居られない… 今、帝国に何が起こっているんだろうと。
FormID: 000AF063	INFOGENERAL	0	All the bards are busy composing songs about the battle! [QUOTE]The Fall of Dagon[QUOTE] is my favorite so far.	jovial
__吟遊詩人はみんな、戦の歌を作るのに大忙しさ![QUOTE]Dagonの陥落(The Fall of Dagon)[QUOTE]はとっても気に入ってるよ。
FormID: 000AF067	INFOGENERAL	0	Have you heard [QUOTE]The Fall of Dagon[QUOTE] yet? [QUOTE]Take heart, the mighty hero cried! He looked up at Dagon and cursed his foul name...[QUOTE]	jovially. the last half is sung -- a ballad or whatever you can think of. It doesn't have to be good, this is Nord/Orc singing after all...
__もう[QUOTE]Dagonの陥落(The Fall of Dagon)[QUOTE]は聴いたかい?[QUOTE]力を振り絞れ、偉大なる英雄は叫んだ。彼はDagonを見上げて、その汚らわしい名を罵った…[QUOTE]
FormID: 000AF068	INFOGENERAL	0	All else is put aside to celebrate of our deliverance from evil. Thanks to Akatosh and his servant Martin.	seriously, piously
FormID: 000AF069	INFOGENERAL	0	Everyone wants to know what really happened in the Temple. What happened to Martin? Was the fiery dragon really Akatosh?	enthusiastically
__神殿の中で本当のところ何が起こったのか、皆知りたがっている。Martinに何があったのか? あの火竜は本当にAkatoshだったのか?
FormID: 00034036	INFOGENERAL	0	Have you heard? That big galleon down at the Waterfront? Someone killed the captain! Right there on the ship!
__聞きましたか? Waterfrontに停泊してるあの大きなガレオン船。その船長が殺されたらしいですよ! ちょうど船上で!
FormID: 00034037	INFOGENERAL	0	Poor Gromm. I wonder what he'll do now that Baenlin is dead. Serving that old man was the joy of his life, or so I've heard.
__可哀そうなGromm。Baenlinが死んだ今となっては、どうするつもりかね? あの爺さんの下で働くのが彼の生きがいだったと聞いてるからね。
FormID: 00034038	INFOGENERAL	0	Oh, have you heard? Old Baenlin is dead! They say he was murdered! Right in his own home!
__おい、聞いたか? Baenlin爺さんが死んだ! 殺されたって話だよ。ちょうど、その自分の部屋の中で。
FormID: 00034039	INFOGENERAL	0	Oh, have you heard? About old Baenlin? It was a horrible accident. A stuffed minotaur head fell off the wall and crushed him to death! Tragic...
__聞きました? Baenlin爺さんの話ですが、恐ろしい事故だそうです。剥製のミノタウルスの頭が壁から落ちて潰されて死んだとか! 悲劇的ですね…
FormID: 0003403A	INFOGENERAL	0	Francois Motierre hasn't left his house in days. Hasn't come down to the tavern, refuses to have visitors. I think the man's gone batty.	
__Francois Motierreが数日家から出てきてない。酒場にも来ないし訪問者も追い返してる。気でも違ったんじゃないか。
FormID: 0003403B	INFOGENERAL	0	You won't believe what's happened! Francois Motierre has been killed! Murdered by the Dark Brotherhood! It's true, I saw the body myself.	
__こんなことが起こったなんて信じられないとおもうが、Francois Motierreは殺されたんだ!Dark Brotherhoodによる殺人!本当だ、死体をこの目でみたんだから。
FormID: 0003406D	INFOGENERAL	0	A friend of mine is a member of the Legion. He said some Altmer nobleman was murdered, right here in the city! Faelian, I think his name was.	
FormID: 0003406E	INFOGENERAL	0	They say there are a bunch of people holed up in Summitmist Manor. Locked in. Some kind of weird party or something.	
__大勢がSummitmist Manorに閉じこもってるんだそうだ。変なパーティでもやってるんだろうな。
FormID: 0003406F	INFOGENERAL	0	Everyone in Summitmist Manor is dead! There was some kind of party that went horribly awry, or so I hear.	
__Summitmist Manorの全員は死んでたって!パーティがやばいことになったとかなんとか。
FormID: 00034073	INFOGENERAL	0	Have you heard? Adamus Phillida has been killed! Murdered by the Dark Brotherhood!	
__聞いたかい?Adamus Phillidaが殺された!Dark Brotherhoodの仕業だとか!
FormID: 00034074	INFOGENERAL	0	So, Adamus Phillida is finally retiring from the Imperial Legion. Spent his life fighting the Dark Brotherhood. Time for a well-earned rest, I'd say.	
__Adamus PhillidaはとうとうImperial Legionから引退したんだ。Dark Brotherhoodとの戦いに費やした日々から、勝ち取った休息だね。
FormID: 00034075	INFOGENERAL	0	Oh, how horrible! You know Caelia Draconis? That nice Watch officer stationed at the castle? She's been murdered!	REC -- rewrite to say [QUOTE]Watch officer[QUOTE] and not [QUOTE]Legion officer[QUOTE]
__ああ、なんて恐ろしいんだ!お城のガードをしてたCaelia Draconisは知ってる?彼女が殺されたんだ。
FormID: 00034077	INFOGENERAL	0	Hey, did you hear about that murder in the Talos Plaza District? I think the man's name was Draconis. Yeah, cut down in the prime of his life.	
__Talos Plaza Districtでの殺人の話聞いたかい?Draconisという名前だったとおもう。人生の盛りでの殺人だ。
FormID: 0007B478	INFOGENERAL	0	Between you and me? Ysabel is completely in love with me. But I'm just not a one-woman guy. Nope, the life of the bachelor suits me just fine...   	REC
__ここだけの話? Ysabelは俺に惚れてる。だが、俺は一人の女のために生きるような男じゃないんだ。ああ、独身生活で十分だ...
__ここだけの話だぞ? Ysabelは俺に惚れてる。だが、俺は一人の女のために生きる男じゃないんだ。いや、独身生活の方が性に合うからな…
FormID: 0007B479	INFOGENERAL	0	Agronak is good, yeah. Too good. He says he's only half Orc. What I want to know is, what's the other half? Cause it sure ain't human...	
FormID: 0003E9A1	INFOGENERAL	0	I heard a rumor that you're an idiot. Any truth to that?	
FormID: 000624EB	INFOGENERAL	0	Would you believe Owyn once asked for my hand in marriage? It's true! Poor bastard was heart-broken when I turned him down. I'm old, not desperate.	
FormID: 000624E8	INFOGENERAL	0	I heard there's a new Arena Champion. Sure it takes a lot of skill to make it that far, but they'd be crazy to challenge the Gray Prince.	
__新しいアリーナのチャンピオンがいるって聞いたけど。チャンピオンになるには凄い鍛錬が必要でしょう。でも、Gray Prince に挑戦するなんて頭がおかしかったんだね。
FormID: 0003E9A2	INFOGENERAL	0	Have you heard about Agronak gro-Malog? Turns out he's not a noble at all. He's really the son of a vampire! It's almost too horrible to believe.	
__Agronak gro-Malog の事を聞いた事があるかい? 彼は貴族などではないし、本当はバンパイアの息子なんだと! にわかには信じられないがね。
FormID: 0003E9A3	INFOGENERAL	0	The Gray Prince is nothing but a fake. Haven't you heard? His father was a vampire! He's no Orc. He's a monster. Someone should put him down.	
__Gray Prince は詐欺師だよ。 知ってるかい? 彼の父親はバンパイアだったんだ! 彼は怪物さ。誰か彼を倒してくれないかな。
FormID: 0003E9A4	INFOGENERAL	0	I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called the Spellslinger!                        	
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! アリーナの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが Spellslinger(魔術師)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE8B	INFOGENERAL	0	I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called the Butcher!	
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! アリーナの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Butcher(虐殺者)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE8C	INFOGENERAL	0	I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called Shadowstep!	
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! アリーナの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Shadowstep(影を歩む者)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE8D	INFOGENERAL	0	I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called the Black Arrow!	
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! アリーナの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Black Arrow(影の弓使い)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE8E	INFOGENERAL	0	I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called Skullcrusher!	
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! アリーナの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Skullcrusher(骨をも砕く者)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE8F	INFOGENERAL	0	I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called the Divine Avenger!	
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! アリーナの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Divine Avenger(復讐の使徒)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE90	INFOGENERAL	0	I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called the Messenger of Death!	
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! アリーナの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Messenger of Death(死を告げる者)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE91	INFOGENERAL	0	I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called the Crimson Blade!
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! アリーナの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Crimson Blade(深紅の刃)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE92	INFOGENERAL	0	I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called Man o' War!	
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! アリーナの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Man o' War(戦の申し子)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE93	INFOGENERAL	0	I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called Sir Slaughter!	
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! アリーナの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Sir Slaughter(殺戮の帝王)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE94	INFOGENERAL	0	I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called the Tamriel Terror!	
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! アリーナの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Tamriel Terror(Tamrielの恐怖)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE95	INFOGENERAL	0	I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called Dragonheart!	
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! アリーナの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Dragonheart(竜の魂を持つ物)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE96	INFOGENERAL	0	I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called Lady Luck!	
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! アリーナの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Lady Luck(Ladyの星座に祝福される者)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE97	INFOGENERAL	0	I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called the Iron Maiden!	
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! アリーナの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Iron Maiden(鋼鉄の処女)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 00030036	INFOGENERAL	0	Still no news out of Aleswell since everybody vanished. Strange business.	
FormID: 0002C5A1	INFOGENERAL	0	I understand that the Blackwood Company works cheaper than the Fighters Guild. And they'll do any job.	
FormID: 0002C5A2	INFOGENERAL	0	Rumor has it that the Fighters Guild is losing members to the Blackwood Company.	
__噂では、戦士ギルドにはBlackwood Companyに対抗するだけのメンバーに欠いているらしい。
FormID: 0002C5A3	INFOGENERAL	0	I heard that the Fighters Guild botched a job. They lost a bunch of men in the raid.	
FormID: 0002C5A4	INFOGENERAL	0	I've heard that the Fighters Guild has been having some problems with their contracts recently. That's not like them.	
FormID: 0002C675	INFOGENERAL	0	I've heard the Fighters Guild has managed to recruit a few new members. Good thing.	
FormID: 00032E1F	INFOGENERAL	0	Hey. Check out the new associate. Not bad, if you know what I mean.	
FormID: 00032E20	INFOGENERAL	0	It may take a while, but with the Blackwood Company gone, the new master can rebuild the Fighters Guild to its former glory.	
__Blackwood Companyは無くなったが、戦士ギルドが以前の栄光を取り戻すには時間がかかるだろうな。
FormID: 00032E21	INFOGENERAL	0	Good riddance to the Blackwood Company, and good luck to the Fighters Guild.	
__Blackwood Companyに厄介払いできて、戦士ギルドは運が良かったんだ。
FormID: 00032E22	INFOGENERAL	0	The Blackwood Company were taking bad hist from a sick tree. No wonder they fought blood-mad and fearless.	REC
__Blackwood Companyは腐ったリンゴを戦士ギルドから引き抜いたんだ。奴等が血生臭い仕事をするのも頷けるね。
FormID: 00032E23	INFOGENERAL	0	So Argonians get this 'hist' stuff from licking hist trees, and the Blackwood Company got bad hist that made them crazy.	
__だから Argonian達は戦士ギルドから腐ったリンゴみたいな隊員を得て、Blackwood Companyは狂っていったんだ。
FormID: 00032E24	INFOGENERAL	0	Goodbye, Blackwood Company. The Fighters Guild has a new master, and Oreyn is back.	
__あばよ、Blackwood Company。戦士ギルドは新しい責任者を得た。そして Oreynは帰ってきた。
FormID: 00032E25	INFOGENERAL	0	The Blackwood Company is gone. They were working high on Hist sap. That's why there were so many terrible 'accidents'.	
__Blackwood Companyは無くなった。奴等はいい気になってたんだ。それが恐ろしい災難の原因となったんだ。
FormID: 00032E26	INFOGENERAL	0	The Blackwood Company has a terrible reputation. But with the Fighters Guild in trouble, who else is there?	
__Blackwood Companyは評判は悪いが、問題を抱えた戦士ギルドの他に誰がいるっていうんだ?
FormID: 00032E27	INFOGENERAL	0	The Fighters Guild still gets a little work from old friends, but the Blackwood Company gets all the big contracts.	
__戦士ギルドは古い友人から小さい仕事をもらうんだが、Blackwood Companyがでかい仕事は全部持ってちまう。
FormID: 00032E28	INFOGENERAL	0	The Blackwood Company gets the contracts because the Fighters Guild is coming apart at the seams.	
__戦士ギルド内で連携がとれていないから、Blackwood Companyが依頼をもってちまうんだ。
FormID: 00032E29	INFOGENERAL	0	The Blackwood Company seems to be winning the battle for mercenary contracts in Cyrodiil, but I wouldn't count the Fighters Guild out just yet.	
__Blackwood Companyが Cyrodiil中の傭兵稼業で勝っているように見えるが、戦士ギルドが負けたとわ思わないね。
FormID: 00032E2A	INFOGENERAL	0	Maybe the Fighters Guild will recover from its troubles. And maybe not.	
FormID: 00032E2B	INFOGENERAL	0	The Blackwood Company is not popular, but they're still cheap and effective.	
__Blackwood Companyは人気は無いが、依頼料が安くて効率がいい。
FormID: 00032E2C	INFOGENERAL	0	Everyone feels sorry for the Fighters Guild, but they can't function without leadership.
FormID: 00032E2D	INFOGENERAL	0	I bet the Blackwood Company had something to do with Viranus Donton's death.
__Viranus Dontonの死にはきっとBlackwood Companyが何らかの形で関わっていると思う。
FormID: 00032E2E	INFOGENERAL	0	Modryn Oreyn got kicked out, and Vilena Donton thinks only about her dead sons. The Fighters Guild is finished.	REC[CRLF];mOH-drin oh-RAIN, Vi-LAY-nuh DON-ton
__Modryn Oreynは解雇され、Vilena Dontonは死んだ息子のことばかり考えている。戦士ギルドは終わったも同然だ。
FormID: 00032E2F	INFOGENERAL	0	With Modryn Oreyn gone, and Vilena Donton mourning her lost sons, who's left to lead the Fighters Guild?	REC[CRLF];mOH-drin oh-RAIN, Vi-LAY-nuh DON-ton
__ Modryn Oreynが去り、 Vilena Dontonは亡き息子の事を嘆き悲しんでいる、一体誰が戦士ギルドを率いていくんだ?
FormID: 00032E30	INFOGENERAL	0	Viranus, the Fighters Guild son-and-heir, is dead, and Vilena kicked Modryn Oreyn out of the guild. The Fighters Guild is falling apart.	REC[CRLF];mOH-drin oh-RAIN
__戦士ギルドの跡取りであるViranusが死んで、VilenaはModryn Oreynをギルドから追い出した。戦士ギルドは風前の灯火だ。
FormID: 00032E31	INFOGENERAL	0	It sure sounds like the Blackwood Company double-crossed Argoth and helped Azani Blackheart murder him. Hard to prove it, though.	
__Blackwood Company が Argoth を裏切り、 Azani Blackheart が彼を殺すのを手助けしたのは確かみたいだな。だが証明するのは難しいぞ。	
FormID: 00032E32	INFOGENERAL	0	The Fighters Guild got Azani Blackheart's ring. Not the Blackwood Company. Apparently the Blackwood Company made the whole thing up.	
__戦士ギルドが Azani Blackheart の指輪を手に入れたんだ。 Blackwood Company じゃないぜ。どうも Blackwood Company が全てをでっち上げたようだな。	
FormID: 00032E33	INFOGENERAL	0	So. The Fighters Guild got Azani Blackheart. Blackwood Company said they did him, but apparently they were mistaken. Or stretching the truth, maybe?	
__その通りだ。戦士ギルドが Azani Blackheart を始末したんだ。 Blackwood Company がやったと言ってたが、どうやら間違いのようだな。もしくは事実を誇張してるんだ、だろ?	
FormID: 00032E34	INFOGENERAL	0	I don't like a lot of what I hear about the Blackwood Company. But they complete their contracts on time.	
__ Blackwood Company について聞いた事の多くが好ましくないものだ。だが奴等は契約を時間通りに完了しているんだ。	
FormID: 00032E35	INFOGENERAL	0	Blackwood Company takes any and all contracts, and always completes them. Hard to beat that.	
__Blackwood Company はどんな契約も受け取り、常に完遂している。それを打ち破るのは容易じゃないぜ。	
FormID: 00032E36	INFOGENERAL	0	The Fighters Guild hasn't actually defaulted on any contracts. But still, all the confusion and delays are going to hurt them.	
FormID: 00032E37	INFOGENERAL	0	Vilena Donton hasn't been very aggressive as head of the Fighters Guild. Maybe her son Viranus will show a bit more spunk.	
__Vilena Donton は戦士ギルドの頭首としてはあまり積極的じゃない。たぶん息子の Viranus であれば、少しは活発になるんじゃないか。	
FormID: 00032E38	INFOGENERAL	0	Vilena Donton needs to set a fire under the Fighters Guild if they expect to compete with the Blackwood Company.	
__Blackwood Company に対抗するつもりなら、 Vilena Donton は戦士ギルドの尻に火をつける必要があるな。	
FormID: 00032E39	INFOGENERAL	0	The Fighters Guild is a family business. With Vitellus dead, Viranus is in line to succeed his mother.	
__戦士ギルドは一族の商売なんだ。 Vitellus の死によって、 Viranus が後継者になったのさ。	
FormID: 00032E3A	INFOGENERAL	0	You heard about the Fighters Guild members tearing up a tavern in Leyawiin. As if they didn't have enough problems with the Blackwood Company.	
__Leyawiin で酒場をメチャクチャにしている戦士ギルドの者達のことは聞いただろ。まるで Blackwood Company の事をあまり問題にしてないようだったよ。	
FormID: 00032E3B	INFOGENERAL	0	Sure, the Fighters Guild is established and reliable. But they just aren't as aggressive as the Blackwood Company.	
__確かに戦士ギルドには定評があり信頼できる、ただ Blackwood Company ほど活動的ではないんだ。	
FormID: 00032E3C	INFOGENERAL	0	The Blackwood Company is just plain mean. They've got a bad reputation, but that won't hurt business in their line of work, will it?	
__Blackwood Company は実に卑劣だ。評判は悪いがその事は奴等の仕事にとっては妨げにはならないそうだね。	
FormID: 00032E3D	INFOGENERAL	0	Nobody likes the Blackwood Company. They're brutes, plain and simple.  But they get the job done.	
__誰も Blackwood Company 事は好きじゃない。奴等は獣、単純明快だよ。でも仕事はしっかりとやるんだ。	
FormID: 00032E3E	INFOGENERAL	0	The Blackwood Company people are more hard-core than the fighters from the Guild.	
__Blackwood Company の奴等はギルドの戦士よりも筋金入りだ。	
FormID: 00032E3F	INFOGENERAL	0	The Fighters Guild needs to get aggressive if they're going to compete with the Blackwood Company in Leyawiin.	
__戦士ギルドは Leyawiin で Blackwood Company と競争するつもりなら、もっと積極的にいかないとな。	
FormID: 00032E40	INFOGENERAL	0	Of course the Blackwood Company is violent. That's what fighting is, isn't it? Violent?	
__もちろん Blackwood Company は乱暴さ。戦いなんてそんなもんだろ? 乱暴って?	
FormID: 00032E41	INFOGENERAL	0	The Blackwood Company takes any job, no matter how tough. Fighters Guild is more fussy.	
__Blackwood Company は仕事を選ばない、どんな困難なものでもお構いなしだ。戦士ギルドは少し神経質なんだ。	
FormID: 00032E42	INFOGENERAL	0	The Fighters Guild has competition in Leyawiin. Called 'The Blackwood Company'. Very tough. Maybe too tough.	
__Leyawiin には戦士ギルドの競争相手がいるんだ。『 Blackwood Company 』と呼ばれているよ。かなり手強いと思うよ。	
FormID: 00032E43	INFOGENERAL	0	There's some kind of cover-up going on with the Fighters Guild's Fallen Rock Cave contract.	
__戦士ギルドの Fallen Rock Cave の契約で何らかの隠蔽が行われている。	
FormID: 00032E44	INFOGENERAL	0	It's a simple job. Go get a journal from Fallen Rock Cave. Shouldn't that be a cinch for a Fighter Guild contract?	
__簡単な仕事だ。 Fallen Rock Cave から日記を取りに行くんだ。戦士ギルドの契約にしちゃ朝飯前じゃないのか?	
FormID: 00032E45	INFOGENERAL	0	I heard Fighters Guild got the Fallen Rock contract, but the guy is just sitting around drinking beer.	
__戦士ギルドが Fallen Rock の契約を受けたそうだが、男がビール飲んでブラブラ過ごしてるだけだよ。	
FormID: 00032E46	INFOGENERAL	0	They say the Fighters Guild got all the trolls in Swampy Cave, but I'm still not going anywhere near Harlun's Watch.	
__戦士ギルドが Swampy Cave の troll を全部倒したと言われてるけど、俺はまだ Harlun's Watch の近くには行く気がしないよ。	
FormID: 00032E47	INFOGENERAL	0	No one's going out to Harlun's Watch after what the Fighters Guild found there.	
__戦士ギルドがそこで見た物のせいで、誰も Harlun's Watch へは出掛けたがらないんだ。	
FormID: 00032E48	INFOGENERAL	0	Fighters Guild is still better for sensitive jobs, and you know it.	
FormID: 00032E49	INFOGENERAL	0	If you wanted your daughter rescued, who would you hire? Blackwood Company? Not me. Can't trust them.	
__娘を救出したいとしたら、誰を雇う? Blackwood Company か? 俺はご免だ。奴等は信用できない。	
FormID: 00032E4A	INFOGENERAL	0	The Fighters Guild got Lady Rogbut out safe and sound. With the Blackwood Company, you never know....	
__戦士ギルドが Rogbut 嬢を無事に救出したんだ。 Blackwood Company だったらどうなったことか…	
FormID: 00032E4B	INFOGENERAL	0	If Lord Rugdumph had used the Blackwood Company, who knows how it would have turned out.	
__Rugdumph 卿が Blackwood Company を使っていたら、どういう結果になったか誰にもわからない。	
FormID: 00032E4C	INFOGENERAL	0	I bet someone sold the Bravil jailbreakers down the river. How else could the Fighters Guild have found their hideout?	
__きっと誰かが Bravil の脱獄囚を売ったんだ。戦士ギルドが他にどうやって奴等の隠れ家を見つけれると?	
FormID: 00032E4D	INFOGENERAL	0	Those guys that broke out of Bravil jail were tough customers. But the Fighters Guild got them, didn't they.	
__Bravil の牢獄を脱獄した奴等は手に負えない連中だった。だが戦士ギルドが仕留めたんだってな。	
FormID: 00032E4E	INFOGENERAL	0	Sure, the Fighters Guild raided a family tomb, but they did it for a family member. What's wrong with that?	
FormID: 00032E4F	INFOGENERAL	0	The Fighters Guild thing at Desolate Mine went perfectly, didn't it? They cleared out the goblins, and no one got hurt.	
__Desolate Mine での戦士ギルドの任務は完璧だったんだってな。 goblin どもを掃討し、しかも誰も怪我をしなかったんだ。	
FormID: 00032E50	INFOGENERAL	0	I heard the Fighters Guild thing at Desolate Mine went wrong. They cleared out the goblins, but they lost some people.	
__Desolate Mine での戦士ギルドの任務はうまくいかなかったそうだ。goblin どもは掃討したものの、何人かが死んだんだ。	
FormID: 00032E51	INFOGENERAL	0	They call it the 'Stone of Alessia'. And they got it back. That's all I know.	
__彼等はそれを『 Stone of Alessia 』と呼んでいる。そしてそれを取り戻したんだ。知ってるのはこれだけだよ。	
FormID: 00032E52	INFOGENERAL	0	The Fighters Guild recovered the Stone of Alessia? I didn't know it was lost. Is it magical or something?	
__戦士ギルドが Stone of Alessia を取り戻したのか? 紛失したなんて知らなかったよ。魔法の物か何かなのか?	
FormID: 00032E53	INFOGENERAL	0	Elante of Alinor? She's the Daedric scholar, right? She'll live to write again, thanks to the Fighters Guild.	
__Elante of Alinor ? ディードラ の学者だよね? 戦士ギルドのおかげで、彼女はまた執筆を続けることができるだろうね。	
FormID: 00032E54	INFOGENERAL	0	The rookies took care of all the thieves. How many was it? Seven? Eight?	
__新人達が盗賊を全て始末したんだ。何人倒したんだ? 7人? 8人か?	
FormID: 00032E55	INFOGENERAL	0	Did you hear about the pair of green recruits that cleaned out a den of thieves near Anvil?	
__入ったばかりの二人の新人が Anvil 近くの盗賊の巣窟を一掃したのを聞いたか?	
FormID: 00032E56	INFOGENERAL	0	Both the new Fighters Guild recruits got back alive. It's a good start.	
FormID: 00032E57	INFOGENERAL	0	So the Anvil break-ins were an inside job? The Fighters Guild took care of it? Good work.	
__それで Anvil の泥棒は内部の者の犯行だって? 戦士ギルドが解決したのか? やるねぇ。	
FormID: 00032E58	INFOGENERAL	0	Nothing much doing with the Fighters Guild. Though they got some contracts out Anvil way, didn't they?	
__戦士ギルドが必要となる事なんてそんなにないよ。それでも Anvil 近辺でいくつか契約を取ったって?	
FormID: 00032E59	INFOGENERAL	0	It's always 'rats' for the new associates. Is it some initiation test or something?	
FormID: 00032E5A	INFOGENERAL	0	Rats? They've got Fighters Guild people out killing rats? You're kidding, right?	
ねずみ? Fighters_Guildのメンバーがねずみ退治をするだって? あなたはからかっているんでしょう?
FormID: 00032E5B	INFOGENERAL	0	Even with the Blackwood Company gone, we still need to work hard to restore the reputation of the guild.	
__Blackwood Company が消滅しても、我々はまだギルドの名声を回復するため懸命に働かねばならないんだ。	
FormID: 00032E5C	INFOGENERAL	0	Oreyn and the new master have saved the guild, sure enough. But we can't let it go to their heads.	
__思ったとおり、 Oreyn と 新しいマスターがギルドを救ったんだ。だが俺達は調子に乗っちゃだめなんだ。	
FormID: 00032E5D	INFOGENERAL	0	Remember when our new master was just a rookie? Who would have thought that a bottom boot would save the whole guild from the Blackwood Company?	
__新しいマスターがただの新人だった時を覚えているか? どん底の新兵が Blackwood Company からギルドを救い出すとは誰も思わなかっただろうな。	
FormID: 00032E5E	INFOGENERAL	0	It doesn't hurt that our new master is a famous tough guy. Should bring us more contracts.	
FormID: 00032E5F	INFOGENERAL	0	I feel sorry for Vilena Donton, but she had to go. A new master is just what we need to restore the Fighters Guild's reputation.	
__Vilena Donton には気の毒だが、彼女は身を引かねばならなかった。新しいマスターこそ戦士ギルドの名声を回復する為に必要なんだ。	
FormID: 00032E60	INFOGENERAL	0	We have a new master. And with Oreyn to run daily affairs, we should be in good shape.	
__新しいマスターがいる。しかも日々の仕事をこなす Oreyn も一緒だ、全てうまくいくよ。
FormID: 00032E61	INFOGENERAL	0	It could be worse. Vilena could just shut us down. I hope she doesn't.	
__その程度で済んだのか。 Vilena は俺達の口を封じることもできた。やめて欲しいけどね。
FormID: 00032E62	INFOGENERAL	0	We'll just have to trust Oreyn, and keep our mouths shut.	
__俺達はただ Oreyn を信じ、秘密を守るんだ。
FormID: 00032E63	INFOGENERAL	0	We can't talk about it. Just go about your business. If Oreyn needs something, he'll let us know.	
__その話はよせ。今はただ自分のすべき事をやるんだ。必要があれば Oreyn が知らせてくれるさ。
FormID: 00032E64	INFOGENERAL	0	Oreyn has a plan. Just keep your mouth shut, and stay away from Vilena.	
__Oreyn には計画がある。今はただ口を閉ざし、 Vilena とは接触するな。
FormID: 00032E65	INFOGENERAL	0	We just need to keep our heads down and try to do our jobs. Oreyn's doing what he can from the outside.	
__俺達はただ身を潜め、任務の機会を窺うんだ。Oreyn が外部からできるだけやってくれるさ。
FormID: 00032E66	INFOGENERAL	0	What chance do we have without Oreyn? Poor Vilena is completely useless. I don't see how we survive this.	
__Oreyn なしで何ができるんだ? 哀れな Vilena は全く使えないし。これで生きていけるのかな。
FormID: 00032E67	INFOGENERAL	0	So Viranus is dead. Modryn Oreyn is gone. We are in real trouble.	REC[CRLF];mOH-drin oh-RAIN
__それで Viranus は死に、 Modryn Oreyn も去った。俺達はヤバイことになっている。
FormID: 00032E68	INFOGENERAL	0	I think Oreyn is planning to send Viranus out on the Blankenmarch contract. I'm betting Vilena is not happy about it... if she knows.	REC[CRLF];oh-RAIN
__Oreyn は Viranus を Blankenmarch の契約に送り込むつもりだな。 Vilena が知ったらいい顔はしないだろう…
FormID: 00032E69	INFOGENERAL	0	It's supposed to be a secret. I'm not talking. But everyone knows who's responsible.	
FormID: 00032E6A	INFOGENERAL	0	It was our people who got Azani Blackheart, but I can't talk about who. I promised.	
__ Azani Blackheart を倒したのは俺達の仲間だが、誰かは言えない。約束したんだ。
FormID: 00032E6B	INFOGENERAL	0	We lost Vitellus and a lot of good men against Blackheart. Somebody must be pretty good to take him and all his people.	
__我々はは Blackheart に立ち向い、 Vitellus と多くの優秀な戦士を失ったんだ。誰かが奴とその部下を倒してくれるといいんだが。	
FormID: 00032E6C	INFOGENERAL	0	Oreyn is in a foul mood lately. I think he's just about out of patience with Vilena and the whole Blackwood Company situation.	REC[CRLF];oh-RAIN
__Oreyn はこの頃機嫌が悪いんだ。 Vilena と Blackwood Company の情勢に我慢の限界が来ているんだろう。
FormID: 00032E6D	INFOGENERAL	0	When people learn more about the Blackwood Company's methods, they won't be so eager to hire them.	
__ Blackwood Company の手口がもっと広まれば、人々もそれほど積極的に奴等を使おうとはしないだろう。
FormID: 00032E6E	INFOGENERAL	0	Blackwood Company is sloppy. They make mistakes. Sooner or later it is going to cost them.	
__Blackwood Company は杜撰だ。誤りを犯している。それがいずれ命取りとなるだろう。
FormID: 00032E6F	INFOGENERAL	0	Everyone needs to buckle down and get the work done. And Vilena needs to get out and push guild contracts.	
__誰もが力を発揮し仕事をやり遂げなければならない。そして Vilena は外に出て、ギルドの契約を売り込む必要がある。
FormID: 00032E70	INFOGENERAL	0	Things are falling apart here. Someone needs to do something about the Blackwood Company situation.	
__この組織は崩壊しつつある。誰かが Blackwood Company のこの事態に手を打たないとダメだ。
FormID: 00032E71	INFOGENERAL	0	If a Guild fighter defaults on a contract, he's out. We won't compete with Blackwood Company by defaulting on our contracts.	
__ギルドの戦士が契約を怠れば、そいつは終わりだ。契約を怠たれば Blackwood Company とは競争できないだろう。
FormID: 00032E72	INFOGENERAL	0	Don't tell me Maglir is acting up again. Has he screwed up another contract?	
__Maglir がまた勝手な振る舞いをしてるなんて聞きたくないよ。また契約でへまをしたのか?
FormID: 00032E73	INFOGENERAL	0	Nonwyll Cavern is a good start. But the kid has to go out on his own, or he'll never learn the hard lessons.	
__Nonwyll Cavern は好調な滑り出しだな。だがガキは一人で外に出なくちゃ、決して試練を学ぶことはないだろう。
FormID: 00032E74	INFOGENERAL	0	Viranus wasn't alone at Nonwyll Cavern, you know. Would he have done that well without help?	
__Nonwyll Cavern では Viranus は一人じゃなかった。手助け無しでうまくやれたのか?
FormID: 00032E75	INFOGENERAL	0	Viranus is just a kid. But he did pretty well at Nonwyll Cavern, I guess.	
__Viranus はただの子供だ。だが Nonwyll Cavern ではかなりうまくやったと思うよ。
FormID: 00032E76	INFOGENERAL	0	Viranus is a good kid. It's his mom who's getting in the way.	
__Viranus はいい子だ。母親が足を引っ張っているんだ。
FormID: 00032E77	INFOGENERAL	0	With Vitellus dead, Vilena thinks only about protecting Viranus. That's a sure way to ruin the boy.	
__Vitellus が死んだことで、 Vilena は Viranus を守ることだけを考えている。それでは少年を堕落させるだけだ。
FormID: 00032E78	INFOGENERAL	0	Oreyn is trying to get Viranus out in the field, but Vilena keeps interfering.	REC[CRLF];oh-RAIN
__Oreyn は Viranus を実践に連れ出そうとしているが、 Vilena が邪魔をしているんだ。
FormID: 00032E79	INFOGENERAL	0	Viranus needs to stop hiding behind his mother's skirts if he expects to run this outfit someday.	
__いつか Viranus がこの組織を動かしていくつもりなら、母のスカートの後ろに隠れていちゃダメなんだ。
FormID: 00032E7A	INFOGENERAL	0	Blackwood Company's getting all the contracts around Leyawiin. No wonder the boys there are getting restless.	
__Blackwood Company は Leyawiin 周辺の契約を全て手にしているんだ。あの坊や達がイライラするのも無理はない。
FormID: 00032E7B	INFOGENERAL	0	Oreyn says the new guy went down and sorted out the problem in Leyawiin. Trouble like that is just making things worse.	REC[CRLF];oh-RAIN
__Oreyn は新入りが出向いて、 Leyawiin の問題を解決したと言ってるよ。そういう騒動はただ事態を悪化させるだけだ。
FormID: 00032E7C	INFOGENERAL	0	Some of the Leyawiin boys are cutting up pretty bad. Oreyn is not happy.	
__Leyawiin でガキどもが派手に暴れ回っているんだ。 Oreyn は苦々しくしてるよ。
FormID: 00032E7D	INFOGENERAL	0	Our new recruit says Maglir completed the Fallen Rock Cave contract. Oreyn refuses to talk about it.	
__仲間の新人が Maglir は Fallen Rock Cave の契約を達成したと言ってるよ。 Oreyn はその件に関して口を閉ざしているよ。
FormID: 00032E7E	INFOGENERAL	0	The one bottom boot covered for the other, I hear. It's a tough situation.	
FormID: 00032E7F	INFOGENERAL	0	That Maglir is probably parked in some tavern. I never did like that eight-pint hero.	
__たぶん Maglir はどこかの酒場で居座ってるよ。あんな飲んだくれの英雄なんてゴメンだね。
FormID: 00032E80	INFOGENERAL	0	Oreyn is pretty steamed up about Maglir. He can get expelled for that, can't he?	REC[CRLF];oh-RAIN
__Oreyn は Maglir の事でかなりお冠だ。それを理由に彼を追放できるのかな?
FormID: 00032E81	INFOGENERAL	0	I don't know what's going on, but Oreyn said Maglir has the contract. Has he lost his nerve?	
__状況は知らないけど、 Oreyn は Maglir には契約があると言っていた。奴は怖気付いてるのか?
FormID: 00032E82	INFOGENERAL	0	That's a sad mess out at Harlun's Watch. Little satisfaction in killing those trolls, I'm afraid. Won't bring those folks back, will it?	
__Harlun's Watch の外で惨劇があったんだ。 troll 達を殺しても得られる満足は僅かだと思うよ。死んだ住民達は帰ってこないのだから、だろ?
FormID: 00032E83	INFOGENERAL	0	If our new hard hand keeps closing contracts like the Rugdumph one, we'll be all right.	
__新たに入会した働き手が Rugdumph の一件のような契約を達成し続ければ、俺達も安泰だ。
FormID: 00032E84	INFOGENERAL	0	Lord Rugdumph was going with the Blackwood Company, then thought better of it. We have to do something about them.	
__Rugdumph 卿は Blackwood Company の方を選ぼうとして、その後で考え直したんだ。奴等を何とかしないとダメだな。
FormID: 00032E85	INFOGENERAL	0	That Bloodmane Cave gang had an assassin and a high-level mage? Our gold soldier is a regular hard horse.	
__あの Bloodmane Cave のならず者達の中にアサシンと熟練したメイジがいたのか? 俺達の一級の戦士はただの労働馬だよ。
FormID: 00032E86	INFOGENERAL	0	Biene Amelion sold her family sword and armor to pay her debts. And you think you have it bad?	REC
__Biene Amelion は借金を返済するため、先祖の剣と鎧を売ったんだ。悪い事をしたと思わないか?
FormID: 00032E87	INFOGENERAL	0	I hear our gold soldier paid her debt, but the hard hand also kept her family sword and armor.	REC
FormID: 00032E88	INFOGENERAL	0	They cleared out the Desolate Mine, and everybody got out alive. Pretty slick, eh?	
__Desolate Mine の敵を一掃し、しかも全員生きて帰ってきたんだ。見事じゃないか、え〜?
FormID: 00032E89	INFOGENERAL	0	We filled the Desolate Mine contract, but the butcher's bill was pretty steep.	
__我々は Desolate Mine の契約を果たした、だが支払った代償は計り知れないものだ。
FormID: 00032E8A	INFOGENERAL	0	They cleared out the Desolate Mine, all right, but the other guys didn't make it, did they.	
__Desolate Mine の敵は一掃した、それは結構だが、使命を果たせなかった者もいたんだよな。
FormID: 00032E8B	INFOGENERAL	0	Too bad about Elidor. The Guildmaster pays funeral expenses, doesn't she?	
__Elidor は残念だった。ギルドマスターが葬儀の費用を払うんだよな?
FormID: 00032E8C	INFOGENERAL	0	Are you going to the service for Brag gro-Bharg?	
__Brag gro-Bharg を助けにいくつもりか?
FormID: 00032E8D	INFOGENERAL	0	You know where they're burying Rienna?	
__Rienna がどこに埋葬されるか知ってるかい?
FormID: 00032E8E	INFOGENERAL	0	What the hell's an ogre going to do with the Stone of Alessia? Eat it?	
__一体全体 ogre は Stone of Alessia に何しよっての? 食うのか?
FormID: 00032E8F	INFOGENERAL	0	So thieves steal the Stone of Alessia, and ogres turn around, steal it from them, and tear them apart. Don't you love it?	
__それで盗賊が Stone of Alessia が盗んだ所を、 ogre どもが不意を付いて石を奪い、奴等をバラバラに引き裂いたんだ。面白くないか?
FormID: 00032E90	INFOGENERAL	0	Azzan's report says there were ogres in Sedor. I think this gold soldier might be the real thing.	
__Azzan の報せでは Sedor に ogre どもがいたそうだ。この一級の戦士は本物だと思うよ。
FormID: 00032E91	INFOGENERAL	0	Azzan says the scholar lady was lucky to get back alive. But Oreyn's new 'hard hand' did just fine in a tough situation.	
__Azzan は学者のお嬢さんは生きて戻れてラッキーだったと言ってるけど、 Oreyn の新しい『働き手』はその厳しい状況で実にうまくやったよ。
FormID: 00032E92	INFOGENERAL	0	She's got no business poking around in Brittlerock Cave, but the customer is always right, eh?	
__彼女は 仕事に関係なく Brittlerock Cave の中をウロウロしていたんだ、だがお客様はいつも正しい、だろ?
FormID: 00032E93	INFOGENERAL	0	This lady wants to study Daedra, so she buys a guild contract. You ever heard of anything so goofy?	
FormID: 00032E94	INFOGENERAL	0	So both the recruits got back alive, at least. I haven't heard the report.	
FormID: 00032E95	INFOGENERAL	0	Just got a look at the new Maglir guy. Another 'eight-pint hero', if you ask me.	
__新人の Maglir って奴を見たよ。俺に言わせれば、『飲んだ暮れの英雄』みたいなもんだ。
FormID: 00032E96	INFOGENERAL	0	A den of thieves? Near Anvil? Like that's news? There must be a dozen of them.	
__盗賊の巣窟? Anvil の近く? その類の情報? そんなのたくさんあるよ。
FormID: 00032E97	INFOGENERAL	0	I hear Azzan plans to send both new recruits out on the next contract. You know what it's about?	
__Azzan は次の契約で2人の新人を送り込むつもりだ。何か知らないか?
FormID: 00032E98	INFOGENERAL	0	There were three guys in the Lelles break-ins? And the new guy didn't let any get away? I like that.	
__Lelles の泥棒は3人組みだって? それで新入りが一網打尽にしたのか? 凄いじゃないか。
FormID: 00032E99	INFOGENERAL	0	Didn't Azzan give the new recruit another contract? Something in the protection line?	
__Azzan は新人に次の契約を渡さなかったのか? 保護方針の一環か?
FormID: 00032E9A	INFOGENERAL	0	How do you like the bottom boot on the rat thing? Not bad, eh?	
__ネズミの件での新入りはどうだった? 悪くないだろ?
FormID: 00032E9B	INFOGENERAL	0	Maglir? He's the OTHER bottom boot, right? Not the rat guy?	
__Maglir? もう一人の新入りだろ? ネズミ男の方じゃないんだよな?
FormID: 00032E9C	INFOGENERAL	0	I hear we have another new recruit. Things are looking up. What's his name... Maglir?	
__我々は新人をもう一人得たそうだ。何事も順調だな。名前は何だっけ… Maglir か?
FormID: 00032E9D	INFOGENERAL	0	You heard any more about the rat thing in Anvil?	
__Anvil のネズミの件に関してもっと知らないか?
FormID: 00032E9E	INFOGENERAL	0	This rat thing sounds fishy to me. Well. 'Ratty', I guess. You think the rookie can handle it?	
FormID: 00032E9F	INFOGENERAL	0	Another rat job? Not me. No thanks. Let the bottom boot do the rats. Unless you want the gig....	
__またネズミの仕事か? 俺じゃない。遠慮するよ。ネズミの扱いは新入りにやらせよう。お前がその仕事が欲しいなら別だが…
FormID: 00032EA0	INFOGENERAL	0	We have trainers for block and marksman in Skingrad. And there's a shepherd who teaches athletics, too, I think.	
__Skingrad には防御と射手の指導者がいる。そして体術を教える指導者もいたはずだ。
FormID: 00032EA1	INFOGENERAL	0	The guild teaches only blade and heavy armor in Leyawiin, but there's freelance athletic and armorer training in town, too, I think.	REC
__Leyawiin のギルドはブレードとヘビーアーマーだけを教えてくれる。ただ町には個人で体術や武器の訓練をしてくれる者もいるはずだ。
__Leyawiin のギルドは剣術と重装鎧の扱いしか教えてくれない。ただ町には個人で体術や修理の訓練をしてくれる者もいるはずだ。
FormID: 00032EA2	INFOGENERAL	0	So I can at least get blade and blunt training in Cheydinhal, can't I? 	
__じゃあ Cheydinhal では少なくともブレードと鈍器の訓練ぐらいはしてもいいんだね?
__じゃあ Cheydinhal では少なくとも剣術と殴打武器の訓練ぐらいはしてもいいんだね?
FormID: 00032EA3	INFOGENERAL	0	Darn. They only train in blade and heavy armor at the Bruma hall.	
__だめだ。Bruma の拠点ではブレードとヘビーアーマーのみを訓練しているんだ。
FormID: 00032EA4	INFOGENERAL	0	I want to train my armoring skill, I go to Bravil. Right?	
__アーマーのスキルを訓練したいんで Bravil へ行くんだ。いいかな?
FormID: 00032EA5	INFOGENERAL	0	They train blunt, blade, heavy armor, and block in one of the guildhalls. Is it Anvil?	
__一つのギルドホールの中で鈍器、ブレード、ヘビーアーマーや防御の訓練をしているんだ。それは Anvil のことか?
FormID: 00032EA6	INFOGENERAL	0	Isn't Honditar an athletics trainer? The hunter in Chorrol?	
__Honditar は体術の指導者じゃなかったのか? Chorrol のハンターだったか?
FormID: 00032EA7	INFOGENERAL	0	Lum gro-Baroth in Chorrol can train me in shield work, right?	
__Chorrol の Lum gro-Baroth が盾の使い方を訓練してくれるんだよね?
FormID: 00032EA8	INFOGENERAL	0	I guess you heard Vilena recruited a new sword. Been a while, hasn't it?	
__Vilena が新しい戦力を補充したと聞いたそうだね。久しぶりじゃないか?
FormID: 00032EA9	INFOGENERAL	0	Did I give you the key after lockup last night? I really can't remember.	
__昨日施錠した後でお前に鍵を渡さなかったか? 全然覚えてないんだ。
FormID: 00032EAA	INFOGENERAL	0	No, thanks. Walking around in the wilderness waiting for something to eat me, looking for gold in a hole? You think I'm a dope?	
__ありがた迷惑だ。人食い怪物が待つ荒野を歩き回ったことが、穴の中の金貨を探し回ってることだと? 俺を馬鹿にしてるのか?
FormID: 00032EAB	INFOGENERAL	0	Sure. In the Arena, you can make a lot of money, real fast. And you can get dead, real fast, too.	
FormID: 00032EAC	INFOGENERAL	0	Who wants to be a mage? I hate books, spells, stinky bottles, writing, all that stuff, don't you?	
__誰がメイジになんてなるんだ? 俺は書も、呪文も、臭いボトルも、書く事も、全てのスタッフも大嫌いなんだ、そうだろ?
FormID: 00032EAD	INFOGENERAL	0	Who's on duty tonight? It's not me, is it?	
__誰が今夜の当番なんだ? 俺じゃないよな?
FormID: 00032EAE	INFOGENERAL	0	I have a warm place to sleep and three squares a day. It ain't 'The Bard's Tale', but it's good enough for me.	
FormID: 00032EAF	INFOGENERAL	0	I'm going to stick around the guild hall. It's what I'm not being paid for, if you catch my meaning.	
FormID: 00032EB0	INFOGENERAL	0	Want to pick up a shield and go a few rounds later? Been a while since I saw real action.	
__後で防具を受け取って少し訓練をしたいって? 実戦からずいぶん経つな。
FormID: 00032EB1	INFOGENERAL	0	I'm sick of mutton and beer. Want to go out and get a decent meal later?	
FormID: 00032EB2	INFOGENERAL	0	Go out, kick some robber knight's ass, take his stuff, and get the smith to fix it. That's the way to get armor or weapons.	
FormID: 00032EB3	INFOGENERAL	0	I'd buy my armor at [QUOTE]The Best Defense[QUOTE] if I could afford it. You know... in the Market District... the Imperial City?	
お金に余裕があれば、 [QUOTE]Best_Defense[QUOTE]で装備を整えているところですが… Imperial_CityのMarket_Districtにあるその店をご存知か?
FormID: 00032EB4	INFOGENERAL	0	Where would you go for the best blunt weapons? Slash 'N Smash in the Imperial City.	
良い打撃武器が欲しいときにはどこへ行くか? Imperial_CityのSlash_'N_Smashだろう。
FormID: 00032EB5	INFOGENERAL	0	You've been to Stonewall Shields in the Imperial City? Not cheap, but top quality.	
__Imperial City の Stonewall Shields へ行ったことがあるか? 安くはないけど、品質は最高だ。
FormID: 00032EB6	INFOGENERAL	0	For a really good sword, try 'A Fighting Chance' in the Imperial City.	
__本当に良い剣を手に入れるには、 Imperial City の『 A Fighting Chance 』に挑戦するんだ。
__本当に良い剣が欲しいなら、 Imperial City の [QUOTE]A Fighting Chance[QUOTE]へ行ってみたらどうだい。
FormID: 00032EB7	INFOGENERAL	0	You heard about any new contracts? They'd tell us, wouldn't they?	
__新しい契約の事を何か聞いたか? 俺達に教えてくれるんだろうな?	
FormID: 00032EB8	INFOGENERAL	0	Vilena is pretty useless since Vitellus died. Thank gods Oreyn is around to keep things together.	
__Vilena は Vitellus が死んでから全く使い物にならない。 Oreyn が物事をまとめてくれて良かったよ。	
FormID: 00032EB9	INFOGENERAL	0	I know Vilena's got Vitellus on her mind, but she'll spoil Viranus if she keeps him out of the real action.	
__Vilena は Vitellus の事が気にかかっている、だが Viranus を実戦から遠ざけていれば、彼をダメにしてしまうだろう。	
FormID: 00032EBA	INFOGENERAL	0	I sure wish Vitellus hadn't died. That was sure a mess.	
__Vitellus さえ死んでなかったらと本当に思うよ。あれはとんでもない騒ぎだったよ。	
FormID: 00032EBB	INFOGENERAL	0	I guess I could have been an adventurer. But I like sleeping in a bed.	
FormID: 00032EBC	INFOGENERAL	0	There's more gold in Arena fighting, sure. But contracting with the Guild is safer. And more respectable.	
FormID: 00032EBD	INFOGENERAL	0	Things are really slow. You remember the last time we had a new contract?	
FormID: 00032EBE	INFOGENERAL	0	Recruitment is down. Way down. That's a problem.	
FormID: 00032EBF	INFOGENERAL	0	Was Vigdis our most recent recruit? Or Lensi Llharam? It's been so long, I forget.	
__Vigdis が最も最近の新人だったか? それとも Lensi Llharam だったか? 時が経ちすぎて忘れたよ。	
FormID: 0002C59D	INFOGENERAL	0	Some folks are saying that the Blackwood Company is taking over all of the Fighters Guild contracts. There's rumor they'll lose their charter.	
__一部の人達が Blackwood Company は戦士ギルドの全ての契約を掌握していると話している。彼らが失脚するという噂もあるんだ。	
FormID: 00061432	INFOGENERAL	0	The Fighters Guild is recruiting again. Not a bad way to make some money, if you've got the stones for it.	
FormID: 00061433	INFOGENERAL	0	Anyone looking for work should consider the Fighters Guild. I hear they're always looking for recruits.	
FormID: 00061434	INFOGENERAL	0	I understand the Fighters Guild is hiring new members. Not bad work for some folks.	
FormID: 0006267E	INFOGENERAL	0	Mannimarco is no more! The guild is saved, and we have a new Arch-Mage to lead us.
FormID: 00062BC6	INFOGENERAL	0	I can't believe Arch-Mage Traven sacrificed himself to save us all. How noble of him.	REC[CRLF]Argonian, Breton, Imperial, Nord[CRLF][QUOTE]TRAY-vin[QUOTE]
FormID: 00062BC7	INFOGENERAL	0	I don't know what it was, but something important was taken away from Mannimarco. Maybe there is a chance he can be defeated.
FormID: 00062BC8	INFOGENERAL	0	Traven might get us through this yet. I hear that the Necromancers were handed a significant defeat at Silorn.	REC[CRLF]Argonian, Breton, Imperial, Khajit, Nord[CRLF][QUOTE]TRAY-vin[QUOTE]
FormID: 00062BC9	INFOGENERAL	0	The Council has turned on Traven. Things couldn't possibly get any worse for the guild.	REC[CRLF]Argonian, Breton, Imperial, Khajit, Nord[CRLF][QUOTE]TRAY-vin[QUOTE]
FormID: 00062BCA	INFOGENERAL	0	Mannimarco himself is in Cyrodiil, hunting us down. None of us are safe!
FormID: 00062BCB	INFOGENERAL	0	Without the Council of Mages to guide us, how will we stand up to the King of Worms?
__ギルドの評議会の導きなしに、どうやって我々はKing of Wormsに立ち向かえばいいのでしょうか?
FormID: 00062BCC	INFOGENERAL	0	The Council of Mages has been dissolved. Arch-Mage Traven has been deserted. He's all we have left.	REC[CRLF]Argonian, Breton, Imperial, Khajiit, Nord[CRLF][QUOTE]TRAY-vin[QUOTE]
FormID: 00062BCD	INFOGENERAL	0	Necromancers have attacked our very homes. What could be next?
FormID: 00062BCE	INFOGENERAL	0	The Bruma guild hall has been decimated. Our hall could be next!	
FormID: 00062BCF	INFOGENERAL	0	I've heard rumors about the Council of Mages consorting with outside sources. Why are outsiders interfering with our guild?
FormID: 00062BD6	INFOGENERAL	0	The Council of Mages has this Necromancer situation under control. They must, or else we'd know about it, right?	
FormID: 0006267F	INFOGENERAL	0	Something has gone seriously wrong at the Arcane University. I heard that a high-ranking member was killed in some sort of ambush.
__何か深刻な問題がArcane Universityに降りかかっているようです。私の聞いたところでは、上位のメンバーがある種の待ち伏せに遭って殺されたそうです。
FormID: 00062680	INFOGENERAL	0	I think the rumors about Necromancers are completely untrue. I've heard some crazy things, and I don't believe any of them.	
__死霊術士についての噂は完全に嘘であると思います。 いくつかの狂気の出来事を耳にしましたが、少しも信じることができません。
FormID: 00062681	INFOGENERAL	0	The Council seems very interested in this new group of Necromancers that has sprung up. I wonder how things will play out.
FormID: 00062682	INFOGENERAL	0	Have you heard anything more about what the Council knows about these Necromancers? Something's not right.	
FormID: 00062683	INFOGENERAL	0	It's good to know that valuable research is still going on, even though things seem to be a bit more tense lately.
FormID: 00062684	INFOGENERAL	0	Someone finally solved the problems with research at Vahtacen. You'd think the Council would know more about the Ayleids by now.	REC: Argonian, Breton, Imperial, Khajiit, Nord[CRLF][QUOTE]vah-TAH-sen[QUOTE]
FormID: 00062685	INFOGENERAL	0	It sounds like the Council of Mages has been holding extra meetings recently. I'm not sure what that means.	
FormID: 00062686	INFOGENERAL	0	I've heard rumors that the Council of Mages is taking advice from outsiders. I'm not sure how I feel about that.
FormID: 00062687	INFOGENERAL	0	Arch-Mage Traven was right to ban Necromancy from the guild. Look at what they've done; they've gone and killed several of us!	REC: Argonian, Breton, Imperial, Khajiit, Nord[CRLF][QUOTE]TRAY-vin[QUOTE]
FormID: 00062688	INFOGENERAL	0	The Mages Guild has been attacked by Necromancers. This proves they can't be trusted!	
FormID: 00062689	INFOGENERAL	0	I understand that Dagail is in much better control of her faculties now that Kalthar's plot has been exposed.
FormID: 0006266C	INFOGENERAL	0	Kalthar tried to ruin the Leyawiin guild. Just goes to show you can't trust a Necromancer, even if he claims to be [QUOTE]reformed.[QUOTE]
FormID: 0006268A	INFOGENERAL	0	Did you hear that someone played yet another prank on Jeanne Frasoric in Bruma? I don't know how she keeps falling for these things.	
__貴方は、BrumaのJeanne Frasoricに誰かが悪戯をしていることを知っていますか?私は、どうやって何度も彼女がそのようなことに引っ掛けられるのか見当がつきません。 
FormID: 0006266D	INFOGENERAL	0	It sounds like there are an awful lot of problems at the Bruma guild hall. Jeanne does a poor job of running that place.	
FormID: 0006266E	INFOGENERAL	0	The Chorrol guild hall had an unpleasant visit recently, from someone who had a grudge against Teekeeus.	REC: all races
FormID: 0006266F	INFOGENERAL	0	I hear a new Associate came to Teekeeus's aid recently. Something about an old enemy of his storming into town.	
新しいAssociateが最近Teekeeusの助けに来たらしい。 宿敵のようなものが彼の町にやってきたとか。
FormID: 00062670	INFOGENERAL	0	The roads near Anvil are safer now, thanks to Carahil and her guild hall. She's an example for us all.		
FormID: 00062671	INFOGENERAL	0	The Anvil guild has made quite a name for itself under Carahil. Did you hear about the recent murderer they caught?	
FormID: 00062672	INFOGENERAL	0	Kud-Ei will do anything to help her girls out. She recently got Ardaline out of a bind, and I hear it wasn't completely within guild rules.	
__Kud-Ei willは彼女の娘達を助けるためならどのようなことでもするでしょう。彼女は、最近Ardalineを苦境から助け出そうとしています。そして、それはギルドのルールから完全に外れたものだと聞いています。
FormID: 00062673	INFOGENERAL	0	Kud-Ei runs a tight ship in Bruma. She may not always play by the rules, but I wouldn't want her on my bad side.	
FormID: 00062674	INFOGENERAL	0	I can't believe a Mages Guild associate was found dead in Cheydinhal. What kind of place are they running there?	
__Mages GuildのメンバーがCheydinhalで死体で見つかったなんて信じられないよ!彼らはどういう場所に仕事で向かわされたのかな?
FormID: 00062675	INFOGENERAL	0	Did you hear that Falcar left the guild? I think Deetsan is in charge in Cheydinhal now.	
FormID: 00062676	INFOGENERAL	0	I heard that one of the Skingrad mages was assaulted, but I don't know the details.	
FormID: 00062677	INFOGENERAL	0	Sounds like the Skingrad branch of the guild can't even keep track of its members. How appalling.	
FormID: 0004F221	INFOGENERAL	0	Soris Arenim sure seems upset. I think he lost something important.	
__Soris Arenimは狼狽していることでしょう。彼は何か重要なものを失ったのだから。
FormID: 0004F224	INFOGENERAL	0	I heard that Soris Arenim made himself quite a bit of money recently. He seems very happy about it.	
__Soris Arenimは最近、小金をこしらえたらしい。彼はそのことにとても幸せそうだよ。
FormID: 0002D939	INFOGENERAL	0	I saw Erthor earlier. Guess someone rescued him again. Hide your scrolls while you can.
FormID: 000479AA	INFOGENERAL	0	I thought about joining the Mages Guild, but that Falcar fellow was very intimidating. I ended up changing my mind.	
__Mages Guildに入ったらどうかな。でも、Falcar会員はとても恐れられているけどね。最後には私の心を変えることになったよ。
FormID: 00048731	INFOGENERAL	0	There was some kind of fight at the Mages Guild. I heard that Falcar disappeared, as well.	REC: Elf Male
__Mages Guildで権力争いがあったらしいぞ。Falcarが姿を消したとの噂さだよ。
FormID: 0006C296	INFOGENERAL	0	Things in the guild have been different since Traven was named Arch-Mage. They're more structured, but everyone seems tense.	REC[CRLF][QUOTE]TRAY-vin[QUOTE]
__TravenがArch-Mageとなった時から、 ギルドはそれまでとはいささか違ってきました。 組織は再構築され、 みな緊張しているようです。
FormID: 0006C297	INFOGENERAL	0	Half of the Council of Mages resigned when Traven took over the position of Arch-Mage.	REC[CRLF][QUOTE]TRAY-vin[QUOTE]
__TravenがArch-Mageの地位についたとき、 魔術評議会員の半分は辞任しました。
FormID: 0006C298	INFOGENERAL	0	Arch-Mage Traven is the first to take such a hard stance on Necromancy. It upset more than a few people.	REC[CRLF][QUOTE]TRAY-vin[QUOTE]
__Arch-MageのTravenは、 死霊術に対して厳しい態度をとった最初の人物です。 それはかなり多くの人々を動揺させました。
FormID: 0006C299	INFOGENERAL	0	The Mages Guild runs more or less like it always did, but we lost quite a few members when the practice of Necromancy was banned.	REC
__ギルドの運営には差し支えありませんが、 死霊術が禁止されたとき、 我々は相当な数のメンバーを失いました。
FormID: 0006C29A	INFOGENERAL	0	Necromancy may be legal in Cyrodiil, but few will openly admit to practicing it now that the Mages Guild has banned it.	REC
__死霊術はCyrodiilでは合法かもしれませんが、 魔術師ギルドがそれを禁止した今、 公然と認める人間はごくわずかです。
FormID: 0006C29B	INFOGENERAL	0	Some say that Traven is mis-using the power of the Arch-Mage's position to further his personal agendas.	REC[CRLF][QUOTE]TRAY-vin[QUOTE]
__何人かの人間が、 Travenが個人的な目的のために、 Arch-Mageの立場を不正に使っていると言っています。
FormID: 0006C29C	INFOGENERAL	0	I don't know what Arch-Mage Traven has against Necromancy, but the first thing he did after taking over the Mages Guild was to ban its practice.	REC[CRLF][QUOTE]TRAY-vin[QUOTE]
私はなぜArch-MageのTravenが、 死霊術を敵視しているかを知りません。 彼が魔術師ギルドの全権を握って、 最初に行ったことは、その実行を禁止することでした。
FormID: 0006C29E	INFOGENERAL	0	Not only has Necromancy been banned from practice in the Mages Guild, but the Guild won't deal with anyone who openly uses it.	REC
魔術師ギルドは、 ギルド内で死霊術を禁止しただけではなく、 それを公然と実行するものは誰でも絶縁しています。
FormID: 0006C2A2	INFOGENERAL	0	The Mages Guild has made more than a few enemies since Necromancy was banned.	REC
死霊術が禁止されて以来、 魔術師ギルドはかなり多くの敵を作っています。
FormID: 00025240	INFOGENERAL	0	I saw that Earana woman hanging around the Mages Guild again.
FormID: 0002D927	INFOGENERAL	0	I saw that Erthor is back in town again.	
FormID: 0002D91F	INFOGENERAL	0	I hear one of the guild mages has gone missing again.	
FormID: 0000A28A	INFOGENERAL	0	It seems quieter than usual at the Mages Guild.	
__最近のMages Guildはいつもより静かな感じがします。
FormID: 00025241	INFOGENERAL	0	I saw Earana leaving town. She looked very excited.	
FormID: 0004872E	INFOGENERAL	0	Things at the Mages Guild seem tense. That Falcar fellow sure keeps a tight rein on things.	
__Mages Guildの状況が切迫しているようです。きっとあのFalcarがきつく締め上げているからでしょうね。
FormID: 0004872F	INFOGENERAL	0	Falcar at the Mages Guild seems to be angry all the time. I avoid him when I can.
__Mages GuildのFalcarはいつも怒ったような顔をしています。出来るだけ避けたいものですね。
FormID: 00048730	INFOGENERAL	0	I haven't seen Vidkun around town lately. I guess they're keeping him pretty busy at the Mages Guild.	
FormID: 0004F222	INFOGENERAL	0	Varon Vamori seems very glum lately. I guess things aren't going well with Ardaline.	REC Elf voice
__Varon Vamoriは最近とても不機嫌のようです。Ardalineとうまくいっていないようですから。
FormID: 0004F223	INFOGENERAL	0	Kud-Ei seems upset about something lately. I'd stay away from the Mages Guild if I were you.
__Kud-Eiは最近起こったことで気をもんでいるそうです。私が貴方なら、まずMages Guildには立ち寄りませんね。	
FormID: 00085215	INFOGENERAL	0	Those new fellows here in town are making me nervous. Walking around with those big weapons; I hope they leave soon.	
FormID: 00028BFE	INFOGENERAL	0	I heard someone broke into the Mages Guild.
FormID: 0008674D	INFOGENERAL	0	If the Council really did split up, the guild is done for. This is serious.	
FormID: 0001E06D	INFOGENERAL	0	The Mages Guild seems more disorganized than usual lately.
FormID: 00062497	INFOGENERAL	0	Andel Indarys may or may not have killed his wife, and it may or may not have been an accident. And I doubt we'll ever know for sure.
__Andel Indarysは妻を殺したかもしれないし、そうでないかもしれない。事故であったかもしれないし、そうでないかもしれない。私たちには分かりようのないことです。	
FormID: 00062498	INFOGENERAL	0	How did a Dark Elf become Count Cheydinhal? King Helseth and Barenziah have considerable influence, and Helseth and Indarys are cronies. Get it?
__Dark ElfはどうやってCheydinhal伯爵になったのでしょう?Helseth王とBarenziahには、かなりの影響がある。そして、HelsethとIndarysは親友です。分かりますか?
FormID: 00062499	INFOGENERAL	0	Andel Indarys is an intemperate, bibulous philanderer. And a Dark Elf. Other than that, he is perfectly suited to be a count.	
__Andel Indarysは不節制で、酒好きの女たらしで、加えてDark Elfです。しかしそれ以外は彼は完璧に伯爵としての役割をこなしています。
FormID: 0006249A	INFOGENERAL	0	Millona Umbranox is better off without that irresponsible husband of hers. The most honorable thing he ever did was to disappear and leave her alone.
__Millona Umbranoxは彼女の無責任な夫がいなくなってから暮らし向きが上向いたようです。その夫が今までにした中でもっとも良いことは、彼女のもとから消えたことでしょう。	
FormID: 0006249B	INFOGENERAL	0	Millona Umbranox, Arriana Valga, and Narina Carvain seem to rule their counties perfectly well without male assistance.
__Millona UmbranoxとArriana Valga、そしてNarina Carvainは男性の助けなしでもその領地をよく治めているように思えます。
FormID: 0006249C	INFOGENERAL	0	I've never heard the Countess mention her husband. I believe it is something of a sore point with Lady Millona.
__私は、伯爵夫人が彼女の夫について何か言うのを一度も聞いたことがありません。 それがMillona夫人のある種の泣き所だと信じていますが。
FormID: 0006249D	INFOGENERAL	0	Bruma is not a fit place to live, but no one can fault Countess Bruma on the quality of her guard or defenses.
FormID: 0006249E	INFOGENERAL	0	I believe the rugged climate of Bruma suits Narina Carvain. She's tough and cold, but you always know what to expect from her.
__私は、Brumaの荒れている気候がNarina Carvainには合っていると思う。彼女はタフで冷たい印象を与えるから…あなたも知っているかもしれないけども。
FormID: 0006249F	INFOGENERAL	0	No wonder Narina Carvain is so cranky. If you had to live year-round in a cold, drafty, soot-stained castle like Bruma, you'd be cranky, too.
__Narina Carvainが気難しいのは不思議ではありません。Brumaのような冷たくて風の強い、薄汚れた城に一年中で住まなければならないとしたら、あなたもまたそうなるでしょう。
FormID: 000624A0	INFOGENERAL	0	With Regulus Terentius for a father, what do you expect from Gellius? The acorn never falls too far from the tree.
__Regulus Terentiusには息子がいますが、そのGelliusから何が予想できると思います?蛙の子は蛙です。	
FormID: 000624A1	INFOGENERAL	0	It is fashionable to make fun of Bravil and Regulus Terentius. Personally, I think it is poor sport to mock the poor and disadvantaged.
__BravilとRegulus Terentiusをからかうのが流行っています。個人的には、貧しさと恵まれなさを馬鹿にするのは嫌らしい遊びだと思いますが。	
FormID: 000624A2	INFOGENERAL	0	I have not found it convenient to visit Count Bravil. Travel is so difficult there at this time of the year. Indeed, almost any time of year.
FormID: 000624A3	INFOGENERAL	0	I had a very pleasant visit with Arriana Valga recently. The castle was very comfortable, and her new guard captain seems to be working out well.	
__最近Arriana Valga夫人のところにいったのですが、凄かったですよ。お城はとても快適でしたし、新しい隊長もとてもよく働いているように見えました。
FormID: 000624A4	INFOGENERAL	0	Chorrol appears to be clean, prosperous, and well-ordered. Countess Arriana, her staff and guard is to be praised.
__Chorrolは清潔と繁栄、そして治安すべてにおいて完璧に思えます。Countess Arrianaや彼女の臣下とガードは讃えられるべきですね。	
FormID: 000624A5	INFOGENERAL	0	If Countess Chorrol is any example, dignity and piety may indeed bring rich rewards from the Nine.
FormID: 000624A6	INFOGENERAL	0	Marius Caro and Alessia Alessia Caro. That's a fine match, two best families in Cyrodiil. They'll be on the Elder Council, just you wait.	
__Marius Caro伯爵とAlessia Valga婦人、今はCaro姓を名乗ってます。あの二人はとてもお似合いで、どちらもCyrodiilで一位二位を争う素晴らしい家柄ですよ。Elder Councilに向かうということなので、待つしかないですね。
FormID: 000624A7	INFOGENERAL	0	Alessia Caro visits her mother in Chorrol regularly. A dutiful daughter... and a dutiful wife, I hear.	
__Alessia CaroはChorrolでいつも自分の母親を訪ねています。孝行娘であり、従順な妻だという評判です。
FormID: 000624A8	INFOGENERAL	0	There's been trouble with smugglers and Khajiit bandits in the Trans-Niben, but Marius Caro is taking steps to deal with the problem.
__Trans-Nibenは密輸人とKhajiitの山賊が根城にしているという問題がありますが、Marius Caroはそれに対処するために手を打っています。	
FormID: 000624A9	INFOGENERAL	0	The Count of Skingrad and I are not social intimates. In fact, I don't believe Janus Hassildor has any social intimates.
__Skingradの伯爵と私は親密ではありません。これは事実です。Janus Hassildorは誰とも社交的な関係さえ持っていないと信じてます。	
FormID: 000624AA	INFOGENERAL	0	It's curious. Skingrad's people scarcely ever set eyes on the Count, but he's apparently loved and respected by all his subjects.
FormID: 000624AB	INFOGENERAL	0	A master sorcerer like Janus Hassildor inevitably outlives all his peers. It must be a lonely existence.
__Janus Hassildorのような上級魔術師は必然的に長命です。それは孤独なことであるに違いありません。
FormID: 000624AC	INFOGENERAL	0	It is pleasant, and a bit melancholy, to walk among the graves in Green Emperor Way and contemplate the dead who precede us.
__Green Emperor Wayの墓所を巡り、先人のことを思うのは不愉快なことではありませんが、少し憂うつにはなります。	
FormID: 000624AD	INFOGENERAL	0	I admit to sharing the common enthusiasm for the Arena. It is barbaric, but the stakes of life or death make the drama irresistably compelling.
FormID: 000624AE	INFOGENERAL	0	They say Alinor on Summerset Isle is more beautiful. I've never been. For the present, I must count the Imperial City the most glorious in Tamriel.
__Tamrielで最も栄光あるImperial Cityより、Summerset IsleのAlinorのほうがより美しいという人もいます。	
FormID: 000624AF	INFOGENERAL	0	Legion duty here in Cyrodiil is usually a dull affair. In the East, though, things are a bit more challenging, and one can make a name for oneself.
FormID: 000624B0	INFOGENERAL	0	The legions patrol the roads, and they've always been sufficient. I can't imagine we'll ever be at war with the provinces... not in my lifetime.
FormID: 000624B1	INFOGENERAL	0	I've not always been happy with the standards of conduct in the Mages Guild, but Hannibal Traven's reforms are quite encouraging.
__魔術師ギルドがいつも手本になるというわけではありませんが、Hannibal Travenの改革はかなり励みになります。
FormID: 000624B2	INFOGENERAL	0	I'm not sure the Dark Brotherhood is any more serious a problem than beggary and petty thievery. And it's certainly a discreet and secret problem.
__私はDark Brotherhoodに貧しさと小さな盗み以上に重大な問題があるとは思いません。それは慎重さと辛抱強さを要する問題です。
FormID: 000624B3	INFOGENERAL	0	The people have a simple faith in the Nine, and the clerics do their part to heal and comfort them in adversity.
FormID: 000624B4	INFOGENERAL	0	I've sometimes thought I'd like to make a pilgrimage to the wayshrines, but my duties prevent me from such extensive and dangerous travel.
FormID: 000624B5	INFOGENERAL	0	The doomstones are a mystery. Are they traces of the Mythic Times? Or creations of ancient beastfolk or lost races of mer or men?
FormID: 000624B6	INFOGENERAL	0	I have not read the works of Mrs. Ottus. I'm told some find her guide books useful, though she apparently has strong opinions on some matters.
__私はOttus夫人の作品を読んだことがありません。 彼女には、いくつかの件に関する強い主張が明らかにありますが、彼女のガイドブックが役に立つという人間がいることは理解できます。
FormID: 000624B7	INFOGENERAL	0	The Elder Council and the bureaucracy have managed the Empire's affairs for decades. The Emperor rules, but the Council handles all the details.
__Elder Councilと官僚制度は長い間帝国を管理しています。皇帝は最終的な判断を下しますが、Councilが詳細まで取り扱います。
FormID: 000624B8	INFOGENERAL	0	What can be said about taxes? They're high, but we must pay. At least they are administered efficiently, and the shrinkage is within decent limits.	
__税金について物申すことなど出来るでしょうか? 高かろうが支払う以外に方法はありません。少なくとも効率的に管理されているし、一応納税出来る範囲には収まっていますからねぇ。
FormID: 000624B9	INFOGENERAL	0	It is not always an easy life we lead, but the people must be served.
FormID: 000ACE29	INFOGENERAL	0	Shrines are secret for a reason. People hate us. Ignorant fools.	REC[CRLF]common sense; contempt for the fools
FormID: 000ACE2A	INFOGENERAL	0	We don't want more worshippers. We just want to be left alone.	dismissive
FormID: 000ACE2B	INFOGENERAL	0	Ignorant folk hate us, so we stay far away from them.	common sense explanation
FormID: 000ACE2C	INFOGENERAL	0	We don't go looking for new worshippers. If people are interested, they can find us.	offhand, casual
FormID: 000ACE2D	INFOGENERAL	0	What we do is perfectly legal. Others have no right to interfere.	righteous indignation
FormID: 000ACE48	INFOGENERAL	0	We don't welcome visitors, but we don't murder them either.	sardonic; dismissing foolish fears and superstitions about daedra worshippers
FormID: 000ACE4A	INFOGENERAL	0	We threaten no one. Why can't they just leave us alone?	griping complaint
FormID: 000ACE4E	INFOGENERAL	0	Daedra Lords demand offerings and services. If you won't do as you're told, just forget about it.	fair warning
FormID: 000ACE63	INFOGENERAL	0	You better have the right offering, or you're wasting your time here.	fair warning
FormID: 000ACE64	INFOGENERAL	0	The Nine Divines are boring. Daedra? They're never boring.	dismissive contempt for Nine Divines; wary admiration for daedra
__Nine Divinesにはうんざりだ。Daedraはどうだ?Daedraの時代なのだ。
FormID: 000ACE65	INFOGENERAL	0	Folks think we're all evil? What do they k2007-04-27 (金) 22:50:56 Do I look evil?	common sense; mocking appeal [surprise used for questioning expression]
FormID: 000ACE6B	INFOGENERAL	0	I tried the chapels. They're a waste of time.	dismissive contempt
FormID: 000624E7	INFOGENERAL	0	Dear Brother, I do not spread rumors. I create them.	Lucien Lachance -- sinister
FormID: 000624E9	INFOGENERAL	0	Are you mad? My life is on the line and the entire Brotherhood is at stake! We don't have time for this nonsense!	Lucien Lachance -- sinister, but urgent
FormID: 000624EA	INFOGENERAL	0	Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors. I create them.	Lucien Lachance -- sinister
FormID: 000624EC	INFOGENERAL	0	There are whispers in the halls of the Sanctuary. Some say there is a traitor among us. That the Brotherhood has been... compromised.	
FormID: 000624ED	INFOGENERAL	0	The Count of Skingrad is not all he seems. Let's just say I'm not the only one who enjoys his evenings...
FormID: 000624EE	INFOGENERAL	0	Oh, I shouldn't... well, all right. Gogron had a pet rabbit as a child! He petted the thing so hard he crushed its skull! Ha ha ha! What a brute!	REC -- mispronunciation -- should be [QUOTE]GOE-gron[QUOTE][CRLF]hesitantly telling a rumor, and then laughing about it
FormID: 000624EF	INFOGENERAL	0	Don't tell anyone else, but some day I'm going to have Ocheeva's position. Just you wait and see. Lucien Lachance knows real talent when he sees it.
__誰にも言わないでもらいたいが、私はいつかOcheevaのポジションを継ぐのだ。お前はただ黙って見てればいい。Lucien Lachanceは才能を見抜く力があるからな。
__誰にも言わないでもらいたいのですが、私はいつかOcheevaのポジションを継いでみせます。あなたはただ黙って見てればいい。Lucien Lachanceは才能を見抜く力がありますからね。

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