Backup/Vanilla/Dialogue/INFOGENERAL-02 のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 000624F0 INFOGENERAL 0 I... I've heard some talk. This past year, some family members have been found... murdered! Could there be an assassin among assassins?
__私…聞いてしまったんです。ここ一年で仲間の何人かが…殺されたって! 暗殺者の中に暗殺者がいるってことなんでしょうか?
__き…聞いてしまったのだが。この一年で何人もの仲間が発見されたそうだ…死体となって! 暗殺者の中に暗殺者がいるということなのだろうか?
FormID: 000624F1 INFOGENERAL 0 I have it on good authority that the newest addition to the Brotherhood is an annoying whelp unworthy of licking my boots. How's that for gossip?
__Brotherhoodに最近加わった奴は、ブーツを舐める子犬なみに嗅ぎまわってるって聞いたよ。 なんのゴシップのためにやってるんだろう?
FormID: 000624F2 INFOGENERAL 0 The Black Hand is trying to keep it very hush hush, but one of their own has been assassinated! It would seem the Brotherhood has been infiltrated.
__Black Handはすっごい隠してるけど、彼らの一人が暗殺されたんだよ! Brotherhoodが潜入してるんじゃないか。
__Black Handは必死で隠しているけど、彼らの一人が暗殺されたらしい! Brotherhoodが潜入しているんじゃないか。
FormID: 000624F3 INFOGENERAL 0 Hey, I don't like to tell stories, but Telaendril and me... you know. Don't believe me? I've got her undergarments to prove it! Ha ha ha ha ha! REC -- mispronunciation -- should be [QUOTE]tel-EN-dril
__よう、俺はペラペラ話すのが好きじゃないが、Telaendrilと俺はな…わかるだろ。信じられないか? 彼女の下着をとってきたって証明してもか! ハッハッハハハ!
__よう、俺はペラペラ話すのが好きじゃないが、Telaendrilと俺はな…わかるだろ。信じられないか? 彼女の下着を持ってきて証明してやろうか! ハッハッハハハ!
FormID: 0006A852 INFOGENERAL 0 Rumors? Oh! Well... Um... I... I heard you're the one who killed Adamus Phillida! The skill you must possess! REC
__噂? ああ! えーっと…うーん…わ…私はあなたが Adamus Phillidaを殺害したと聞きました! あなたが身に着けなければならない術です!
__噂? ああ! えー…あー……あ、あなたがAdamus Phillidaを殺したと聞きました! あなたは卓越した技を身に着けているんですね!
FormID: 0006A853 INFOGENERAL 0 I... I heard what they did to Lucien Lachance... Is it true that Arquen feasted on his entrails? REC
__私は…彼らがLucien Lachanceにしたことを聞きました…。Arquenが彼の内臓をごちそうにして食べたというのは本当ですか?
__わ...私はLucien Lachanceがされた事を聞きました...。Arquenが彼のはらわたを舌鼓を打ちつつ食したというのは本当の事なのでしょうか?
FormID: 0006A854 INFOGENERAL 0 Well, the others and I have been talking.... Is it true? About the traitor? It's frightening to think he infiltrated the Brotherhood so easily. REC
__うーん、他の者とも話しましたが…それは本当ですか? 反逆者について? 彼がそれほど容易にBrotherhoodに溶け込んでいたと思うと恐ろしいですね。
FormID: 0006A855 INFOGENERAL 0 This is no time for gossip mongering. A dark destiny awaits us. REC
__商人と噂話している時間はない! 暗い運命が私たちを待っているんだから。
__噂話に興じている暇は無い! 暗い運命が私たちを待ち受けているんだぞ。
FormID: 0007C0A7 INFOGENERAL 0 The latest Black Horse Courier is upsetting. Apparently, more and more people have been trying to contact the Dark Brotherhood. See for yourself.
__最新号のBlack Horse Courierは驚愕の内容です。ますますDark Brotherhoodと接触してる人が増えているらしいですよ。ご自分の目で確かめてみてください。
FormID: 0007C0A8 INFOGENERAL 0 Haven't you heard? Baenlin's been killed! The Black Horse Courier has a special edition with the story. Here, take my copy.
__あなた聞いてませんか? Baenlinが殺されたんですよ! Black Horse Courierではこの件について号外が出ています。これです、どうぞ。
FormID: 0007C0A9 INFOGENERAL 0 The Dark Brotherhood! They've actually murdered Adamus Phillida, the Imperial Legion commander! It's in the latest Black Horse Courier. Here.
__Dark Brotherhood! 本当は奴らがImperial Legionの司令官Adamus Phillidaを殺害したんだ! 最新のBlack Horse Courierです。どうぞ。
FormID: 0003E4C1 INFOGENERAL 0 They say that when you murder someone, the Dark Brotherhood comes to you in your sleep. It's how they recruit new members.
FormID: 00034027 INFOGENERAL 0 There's a new ship moored up in the Waterfront District. The Marie Elena. It's a galleon, I think.
__Waterfront地区に新しい船が停泊しています。その名はMarie Elena。ガリオン船だと私は思います。
FormID: 00025295 INFOGENERAL 0 Old Baenlin is dead! I hear it was a horrible accident. He was resting in his chair and BOOM -- a stuffed head fell on him!
__Baenlinじいさんが死んだそうだ! 何でも恐ろしい事故だったらしい。彼が椅子で休んでたら、頭の上に剥製が落ちてきたんだ。
FormID: 00146005 INFOGENERAL 0 The Count made that Orc, Mazoga, into a knight? Well, well. Next thing, we'll be making horses into knights.
__伯爵はOrcを、Mazogaを騎士にしたって? 次は馬を騎士にでもするのかね。
FormID: 00146009 INFOGENERAL 0 Killing their chief should weaken the Black Bow Bandits, but they're still going to be a menace to travelers.
__Black Bow Banditsは頭領がやられて弱体化したようですが、旅人にはいまだ脅威であるようです。
FormID: 0014600A INFOGENERAL 0 Knights-Errant? That's just a poor knight without a castle. But I hear they got a nice lodge right on the banks of the Niben. REC
__Knights-Errant? それは確か仕える城のないカワイソウな騎士たちのことだね。けど私は、彼らがNibenのほとりに彼らにふさわしいステキな小屋を授かったと聞いてるよ。
FormID: 0014600B INFOGENERAL 0 Count Leyawiin placed a bounty on the heads of the surviving Black Bow Bandits. REC
__Leyawiin伯爵は、生き残っているBlack Bow Banditsの頭領の首に賞金を懸けました。
FormID: 0014600C INFOGENERAL 0 Count Leyawiin created a new order of knights -- the White Stallion -- for the ones who defeated Black Brugo. REC
__Leyawiin伯爵は、Black Brugoを討ち取った者の為に、新しい騎士団 -- the White Stallion -- を結成することを約束しました。
FormID: 0014600D INFOGENERAL 0 Black Brugo, chief of the Black Bow Bandits, is dead. And the Count made his killers Knights of the White Stallion. REC
__Black Bow Banditsの頭領、Black Brugoは死んだ。そして伯爵は奴を討ち取った者に、the White Stallionの騎士の爵位を授けました。
FormID: 00146006 INFOGENERAL 0 I hear the Count's got someone to sort out that business with Mazoga the so-called knight.
FormID: 00146007 INFOGENERAL 0 The Count's been asking questions about some Orc named Mazoga at the castle... she claims she's a knight.
FormID: 00146008 INFOGENERAL 0 There's an Orc named Mazoga up at the castle claims she's a knight. Doesn't look like one to me.
FormID: 000093C7 INFOGENERAL 0 Poor Tivela. I hear she is turning Cheydinhal inside out looking for her husband, Rythe. I hope nothing bad has happened to him.
FormID: 000241C5 INFOGENERAL 0 Have you seen Valus Odiil recently? Spends all day in the tavern since his boys left.
__あんたは最近、Valus Odiilを見たか? 息子たちに置いていかれてからは一日中酒場で飲んでるようだが。
FormID: 000241C6 INFOGENERAL 0 I saw Valus Odiil at the Grey Mare again today. Hasn't been the same since his boys took off.
__今日もまたGrey MareでValus Odiilを見かけたよ。息子達と離れる前はあんな風じゃなかったんだけどね。
FormID: 00066CCE INFOGENERAL 0 A gang of women in Anvil seducing men? Did you hear? Take my copy of the Black Horse Courier. Poor fools.
__男たちを誘惑している女ギャングって聞いたことある? 私のBlack Horse Courierの写しを受け取って。かわいそうなお馬鹿たちだね。
__Anvilの街で男たちを誘惑している女ギャングの話、聞きました? Black Horse Courierの写しをどうぞ。かわいそうなお馬鹿さんたちだね。
FormID: 00066CCF INFOGENERAL 0 The Black Horse Courier has a story about Rythe Lythandas. Here. Take my copy. I'm done with it.
__Black Horse Courierには、Rythe Lythandasに関する記事が載ってるよ。これ。写しがあるから取りなよ。あげるからさ。
FormID: 00066CD0 INFOGENERAL 0 Farwil Indarys almost got himself killed in Cheydinhal. Here. Take my Black Horse Courier. It's all in there.
__Farwil IndarysがCheydinhalで自殺未遂をしたんだ。これね。Black Horse Courierをどうぞ。そのことがすべて書かれているよ。
FormID: 00066CD1 INFOGENERAL 0 Did you hear about the discovery at Pale Pass? It's in the new Black Horse Courier. Here. Take my copy.
__あなたPale Passでの発見について聞きましたか? それについては新しいBlack Horse Courierの記事に載ってますよ。これです。写しをどうぞ。
FormID: 0000BCCD INFOGENERAL 0 I heard that Velwyn Benirus was killed. The Manor claims another victim.
__Velwyn Benirusが殺されたと聞きました。Manorはまた別の犠牲者を要求しています。
FormID: 0000BCCE INFOGENERAL 0 The new owner sure has turned Benirus Manor around. It's now a welcome addition to our city.
__新しいオーナーは確かにBenirus Manorを変えました。今、そこは私たちの街の新しい家として迎えられています。
FormID: 0003D4C8 INFOGENERAL 0 I have it on good authority that the city watch sent someone to stop that gang of women from robbing the town's men. Good show I say!
FormID: 0003CD26 INFOGENERAL 0 Kud-Ei seems to be in good spirits again after Henantier's return. I heard she enlisted a stranger's help in the search. Good show I say!
FormID: 0003CD29 INFOGENERAL 0 Henantier was slain in his sleep. How awful. They should find the one who did it and send him straight to prison.
FormID: 000366C7 INFOGENERAL 0 I have it on good account that the Forlorn Watchman is gone for good. The stories about his fate were true, but now the curse has been broken.
__私はForlorn Watchmanが永久の眠りについている確かな根拠があります。彼の運命についての予言が真実になったのですが、今その呪いが解かれようとしています。
FormID: 00132A9F INFOGENERAL 0 Well, despite everything, Aleron Loche turned up dead. That's what you get when you deal with gamblers and usurers.
__まぁなんにせよ、Aleron Locheの遺体は発見された。ギャンブラーと高利貸しに取引したんなら貰えるものもあるさ。
FormID: 00053762 INFOGENERAL 0 Arnora was killed. Such a shame. I wonder if Jorundr had something to do with it? I wouldn't put it past him.
FormID: 0003F14F INFOGENERAL 0 So, the mighty Ulrich Leland has fallen. Apparently Llevana Nedaren snapped and killed him. Good riddance I say.
__ゆえに強大なるUlrich Lelandは失墜した。Llevana Nedarenにへし折られて死んだのだ。私に言わせればいい厄介払いだ。
FormID: 0003F150 INFOGENERAL 0 Did you hear the news? Ulrich Leland was thrown in the dungeons for stealing money from the city coffers. Haha! Justice for the little guy!
__聞きました? Ulrich Lelandは市の金庫から金を盗んだ罪でダンジョンに投げ込まれたって。はは!あのチビのための正義ってわけだね!
__聞きました? Ulrich Lelandは市の金庫から金を盗んだ罪で地下牢に放り込まれたそうですよ。ハハ! あの小男に正義の鉄槌が下ったわけですね!
FormID: 00038F1F INFOGENERAL 0 I overheard that the vampire hunter who was in town was a fake. It was apparently a ruse to get his hands on Bradon's key to a treasure chest.
FormID: 000A3842 INFOGENERAL 0 Thank goodness the gate is gone. I couldn't get a good night's sleep knowing it was out there!
FormID: 00143F0A INFOGENERAL 0 Rythe Lythandas seems to be back in town. Wonder where he was off to?
__Rythe Lythandasは、町にもどったみたいだね。でも何処にいってたんだろう?
FormID: 0008DA9C INFOGENERAL 0 The Honorblade has been returned to the Castle after all these years! This is certainly a good omen.
__ようやくHonorbladeが城に帰ってきた! これは何かの吉兆に違いない。
FormID: 0014C731 INFOGENERAL 0 Someone said the Bloated Float mysteriously departed from the docks and then returned. I didn't know she was even seaworthy!
_Bloated Float亭が不思議なことに港から離岸した上、戻ってきたと聞いたよ。あの船がまだ航行に耐えるとはね、知らなかったよ!
FormID: 0003481C INFOGENERAL 0 The Countess still seems quite sad. I hear someone tried to find the item stolen from the castle, but they had no luck. Oh well.
FormID: 0003481B INFOGENERAL 0 The Countess seems much happier now that the item that was stolen from her was returned.
FormID: 0004F8B4 INFOGENERAL 0 I guess Rosentia Gallenus got rid of whatever barnyard animals she was keeping inside her house. Smells much better now.
__Rosentia Gallenusは家で飼っていた汚い動物を追いやったようです。もう臭わなくなってきましたからね。
FormID: 00025242 INFOGENERAL 0 I saw Reynald Jemane's brother earlier. Can't believe they didn't even know about each other.
__Reynald Jemaneの兄弟を見たけど、お互いのことを知らないなんて信じられないね。
FormID: 0003827B INFOGENERAL 0 Reynald Jemane has a terrible memory. We've met many times, but when I saw him in Cheydinhal, he walked right past me like we were strangers. REC; XXX: Elf Male, Female; Redguard Male, Female; Orc Female = [QUOTE]has a terrible memory[QUOTE]; others = [QUOTE]has terrible memory[QUOTE][CRLF][CRLF]Four different audio stat
__Reynald Jemaneの記憶力はどうなっているんだ? 私達は知り合いなのに、Cheydinhalで彼を見かけたときには、まるで私のことを知らないかのように振舞われたよ。
FormID: 0003827F INFOGENERAL 0 I was in Cheydinhal last week, and I'm sure I saw Reynald Jemane. He acted like he didn't know me, though.
FormID: 00027F34 INFOGENERAL 0 You hear any word about Kud-Ei's friend? She's offering a generous reward, so hopefully someone will show up and lend a hand.
__Kud-Eiの友人について聞いたことはありますか? 真相を明かす手を貸してくれる人には、彼女は気前よく望むだけ報酬をくださるとか。
FormID: 0003CD52 INFOGENERAL 0 I saw Kud-Ei moping around outside the Mages Guild yesterday. In fact, I could swear she was crying. I hope she finds her missing friend.
FormID: 0002BA4D INFOGENERAL 0 There's some strange Dark Elf in town, asking about Reynald Jemane and his brother.
__街で見慣れないダークエルフ数人が、Reynald Jemaneと彼の兄弟について聞きまわっている。
FormID: 00033E92 INFOGENERAL 0 I've sighted the Forlorn Watchman again. Every time I see that ghost, it gives me the creeps.
__Forlorn Watchmanをまた見てしまったんだ。幽霊を見るたびにゾッとする。
FormID: 00033F07 INFOGENERAL 0 Have you heard about that ghost of the old man that looks out into Niben Bay each night? They're calling him the Forlorn Watchman... spooky.
__Niben Bayで毎夜目撃されるという老人の幽霊について聞いたことは? Forlorn Watchmanと呼ばれているんだが…薄気味悪いな。
FormID: 000C47D2 INFOGENERAL 0 I can't believe that the Countess is more obsessed with that painting than the Oblivion Gate threatening the city!
FormID: 00034818 INFOGENERAL 0 I heard that the Countess is quite upset lately. Apparently someone stole something very personal to her.
__最近、伯爵夫人の「非常に個人的な何か」が、何者かによって盗まれたために、 伯爵夫人はとても困っているようです。
FormID: 00038F20 INFOGENERAL 0 Have you noticed all the city guards are roaming around the city as if looking for someone? I wonder what that's all about.
__衛兵たちが誰かを探すように町中を巡回していることに気づきましたか? 何をしてるか気になります。
FormID: 00037A7E INFOGENERAL 0 Did you hear about Bradon Lirrian? A vampire hunter named Raynil Dralas made his way into town, snuck into his house and killed him. REC High Elf Female [QUOTE]Bradon[QUOTE] is pronounced [QUOTE]Bray-den[QUOTE][CRLF]REC Nord Female [QUOTE]Dralas[QUOTE] is pronounced [QUOTE]Drah-lass[QUOTE] (instead of [QUOTE]Dray-less[QUOTE])
__Bradon Lirrianについて聞いたことは? Raynil Dralasという名の吸血鬼ハンターが街に入ったのだが、彼の家に忍び込んで彼を殺したのだ。
FormID: 00037CE4 INFOGENERAL 0 I was at Olav's earlier and I ran into this Dunmer named Raynil Dralas. After a round or two, he told me he was an honest-to-goodness vampire hunter!
__昔、Olavの所にいたのですが、このDunmer、Raynil Dralasという名前なのですが、のところに逃げ込みました。年が一、二周りほどした後、本当は吸血鬼ハンターであることを教えてくれました。
FormID: 0003D4CA INFOGENERAL 0 Don't know if this is true, but I heard a gang of all female thieves is preying on the married menfolk of the town.
FormID: 0003D4CB INFOGENERAL 0 You hear about Gogan? A gang of thieves is running a scam in town, and he fell for it! Hahaha... what an idiot!
__Goganのことは聞いた? 盗賊団が街で詐欺を働いているんだが、それにハメられたんだって! ハハハ…なんて馬鹿!
FormID: 0003F152 INFOGENERAL 0 They charged me 5 gold for littering! Littering!! I barely make that in a year! These fines are ridiculous!
__奴らは私に5ゴールドを要求した、理由はゴミを散らかしたからだと! ゴミを! 私はなんとか一年でそれを用意した! この罰金はおかしいだろう!
FormID: 0003C299 INFOGENERAL 0 I can't believe the ridiculous new fines the guards are imposing. Ever since Ulrich took over as Captain of the Guard, this place is going downhill.
FormID: 0004B7B1 INFOGENERAL 0 Have you been near Rosentia Gallenus's house recently? Smells horrible... like she left some meat out to spoil. REC Orc Male and Orc Female still temp vox
__最近Rosentia Gallenusの家の近くに行ったことがありますか? ひどい臭いですよ…まるで腐った肉をそのまま放置したような。
FormID: 0004B7B2 INFOGENERAL 0 I was walking past Rosentia Gallenus' home the other day, and I heard these strange animal noises or something from inside... very odd. REC Orc Male and Orc Female still temp vox
__先日Rosentia Gallenusの家の近くを通った時、おかしな動物の音か何かが聞こえてきましたが…変な話ですよね。
FormID: 00053763 INFOGENERAL 0 You hear about Jorundr? He was caught stealing gold, and now he's in jail! I bet Arnora's beside herself with grief.
__Jorundrの事を聞きましたか? 彼は盗みが見つかって、今は刑務所の中にいます。Arnoraはきっと悲嘆に暮れて我を忘れているでしょう。
FormID: 00052228 INFOGENERAL 0 Poor Arnora. Seems her boyfriend, Jorundr, has stolen some gold from her and left her penniless. Now he's in jail, and she's destitute.
FormID: 00089935 INFOGENERAL 0 So, thanks to some hired help, the Jemanes recovered Weatherleah. Good thing... I never liked having ogres so close to Chorrol.
__手助けしてくれたおかげで、JemanesがWeatherleahを直してくれました。 良かった… Chorrolのあまりに近くにオーガがいたのが嫌で仕方なかったんです。
FormID: 000980D9 INFOGENERAL 0 I overheard a guard mention the Countess is looking for a piece to add to her collection of Akaviri artifacts. Our taxpayer's drakes at work... Say last line slightly scarcastic
FormID: 000A3843 INFOGENERAL 0 I'd stay inside the city walls if I were you, there's no telling what's going to come out of that gate.
FormID: 000A3844 INFOGENERAL 0 Ever since that gate appeared, the city guards have been on alert. I hope they can protect us.
FormID: 00132A9D INFOGENERAL 0 I overheard someone say that Aleron Loche is missing. I don't know what happened to him. His wife, Ursanne, is beside herself with grief. REC Dark Elf/High Elf Male - Loche is pronounced [QUOTE]Lock[QUOTE][CRLF]REC Dark Elf/High Elf Female - Loche is pronounced [QUOTE]Lock[QUOTE] and [QUOTE]Ursanne[QUOTE] is [QUOTE]Ersahn[QUOTE]
__Aleron Locheが失踪したと聞きました。彼に何が起きたかは知らないけど。彼の妻Ursanneは、深い悲しみのあまり取り乱している。
FormID: 0000BCD2 INFOGENERAL 0 I swear that when I passed by Benirus Manor last night, I heard someone scream from inside. Velwyn Benirus will never sell that deathtrap! REC Redguard Male & Female (Benirus is pronounced Ben-i-russ, not Ben-i-roos)
__昨夜、Benirus邸の脇を通り過ぎたとき、中で誰かが叫び声をあげたのを確かに聞きました。Velwyn Benirusが死の罠を売ることはもう二度とないだろうよ!
FormID: 0000BCD1 INFOGENERAL 0 I heard that Velwyn Benirus is trying to sell off Benirus Manor. Hopefully the new owners will clean that eyesore up. REC Redguard Male & Female (Benirus is pronounced Ben-i-russ, not Ben-i-roos)
__Velwyn BenirusがBenirus邸を売ろうとしていると聞いたよ。願わくば新しいオーナーがあの目障りなものを取り払ってほしいね。
FormID: 00028D87 INFOGENERAL 0 I think Glarthir is having one of his bad spells lately, have you noticed?
FormID: 00029037 INFOGENERAL 0 Yes. I mean ... I must go now. But do accept my apologies for your loss.
FormID: 00028D71 INFOGENERAL 0 Did you hear about Glarthir going crazy and attacking people with an axe?
FormID: 00029AAA INFOGENERAL 0 Did you hear about Glarthir? Thank the Nine that the guard stopped him before he killed someone!
__Glarthirのことは聞きましたか? Nineよ、彼が誰かを殺してしまわぬうちに衛兵に止めさせてくれたことを感謝します!
FormID: 00028BBA INFOGENERAL 0 Do you think that stranger's here looking for the girl?
FormID: 00028746 INFOGENERAL 0 Did you hear that Dar-Ma has disappeared?
FormID: 00028BAE INFOGENERAL 0 I'll be there. Etira promised us some good sport tonight.
FormID: 00028BB7 INFOGENERAL 0 I wouldn't miss it. This time the sacrifice may finally be acceptable to the Brethren.
FormID: 00028745 INFOGENERAL 0 Did you hear the bad news? Dar-Ma's daughter was killed by some strange cultists down in Hackdirt. Terrible, terrible times we live in.
__聞きましたか? Dar-Maがここを下った場所にあるHackdirtで何人かの狂った宗教家によって殺されたそうです。恐ろしい、何と恐ろしい時代に生きているのでしょう。
FormID: 00028749 INFOGENERAL 0 Did you hear that Dar-Ma came back, safe and sound? You know, Seed-Neeus's daughter, the Argonians.
FormID: 0018B2F7 INFOGENERAL 0 It's true what everyone's saying -- Kvatch is lost. The Daedra, they swarmed in.... The Town Guard never had a chance.
FormID: 0018BAAD INFOGENERAL 0 The Kvatch Oblivion Gate has been closed! Don't you understand what that means? We can beat the bastards!
__Kvatch Oblivion Gateは閉じられた。それがどういうことかわかるか? 我々はあのくそったれどもを打ち負かすことが出来るんだ。
FormID: 0018BAAF INFOGENERAL 0 The Mythic Dawn murdered the Emperor and led those damn Daedra right into the heart of the Empire! They'll pay for their treachery!
__Mythic Dawnは皇帝を殺害し、忌々しいDaedraどもを帝国の中心へと導いている! 奴らにはこの反逆行為に対する代償を支払わせてやる!
FormID: 0018BAB0 INFOGENERAL 0 Kvatch? Kvatch was just the beginning! Those damned Gates have opened up everywhere! Cheydinhal, Chorrol, Leyawiin -- no city is safe.
__Kvatch? Kvatchはただの始まりに過ぎなかった! あのいまいましいゲートが至るところで開き始めたんだ! Cheydinhal、Chorrol、Leyawiin。どの町も安全じゃない。
FormID: 0018BAB1 INFOGENERAL 0 Have you heard? The Oblivion Gate at Bruma -- they've shut it down! The Daedra will never defeat the people of the Empire! Never! Ha ha!
__聞いた? BrumaのOblivion Gate、彼らはそれを閉じたんだ。Daedraは帝国の人々を負かすことは出来ないよ。決して! はは。
FormID: 0018BAB2 INFOGENERAL 0 Bruma has been saved! It's true! Let's see how the Daedra do without their big Siege Machine, or their so-called [QUOTE]Great Gate[QUOTE]! Ha ha ha ha ha!
__Brumaは救われたんだ! 本当に! Daedraがでかい攻城兵器、[QUOTE]Great Gate[QUOTE]無しでどうするか見物だな!ハ、ハ、ハ、ハ、ハ。
__Brumaは救われた! 本当だ! やつらが[QUOTE]Great Gate[QUOTE]と呼ぶ、巨大な攻城兵器無しで一体どうするのか見物だな! ハハハハハ!
FormID: 0018BAB3 INFOGENERAL 0 Don't you even care what's happening? Bruma has been saved! The Great Gate has been closed! There is hope for us all, whether you like it or not.
__何が起きても君には関係ないって? Brumaは救われたんだ! ゲートは閉じられた! 君が望むと望まないと関わらず、皆には希望が残った。
FormID: 0018BAB4 INFOGENERAL 0 The Emperor's heir lives! The bloodline is unbroken! Long live Martin Septim!
__皇帝の後継者は生きている! 血筋は失われていないんだ。Martin Septim万歳!
FormID: 0018BAB5 INFOGENERAL 0 The tide is turning, my friend. Bruma has been saved, and Martin Septim has claimed his birthright! Soon, all of Oblivion will tremble in fear!
__流れは変わった、友よ。Brumaは救われ、そしてMartin Septimは皇位継承権を主張した! すぐにも、Oblivionの全てが恐怖に身震いするだろう。
FormID: 0018BAB6 INFOGENERAL 0 The tide is turning. Bruma has been saved, and Martin Septim has claimed his birthright! It's time for every citizen to do their part... even you.
__流れは変わった。Brumaは救われ、そしてMartin Septimは、皇位継承権を主張した! 今こそ全市民が自分の役割を果たす時だ…君もな。
FormID: 0018BAB7 INFOGENERAL 0 It's over, citizen. The crisis has ended. But at what cost? We are an Empire without an Emperor. The future is uncertain, at best.
__市民よ、終わったのだ。危機は去った。だがどれだけの犠牲を払った? 我らは皇帝なき帝国となった。未来はわからん、としか言いようがない。
FormID: 0018BAB8 INFOGENERAL 0 Have you not heard? The Oblivion crisis has ended! Martin Septim gave his own life to destroy the Daedra horde! We are victorious!
__まだ聞いてないのか? Oblivionの危機は去った! Martin Septimは己が生命をDaedra軍の壊滅に捧げたのだ! 我らの勝利だ!
FormID: 0018B2F6 INFOGENERAL 0 The Emperor is dead, and so are his heirs. We're a Legion without a leader. The Blades were trusted with our Lord's protection... and they failed.
__皇帝は死んだ、さらにその後継者達までも。 我が軍のリーダーは不在となった。 ブレードは皇帝の警護において全幅の信頼を得ていたのだが…守りきることができなかった。
FormID: 0006691B INFOGENERAL 0 Truth is, the Legion doesn't know who was behind the Emperor's murder. We've already ruled out the Dark Brotherhood. So is this something... worse?
FormID: 0006691A INFOGENERAL 0 Emperors have been assassinated before, but this time... I don't know. It's different. Can't you feel it? A shadow has fallen across all of Tamriel.
__過去にも皇帝が暗殺された事はあったが、今回は…どうなるのか。何かが違うのだ。感じないか? 影がTamriel全土に覆い被さっているのが。
FormID: 0018BAAE INFOGENERAL 0 If you've got to travel, by the Nine Divines, stay on the roads! The wilderness just isn't safe anymore. We've had sightings, you see. The Daedra...
__もし旅するんだったら、神々の名にかけて道から外れるなよ! 自然の中はもう安全じゃないんだ。俺達は何度も見かけたしお前も見ることになるだろう。 Daedraを…
FormID: 0018B1F6 INFOGENERAL 0 The assassinations. What else is there to talk about? Perfectly planned and executed... the Blades perfectly useless... a complete disaster.
__暗殺だ、他に何か言うべきことがあるか? 完璧に計画され実行された… ブレードは歯が立たなかった…最悪だ。
FormID: 0018B1F7 INFOGENERAL 0 We're all talking about the emperor's murder. We have no emperor. And no heir. That's never happened before. I suppose we should all be worried.
FormID: 0018B1F8 INFOGENERAL 0 People are subdued. Troubled. A crisis like this tests the people's faith.
FormID: 0018B1F9 INFOGENERAL 0 I think we're in for some hard times. The death of Uriel Septim and his heirs changes everything.
FormID: 0018B1FA INFOGENERAL 0 The Emperor and his three sons, dead, right under the noses of the Imperial Guard. It's a disgrace.
__Imperial Guardが警備していたにも関わらず、皇帝と息子達が殺されてしまうとは情けない。
FormID: 0018B1FB INFOGENERAL 0 Have you heard about Kvatch? They say that daedra came from Oblivion and burned the whole city to the ground!
__Kvatchのことを聞いたか? Oblivionからdaedraがやって来て、街のすべてを焼き、なぎ倒していったそうじゃないか!
FormID: 0018B1FC INFOGENERAL 0 Everyone's saying there's trouble in Kvatch. The whole town destroyed. Only a few survivors.
FormID: 0018B1FD INFOGENERAL 0 Do you think what happened to Kvatch could happen here?
FormID: 0018B1FE INFOGENERAL 0 I heard that the Kvatch Guard is driving back the daedra! Maybe there's hope after all.
__Kvatchの守衛がdaedraを退けていると聞きました! ひょっとしたら期待できるのでは。
FormID: 0018B1FF INFOGENERAL 0 Everybody's talking about the Hero of Kvatch! They say he actually went into an Oblivion Gate and destroyed it.
__皆がKvatchのヒーローについて話しているよ。彼はOblivion Gateに実際に入って破壊したそうだ。
FormID: 0018B200 INFOGENERAL 0 Everybody's talking about the Hero of Kvatch! They say she actually went into an Oblivion Gate and destroyed it.
__皆がKvatchのヒーローについて話しているよ。彼女はOblivion Gateに実際に入って破壊したそうだ。
FormID: 0018B201 INFOGENERAL 0 Hey, you're the one they call the Hero of Kvatch, aren't you? The one that closed the Oblivion Gate and saved the city?
__あの、もしかしてあなたがOblivion Gateを閉じて町を救ったKvatchのヒーロー?
FormID: 0018B202 INFOGENERAL 0 Good news from Kvatch for a change. The last of the daedra have been driven out.
FormID: 0018B203 INFOGENERAL 0 Do you believe any of that talk about more Oblivion Gates opening all over the place?
__至る所でOblivion Gateが開いてるって話、どう思う?
FormID: 0018B204 INFOGENERAL 0 I've been hearing disturbing tales about Oblivion Gates opening all across Cyrodiil. I hope it's just wild talk.
__Cyrodiil全域に渡ってOblivion Gateが開いてるという良からぬ噂を耳にした。それが的外れな噂である事を願うよ。
FormID: 0018B205 INFOGENERAL 0 They say that Oblivion Gates have opened outside cities all across Tamriel! Gods preserve us!
__Oblivion GateはTamriel全ての町の外で開かれているそうだ! 神よ、我等を守りたまえ!
FormID: 0018B207 INFOGENERAL 0 With those Oblivion Gates opening everywhere, it's only a matter of time before another city goes the way of Kvatch.
__至る所でOblivion Gateが開いてるってことは、他の街がKvatchと同じ道をたどるのは時間の問題か。
FormID: 0018B208 INFOGENERAL 0 Did you hear? The lost heir of Uriel Septim rallied the Guard and smashed a horde of daedra outside Bruma! REC: Argonian F[CRLF]YER-iel
__聞いたか? Uriel Septimの不明だった後継者が護衛を結集してdaedraの大群をBrumaの外で撃退したって!
FormID: 0018B209 INFOGENERAL 0 They say a lost son of Uriel Septim has reappeared in Bruma. Troops are flocking to his banner from all over Cyrodiil!
__Uriel Septimの不明だった息子がBrumaに現れたっていう話だ。Cyrodiil全土から軍隊が彼の旗の下に結集しているそうだ!
FormID: 0018B20A INFOGENERAL 0 I heard that some cult called the Mythic Dawn is behind the Emperor's assassination.
__Mythic Dawnと呼ばれるカルト集団が皇帝暗殺の背後にいると聞きました。
FormID: 0018B20B INFOGENERAL 0 They're saying some cult murdered the Emperor and are opening the Oblivion Gates. Do you think any of it's true?
__どこぞのカルト集団が皇帝を殺害し、Oblivion Gateを開いているそうだ。本当だと思うかい?
FormID: 00061383 INFOGENERAL 0 Thank Akatosh the Oblivion Crisis is over! Although with no Emperor and no heir, I wonder what will happen to the Empire?
FormID: 00061384 INFOGENERAL 0 I plan to visit the Imperial City soon to pay my respects at the Temple of the One. They say the Dragon Statue is 100 feet high!
__すぐにでも帝都のTemple of the Oneに参拝する予定です。なんでも100フィートもの高さの竜の石像があるとか!
FormID: 00061385 INFOGENERAL 0 I'm sure the Elder Council will find some way to hold the Empire together. At least the Oblivion invasion is over!
FormID: 00061386 INFOGENERAL 0 I heard that some of the provinces were talking about seceding from the Empire. Probably just talk though. Everything's a bit unsettled now.
FormID: 00061387 INFOGENERAL 0 Most people consider Martin's... transformation... a religious or political event, but what interests me is its metaphysical implications.
FormID: 00061388 INFOGENERAL 0 I wish I had witnessed the avatar of divine Akatosh myself. Imagine! Upon the very altar of the Temple of the One!
__聖なるAkatoshの化神をこの目で目撃したんだと思いたい。想像してみろよ! Temple of the Oneの祭壇の上でだぜ。
FormID: 00062BF0 INFOGENERAL 0 I confess, I didn't think we had a chance against the daedra. But Martin proved himself a true heir of Talos on that day.
FormID: 00062BF1 INFOGENERAL 0 To think that Bruma was where Martin Septim chose to reveal himself as the true heir to the throne for the first time!
__BrumaはMartin Septimが初めて自らを玉座の本当の相続人として明らかにした所として知られるでしょう!
FormID: 00028BA9 INFOGENERAL 0 Just killing time.
FormID: 00028BAD INFOGENERAL 0 Stranger's in town.
FormID: 00028BB6 INFOGENERAL 0 You coming to the gathering tonight?
FormID: 00028BB8 INFOGENERAL 0 I haven't seen anything, except for that stranger wandering around.
FormID: 00028BCA INFOGENERAL 0 I'll be there.
FormID: 00028BC9 INFOGENERAL 0 Shh. The stranger is listening.
FormID: 00064445 INFOGENERAL 0 The Gray Fox sounds like a dangerous thief.
__Gray Foxは危険な盗賊のようですね。
FormID: 00064446 INFOGENERAL 0 Those wanted posters of the Gray Fox are everywhere.
__Gray Fox指名手配の張り紙が至る所にありますよ。
FormID: 00064447 INFOGENERAL 0 The Imperial Watch seems awfully worried about the Gray Fox. Look at all those wanted posters.
__帝国警備隊はGray Foxにひどく悩んでいるようです。そこら中の指名手配ポスターを見てみなさい。
FormID: 00064448 INFOGENERAL 0 My cousin says the beggars all work for the Gray Fox. It's rather frightening.
__私の従兄弟は、乞食達が皆Gray Foxの下で働いていると言うんです。かなり恐ろしい事ですね。
FormID: 00064449 INFOGENERAL 0 Amantius Allectus is complaining about crime in the city. Someone actually broke into his house and stole his diary.
__Amantius Allectusは市で起きた犯罪を訴えています。何者かが彼の家に押し入り、彼の日記を盗んだと。
FormID: 0006444A INFOGENERAL 0 Amantius Allectus was killed during a burglary. They say the house was ransacked.
__Amantius Allectusは強盗に殺されました。家は物色された形跡があるそうです。
FormID: 0006444B INFOGENERAL 0 Did you hear that someone broke into an Imperial Legion post and stole the taxes they collected from the Waterfront?
FormID: 0006444C INFOGENERAL 0 Captain Lex blames the Gray Fox for stealing the tax collection. He wants a bounty put on the Gray Fox, but the Legion Commander has refused.
__税金の盗難について、キャプテンLexはGray Foxの仕業と考えており、Gray Foxに懸賞金を掛けようとしましたが、軍司令官に拒否されました。
FormID: 0006444D INFOGENERAL 0 Have you heard? Someone desecrated the tomb of Llathasa. No wonder her ghost haunts that place.
__聞きましたか? 何者かがLlathasaの墓を荒らしたとか。彼女の幽霊がその場所で彷徨っているに違いない。
FormID: 0006444E INFOGENERAL 0 There was a murder in the Chapel. It happened when a thief was caught trying to rob Llathasa's tomb.
FormID: 0006444F INFOGENERAL 0 Did you hear? The Countess was robbed. Someone stole her family ring.
__聞きましたか? 伯爵夫人が泥棒に入られたって。彼女の一族の指輪が盗まれたそうです。
FormID: 00064450 INFOGENERAL 0 One of the castle staff was murdered trying to stop a thief.
FormID: 00064451 INFOGENERAL 0 I heard that thieves broke into the Arcane University, the Imperial Legion Compound, and the Temple, all on the same night!
__盗賊たちがArcane University、 Imperial Legion Compound、Templeの全てに同夜のうちに押し入ろうとしたと聞きました。
FormID: 00064452 INFOGENERAL 0 The Gray Fox made a fool of Hieronymus Lex. While half the Watch was in the Waterfront, thieves made off with half the rest of the city.
__Gray FoxはHieronymus Lexをコケにしました。監視をWaterfrontに半分割いたにも関わらず、盗賊たちは街の残り半分で盗みを働いて逃げたそうです。
FormID: 00064453 INFOGENERAL 0 Did you hear? Hieronymus Lex was reassigned to Anvil.
__聞きましたか? Hieronymus LexはAnvilに配属されたようですよ。
FormID: 00064454 INFOGENERAL 0 Someone told me that Hieronymus Lex is gone. Reassigned to Anvil. That can't be true!
__Hieronymus Lexは、いなくなったと云う者がいる。Anvilに配属を変えられたとか。そんなこと嘘に違いない!
__Hieronymus Lexが行ってしまったと聞きました。Anvilに配属を変えられたとか。そんなこと有り得ない!
FormID: 00064455 INFOGENERAL 0 Lady Umbranox has hired a new Captain of the guard.
FormID: 00064456 INFOGENERAL 0 Is there a new Captain of the guard? I thought I saw him walking the rounds.
__新しい警備長がどこかって? 巡邏してる彼を見たよ。
FormID: 00064457 INFOGENERAL 0 I heard that someone broke into the wizard's tower. What kind of a fool would take on Fathis Aren?
__魔術師の塔に押し込んだ奴がいるって聞いたよ。Fathis Arenに挑もうなんてどんな馬鹿なんだ?
FormID: 0006445A INFOGENERAL 0 Did you hear what happened? Someone robbed the wizard's tower. Fathis Aren got what he deserved, if you ask me.
__何が起きたか聞いてます? 魔術師の塔に押し込んだ奴がいるって。言わせてもらうけど、Fathis Arenには相応しい報いですね。
FormID: 00064464 INFOGENERAL 0 Did you hear that the Earl of Imbel's house was robbed?
FormID: 00064465 INFOGENERAL 0 The Earl of Imbel was attacked and killed in his own home. I heard the body burned in the sunlight.
FormID: 00064468 INFOGENERAL 0 Can you believe that a thief broke into the Imperial Palace itself!
FormID: 00064469 INFOGENERAL 0 They say a thief actually stole one of the Elder Scrolls from the Imperial Library. Who would have thought it was even possible?
__実は盗賊が帝国図書館からElder Scrollの一つを盗んだそうです。そんなことが可能だと思いますか?
FormID: 0006446A INFOGENERAL 0 There are rumors that there is a new Gray Fox. Nobody knows what happened to the old one.
__Grey Foxが新しい者になったという噂がある。古い方がどうなったかを知る者はいない。
FormID: 0006446B INFOGENERAL 0 Count Umbranox has returned! After eleven years, he just walked back into Anvil.
__Umbranox伯爵が帰ってきた! 11年も経って彼はAnvilへその足で戻ってきた。
FormID: 0003AA9C INFOGENERAL 0 I saw Ugak gra-Mogakh earlier. At least, I think it was her. Perhaps it was her sister.
__Ugak gra-Mogakhを以前に見たことがある。少なくともそれが彼女だったと思っているが、もしかすると彼女の妹だったかもしれない。
FormID: 0003AA9D INFOGENERAL 0 Ugak has some good horses to sell. I sometimes can't tell her from her sister, though.
FormID: 0003AA9E INFOGENERAL 0 Mog gra-Mogakh runs a fine establishment at the Two Sisters Lodge. And her sister has some quality horses.
__Mog gra-MogakhはTwo Sisters Lodgeでいい店を経営している。彼女の姉は、質のいい馬を持ってるよ。
FormID: 0003AA9F INFOGENERAL 0 I like the Two Sisters Lodge, and Mog does a good job running the place. She and her sister are both fine people.
__Two Sisters Lodgeは好きだよ。Mogはいい仕事をするし。彼女と彼女の妹も、両方良い人だよ。
FormID: 0003AAA0 INFOGENERAL 0 Erina Jeranus isn't the most social inkeeper in the world, but she runs a good, clean house.
__Erina Jeranusは、宿の女将としては世界で一番愛想が良いってわけじゃないが、経営は上手いし、宿は綺麗だ。
FormID: 0003AAA2 INFOGENERAL 0 The West Weald is a good place. Erina Jeranus isn't the friendliest person in the world, but not a bad sort when you get to know her.
__West Weald亭はいいとこだよ。Erina Jeranusを世界で一番親しみやすい人とは云えないが、彼女と知りあうのも悪くない。
FormID: 0003AAAB INFOGENERAL 0 That Else God-Hater sure has a chip on her shoulder. Great with a blade, but she really holds a grudge against the church.
__あのElse God-Haterは間違いなく喧嘩をふっかけてくるね。剣士としては偉大なんだけど、教会を心底恨み続けているんだ。
FormID: 0003AAAC INFOGENERAL 0 Don't bring up religion around Else God-Hater. She's likely to use that sword of hers on you.
__Else God-Haterのそばで宗教を持ち出すなよ。そんな事をすれば君に剣を向けるだろう。
FormID: 0003C1C6 INFOGENERAL 0 I've bought a good number of things at Colovian Traders. And Gunder is a friendly sort.
__Colovian Tradersでずいぶん沢山買ったよ。Gunderは人なつっこい性質だし。
FormID: 0003C1CC INFOGENERAL 0 I need to head over to Colovian Traders and pick up a few things from Gunder. He's got a nice selection.
__Colovian Tradersへ行ってGunderから品物を受けとらないと。彼が選んでくれた物は実にいいからね。
FormID: 0003C1CE INFOGENERAL 0 Maybe it's just me, but I find Falanu Hlaalu really odd. And I've seen him hanging around the graveyard with a strange smile on his face.
__多分、私だけしか見た者はいないと思う、Falanu Hlaaluが変なんだ。奇妙な微笑みを浮かべて墓場の周りを彷徨っていたのを見たんだ。
FormID: 0003C1D6 INFOGENERAL 0 I saw Agnete out drinking late again last night. It's no wonder they call her [QUOTE]the Pickled.[QUOTE] She sure can repair armor, though.
__昨夜、また遅くまで飲んでるAgneteを見たよ。 彼女が[QUOTE]酢漬け[QUOTE]って呼ばれてるのも不思議じゃないね。でも鎧を直せるのは確かだよ。
FormID: 0003C1DC INFOGENERAL 0 Hammer and Tongs is a good place to get your armor repaired. Just don't go early in the morning. Agnete usually isn't feeling so well then.
FormID: 0003C1DE INFOGENERAL 0 I went to the Chapel to get rid of a rash I'd picked up. Tumindil healed me right away.
FormID: 0003C1E4 INFOGENERAL 0 I don't know if Tumindil ever leaves the chapel. That man works day and night to take care of all of us.
FormID: 0003C1E6 INFOGENERAL 0 Marie Palielle is quite a hard worker. She's in the chapel day and night, tending to the sick and injured.
__Marie Palielleは、まったく凄い働き者です。礼拝の日には、昼も夜も病気や怪我の手当てをしています。
FormID: 0003C1EC INFOGENERAL 0 Marie Palielle seems very happy working at the chapel. She's always working, but she's always got a smile on her face.
__Marie Palielleは礼拝堂でとても楽しそうに仕事している。働いている時でもいつも微笑んでいるんだ。
FormID: 0003C1EE INFOGENERAL 0 I went to the chapel yesterday, but Valandrus was the only one there. I figured I'd come back another time.
FormID: 0003C1F4 INFOGENERAL 0 I have no idea why Valandrus Abor even serves at the chapel. He's not very good, though you'd hear differently from him.
__Valandrus Aborが礼拝堂で働いているのが判らないね。彼はあんまり上手くないしね。彼自身からは違う意見が聞けるかもしれないが。
FormID: 0003C1F6 INFOGENERAL 0 I suppose Count Hassildor keeps Skingrad running smoothly, but you hardly ever see the man.
FormID: 0003C1FC INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard some strange stories about Count Hassildor. I'm sure they couldn't be true, though.
FormID: 0003C206 INFOGENERAL 0 Dion takes his job as Guard Captain very seriously. He's all business when he's working.
FormID: 0003C20C INFOGENERAL 0 I hope nobody tries to get away with anything when Captain Dion is around. He's a tough customer.
FormID: 0003C20D INFOGENERAL 0 Shum gro-Yarug is the butler in Castle Skingrad. Who ever heard of an Orc butler. Plus, he's in that [QUOTE]Orc Social Club.[QUOTE] What a joke.
__Shum gro-YarugはSkingrad城の執事だよ。オークの執事なんて他に聞いたことないよ。加えて、[QUOTE]オーク社交クラブ[QUOTE]に入ってるんだとか。冗談だろ。
FormID: 0003C214 INFOGENERAL 0 I wouldn't want an Orc butler, but apparently the Count doesn't mind. Shum gro-Yarug has been there for years.
__オークの執事なんて欲しくはなかったのですが、どうも伯爵は気にしなかったようです。Shum gro-Yarugはずいぶん長いこと居ますよ。
FormID: 0003C215 INFOGENERAL 0 That Danus Artellian is a little too full of himself. Sure, he's a Captain of the Guard, but I'm not impressed.
__あのDanus Artellianは少々高慢ですね。確かに彼は警備長ですが心服はしません。
FormID: 0003C21C INFOGENERAL 0 I don't like that Danus Artellian. He's a bit stuck-up for my tastes.
__Danus Artellianは好きじゃありません。ちょっと高慢なのが気に障る。
FormID: 0003C21D INFOGENERAL 0 I heard Ah-Mahlz was out hunting goblins again. Good. They're vermin.
FormID: 0003C224 INFOGENERAL 0 Ah-Malz at the Fighters Guild has gotten to be an expert on goblin hunting. He just hates the things.
FormID: 0003C225 INFOGENERAL 0 If you need to learn how to use a shield, you should talk to Fadus Calidius at the Fighters Guild.
__盾の使い方を学びたいなら、戦士ギルドでFadus Calidiusと話すべきですね。
FormID: 0003C22C INFOGENERAL 0 Fadus Calidius sure can use a shield. I've never seen him take a hit!
__Fadus Calidiusは確かに盾を生かすことが出来る人です。彼が一撃でも当てられたとこを見たことがありません!
FormID: 0003C22D INFOGENERAL 0 Parwen is another one of those goblin hunters at the Fighters Guild. She's always talking about her [QUOTE]goblin killing tactics.[QUOTE]
FormID: 0003C22E INFOGENERAL 0 Parwen has really got a thing for goblins. I think she and Ah-Malz keep a running tally of who has killed more.
FormID: 0003C22F INFOGENERAL 0 I think Adrienne Berene is the ranking mage at the Mages Guild in town. Typical snooty mage.
__Adrienne Bereneは街の魔術師ギルドに所属していると思います。典型的な傲慢な魔術師です。
FormID: 0003C230 INFOGENERAL 0 I hear Adrienne Berene is quite a mage. Of course, it's not like she'd bother to stop to talk to you in the street.
__Adrienne Berenは魔術師だと聞いています。道で話しかけられて立ち止まるのを嫌がるようなタイプの。
FormID: 0003C231 INFOGENERAL 0 If you're looking to learn a bit about Conjuration, Sulinus Vassinus is a good person to talk to.
__Conjurationについて少しでも知りたいなら、Sulinus Vassinusに話しかけるといいでしょう。
FormID: 0003C232 INFOGENERAL 0 I saw Sulinus Vassinus at the Mages Guild conjure up some sort of creature, right there in the street. Guards took care of it.
__Sulinus Vassinusなら魔術師ギルドで何か生き物の一種を呼び出してるのをみたよ、通りのすぐそこ。衛兵たちが注意を払ってる。
FormID: 0003C233 INFOGENERAL 0 If you don't know much about Mysticism, Druja is a good person to talk to. She's at the Mages Guild.
FormID: 0003C234 INFOGENERAL 0 If I were in the Mages Guild, I think I'd study Mysticism. Druja was telling me a bit about it, and it sounds interesting.
FormID: 0003C235 INFOGENERAL 0 Must be nice being in the Mages Guild. If they need something recharged, they just talk to Vigge the Cautious, and poof! All done.
__入って良かった魔術師ギルド。リチャージしたい物があるならVigge the Cautiousに話かけるといいよ。パッ!で終わり。
FormID: 0003C236 INFOGENERAL 0 Vigge the Cautious is responsible for enchanted item recharge at the Mages Guild. Good thing he's cautious. I'd hate to have something go wrong.
__Vigge the Cautiousは魔術師ギルドでマジックアイテムを作る責任者でね。彼の注意深さが良いんですよ。私も不良品は嫌ですから。
FormID: 0003C237 INFOGENERAL 0 Erthor is causing trouble at the Mages Guild again. Seems his experiments are always blowing up.
FormID: 0003C238 INFOGENERAL 0 I smelled a strange odor coming from the Mages Guild yesterday. Erthor must have been doing another experiment.
FormID: 0003C23B INFOGENERAL 0 I've had about enough of Sir Lazare. He thinks he's so much better than everyone else.
FormID: 0003C23C INFOGENERAL 0 I heard Lazare Milvan challenged someone else to a duel. The man is ridiculous.
__Lazare Milvanが誰だかに決闘を申し込んだと聞きました。愚かな男ですね。
FormID: 0003C23D INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard that someone has it out for Toutius Sextius. Who'd want to hurt him?
__誰かがToutius Sextiusと決着をつけようとしていると聞きました。一体誰が彼を痛めつけようとしているんでしょうか?
FormID: 0003C242 INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard rumors that someone has been keeping a close eye on Toutius Sextius. Seems harmless enough.
__誰かがToutius Sextiusを監視しているって噂です。他愛の無いものらしいですが。
FormID: 0003C245 INFOGENERAL 0 I love walking by Salmo's place. The smell of her bread baking is amazing.
FormID: 0003C246 INFOGENERAL 0 I'll buy sweetrolls from Salmo the Baker any day. Once, I was carrying a sweetroll when three thugs attacked me. So, I took the sweetroll....
FormID: 0003C247 INFOGENERAL 0 Ambroise Canne is really good with his shield. Even better than Falus Calidus, I think.
__Ambroise Canneは本当に盾の名手です。Falus Calidusさえも上回るんじゃないでしょうか。
FormID: 0003C248 INFOGENERAL 0 I learned quite a bit about how to use a shield from Ambrose Canne. Cost me a bit, but it was worth it.
__Ambrose Canneからほんの少しだけ盾の使い方を学んだんですが、価値ある投資でしたね。
FormID: 0003C249 INFOGENERAL 0 Reman Broder is great with a bow. I think he could shoot the grapes off the vines, which is handy, since he works at the vineyard.
__Reman Broderは偉大なる弓の名手ですよ。蔓から落ちるブドウだって射抜けるんじゃないですかね。彼はブドウ畑で働いてるから手ごろな的だよね。
FormID: 0003C24A INFOGENERAL 0 You know, if you need to get better at archery, you should talk to Reman Broder. He's quite a good shot.
__もし弓術をより極めたいなら、Reman Broderと話すべきだよ。彼は本当に凄い射手だよ。
FormID: 0003C24B INFOGENERAL 0 Undena Orethi grows some good tomatoes. Yep. They sure are good tomatoes.
__Undena Orethiが育てたトマトは美味いですよ。みんな褒めてます。
FormID: 0003C24C INFOGENERAL 0 Undena Orethi has got some fine tomatoes. Some of the finest in Cyrodiil.
__Undena Orethiが作ったトマトは品質が良いのと、Cyrodiilで最高品質のがあります。
FormID: 0003C24D INFOGENERAL 0 Uuras the Shepherd sure takes care of his sheep. And, boy, does he like cheese! I mean, he really likes cheese.
__Uurasは牧童と言うだけあって、もちろん羊を飼っているのですが。チーズが好きな奴なんですよ! 本当にチーズ好きなんです。
FormID: 0003C24E INFOGENERAL 0 Uuras is a good shepherd, but his real love is cheese. Of course, there's no money in herding cheese.
FormID: 0003C24F INFOGENERAL 0 Bernadette Peneles works over at the Tamika Winery. They make a quality wine there.
__Bernadette PenelesはTamika Wineryで徹底的に研究して、品質の良いワインを作ったんですよ。
FormID: 0003C250 INFOGENERAL 0 I think Bernadette Peneles seems like a nice woman. I know she works tirelessly over at the Tamika Vineyards.
__Bernadette Penelesは良い女性ですね。疲れも見せずTamika Vineyardsでずっと働いています。
FormID: 0003C251 INFOGENERAL 0 I've seen Shameer at the Tamika Vineyards practicing archery. He's really good. I might try to get some pointers from him.
__Tamika Vineyardsで弓術の練習をしているShameerを見たことがあります。彼は本当に上手いですね。彼からアドバイスを貰いたいです。
FormID: 0003C252 INFOGENERAL 0 Not only does Shameer make a good wine at the Tamika Vineyards, but he's really good with his bow, too. I heard he'll train you, for a fee.
__Tamika VineyardsでShameerは美味いワインを作ってるけど、それだけじゃなく弓の名手でもある。彼ならあなたを鍛えてくれますよ、料金は必要ですが。
FormID: 0003C253 INFOGENERAL 0 Davide Surilie and his brother make some fine wines. It's a really impressive vineyard.
__Davide Surilieと彼の弟は、品質のいいワインを作ります。そのブドウ畑は感動的ですらある。
FormID: 0003C258 INFOGENERAL 0 I bought some wine from Davide Surilie. Excellent body. He's a fine vintner.
__Davide Surilieからワインを買ったんだが、すばらしいコク。彼はワイン造りの名人ですね。
FormID: 0003C25A INFOGENERAL 0 Gaston Surilie and his brother Davide own one of the finest vineyards in all of Cyrodiil.
__Gaston Surilieと兄のDavideはCyrodiilで一番のブドウ畑を持ってるんです。
FormID: 0003C25B INFOGENERAL 0 I bought some wine from Gaston Surilie a few days ago. I was very impressed by it.
__Gaston Surilieからちょっと前にワインを買ったんだけど、感銘を受けました。
FormID: 0003C25C INFOGENERAL 0 Something is just a bit off about Glarthir. Someone needs to keep an eye on him.
FormID: 0003C25D INFOGENERAL 0 Old Glarthir is a bit out of his mind, I think. He's convinced everyone is out to get him.
FormID: 0003C25E INFOGENERAL 0 Tamika makes some truly fine wines at her winery. I think they're every bit as good as the Surilie Brothers wines.
__Tamikaは自分のところのワイン醸造所で本当に素晴らしいワインを作っています。Surilie Brothers wineにも負けないくらい良いものだと思いますね。
FormID: 0003C25F INFOGENERAL 0 I enjoy the wines that Tamika makes at her vineyard. And they're reasonably priced, as well.
FormID: 00049889 INFOGENERAL 0 Rohssan is a talented smith. One of the best around, if you ask me.
FormID: 0004988C INFOGENERAL 0 If you go to the Fighting Chance, make sure to speak with Rohssan about repairing armor.
__the Fighting Chanceに行けば、Rohssanに鎧の修理をお願いできますよ。
FormID: 0004988E INFOGENERAL 0 I don't know that anyone in Cyrodiil drives a harder bargain than Palonirya at Divine Elegance.
__Cyrodiilにおいて、Divine EleganceのPaloniryaより取引に頑固な人はいないと思います。
FormID: 00049895 INFOGENERAL 0 Wow. Palonirya is a tough negotiator. Hard to get her prices down.
FormID: 00049897 INFOGENERAL 0 Varnado at The Best Defense knows a lot about Heavy Armor.
__The Best DefenseのVarnadoは重装の鎧について詳しいよ。
FormID: 0004989E INFOGENERAL 0 If I had a question about heavy armor, I'd probably ask Varnado at The Best Defense.
__重装の鎧について質問があるなら、The Best DefenseのVarnadeに尋ねると良いと思う。
FormID: 0004989F INFOGENERAL 0 I have friends visiting soon, so I told them to stay at the King and Queen Tavern.
__もうすぐ友達が来るんだ。彼らにthe King and Queen Tavernに泊まるよう教えてあげたよ。
FormID: 000498A6 INFOGENERAL 0 The King and Queen Tavern isn't a bad place to stay if you're visiting the city.
__the King and Queen Tavernはこの街に滞在するなら悪くないところだね。
FormID: 000498A7 INFOGENERAL 0 Dul gro-Shug always seems at ease in light armor. He moves well in it.
__Dul gro-Shugは軽装の鎧に身を包むといつも落ち着くみたいだね。彼はそれを着てよく飛び跳ねているよ。
FormID: 000498AE INFOGENERAL 0 If you want to learn more about light armor, you might talk to Dul gro-Shug.
__軽装の鎧について知りたいことがあるなら、Dul gro-Shugに尋ねると良いと思う。
FormID: 000498AF INFOGENERAL 0 Irene Metrick moves with such grace. I wonder what it is she does.
__Irene Metrickは優雅な動きだね。彼女がやってるのは何なんだろう。
FormID: 000498B6 INFOGENERAL 0 I saw Irene Metrick recently. She jumped clear over a table at the inn.
__Irene Metrickをこの前見たよ。宿屋のテーブルを軽く飛び越えてた。
FormID: 000498B7 INFOGENERAL 0 I understand old Dovyn Aren can still teach a bit about Alteration.
__Dovyn Aren老はAlterationのことをまだ少しは教えてくれるだろう。
FormID: 000498BE INFOGENERAL 0 I know that Dovyn Aren is getting up there in years, but he still knows a bit about Alteration.
__Dovyn Arenはかなり年を取ったけど、Alterationのことはまだ幾分覚えているよ。
FormID: 000498BF INFOGENERAL 0 I understand Ida Vlinorman enjoys jumping off high things. Like buildings.
__Ida Vlinormanは高いところから飛び降りるのが好きらしい。建物みたいなね。
FormID: 000498C6 INFOGENERAL 0 There's something strange about Ida Vlinorman. I heard she was climbing up the chapel, just so she could jump off.
__Ida Vlinormanについて気になることを聞いたんだ。彼女は教会の壁をよじ登って、そこから飛び降りたらしいよ。
FormID: 000498C7 INFOGENERAL 0 I understand that Othrelos isn't a bad man to talk to, if you need to learn how not to be seen.
FormID: 000498CE INFOGENERAL 0 Othrelos is a sneaky one. Kind of makes you wonder what he's up to.
FormID: 000498CF INFOGENERAL 0 I understand Mandil has some rather nimble fingers.
FormID: 000498D6 INFOGENERAL 0 Lose the key to your house? Find Mandil. He can get in, I'll bet.
FormID: 000498D7 INFOGENERAL 0 The Tiber Septim Hotel is a nice place. It's not cheap, though.
__The Tiber Septim Hotelは安くないけど良いところですよ。
FormID: 000498DE INFOGENERAL 0 If you want luxury, there's nowhere better than the Tiber Septim Hotel.
__贅沢感を味わいたけりゃ、the Tiber Septim Hotelに勝るところは無いですね。
FormID: 000498DF INFOGENERAL 0 Samuel Bantien used to be a wild one. They say he used to be quite the [QUOTE]locksmith.[QUOTE]
__Samuel Bantienは野性味溢れる男でした。人々に言わせると、Samuelは大した[QUOTE]錠前屋[QUOTE]だったらしいです。
FormID: 000498E6 INFOGENERAL 0 Samuel Bantien used to be able to pick any lock in the city. He's settled down now, though.
__Samuel Bantienも、かつては市中のあらゆる錠前を開錠できました。今じゃ落ち着きましたけどね。
FormID: 000498EA INFOGENERAL 0 I understand Areldil is good at getting into places other people can't.
FormID: 000498F7 INFOGENERAL 0 If you're an alchemist, The Main Ingredient is a good place to shop.
__錬金術師ならThe Main Ingredientは、買い物をするのに都合の良いところでしょう。
FormID: 000498FE INFOGENERAL 0 Ogier Georick has a good selection of ingredients at The Main Ingredient.
__The Main IngredientのOgier Georickは良い素材を揃えていますよ。
FormID: 000498FF INFOGENERAL 0 If you're looking for books, First Edition is the only place in the city to find them.
__もし書物をお探しなら、First Editionが市中で唯一それを探すことのできる場所です。
FormID: 00049906 INFOGENERAL 0 Phintias has the best bookstore in the city. Of course, First Edition is the only bookstore in the city.
__Phintiasは市内で最も優れた本屋を経営しています。もっとも、First Edition自体が市内で唯一の本屋なのですが。
FormID: 00049907 INFOGENERAL 0 A lot of mages swear by Rindir's Staffs.
FormID: 0004990E INFOGENERAL 0 Rindir's Staffs is the best place in the city to buy a magical staff. Or is it Rindir's Staves....
__Rindir's Staffsは市内で魔法の杖を購入するのに最も良い店です。いや、Rindir's Stavesだったかな…
FormID: 0004990F INFOGENERAL 0 If you're looking to buy cheap spells, Edgar's is the place to look.
FormID: 00049916 INFOGENERAL 0 I understand money is tight, but buying discount spells seems like a bad idea.
FormID: 00049917 INFOGENERAL 0 Thoronir will buy almost anything. And I mean anything.
FormID: 0004991E INFOGENERAL 0 If you need to get rid of something quickly, check out the Copious Coinpurse.
__手っ取り早く捌きたいものがあるなら、the Copious Coinpurseに持ち込むと良いですよ。
FormID: 0004991F INFOGENERAL 0 If you're looking for a shield, Stonewall shields has a fine selection.
__盾を探しているなら、Stonewall shieldsが良いものを取り揃えています。
FormID: 00049926 INFOGENERAL 0 Viator Accius has a good shield selection at Stonewall Shields.
__Viator AcciusはStonewall Shieldsで良い盾を扱っていますよ。
FormID: 00049927 INFOGENERAL 0 The Feed Bag isn't fancy, but it fills you up.
__The Feed Bagは高級では無いですが、あなたの腹は満たしてくれるでしょう。
FormID: 0004992E INFOGENERAL 0 You'll never leave the Feed Bag on an empty stomach.
__The Feed Bagに行けば、とりあえず空腹は満たされるでしょう。
FormID: 0004992F INFOGENERAL 0 I needed some cash, so I went to see Jensine.
FormID: 00049936 INFOGENERAL 0 If you need money fast, try Jensine's. You can sell almost anything there.
FormID: 00049937 INFOGENERAL 0 Three Brothers have some good merchandise. Don't know if I've met all three brothers, though.
__Three Brothersは良い商品を扱っていますよ。三人兄弟全員に会ったか分からないけど。
FormID: 0004993E INFOGENERAL 0 I shopped at Three Brothers a couple of days ago. Not sure which one I talked to, though.
__2、3日前にThree Brothersで買い物をしたよ。三人のうちの誰がいたのか良く分からないんだけど。
FormID: 0004993F INFOGENERAL 0 If you need something enchanted, Calindil has the goods.
FormID: 00049946 INFOGENERAL 0 Calindil runs a nice place at the Mystic Emporium.
__CalindilがMystic Emporiumで良い店をやってますよ。
FormID: 00049947 INFOGENERAL 0 You've gotta like a store named Slash 'N Smash.
__あんたならSlash 'N Smashという店を気に入るでしょう。
FormID: 0004994E INFOGENERAL 0 Looking for an axe or a mace? Head to Slash 'N Smash. The name says it all.
__斧やメイスを探してる? Slash 'N Smashに行きなさい。名前が全てを表してる。
FormID: 0004994F INFOGENERAL 0 Claudette Perrick runs a fine alchemy shop. You should check out The Gilded Carafe.
__Claudette Perrickが良い錬金術の店を開いています。The Gilded Carafeを確認すべきでしょう。
FormID: 00049956 INFOGENERAL 0 The Gilded Carafe. A fine store with a terrible name.
__The Gilded Carafeは恐い名前だが良いお店です。
FormID: 00049957 INFOGENERAL 0 If you need light armor, talk to Maro Rufus at The Best Defense.
__軽装鎧が必要なら、The Best Defenseに居るMaro Rufusと話すと良いよ。
FormID: 0004995E INFOGENERAL 0 There's some fine light armor at The Best Defense. Talk to Maro Rufus.
__The Best Defenseに行けば良い軽装鎧が見つかる。Maro Rufusと話そう。
FormID: 00049966 INFOGENERAL 0 Good thing we have the Black Horse Courier. I don't know how we'd get our news without it.
__都合の良いことにBlack Horse Courierがいます。彼らがいなかったらニュースを手に入れる手段に困ってしまいます。
FormID: 0004996B INFOGENERAL 0 If there's a complaint about a merchant, speak to Vinicia Melissaeia.
__商売人に不満があったらVinicia Melissaeiaと話してみなさい。
FormID: 0004996F INFOGENERAL 0 Vinivia Melissaeia takes all the merchant complaints in the city.
__Vinivia Melissaeiaは市の全ての商人に関する苦情を受け付けます。
FormID: 0003DE52 INFOGENERAL 0 Dervera Romalen is sure proud of the Newlands lodge. I think she's especially happy that the Red Queen drinks there.
__Dervera RomalenはNewlands lodgeがお気に入りらしい。彼女はそこでRed Queenを飲むことに 喜びを感じているようです。
FormID: 0003E95B INFOGENERAL 0 Dervera Romalen seems pleased that so many folks drink at the Newlands lodge. She takes great pride in it. REC
__Newlands lodgeで人々が飲むのを眺めるがDervera Romalenの喜びらしい。それこそが彼女のプライドなんでしょう。
FormID: 0003DFA8 INFOGENERAL 0 Mach-Na runs a good business. He's a grumpy old man, though.
FormID: 0003E96D INFOGENERAL 0 There are some quality books at Mach-Na's. Just don't catch him when he's in a bad mood.
FormID: 0003DFB1 INFOGENERAL 0 If you're looking for armor, you should speak with Tertia Viducia. REC
__アーマーを探しているなら、Tertia Viduciaと話すべきでしょう。
FormID: 0003E973 INFOGENERAL 0 I think Tertia Viducia has a good supply of light armor. REC
__Tertia Viduciaは優秀な軽装鎧を扱っているようです。
FormID: 0003DFB4 INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard that Hil the Tall knows a lot about Alteration, how to cast shields and that sort of thing.
__Hil the TallはAlteration、shiledとその類の呪文の使い方に詳しいと聞いたことがあります。
FormID: 0003E979 INFOGENERAL 0 I understand Hil the Tall will teach Alteration to anyone willing to pay.
__Hil the Tallは金を積めばAlterationの技を伝授してくれるそうです。
FormID: 0003DFBD INFOGENERAL 0 Gruiand Garrana can talk her way out of anything. Of course, all she usually talks about is herself.
__Gruiand Garranaは自分のどんな変わった事でも話せるんだ。当然、彼女が話すのはいつも彼女自身のことさ。
FormID: 0003E97F INFOGENERAL 0 That Gruiand Garrana is really full of herself. She'll talk your ear off, if you let her.
__あのGruiand Garranaは本当にいつも自分のことばかり。放っておくといつまでもおしゃべりしているよ。
FormID: 0003DFBE INFOGENERAL 0 Ohtesse is a wonderfully gifted healer. I sometimes worry that she spends too much time taking care of others, and not enough on herself.
__Ohtesseは素晴らしく優秀なヒーラーです。 熱心すぎて、時々医者の不養生が心配になりますね。
FormID: 0003E985 INFOGENERAL 0 I hope Ohtesse is taking care of herself. She's a gifted healer, and she spends all her time helping others.
FormID: 0003DFCA INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard that Naspia Cosma would rather be fighting in the Arena than spending time at the castle. She's excellent with a blade.
__Naspia Cosmaは城で過ごすよりArenaで戦っているときの方が生き生きしていると聞きます。彼女は剣を持つと実に素晴らしい。
FormID: 0003E98B INFOGENERAL 0 Naspia Cosma is really skilled with her blade. It's a shame she doesn't compete in the Arena.
__Naspia Cosmaは実に剣技に優れている。Arenaで闘わないということは彼女にとって生き恥と言えるだろう。
FormID: 0003DFCB INFOGENERAL 0 That Ra'qanar seems a bit shady to me. He does a good job on the horses at the castle, though.
FormID: 0003E991 INFOGENERAL 0 There's something about Ra'qanar I just don't trust.
__Ra'qanarに関して何かがあります。 私はただ信じません。
FormID: 0003DFD4 INFOGENERAL 0 I spoke with Deetsan at the Mages Guild recently. I've never seen someone so happy about being in the guild.
__最近Mage GuildでDeetsanと話したよ。ギルドであんな幸せそうにしている人は今まで見たことがないよ。
FormID: 0003E997 INFOGENERAL 0 Deetsan must be the happiest Mages Guild member in all of Tamriel. I think it was always his dream to join.
__Deetsanは全Tamriel中で最も幸せなMage Guildのメンバーだろう。いつも夢の世界をさまよっているようだ。
FormID: 0003DFD5 INFOGENERAL 0 Ganredhel sure does have a knack for training dogs. I've heard that she will train people as well, for a price.
FormID: 0003E99A INFOGENERAL 0 Ganredhel can teach you about Acrobatics, for a price. Of course, she'd rather be training her dogs.
FormID: 0004657E INFOGENERAL 0 Olav's Tap and Tack is a good, inexpensive place for travelers.
__Olav's Tap and Tackは安価で旅人にとって良い場所です。
FormID: 00046580 INFOGENERAL 0 The Tap and Tack is a good place to get a quick bite, and Olav is a good man.
__The Tap and Tackはとりあえず食べるのに良い場所だし、Olavは良い男です。
FormID: 0004658B INFOGENERAL 0 Jerall View is a nice place for visitors to stay. Hafid makes everyone feel welcome.
__Jerall Viewは旅行者が滞在するのに良いところです。Hafidは皆を良く歓迎してくれます。
FormID: 00046590 INFOGENERAL 0 Hafid Hollowleg says that Jerall View has been doing good business.
__Hafid Hollowlegは、Jerall Viewが繁盛していると言っています。
FormID: 00046599 INFOGENERAL 0 Skjorta is a nuisance. She was running around town, drunk and naked again.
FormID: 000465A0 INFOGENERAL 0 Someone needs to get Skjorta under control. You'd think Olfand would be the one to do it.
FormID: 000465A9 INFOGENERAL 0 Olfand really has his hands full with Skjorta. I don't know how he has time for business.
FormID: 000465B0 INFOGENERAL 0 Poor Olfand. I don't know how he manages to live with Skjorta.
FormID: 000465B9 INFOGENERAL 0 Cirroc is a good healer. He's a Redguard, but you'd think he was a Nord, the way he acts.
FormID: 000465C0 INFOGENERAL 0 Good that we have a healer in town. Cirroc can fix most anything that ails you. After all these years, he almost seems like a Nord himself.
FormID: 000465C9 INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard that Arentus Falvius at the chapel can conjure up creatures.
__教会のArentus Falviusは生き物を召喚できると聞いたことがあります。
FormID: 000465D0 INFOGENERAL 0 Apparently, Arentus Falvius at the chapel is quite a conjurer. He'll even teach the skill to those he likes.
__教会のArentus Falviusは間違いなくかなりの腕の召喚術師です。彼は気に入った者にはその技を伝授すらしてくれることでしょう。
FormID: 000465D9 INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard Right-Wind is good with a blade. No wonder he's in the Fighters Guild.
__Right-Windは刀剣が得意と聞きます。彼がFighters Guildに所属しているのも頷けます。
FormID: 000465E0 INFOGENERAL 0 Apparently, Right-Wind teaches his blade skills to other Fighters Guild members.
FormID: 000465E9 INFOGENERAL 0 Bumph gra-Gash is very skilled in heavy armor use. I wouldn't want to get on her bad side.
__Bumph gra-Gashは重装鎧をとてもうまく扱います。彼女を出し抜くことは容易ではありませんよ。
FormID: 000465F0 INFOGENERAL 0 I understand Bumph gra-Gash trains other Fighters Guild members on the proper use of heavy armors.
__Bumph gra-Gashは他のFighters Guildのメンバーに、重装鎧の適切な扱い方を伝授しています。
FormID: 000465F9 INFOGENERAL 0 I heard that J'skar at the Mages Guild is quite good at blowing things up.
__Mages GuildのJ'skarは爆発系にかなり熟練していると聞きます。
FormID: 00046600 INFOGENERAL 0 Don't get on J'skar's bad side. You'll likely get a fireball in your face for your troubles.
FormID: 00046609 INFOGENERAL 0 Alga sure can tell a good story. I'm not normally a big fan of bard's tales, but she's got some good ones.
FormID: 00046610 INFOGENERAL 0 Alga has a lot of good tales to tell. I wish I could tell a story like she does.
FormID: 00046619 INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard that Jantus Brolus is skilled with both magic and steel.
__Jantus Brolusは魔法と盗みに熟練していると聞きました。
FormID: 00046620 INFOGENERAL 0 Jantus Brolus is apparently an excellent mage.
__Jantus Brolusは間違い無く優秀なMageです。
FormID: 00046629 INFOGENERAL 0 Rumor has it that Edla Dark-Heart left Skyrim with the law right behind her.
__噂によるとEdla Dark-Heartは法の権利の庇護の下、Skyrimを抜けたそうです。
FormID: 00046630 INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard Edla Dark-Heart was once an assassin!
__私はEdla Dark-Heartがかつて暗殺者だったと聞いたわ!
FormID: 0004657C INFOGENERAL 0 I think all Bogrum gro-Galash cares about is the Lonely Suitor Lodge. He really puts everything into it.
__Bogrum gro-Galashはthe Lonely Suitor Lodgeだけを気にかけています。彼は本当に入れ込んでいますね。
FormID: 00046584 INFOGENERAL 0 The Lonely Suitor is a fine place. Bogrum gro-Galash is very focused on making it a success. REC Imperial M, Imperial F
__The Lonely Suitorは素晴らしい場所です。Bogrum gro-Galashはそれが成功するように、非常に注力していますよ。
FormID: 00046587 INFOGENERAL 0 I don't think that Gilgondrin really wants to run Silverhome-on-the-Water. He never seems happy when he's there.
__Gilgondrinは本気でSilverhome on the Waterを経営したくないように見えますね。そこにいるときの彼は、幸せそうに見えないですから。
FormID: 00046594 INFOGENERAL 0 Gilgondrin inherited Silverhome from his parents. I understand he only runs it out of a sense of duty.
FormID: 00046595 INFOGENERAL 0 Uravasa Othrelas has a way with words. I wish she could teach me how to speak that well.
__Uravasa Othrelasには話術の才能があります。彼女に良い話し方を教えてもらいたいです。
FormID: 000465A4 INFOGENERAL 0 It's always a pleasure to hear Uravasa Othrelas speak at chapel. She has a real way with words. XXX Imp Male - at THE chapel - don't fix
__教会のUravasa Othrelasの説法はいつもありがたいものです。彼女には秀でた話術の才能があります。
FormID: 000465A5 INFOGENERAL 0 Marz is an excellent healer, but I understand she longs to return to the swamps of Black Marsh. REC Imperial M, Imperial F
__Marzは素晴らしいヒーラーですが、Black Marshの湿原に帰りたがっているようです。
FormID: 000465B4 INFOGENERAL 0 I'm glad Marz lives here in Bravil. She's an excellent healer.
FormID: 000465B5 INFOGENERAL 0 If you're looking to learn about conjuring creatures, you should try to speak with Fathis Aren.
__生物を召喚する技について学びたければ、Fathis Arenと話してみるべきでしょう。
FormID: 000465C4 INFOGENERAL 0 I understand that Fathis Aren is quite the conjurer.
__Fathis Arenはかなり腕前の召喚術師です。
FormID: 000465C5 INFOGENERAL 0 Nahsi at the Fighters Guild seems very at peace with himself. He says that's what allows him to be such an amazing martial artist.
__Fighters GuildのNahsiは非常に平静であるように見えますね。それこそが彼の驚きべきマーシャルアーツの極意なのだと言います。
FormID: 000465D4 INFOGENERAL 0 If you want to learn a bit about hand-to-hand fighting, talk to Nahsi at the Fighters Guild.
__hand-to-handの格闘を学びたければ、Fighters GuildのNahsiと話しなさい。
FormID: 000465D5 INFOGENERAL 0 I understand Tadrose Helas has more jobs than she knows what to do with. She's very eager to help out her guild.
__Tadrose Helasには彼女自身が思っているよりもたくさんの仕事があるでしょう。彼女はギルドを助けようと非常に切望していますから。
FormID: 000465E4 INFOGENERAL 0 Tadrose Helas teaches smithing at the Fighters Guild. Well, when she has the time.
__Tadrose HelasはFighters Guildで鍛冶を教えています。ええ、彼女の手が空いているときの話ですが。
FormID: 000465E5 INFOGENERAL 0 Kud-Ei is very protective of her sisters in the Mages Guild. And she's quite skilled at creating illusions.
__Kud-EiはMages Guildの姉妹を守ることに非常に気をかけています。加えて、とても熟練したイリュージョンの使い手でもあります。
FormID: 000465F4 INFOGENERAL 0 Mages Guild members have said that Kud-Ei is an excellent teacher, as well as a very loyal guildmember.
__Mages Guildのメンバー曰く、Kud-Eiは非常に献身的なギルドメンバーであると同時に、素晴らしい教師でもあるそうです。
FormID: 000465F5 INFOGENERAL 0 Something strange is going on with Ardaline and Varon Vamori. I always see him hanging around her. REC Imperial M, Imperial F
__ArdalineとVaron Vamoriはちょっとおかしな感じですね。Ardalineが彼女の周りをいつもウロチョロしているのを見ますよ。
FormID: 00046604 INFOGENERAL 0 Seems to me that Ardaline has an admirer in Varon Vamori.
__ArdalineはどうもVaron Vamoriに惚れ込んでいるみたいですね。
FormID: 00046605 INFOGENERAL 0 Ita Rienus knows more about the geography of Tamriel than anyone I've ever met. Apparently, she knows quite a bit about Mysticism as well.
__Ita Rienusは、私が今までに会ったことがある誰よりもTamrielの地理学に詳しいです。彼女はまた、神秘学に関してかなり多くのことを知っています。
FormID: 00046614 INFOGENERAL 0 I heard Ita Rienus talking about the geography of Tamriel again. She's very knowledgeable.
__Ita RienusがまたTamrielの地理学に関して話しているのを目撃しました。彼女は非常に博識ですね。
FormID: 00046615 INFOGENERAL 0 That Delphine Jend seems dangerous to me. She's very skilled, but I think she's reckless.
__私にはDelphine Jendは危険なように見えます。彼女は非常に熟練してはいるのですが、無謀であるように思えますね。
FormID: 00046624 INFOGENERAL 0 I understand Delphine Jend has some other mages worried. She's skilled, but a bit unpredictable. REC Imperial M, Imperial F
__Delphine Jendが他のmage達を心配させているというのも分かります。彼女は腕は立ちますが、少し無鉄砲なところがありますので。
FormID: 00046625 INFOGENERAL 0 Varon Vamori really has a silver tongue.
__Varom Vamoriは本当に銀の舌を持っているのですよ。
FormID: 00046634 INFOGENERAL 0 Varon Vamori can be really charming. Of course, there's something a bit odd about him as well.
__Varon Vamoriは本当に魅力的です。ただ、彼のことになるとまた、少しおかしなところがありますね。
FormID: 00046636 INFOGENERAL 0 City-Swimmer certainly lives up to her name. I've seen her in the canals many times.
FormID: 00046644 INFOGENERAL 0 Keep your eyes on City-Swimmer. I don't know where she goes when she's not in the canals.
FormID: 00046647 INFOGENERAL 0 She doesn't leave home much, but apparently Luciana Galena has a lot of experience fighting in light armor.
__Luciana Galenaは滅多に外出しませんが、明らかに軽装鎧をまとった戦闘に熟練しています。
FormID: 0003DE50 INFOGENERAL 0 Witseidutsei runs a clean establishment. She really hates it when people mess up her place.
__Witseidutseiはとても綺麗好きです。 人々が彼女のロッジを台無しにするのを極度に嫌っています。
FormID: 0003DFA0 INFOGENERAL 0 The Five Claws Lodge is a nice, clean place. Witseidutsei makes sure of it.
__The Five Claws Lodgeは清潔で良いところですね。Witseidutseiが常にそう心がけていますから。
FormID: 0003DFA2 INFOGENERAL 0 The Three Sisters Inn is a nice place, but that Shuravi sure is grumpy. I don't think she likes anyone.
__The Three Sisters Innは良い宿屋ですが、主のShuraviはかなり気むずかしい性格です。彼女は好き嫌いが激しそうですよ。
FormID: 0003DFAC INFOGENERAL 0 Shuravi runs a good inn, but she's awful with her sisters.
FormID: 0003DFAD INFOGENERAL 0 Bugak gro-Bol has some good books at Southern Books. He's an odd one, though. Always seems ready for a fight.
__Bugak gro-BolのSouthern Booksにはなかなか良い本があります。でも彼は変な人だな。いつも戦いの準備をしているようにみえる。
FormID: 0003DFB8 INFOGENERAL 0 Bugok gro-Bol always seems ready for a fight. Seems odd for a bookseller.
__Bugok gro-Bolは常に戦いの準備をしているようにみえる。書籍商にしては変だな。
FormID: 0003DFB9 INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard Tun-Zeeus has some fine blades at the Dividing Line. Of course, he'll talk your ear off about them if you let him.
__Tun-ZeeusはDividing Lineで品質の良い刀剣を扱っていると聞きました。放っておくと剣のことばかり、ずっとしゃべっていますよ。
FormID: 0003DFC4 INFOGENERAL 0 The Dividing Line is a good place to buy a sharp blade. Of course, you're likely to hear some of Tun-Zeeus' stories if you hang around.
__The Dividing Lineはよく切れる剣が買えるいい所です。もし立ち寄ることがあればTun-Zeeusから物語を聞くことになるでしょうね。
FormID: 0003DFC5 INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard Brodras at the Fighters Guild is well-versed in using heavy armor, especially for a wood elf.
__Fighters GuildのBrodrasは重装鎧、特にwood elf向けについて精通していると聞きました。
FormID: 0003DFCF INFOGENERAL 0 Brodras has been teaching Fighters Guild members how to better use heavy armor. Odd for a Bosmer, but he's apparently good at it.
__Brodrasは重装鎧をよりよく扱う方法をFighters Guildのメンバーに教えています。Bosmerについてだけですが、確かに優れていますね。
FormID: 0003DFD0 INFOGENERAL 0 Sherina is good with a blade. She knows it, too.
FormID: 0003E24D INFOGENERAL 0 Fighters Guild members have been going to Sherina to learn blade skills. She's good, and she'll be the first to tell you so. REC
__Fighters Guildのメンバーは、刀剣の技を学ぶためにSherinaのところに通っています。彼女は優秀ですし、一番最初にあなたにそれを教えてくれるでしょう。
FormID: 0003E250 INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard that Dagail knows a lot about Mysticism. And sheep.
FormID: 0003E2A8 INFOGENERAL 0 Dagail has been training high ranking mages more about mysticism. And he's also been researching sheep, from what I hear.
FormID: 0003E2A9 INFOGENERAL 0 I understand that S'drassa is still trying to create a potion to cure skooma addiction.
FormID: 0003E2B0 INFOGENERAL 0 When S'drassa isn't teaching alchemy, he spends all of his time researching a cure for skooma addiction.
FormID: 0003C1AE INFOGENERAL 0 Maenlorn and his brother run a nice establishment at the Flowing Bowl.
__Maenlornとその兄弟はFlowing Bowlという楽しい酒場を経営しています。
FormID: 0003C1AF INFOGENERAL 0 I like eating at the Flowing Bowl. Maenlorn runs a quality inn.
__私はFlowing Bowlで食事するのが好きです。Maenlornは上質の宿屋を経営しています。
FormID: 0003C1B2 INFOGENERAL 0 Have you spoken to Wilbur at the Count's Arms? He knows a lot about fine wines.
__あなたはCount's ArmsのWilburと話したことがありますか? 彼は上質のワインのことを良く知っています。
FormID: 0003C1B3 INFOGENERAL 0 The Count's Arms is a very nice place for a meal. And Wilbur has an extensive knowledge of wines.
__Count's Armsは非常に良い食堂です。Wilburには、広範囲にわたるワインの知識があります。
FormID: 0003C1B6 INFOGENERAL 0 Norbert Lelles runs a fine store, but he's not the brightest fellow.
__Norbert Lellesは良い店を経営していますが、彼は最上に賢明な組合員というわけではありません。
FormID: 0003C1B7 INFOGENERAL 0 I feel sorry for Norbert Lelles. He's a good man, but he gets taken in so easily.
__Norbert Lellesはかわいそうだと思います。彼は善人ですが、余りに簡単にペテンにあってしまいますから。
FormID: 0003C1BB INFOGENERAL 0 Azzan at the Fighters Guild is a fine warrior. I understand he can sign you up, if you're interested.
__Fighters GuildのAzzanは優れた戦士です。あなたが関心があるなら、彼はギルドに入れてくれるでしょう。
FormID: 0003C1BD INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard Azzan can sign you up for the Fighters Guild. That's someone I wouldn't mind working for.
__AzzanがFighters Guildのメンバー登録をしていると聞きました。誰でもOKなのかは知りませんけどね。
FormID: 0003C1C0 INFOGENERAL 0 Have you seen Rhano at the Fighters Guild use his sword? Impressive. He could teach us all a thing or two.
__Fighters GuildのRhanoが剣を振るうところを見たことがありますか? すごいですよ。彼なら我々に剣技の一つか二つを教えてくれるでしょう。
FormID: 0003C1C3 INFOGENERAL 0 Rhano is quite the swordsman. I've heard he'll train you for the right amount of money.
FormID: 0003C1C7 INFOGENERAL 0 Rufrius Vinicius is good with his fists. I've seen him in action, and it's impressive.
__Rufrius Viniciusは格闘技に秀でています。彼の動きを見たことがありますが、素晴らしいものでしたよ。
FormID: 0003C1CA INFOGENERAL 0 I saw Rufrius Vinicius knock a man down with one punch. I wish he'd teach me a bit about hand-to-hand combat.
__Rufrius Viniciusがワンパンチで相手を沈めるのを見ました。hand-to-handの格闘を少し教えてもらいたいですね。
FormID: 0003C1CF INFOGENERAL 0 I understand that Vigdis at the Fighters Guild has some skill with blunt weapons. He's been training other Fighters Guild members.
__Fighters GuildのVigdisは打撃武器の技能があるようです。彼はFighters Guildの他のメンバーにそれを教えています。
FormID: 0003C1D2 INFOGENERAL 0 If you want to learn to use a mace, you should speak to Vigdis. Of course, to speak to Vigdis, you'll have to join the Fighters Guild.
__メイスについて学びたければ、Vigdisと話しなさい。もちろん、Vigdisと話すにはFighters Guildに入らなければならないでしょう。
FormID: 0003C1D7 INFOGENERAL 0 I saw Huurwen practicing shield technique at the Fighters Guild the other day. She could teach me a thing or two.
__以前、HuurwenがFighters Guildで盾の技術を教えているのを見ました。彼女なら私に一つ、二つの技を教えてくれるでしょう。
FormID: 0003C1DA INFOGENERAL 0 Huurwen was sparring with some other Fighters Guild members recently. I don't think any of them could get a hit through her shield.
__ついこの間、Huurwenが他のFighters Guildのメンバーとスパーリングしているのを見ました。彼女の防御を突き抜けて攻撃を当てられる者は居ないのではないでしょうか。
FormID: 0003C1DF INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard Carahil is a powerful illusionist. No wonder she's the ranking mage here in Anvil.
FormID: 0003C1E2 INFOGENERAL 0 I understand Carahil knows more about Illusion than any other mage in Anvil. Of course, she only shares that knowledge with the Mages Guild.
__illusionに関してCarahilの右に出るものはいません。もちろん、彼女はMages Guildだけと、その知識を共有しています。
FormID: 0003C1E7 INFOGENERAL 0 If you're looking to learn a bit about potion-making, you should speak to Felen Ralas at the Mages Guild.
__ポーション作成について学びたいことがあるなら、Mages GuildのFelen Ralasと話しなさい。
FormID: 0003C1EA INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard that Feren Relas knows quite a bit about alchemy.
__Feren Relasは錬金術について幾ばくの知識があると聞いたことがあります。
FormID: 0003C1EF INFOGENERAL 0 Marc Gulitte knows more about how to cast a fireball than anyone in Anvil. I try to stay on his good side.
__fireballの扱いでMarc Gulitteの右に出るものはいません。私は彼の傍で従師しようと思います。
FormID: 0003C1F2 INFOGENERAL 0 March Gulitte is a dangerous one. He teaches mages about the Destruction school of magic.
__March Gulitteは危険な男です。彼は破壊系統の魔法を教えています。
FormID: 0003C1FF INFOGENERAL 0 Mirabelle Monet is quite a woman. Ask any of the sailors down at the Fo'c's'le.
__Mirabelle Monetは大した女性です。Fo'c's'leで誰か船員に尋ねてごらんなさい。
FormID: 0003C202 INFOGENERAL 0 Mirabelle Monet runs quite a boarding house. I understand all of the sailors leave very satisfied.
__Mirabelle Monetは大した船長です。船員は皆、非常に満足しています。
FormID: 0003C207 INFOGENERAL 0 For someone who drinks so much, Hauls-Ropes-Faster is in peak physical condition. You could learn a lot from him.
FormID: 0003C20A INFOGENERAL 0 Hauls-Ropes-Faster can run faster than anyone I've ever seen. Of course, he can't often walk a straight line.
FormID: 0003C20F INFOGENERAL 0 Heinrich Oaken-Hull is married to a Bosmer? I suppose the women are less annoying than the men.
__Heinrich Oaken-Hullの結婚相手は、ありゃBosmerですか? 男と結婚するよりはマシってレベルですね。
FormID: 0003C212 INFOGENERAL 0 The shipmaster, Heinrich Oaken-Hull, has a wood elf for a wife. I'd rather sleep with my horse.
__船長のHeinrich Oaken-Hullには、wood elfの奥さんがいます。私なら馬と眠る方がマシですね。
FormID: 0003C217 INFOGENERAL 0 Pinarus Inventius is quite the hunter. He can track about anything, and he's deadly with his bow.
__Pinarus Inventiusは凄腕の狩人です。彼は何でも追跡できるし、弓で何でも仕留めることができます。
FormID: 0003C21A INFOGENERAL 0 I saw that Pinarus Inventius was out hunting again. He can shoot a bird on the wing without really trying.
__Pinarus Inventiusが狩りに戻っているのを見ました。彼は本当に狙わずに、鳥の翼を撃つことができます。
FormID: 0003C21F INFOGENERAL 0 Arvena Thelas is an odd one. I've heard some strange noises coming from her basement.
__Arvena Thelasは変わり者です。彼女の地下室から時折、奇妙な音がするのを聞きます。
FormID: 0003C222 INFOGENERAL 0 Something about Arvena Thelas is a bit odd. I've heard she keeps strange things in her basement.
__Arvena Thelasはどこか変わった人間です。聞くところによると、地下室で怪しい実験を続けているとか。
FormID: 0003C227 INFOGENERAL 0 I've never read any of Quill-Weave's writings. I've heard they're fairly good, though.
FormID: 0003C229 INFOGENERAL 0 Quill-Weave does a lot of traveling to research her books. She must have a lot of experience to share.
FormID: 0002A382 INFOGENERAL 0 I've made you a little pumpkin bread... something to keep up your strength on those long night watches.
FormID: 0002A386 INFOGENERAL 0 I've put aside a little mead for you. I know you like it.
FormID: 0002A392 INFOGENERAL 0 The bread's hot and fresh, with a nice crust, and butter and honey, just like you like it.
FormID: 00023CD4 INFOGENERAL 0 It's been a long day. Quite pleasant to look forward to seeing you here.
FormID: 00023CD5 INFOGENERAL 0 I really must thank the one who recommended you -- and the Grey Mare. Always a splendid feast for my spirits. And the food is good, too.
__私はあなたとGrey Mareを推薦してくれた人に感謝しなければなりません。ここには常に私の楽しみがあり、美味しい食べ物もあります。
FormID: 00023CD6 INFOGENERAL 0 After a long day up at the castle, it's refreshing to spend a time with someone as charming and thoughtful as you.
FormID: 000241D1 INFOGENERAL 0 I enjoy being in the Fighters Guild, though there haven't been quite as many contracts lately. REC
__最近、余りたくさん仕事が無いのですが、Fighters Guildにいるのを楽しんでいます。
FormID: 000241D2 INFOGENERAL 0 It's good to be a Fighters Guild member, don't you think?
__Fighters Guildのメンバーで良かったと思いません?
FormID: 000241D3 INFOGENERAL 0 I get paid to kill things. That's why I like the Fighters Guild.
__何かをぶっ殺して稼ぐ。それこそがFighters Guildの醍醐味です。
FormID: 000241D4 INFOGENERAL 0 Ah... pure magic. Research. Knowledge. That's why I love the Mages Guild.
__ああ…純粋な魔力、研究、知識。それこそがMages Guildを愛する理由なのです。
FormID: 000241D5 INFOGENERAL 0 Good thing I joined the Mages Guild when I did. There's nothing better than enchanting your own clothes.
FormID: 000241DD INFOGENERAL 0 I sure am glad I don't live in Leyawiin. Too many foreigners.
FormID: 000241CC INFOGENERAL 0 I found some good pauldrons at the armorer.
FormID: 000241CD INFOGENERAL 0 The local tavern is a good place to find work.
FormID: 000241CE INFOGENERAL 0 Picked up a good book at Renoit's this week. Sure wish I could read it.
FormID: 0002556F INFOGENERAL 0 I'm thinking of heading over to Renoit's to buy some books. There's quite a selection.
FormID: 00025570 INFOGENERAL 0 The Grey Mare isn't a bad place to stay, especially if you're low on Septims.
__Grey Mareは滞在するには悪いところではありませんよ。特にあなたがSeptims朝における下級層であるならね。
FormID: 00025571 INFOGENERAL 0 You know, Bongond has got some fine horses for sale over at the Grey Mare. Too bad he's such a pushy man.
__BongondがGrey Mareを襲って何頭かの優良馬を盗んだそうです。あいつがそんな奴だとは思いませんでした。
FormID: 00025572 INFOGENERAL 0 You ever talk to Honditar? Odd fellow, but he seems to know his way around these parts.
__あなたはHonditarと話したことがありますか? 彼は変わった人ですが、この辺りでの振舞い方はわきまえているようです。
FormID: 00025573 INFOGENERAL 0 The Oak and Crosier is a nice place, but that Talasma seems rather stuck-up to me.
__The Oak and Crosierは良いところですが、あそこのTalasmaは私にはかなり高慢ちきに思えます。
FormID: 00025574 INFOGENERAL 0 I'm going over to Northern Goods and Trade. There's always something I need at that place.
__私はNorthern Goods and Tradeに向かっています。そこには必需品がいつもあるので。
FormID: 00025575 INFOGENERAL 0 Been to Fire and Steel recently? Rasheda has some nice new swords in there. And she's a friendly one, she is.
__最近、Fire and Steelに行きました? Rashedaが新しくて良い剣を扱っていますよ。彼女はとても親しみやすい人ですし。
FormID: 00025576 INFOGENERAL 0 Thank Stendarr for the chapel here in Chorrol. A lovely place, and the healers are excellent.
FormID: 00025578 INFOGENERAL 0 I could be wrong, but it seems to me there's something shady going on at the Oak and Crosier.
__私の気のせいかも知れませんが、the Oak and Crosierでは何か怪しいことが進行中のように感じます。
FormID: 0002557D INFOGENERAL 0 Northern Goods and Trade is an excellent place to buy supplies.
__Northern Goods and Tradeは物資を購入するのに適したところです。
FormID: 00025583 INFOGENERAL 0 That Modryn Oreyn has got no sense of humor. Hell of a warrior, though. No wonder he's done so well in the Fighters Guild. REC[CRLF];mOH-drin oh-RAIN
__あのModryn Oreynにはユーモアのセンスが全くありません。ですが、彼は戦闘の鬼です。彼がFighters Guildにおいて、あれだけ活躍することは何ら驚くことではありません。
FormID: 000255B0 INFOGENERAL 0 Have you met Modryn Oreyn? Quiet man, but apparently he's an incredible fighter. REC[CRLF];mOH-drin oh-RAIN
__Modryn Oreynにはもう会いました? 彼は冒険者で見た目より優れた戦士なのです。
FormID: 000255B1 INFOGENERAL 0 The Fighters Guild is a good place to go if you need weapons training.
__武器の訓練をしたいなら、Fighters Guildは良いところです。
FormID: 000255B2 INFOGENERAL 0 I wanted to get a little practice in with my sword, so I headed to the Fighters Guild. Turns out you have to be a member to train there.
__剣技をもう少し練習したかったので、Fighters Guildに入りました。あそこで訓練を積むにはギルドのメンバーにならなくてはなりません。
FormID: 000255B3 INFOGENERAL 0 I'd like to learn more about spellcasting. Might have to head over to the Mages Guild and see if they're accepting new members.
FormID: 000255B4 INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard they have good magic trainers over at the Mages Guild.
__Mages Guildには魔法の良い講師がいると聞きました。
FormID: 000255B7 INFOGENERAL 0 That Rimalus Bruiant sure loves his dogs. A little too much, if you ask me.
__Rimalus Bruiantは本物の犬好きです。 ちょっと過ぎるかもしれませんね。
FormID: 000255B8 INFOGENERAL 0 I saw Rimalus Bruiant walking his dogs today. And yesterday. And the day before. I swear that's all he does.
__Rimalus Bruiantが犬と散歩しているのを今日も見かけました。昨日も、その前も。犬と行動するのが彼の全てなんでしょう。
FormID: 000255B9 INFOGENERAL 0 Eugal Belette is an odd one... and I swear I heard strange noises coming from his basement not long ago.
__Eugal Beletteは変わり者ですね…つい最近も、確かに彼の地下室から奇妙な音がするのを聞きました。
FormID: 000255BB INFOGENERAL 0 I'm not so sure about that Eugal Belette. An odd fellow, and people have said there are strange noises coming from his house at all hours.
__あのEugal Beletteのことはよく知りません。ちょっと毛色の変わった人で、四六時中彼の家からは奇妙な音が聞こえると言われています。
FormID: 000255BC INFOGENERAL 0 I read one of Casta Scribonia's books not long ago. Terrible stuff, if you ask me. But, some folks seem to like it.
__つい最近、Casta Scriboniaの著書の一つを読みました。私に言わせれば酷い代物ですが、アレが好きだと言う人もいるみたいですよ。
FormID: 000255C2 INFOGENERAL 0 Casta Scribonia has finished a new book. Nothing that interests me, though.
__Casta Scriboniaが新刊を書き終えましたよ。私には興味の無いことですけどね。
FormID: 000255C3 INFOGENERAL 0 I don't understand what Glistel is doing with Malintus Ancrus. I mean, have you seen her? And have you seen him? I just don't get it. DO NOT REC
__GlistelはMalintus Ancrusと何かをやらかそうとしているようです。彼女と彼を見ましたか? 何だか気になりますね。
FormID: 000255C4 INFOGENERAL 0 I'm sure you've heard that Glistel and Malintus Ancrus are living together. Simply shameful.
__あなたもGlistelとMalintus Ancrusの同棲のことは聞いたと思います。ともかく恥ずかしいことです。
FormID: 000255C5 INFOGENERAL 0 I can't believe that Glistel would live with that Malintus Ancrus. Shameful, and her being such a lovely girl.
__GlistelがあのMalintus Ancrusと同居するなんて信じられません。それは恥なことだし、彼女はあのように可憐な少女ですから。
FormID: 000255DD INFOGENERAL 0 I think Rena Bruiant may actually love dogs more than her husband. Strange couple, those two.
__Rena Bruiantはもしかして、自分の夫より犬の方を愛しているんじゃ無いかと思います。おかしなカップルですよね。
FormID: 00025661 INFOGENERAL 0 I saw Rena Bruiant talking to her dogs the other day. I think she thinks they understand her.
__Rena Bruiantがこの前、自分の犬に話しかけているのを見かけました。彼女は、犬たちが言葉を理解していると考えているんじゃないでしょうか。
FormID: 000241D6 INFOGENERAL 0 Hard to complain about living in Chorrol. We've got everything you need.
FormID: 000241D7 INFOGENERAL 0 Ah, Chorrol. Easy access to all the other cities of Cyrodiil.
FormID: 000241D8 INFOGENERAL 0 Sometimes I just go look at the Great Oak. Magnificent, don't you think?
FormID: 000241D9 INFOGENERAL 0 You have to admit, this is a good place to live. Friendly folks, I think.
FormID: 000241DA INFOGENERAL 0 You know, I think the mutton here in Chorrol is the best in all the Empire. Mmmm... that's good mutton.
__ここ、Chorrolのマトンが帝国全土の中でも最も極上だと思いませんか? んん〜…良いマトンだ。
FormID: 000241DB INFOGENERAL 0 Lots of dogs in this town. Lots of sheep, too. Of course, I prefer the taste of sheep.
FormID: 000241DC INFOGENERAL 0 Don't know why anyone would visit the other cities of Cyrodill. Chorrol has it all. And a fairly low murder rate!
__他の町に行く必要はありません。 Chorrolには全て揃っているし治安も良いのです。
FormID: 000241DE INFOGENERAL 0 I lived in the Imperial City for a while, but city life just isn't for me. I'm much happier in Chorrol.
__私はしばらくの間、Imperial Cityに住んでいましたが、都会の生活は私には向いていませんでした。Chorrolの方がとても心地良いです。
FormID: 000241E0 INFOGENERAL 0 I just feel safe living here in Chorrol. I mean, we have the head of the Fighters Guild right here in town!
FormID: 000241E1 INFOGENERAL 0 Vilena Donton just hasn't been the same since her eldest son died. Still, she does a good job of running the Fighters Guild.
__長男を失って以来、Vilena Dontonは変わってしまいました。それでも、彼女はFighters Guildを運営するために尽力しています。
FormID: 000241E2 INFOGENERAL 0 It's good to know we've got such a strong Fighters Guild presence here in town.
__この都市に、あのように強力なFighters Guildが存在するというのは良いことですね。
FormID: 000241E3 INFOGENERAL 0 I understand the Fighters Guild is looking for new members. Seems a bit odd, but that's what I hear.
__Fighters Guildが新人を募集しているのは知っています。ちょっとおかしな気がするけど、そう聞きました。
FormID: 0001C900 INFOGENERAL 0 Don't get too many folks passing through here these days.
__最近、 あまりに多くの人々が、 ここを通り過ぎなくなった。
FormID: 0001C903 INFOGENERAL 0 I'm thinking of doing some traveling. Just to see the world a bit.
FormID: 000241BE INFOGENERAL 0 I heard there is a good smith in Chorrol.
FormID: 000C47D9 INFOGENERAL 0 M'aiq longs for a Colovian Fur Helm. Practical, yet stylish. M'aiq is very sad he does not have one. REC[CRLF];M'aiq = Mike
FormID: 000C526E INFOGENERAL 0 M'aiq wishes he had a stick made out of fishies to give to you. Sadly, he does not. REC[CRLF];M'aiq = Mike
FormID: 000C47DA INFOGENERAL 0 M'aiq believes the children are our future. But he doesn't want them ruining all of our fun. REC[CRLF];M'aiq = Mike
FormID: 000C47DC INFOGENERAL 0 M'aiq thinks his people are beautiful. The Argonian people are beautiful as well. They look better than ever before. REC[CRLF];M'aiq = Mike
FormID: 000C47DD INFOGENERAL 0 Some people wish to throw their weapons. That seems foolish to M'aiq. If you hold your weapon, you only need one. REC[CRLF];M'aiq = Mike
FormID: 000C47DE INFOGENERAL 0 Feet are for walking. Hands are for hitting. Or shaking. Or waving. Sometimes for clapping. REC[CRLF];M'aiq = Mike
__足は歩くためのもの。 手は殴るためのもの。或いは握手したり振ったり。たまに拍手したり。
FormID: 000C47DF INFOGENERAL 0 M'aiq prefers to adventure alone. Others just get in the way. And they talk, talk, talk. REC[CRLF];M'aiq = Mike
FormID: 000C47E0 INFOGENERAL 0 People always enjoy a good fable. M'aiq has yet to find one, though. Perhaps one day. REC[CRLF];M'aiq = Mike
FormID: 000C47E1 INFOGENERAL 0 Some people want special bows that take too long to load and need special arrows called bolts. M'aiq thinks they are idiots. REC[CRLF];M'aiq = Mike
FormID: 000C47E2 INFOGENERAL 0 So much easier to get around these days. Not like the old days. Too much walking. Of course, nothing stops M'aiq from walking when he wants. REC[CRLF];M'aiq = Mike
FormID: 000C47E3 INFOGENERAL 0 M'aiq is glad he has a compass. Makes it easy to find things. Much better than wandering around like a fool. REC[CRLF];M'aiq = Mike
FormID: 000C47E4 INFOGENERAL 0 Why would one want to swing a staff? A mace hurts more. Or a sword. Can't shoot a fireball from a sword, though. REC[CRLF];M'aiq = Mike
__人はどうして杖を振り回すんだ? メイスの方がダメージがでかい。それか剣の方が。剣だとfireballを撃てないけど。
FormID: 000C47E5 INFOGENERAL 0 I do not wish to fight on horseback. It is a good way to ruin a perfectly good horse... which is, to say, a perfectly good dinner. REC[CRLF];M'aiq = Mike
__馬の背に乗って戦いたいと思わない。立派な馬を駄目にするには良い方法だが... もはや立派な馬でなく、立派なディナーになる。
FormID: 000C47E6 INFOGENERAL 0 Levitation is for fools. Why would we want to levitate? Once you are up high, there is nowhere to go but down. REC[CRLF];M'aiq = Mike
__Levitationは馬鹿のためのもの。私たちは何故、空中に浮かぼうとするのか? 一旦高く飛び上がると、もう降りることができなくなる。
FormID: 000C47E7 INFOGENERAL 0 It is good the people wear clothing. M'aiq wears clothing. Who would want to see M'aiq naked? Sick, sick people. Very sad. REC[CRLF];M'aiq = Mike
__服を着るのは良いことだ。M'aiqは服を着る。誰が裸のM'aiqを見たいと思う? 病気、そう病気の人たちだ。とても哀れ。
FormID: 000C47E8 INFOGENERAL 0 I don't know why one would want to destroy a building. It takes time to make it. Much time. REC[CRLF];M'aiq = Mike
FormID: 000C47E9 INFOGENERAL 0 I have seen dragons. Perhaps you will see a dragon. I won't say where I saw one. Perhaps I did not. REC[CRLF];M'aiq = Mike
FormID: 000C47EA INFOGENERAL 0 Werewolves? Where? Wolves? Men that are wolves? Many wolves. Everywhere. Many men. That is enough for M'aiq. REC[CRLF];M'aiq = Mike
__ワーウルフ(Werewolves)? Where? Wolves? 狼になる人間? 狼はたくさんいる。どこにでも。人もたくさんいる。
FormID: 000A80A3 INFOGENERAL 0 The will-o-the-wisp is a luminous being. It has naturalized residences to many types of spells. REC[CRLF];all misspellings/mispronunciations/wrong words are intentional
FormID: 000A80A4 INFOGENERAL 0 I am resident to encounter the minotaur. Its horny protuberants cause me great conflagrations. REC[CRLF];all misspellings/mispronunciations/wrong words are intentional
FormID: 000A80A5 INFOGENERAL 0 Trolls, I have been foretold, are particular to unflammable weapons. REC[CRLF];all misspellings/mispronunciations/wrong words are intentiona
FormID: 000A80A6 INFOGENERAL 0 Though I am replicant to spread rumors, I am led to believe the philogy of skeletous beings makes them resistive to magic. REC[CRLF];all misspellings/mispronunciations/wrong words are intentional
FormID: 0018BC77 INFOGENERAL 0 Ancient Wayshrines of the Nine are scattered through the wilderness. The righteous who pray there receive powerful divine blessings.
__古代のthe NineのWayshrineは荒野のあちこちに点在します。公正なる者がそこで祈れば、強力な神の天恵を授かるでしょう。
FormID: 0018BC78 INFOGENERAL 0 If you've done good deeds, the Nine will bless you and cure diseases when you visit their wayshrines.
__あなたが善行を為していれば、各地のwayshrineを参拝した際に、the Nineがあなたを祝福し、病を癒してくれるでしょう。
FormID: 0018BC79 INFOGENERAL 0 Wayshrines of the Nine in the wilderness confer blessings on the righteous and faithful.
__荒野の中にあるthe NineのWayshrineは公正で忠実な者に天恵を授けてくれます。
FormID: 0018BC7A INFOGENERAL 0 Those famous for good deeds may receive Blessings of Intelligence and Magicka when they visit Wayshrines of Julianos.
FormID: 0018BC7B INFOGENERAL 0 Virtuous visitors to Wayshrines of Kynareth may receive Blessings of Agility.
FormID: 0018BC7C INFOGENERAL 0 When you visit a Wayshrine of Zenithar, and you've lived a good life by the Nine, you may receive a Blessing of Luck.
__ZenitharのWayshrineを参拝した際にthe Nineの御心に適った生き方をしていたなら、Luckの恩恵に授かることができます。
FormID: 0018BC7D INFOGENERAL 0 Those who live by the Commands of the Nine receive Blessings of Strength when they visit Wayshrines of Tiber Septim.
__the Nineの使命に従って生きる人々は、Tiber SeptimのWayshrineを参拝する際に、Strengthの恩恵に授かることができます。
FormID: 0018BC7E INFOGENERAL 0 A good man who honors the Nine may visit the Wayshrines of Akatosh for Blessings of Speed and Magicka.
__the Nineを敬愛する善人は、SpeedとMagickaの恩恵に授かるためにAkatoshのWayshrineを参拝することができます。
FormID: 0018BC7F INFOGENERAL 0 If you've been good, Wayshrines of Dibella may bless your Personality.
FormID: 0018BC80 INFOGENERAL 0 Wayshrines of Arkay confer Blessings of Health on those who've pleased the Nine by righteous acts.
__ArkayのWayshrineはHealthの恩恵を、公正な行為でthe Nineを喜ばせた人々に授けます。
FormID: 0018BC81 INFOGENERAL 0 Please the Nine with good works, and visit Wayshrines of Stendarr for Blessings of Endurance.
__献身をもってthe Nineを称えなさい。そうすればStendarrのWayshrinesを参拝する際にEnduranceの恩恵を授かるでしょう。
FormID: 0018BC82 INFOGENERAL 0 You've seen wayshrines in the wilderness? Those who've pleased the Nine may receive Blessings of Willpower at the Wayshrines of Mara.
__荒野でwayshrineを見かけたことがありますか? the Nineの寵愛を受けた人々はMaraのWayshrineにより、Willpowerの恩恵を授けられるでしょう。
FormID: 0018BC86 INFOGENERAL 0 The Heartlands and Nibenean Valley are the agricultural breadbaskets of Cyrodiil.
__HeartlandsとNibenean ValleyはCyrodiilの食料庫です。
FormID: 0018BC87 INFOGENERAL 0 Where does our food come from? The Heartlands. And the Nibenean Valley. And Skingrad? Great wines, cheeses, and tomatoes.
__我らの食料は何処からやってくるのでしょうか。それはHeartlands、そしてNibenean Valleyなのであります。あとSkingradもかな? 素晴らしいワインにチーズ、トマトなどね。
FormID: 0018BC88 INFOGENERAL 0 The lowlands of the Great Forest rise to the upland plateau of the Colovian West.
__Great Forestの低地は、Colovian西部の高台に向かって徐々に高くなっていきます。
FormID: 0018BC89 INFOGENERAL 0 The Great Forest was cleared for agriculture around Lake Rumare, but it's mostly wilderness outside of that. XXX: ARG M [QUOTE]wildness[QUOTE] instead of wilderness
__Great ForestのLake Rumare周辺は農業のために開拓されましたが、その外周はほとんど未開のままです。
FormID: 0018BC8F INFOGENERAL 0 The Colovian Highlands are barren wastelands along the border with Hammerfell.
FormID: 0018BC90 INFOGENERAL 0 The Colovian Highlands? Near the Hammerfell border? No one lives there. That's barren wastelands.
__Colovian高地? Hammerfellとの国境付近のことですか? そんなところ、誰も住んでいませんよ。あそこは不毛の荒野ですから。
FormID: 0018BC91 INFOGENERAL 0 High mountain ranges rise to the borders in the north and east, and marshes and rainforests extend to the southeast borders.
FormID: 0018BC95 INFOGENERAL 0 It's our natural barriers that keep us safe, mostly. Mountain borders north and east, open sea to the west, and bogs and rainforest to south. XXX: DARK ELF M, HIGH ELF M, WOOD ELF M, NORD M, ORC M, RED M, RED F say [QUOTE]to the south[QUOTE]
FormID: 0018BC99 INFOGENERAL 0 Cyrodiil is surrounded to the north and east by the lofty Jerall and Valus mountain ranges.
FormID: 0018BC9A INFOGENERAL 0 No one wants to live in the Jerall Mountains. Well, maybe in Bruma, but they're like Nords. They don't feel the cold.
FormID: 0018BC9E INFOGENERAL 0 Western Cyrodiil is called 'Colovia,' and includes the Gold Coast, West Weald, and Colovian Highlands regions.
__Cyrodiilの西方は「Colovia」と呼ばれていて、Gold Coast、West Weald 、Colovian高地を含んでいます。
FormID: 0018BCA1 INFOGENERAL 0 In the west, in Old Colovia, that's where men are men. That's the Gold Coast, West Weald, and Colovian Highlands.
__西部のOld Coloviaには、男が男でいられる土地がある。すなわちGold Coast、West Weald、Colovian高地のことです。
FormID: 0018BCA2 INFOGENERAL 0 Nibenay is a region of mixed farmland, parkland, and forest.
FormID: 0018BCA3 INFOGENERAL 0 With all the farms in Nibenay, there's still plenty of forest and wilderness open for settlement.
FormID: 0018BCA4 INFOGENERAL 0 Nibenay is bordered on north and east by rugged mountains and to the south by marshes and rainforest. XXX: NORD F, ORC F, RED M say [QUOTE]the north and east[QUOTE]
FormID: 0018BCA5 INFOGENERAL 0 The people of Nibenay consider themselves to be more civilized and sophisticated than Colovians.
FormID: 0018BCA6 INFOGENERAL 0 I'm not saying Colovians are dumb. They're just hard-headed.
FormID: 0018BCA7 INFOGENERAL 0 The Nibeneans think they're slick. 'Slippery' is more like it.
FormID: 0018BCAC INFOGENERAL 0 Colovia is a land of rugged wastes and highland forests.
FormID: 0018BCAD INFOGENERAL 0 Colovia is dotted with isolated farms and settlements, with most of the population in the coastal margin.
FormID: 0018BCAE INFOGENERAL 0 The Colovians are proud of their reputation for being independent, rough, and rebellious.
FormID: 0018BCAF INFOGENERAL 0 The Imperial City is located on a large island surrounded by Lake Rumare.
__Imperial City は Lake Rumare に囲まれた大きな島にあります。
FormID: 0018BCB0 INFOGENERAL 0 The Imperial City is densely urbanized, with a few large parks and waterside dock areas. XXX: Elf Male and Female, Redguard Male and Female = [QUOTE]a waterside dock area.[QUOTE]
__Imperial Cityは複数の大きい公園と港湾区で密に市街化されています。
FormID: 0018BCB1 INFOGENERAL 0 The Imperial City itself is a walled city, with separate inner walls protecting the Imperial palace.
__Imperial Cityは別々の内壁が Imperial palaceを保護している、城壁を巡らせた都市です。
FormID: 000624BA INFOGENERAL 0 The prettiest town in Cyrodiil? Don't know, but the ugliest is Bravil. Shabby, tumbledown shacks. They're big shacks, though.
__Cyrodiilで一番綺麗な街? それは知りませんが、一番汚い街と言えばBravilですよ。みすぼらしくてあばら屋のような小屋だからね。まあ、大きい小屋ですが。
FormID: 000624BB INFOGENERAL 0 Where to buy weapons? Where to buy anything, if you can afford to travel, is the Market District in the Imperial City.
__どこで武器が買えるかって? 何か欲しくて旅が苦痛じゃなければ、Imperial CityのMarket Districtだね。
FormID: 000624BC INFOGENERAL 0 My favorite town? Anvil. Lovely old stone buildings, and the harbor at sunset is beautiful.
__一番好きな街? Anvilです。古石壁で作られた建物が素晴らしいし、港での夕暮れもきれいだからね。
FormID: 000624BD INFOGENERAL 0 Ayleid ruins? The big thing is to watch out for the traps. Thousands of years old, and still working. Amazing.
__Ayleidの遺跡? 何と言っても罠に注意することです。数千年たった今もまだ動作してますよ。すごいな。
FormID: 000624BE INFOGENERAL 0 I've seen plenty of Ayleid ruins. You'd think they'd be picked clean after 2000 years, but, no, there's still great treasures there.
FormID: 000624BF INFOGENERAL 0 It's still pretty wild east of the Niben. Few people, except for bandits, but at least it hasn't been picked clean by treasure-hunters.
FormID: 000624C0 INFOGENERAL 0 Nobody goes into the mountains but hunters and thieves on the lam. Food and shelter is hard to come by.
FormID: 000624C1 INFOGENERAL 0 Blackwood isn't so bad, once you get used to the flies. And being lost all the time. And the zombies and will-o-the-wisps.
FormID: 000624C2 INFOGENERAL 0 There's islands in Niben Bay no one has visited in a hundred years. No telling what you'll find. XXX Breton male, Nord female, Orc female = [QUOTE]There're islands...[QUOTE]
__Niben Bayにある孤島には100年ほど誰も訪れていない。そこに何があるかなんて分からないな。
FormID: 000624C3 INFOGENERAL 0 Well, it's no problem traveling from the Imperial City to Leyawiin... if you're a wizard and can walk on water. I'd stay off the roads, though.
__ええ、Imperial CityからLeyawiinまでの旅なんて問題ありません・・・あなたがWizardで水上歩行のスペルを使えればね。私なら街道から距離を取りますね。
FormID: 000624C4 INFOGENERAL 0 If you're all alone in the woods and you see a troll coming, you run. Problem solved. Next question?
FormID: 000624C5 INFOGENERAL 0 Fighting's easy. Just lead them out on the water and shoot them full of holes. If you've got a bow, of course, and can walk on water.
FormID: 000624C6 INFOGENERAL 0 The Arena's faked. You think those guys are getting killed? Really? It's just berry syrup and ham-acting.
__Arenaなんてやらせだよ。あいつらが本当に死んだりすることがあると思う? ありゃベリーシロップのように甘ったるい大げさな演技さ。
FormID: 000624C7 INFOGENERAL 0 Have you ever met anyone who got rich betting on the Arena? Didn't think so.
__Arenaで賭けて大もうけしたやつを見たことある? そんなこと無いと思うな。
FormID: 000624C8 INFOGENERAL 0 The Council runs the Arena to amuse the masses, and it pays for itself, with all the fools who lose their shirts gambling.
__The Councilと非公式のギャンブルをやって全てを失う馬鹿どもが、大衆娯楽を提供するArenaを運営しているのさ。
FormID: 000624C9 INFOGENERAL 0 If you're on a road, you can usually outrun anything. If you're in good shape, and not wearing a tin suit.
FormID: 000624CA INFOGENERAL 0 Orcs don't ride horses. They eat horses. And sometimes I think they're the smart ones. Wait, maybe it's Dunmer who eat horses.
FormID: 000624CB INFOGENERAL 0 Take Cheydinhal, for example. Pretty little town. But the Count's a Dark Elf, and it's crawling with Orc thugs and gangsters.
__例えばCheydinhalに行ってごらんなさいい。とても小さな街だけど、伯爵はDark ElfだしOrcのチンピラとギャング共がうじゃうじゃ居ますよ。
FormID: 0018BCB2 INFOGENERAL 0 The lands surrounding Lake Rumare are studded with small settlements, farms, and woodland game reserves.
FormID: 0018BCB3 INFOGENERAL 0 The Nibenay Basin grades from rolling farmlands by the river east to the rugged uplands of the Valus Mountains.
__Nibenay Basinは川のそばの点々とした農地から、東に向かって段々のValus山脈に登っていくところにあります。
FormID: 0018BCBC INFOGENERAL 0 On Cyrodiil's northern border is the sparsely populated mountain wilderness called the Valus Mountains.
FormID: 0018BCBD INFOGENERAL 0 You can't be too careful out in the wilderness. Almost any creature you find is liable to give you a disease.
FormID: 0018BCBE INFOGENERAL 0 Watch yourself around goblins. Some of the nastier ones will toss spells at you.
FormID: 0018BCBF INFOGENERAL 0 Imps. I hate 'em. Little buggers flitting around, tossing fireballs at you!
FormID: 0018BCC0 INFOGENERAL 0 I saw a wraith once. It threw a curse on me I'll never forget.
FormID: 0018BCC1 INFOGENERAL 0 Have you seen a land dreugh? We call them [QUOTE]Billies.[QUOTE] Don't know why. Steer clear of them, though.
__land dreughを見たことがありますか? 私たちはあいつらを[QUOTE]棍棒[QUOTE]と呼んでいます。何故かは分かりません。まあ、あいつらは避けてください。
FormID: 0018BCC2 INFOGENERAL 0 I ran across a ghost once. Seemed to suck the energy right out of me.
FormID: 0018BCC3 INFOGENERAL 0 Watch for minotaurs in the forests. Aggressive beasts. They'll tear right through your armor, too.
__森の中ではminotaursに気をつけて。 好戦的であなたを鎧や兜ごと引き裂きますよ。
FormID: 0018BCC4 INFOGENERAL 0 Mudcrabs. What's the point? Annoying buggers, though the meat isn't bad.
FormID: 0018BCC5 INFOGENERAL 0 Only thing worse than an ogre is two ogres. Tough bastards, and spells seem to bounce right off of 'em.
FormID: 0018BCC6 INFOGENERAL 0 Is there anywhere in Tamriel you can avoid rats? Disease spreading little nuisances.
__Tamrielにネズミを見ないですむ土地はありますか? 病原菌を撒き散らす小さな厄介者を。
FormID: 0018BCC7 INFOGENERAL 0 Best way to take out a skeleton is with a big weapon. Forget spells. Just smack them and watch the bones fly!
FormID: 0018BCC8 INFOGENERAL 0 I might swim more if it weren't for the slaughterfish. Sharp teeth, and some carry disease.
FormID: 0018BCC9 INFOGENERAL 0 Spriggans. [QUOTE]Nature's guardians[QUOTE] my foot! Mean things. They'll curse you, or they might call a bear to tear you apart.
FormID: 0018BCCA INFOGENERAL 0 All that stuff about having to set trolls on fire is a bunch of hooey. They don't like fire, but a good sword will cut them up fine.
FormID: 0018BCCB INFOGENERAL 0 I don't even know what a will-o-the-wisp is, much less how to kill one. I think they're just swamp gas, myself.
__will o the wispがどんなものか知らないし、殺し方なんかもっと分かりません。多分沼のガスかなんだと思います。
FormID: 0018BCCC INFOGENERAL 0 I don't like to think about zombies. Missing arms, legs, heads. They smell awful, and they're hard to kill.
FormID: 000624CC INFOGENERAL 0 Try combining aloe vera leaves with some venison. It's said to have some restorative properties.
__aloe veraとvenisonあたりを組み合わせてみると良いでしょう。回復薬になるそうです。
FormID: 000624CD INFOGENERAL 0 You can find Cairn Bolete growing in caves. They're said to mark the place someone has died.
__Cairn Boleteはよく洞窟のなかで光っています。死人の場所を知らせるんだそうです。
FormID: 000624CE INFOGENERAL 0 It's said that eating taproot can bring you good luck.
FormID: 000624CF INFOGENERAL 0 Make sure not to eat nightshade. It's very poisonous.

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