Backup/Vanilla/Dialogue/ImperialCityTopic のバックアップ差分(No.1)


FormID: 000B0702	ImperialCityTopic	0	The daedra did a lot of damage, but we'll rebuild. Before you know it, the city will be as good as new.	reassuringly
__Deadraは多くの損害を与えましたが、私たちは再建するつもりです。 アッという間に、都市は新しいのと同じくらい良くなるでしょう。
FormID: 000B0702	ImperialCityTopic	1	Better, maybe, now that we've got the Dragon to watch over us.	
FormID: 000B0703	ImperialCityTopic	0	I can't get over the dragon statue in the Temple ruins. Tell me again how you and Martin defeated Mehrunes Dagon!	
FormID: 000B0704	ImperialCityTopic	0	Every time I walk past the Temple, I'll remember that terrible day and how you and Martin delivered us from destruction.	
FormID: 0004762D	ImperialCityTopic	0	It is a wonderful city, and I'm proud to have served her for 40 years. But I'm ready to retire, let the young folks take over the reins.	
FormID: 0004762F	ImperialCityTopic	0	Never compromise. Never blink. Never wink at injustice. Never quit trying to make this a better city for everyone.	
FormID: 00047631	ImperialCityTopic	0	I aim to keep an eye on things here in the city. Take it slow, get to know the people. Try not to get off on the wrong foot.	
FormID: 00047633	ImperialCityTopic	0	When the city is quiet, everybody is happy. Right? If you like noise, maybe you're in the wrong place.	
FormID: 00047639	ImperialCityTopic	0	Before the Arcane University was founded in the second era, Crystal Tower on Summerset Isle was the source of all magical learning.
__かつては、Summerset IsleのCrystal Towerが魔法を学ぶ者たちにとっての知識の源泉だった。Arcane Universityがsecond eraに創立されるまではな。
FormID: 00047639	ImperialCityTopic	1	Since then, the Imperial City has been Tamriel's foremost magical research center.
__今はImperial CityこそがTamrielの魔術研究の中心地となっておる。
FormID: 0004763B	ImperialCityTopic	0	You know, of course, the Imperial Palace is Ayleid. White Gold Tower, they called it, back in the Middle Merethic, when the Aldmeri ruled Tamriel.
__君は、Imperial PalaceがAyleidよりもたらされたのを知っているかな?White Gold Towerと呼ばれているものは、TamrielをAldmeriが支配していた時代、Middle Merethicにまで遡ることができる。	
FormID: 0004763D	ImperialCityTopic	0	How quaint. You seek to educate yourself. At the expense of my precious time. Go. Shoo. Bother someone else.
FormID: 0004763F	ImperialCityTopic	0	I rarely leave the University, as I have all I need right here. If you need ingredients, try Ogier 
Georick at 'The Main Ingredient.'	
FormID: 00047641	ImperialCityTopic	0	What? There's a city out there? You don't say. What good is it, eh? Dirt. Horses. Idiots. Be my guest.	
FormID: 00047643	ImperialCityTopic	0	Too big for me. Loud. Dirty. Clowns, fools, brutes and thieves everywhere. I want to throw my gold away, I just dump it in Lake Rumare, save time.	REC - rising inflection on 'away' like a question; Rumare = roo MAR reh
FormID: 00047646	ImperialCityTopic	0	Other arcane trainers in the City? Just one. Dovyn Aren. In the Market District. Basic instructor in Alteration.	
FormID: 00047648	ImperialCityTopic	0	Enchanting city. A real eye-full. Just walk and gawk. Stroll along the Greenway and around the Palace.	
FormID: 0004764A	ImperialCityTopic	0	I like cities, and this is the biggest and the best. All races, cultures, cuisines, crafts... the City has them all.	
FormID: 0004764C	ImperialCityTopic	0	I like to walk. You can walk for hours in the city. Always something to look at, someone to talk to.	
FormID: 0004764E	ImperialCityTopic	0	The orrery here is the only one in Cyrodiil. There's one more in Hammerfell... the old one at Stros M'Kai.	
FormID: 00047654	ImperialCityTopic	0	If I don't have what you need, try Claudette Perrick at 'The Gilded Carafe'. That's right here in the Market District.	
FormID: 00047657	ImperialCityTopic	0	This is the only book store in the city. There's also Renoit's Books in Chorrol, Mach-Na's in Cheydinhal, and Southern Books in Leyawiin.	
FormID: 00047659	ImperialCityTopic	0	My advice is take your time, walk around the Market District, see what's on offer. Don't buy until you've seen it all. Take your time.
__私のアドバイスは、「のんびりいきましょう」ということです。Market Districtを歩いて回るときはそのとおり、急いで買い物してはダメですよ。ゆっくり、のんびりいきましょう。
FormID: 0004765B	ImperialCityTopic	0	You want to buy or sell, the City is great. You want free? Go down the holes, kill some monsters. Sell your loot back in the city!
FormID: 0004765D	ImperialCityTopic	0	I have the best prices in town? Why? I'm smart, and you're smart. We know the right people, we get the best deals.	
FormID: 0004765F	ImperialCityTopic	0	While you're in the Market District, see  Rohssan's weapons at A Fighting Chance, and see Varnado and Maro Rufus at The Best Defense for armor.
FormID: 00047661	ImperialCityTopic	0	Look. It's big, see. REALLY big. Only way to learn it is to walk it. Look at everything, talk to everyone.
FormID: 00047663	ImperialCityTopic	0	Crime in the City? You hear a lot of complaining, but it's really not so bad. The Thieves Guild is smart; they don't want any trouble with the Watch.	
FormID: 00047665	ImperialCityTopic	0	Everyone comes to the Big City to buy and sell. Why not? More stores, better selection, better prices.
FormID: 00047667	ImperialCityTopic	0	It's a beautiful city. But stay away from the Waterfront. It's not dangerous, but it's dirty, and the beggars are a nuisance.
FormID: 00047669	ImperialCityTopic	0	The Black Horse Courier is run by three Khajiit brothers. They buy freelance stories with an Imperial stipend, and give the papers away for free.	REC
FormID: 0004766B	ImperialCityTopic	0	It would be perfect... if the Watch could just get rid of the damn Thieves Guild. You don't have this problem in Anvil or Bruma.	
FormID: 0004766D	ImperialCityTopic	0	Anyone can wear clothes. But the RIGHT clothes? That is not so easy. Go to any castle. They wear Palonirya's designs, or they're nobody.	REC Palonirya [not Paloniry -- our original spelling error]
FormID: 0004766F	ImperialCityTopic	0	No one can experience the City for you. You must go, walk, touch, see, feel, talk to everyone.	
FormID: 00047671	ImperialCityTopic	0	Where else? You have to be here. This is THE City. The BIG City. Why waste time in little places?
FormID: 00047673	ImperialCityTopic	0	Also try my friend, Ogier Georick, The Main Ingredient, here in the District.	
FormID: 00047675	ImperialCityTopic	0	Well, if you MUST have Heavy Armor, see Varnado. So heavy, so ugly... but it's your choice.	
FormID: 00047677	ImperialCityTopic	0	You want Light Armor? Pah! Why wear fluffy flutter, when you can wear real armor? But if you MUST have Light Armor, talk to Maro Rufus. Idiot.	
あなたは軽装鎧が欲しいと?チェ!なぜ本物の鎧が着れるっていうときに、フワフワでパタパタなのを着るのかね?けどどーしても軽装鎧が必要なら、Maro_Rufusと話しなさい。 バカチン。
FormID: 00047679	ImperialCityTopic	0	Varnado and Maro Rufus? They don't get along. I don't understand it. I just make the armor, and keep it in good shape.	REC
FormID: 0004767B	ImperialCityTopic	0	The Black Horse Courier brings the news of the people to the people. We are funded by the Empire, so our broadsheets are always free!	REC
__Black Horse Courierは皆のニュースを皆に運ぶ。俺ら帝国にお金もらってる。だから俺らの刷り物、いつもタダ!
FormID: 0004767D	ImperialCityTopic	0	You see Khajiit always running through the City? You see Ra'Jiradh and his brothers! We bring the Black Horse Courier to the good citizens, yes?	REC
__あなたKhajiitが町中を走ってるの見たことありますか?それはRa'Jiradhと私の兄弟ですよ!Black Horse Courierは帝国のよい人たちにニュース届けますよ。ハイ?
FormID: 0004767F	ImperialCityTopic	0	We operate throughout the Imperial City and Cyrodiil. Very fast, very accurate. News happens? The Black Horse Courier is there!  	REC
__私たちImperial CityとCyrodiil中で仕事してるね。とても速く、とても正確よ。なにかニュースある?Black Horse Courierに来るといいよ!
FormID: 00047681	ImperialCityTopic	0	You have complaints against merchants here? You file complaints with me. I fill out lots of forms, which go to a lot of people who ignore them.	
FormID: 00047681	ImperialCityTopic	1	So what else did you expect? Justice? Go to the Chapel. Talk to Zenithar. He'll take care of everything.	
FormID: 00047683	ImperialCityTopic	0	A wealthy gentleman in the Talos Plaza district named Umbacano collects Ayleid artifacts. Perhaps he has use for someone like you.	
FormID: 00047685	ImperialCityTopic	0	Where can you find a bed in the City? I hear the Tiber Septim Hotel in Talos Plaza is very nice.	
FormID: 00047685	ImperialCityTopic	1	In the Elven Gardens, Luther Broad's Boarding House may suit less discriminating customers.	REC
FormID: 00047685	ImperialCityTopic	2	Fighters Guild has no accommodations in town. Mages Guild members have their own quarters at the Arcane University.	
FormID: 00047685	ImperialCityTopic	3	I can't recommend the Bloated Float on the Waterfront. The Waterfront is not a very desirable location.	
FormID: 00047687	ImperialCityTopic	0	The Sintavs have always been one of the leading families in the City. We will refrain from contact with the Atius, unless provoked.	
FormID: 00047689	ImperialCityTopic	0	You just have to know the right people. Look up Ida Vlinorman and Othrelos in the Elven Gardens. They're the right people.	
FormID: 0004768B	ImperialCityTopic	0	To know the right things, you have to know the right people. Ida Vlinorman, Mandil, Samuel Bantien, and Othrelos are the right people.	
FormID: 0004768C	ImperialCityTopic	0	What Iniel says, goes. He says, lay off the Atius, I lay off the Atius. Simple.	
FormID: 0004768F	ImperialCityTopic	0	Things have been very quiet with the Atius. That suits me just fine. All this fighting is stupid. What are they fighting about? Just stupid pride.	
FormID: 00047691	ImperialCityTopic	0	Daedric shrines nearby? I know of two. North of the city, south of Bruma, east of the Silver Road, is a Mephala shrine.	
FormID: 00047691	ImperialCityTopic	1	East of the city, at the head of the Red River, is a shrine to Vaermina.	
FormID: 00047693	ImperialCityTopic	0	You got to be careful. You don't want people taking notice. Just keep quiet, keep your head down.	
FormID: 00047695	ImperialCityTopic	0	I was in the Thieves Guild. But I'm out now. I retired. Too old for that foolishness. I don't keep up contacts. You get out? You stay out.	
FormID: 00047697	ImperialCityTopic	0	It's just a sport. Chapel climbing. The Watch doesn't like it, but you don't climb chapels while the Watch is standing around.	
FormID: 00047699	ImperialCityTopic	0	This city life is killing me. Work all day long. Drop dead, and they toss you in Lake Rumare. Just need to make my money at the Arena and live easy.	
FormID: 0004769B	ImperialCityTopic	0	The Watch can't touch me. I'm careful, private-like. Don't like people following me. Sure, it makes people nervous, seeing me sneak around. Too bad.	
FormID: 0004769D	ImperialCityTopic	0	It pays to know about locks and lockpicks. It's just a hobby, of course, but the average citizen feels more secure when he understands his own locks.	
FormID: 0004769F	ImperialCityTopic	0	I like the ladies. It's been my weakness. But now I've got Romana, I stay away from the fleshpots.	
FormID: 000476A1	ImperialCityTopic	0	It is SO hard to find a man you can trust in this big city. Sure, Tertius has had his share of girls. Just look at him. But all that's changed now.	
FormID: 000476A3	ImperialCityTopic	0	The Watch is so completely on my ass. So I got to lay low for a while. I got some dosh stashed, so I'm fine for now.	
FormID: 000476A5	ImperialCityTopic	0	Ra'jhan used to share a house, but not now. Ra'jhan is very proud, work so hard, now has house all his own.
FormID: 000476A7	ImperialCityTopic	0	Irene Metrick and I spend a lot of time together, true. We're just good friends. But don't tell Elisa. She wouldn't understand.	
FormID: 000476A9	ImperialCityTopic	0	Roderic is looking around for a business to Invest in. I know he'll find something soon.	
FormID: 000476AB	ImperialCityTopic	0	Whatever Uncle Iniel says. 'Lay off the Atius bastards,' he says, so we lay off.	
FormID: 000476AD	ImperialCityTopic	0	I'm a Sintav, and we Sintavs stick together. Uncle Iniel got us swell jobs and a house. It's a family thing.	
FormID: 000476AF	ImperialCityTopic	0	If we work hard, Uncle Iniel says he'll set us up in business together, maybe a little fruit orchard, or maybe tomatoes.	
FormID: 000476B1	ImperialCityTopic	0	I'm sick of all this fighting with the Atius clan. I'm glad Uncle Iniel put his foot down.	
FormID: 000476B3	ImperialCityTopic	0	The Sintav clan is very close. We watch out for each other, and Uncle Iniel, he knows everything, and takes care of us.	
FormID: 000476B5	ImperialCityTopic	0	It is a beautiful city. I love to walk, talk with everyone, hear the news, share the little stories of the day.	REC
FormID: 000476B7	ImperialCityTopic	0	Argonians stick mostly to the river trade. We know boats and the water. We're not fussy about the sewers, either. Water cleans it all.	
FormID: 000476B9	ImperialCityTopic	0	To earn gold, Argonians must come to the city. It is a strange life, shaped stones and whiteskins everywhere.	
FormID: 000476B9	ImperialCityTopic	1	But in the water, we are the masters, and whiteskins pay well for our skills.	
FormID: 000476BB	ImperialCityTopic	0	A short stay in our lovely Imperial Prison should cool your enthusiasm for a life of crime. The drunk tank in particular has a unique aroma.	
FormID: 000476C1	ImperialCityTopic	0	Where can you find some fun? That depends on your idea of fun. You can bet, fight, or both at the Arena.	
FormID: 000476C1	ImperialCityTopic	1	There are plenty of sights to see, and plenty of places to shop, but the Watch frowns on brawling and adventuring in the city.	
FormID: 000476C3	ImperialCityTopic	0	The Tiber Septim Hotel is clean, comfortable, and quite exclusive. I don't mind paying a little extra for a little privacy.	
FormID: 000476C5	ImperialCityTopic	0	I agree with the Watch Captain. This Atius-Sintav feud has gone on long enough. I can control my people. I hope Iniel can control his.	
FormID: 000476C7	ImperialCityTopic	0	It wasn't my fault. Cyronin Sintav started it. But I'm the one who got caught, so I'm the one who has to cool his heels.	REC
FormID: 000476C9	ImperialCityTopic	0	I'm content here. Some day I hope to meet the right man, but not a seaman. Never. 	
FormID: 000476CB	ImperialCityTopic	0	I only do the training any more. None of the rigs and tricks. Rochelle and me just want the settled life nowadays.	
FormID: 000476CD	ImperialCityTopic	0	Samuel was a bit wild as a young man. The City will do that to you. Bad company, bad influences.	
FormID: 000476CF	ImperialCityTopic	0	Master Umbacano is a fine gentleman. Mad for old Ayleid stuff, true, but he's got the dosh, so it's all right, ain't it?	
FormID: 000476D1	ImperialCityTopic	0	If I don't find something soon, I'm going to have to try my luck at adventuring. My pals say there's a lot of caves and ruins west towards Skingrad.	
FormID: 000476D3	ImperialCityTopic	0	I supply many fine city merchants with goods. All sorts of things. Whatever I can buy cheap and sell dear.	
FormID: 000476D5	ImperialCityTopic	0	I spent 40 years at the Arcane University. Good years, but I don't miss it. Now I'm completely useless, and proud of it.	
FormID: 000476D7	ImperialCityTopic	0	I don't miss Morrowind. All that sour Tribunal grumbling and old-fashioned ancestor worship. Good riddance.	REC
FormID: 000476D9	ImperialCityTopic	0	Morrowind is still living in the Second Era. I can't believe how they treat Khajiit and Argonians. Here, we are Imperial citizens, nothing less.	
FormID: 000476DB	ImperialCityTopic	0	It's the city of Tiber Septim, youngest of the gods. Go to the Palace and the Temple of the One. Stand on the stones where Talos stood.	
FormID: 000476DD	ImperialCityTopic	0	Thamriel says she hears voices. All the men and women who lived and died here for thousands of years... maybe they left ghosts behind.	REC
FormID: 00074A89	ImperialCityTopic	0	I beg your pardon. The city? Here's the city. All around us. A thousand stones, a thousand souls.	REC - madness? or sensitive and clairvoyant? who knows? but definitely crazy
FormID: 00074A89	ImperialCityTopic	1	I hear them all. Sometimes. But not right now. They're all quiet. Did you frighten them away?	REC - madness? or sensitive and clairvoyant? who knows? but definitely crazy
FormID: 000476E0	ImperialCityTopic	0	I got no beds here. You need a bed in the Imperial City, you got four choices. The King and Queens and Luther Broads are in the Gardens.	
FormID: 000476E0	ImperialCityTopic	1	The Tiber Septim Hotel is very nice, but very expensive. There's the Bloated Float at the Waterfront. Sleep on a boat. And cheap, too.	REC
FormID: 000476E2	ImperialCityTopic	0	I don't know. Just take a walk around. Buy something. Plenty of stores. Why'd you come in the first place?	
FormID: 000476E4	ImperialCityTopic	0	My favorite thing is fresh slaughterfish, caught fresh from the docks on the Waterfront.	
FormID: 000476E6	ImperialCityTopic	0	I'm fed up with the senseless feuding, blood spilled for no good reason. Glad the Watch put a stop to it.	
FormID: 000476E8	ImperialCityTopic	0	S'rathad learns the city by walking, talking, seeing it all. S'rathad thinks this is the best way for you, too.	
FormID: 000476EB	ImperialCityTopic	0	It is well known in the City that I collect Ayleid antiquities. It's true, but I desire only very specific items.	
FormID: 000476ED	ImperialCityTopic	0	There are many people in the city who interest me, and you are not one of them.	
FormID: 000476EF	ImperialCityTopic	0	It is so kind of you to favor me with your attention. Please excuse me if I seem unappreciative of the honor.	
FormID: 000476EF	ImperialCityTopic	1	... Was I insufficiently clear? I beg your pardon. You do not interest me. We will not be having further social discourse.	
FormID: 000476F1	ImperialCityTopic	0	The Earl is perhaps not well known in the city. He is a private man, and keeps to himself.	
FormID: 000476F3	ImperialCityTopic	0	I'm not in the habit of answering questions for strangers. No offense intended.	
FormID: 000476F5	ImperialCityTopic	0	Where to sleep? The Tiber Septim Hotel in Talos Plaza is nice but expensive. Luther Broad's Boarding House in Elven Gardens is just okay.	
FormID: 000476F5	ImperialCityTopic	1	The Bloated Float on the Waterfront is cheap... and a bit too interesting for my tastes.	
FormID: 000476F7	ImperialCityTopic	0	We rarely get real trouble here. The Watch puts a stop to rough stuff damn quick. I'm mostly ornamental at the Bloated Float. Makes folks happy.
__俺たちはここで深刻な問題には出くわしたことはないね。警備兵はとても迅速に現れては大ゲンカをやめさせるからな。俺はBloated Floatのほとんど飾りみたいなもんだ。みんな幸せさ。	
FormID: 000476F9	ImperialCityTopic	0	You'll find a lot of orcs serving as private guards. Watch work is too dull. Lots of folks say, 'Oooh, there's an orc, she's scary'. Makes it easy.	
FormID: 000476FB	ImperialCityTopic	0	I'm here because I'm a loafer. And the city's an easy place for a loafer to get by. I do odd jobs, a little adventuring, build up a little pile....	
FormID: 000476FD	ImperialCityTopic	0	Akatosh speaks to us all, but we never listen. Go to the Temple of the One. Read the Covenants. Praise the Nine!	
FormID: 000476FF	ImperialCityTopic	0	St. Alessia has blessed our city and all its people. Visit the Temple of the One, and renew your faith.	
St. Alessiaは私たちの都市とそのすべての人々を祝福しました。Temple_of_the_Oneを訪ねなさい。そして信仰を新たにするのです。
FormID: 00047701	ImperialCityTopic	0	Mara's blessing on you, and on all her children. Speak to her at the Temple of the One. Ask Mother Mara; she will shower your heart with love.	
FormID: 00047703	ImperialCityTopic	0	Big city. I really LOVE the lights at night, shoo-shoo. The City of Love. Got it? Love? Light? Night? Big. Big, big, big, BIG!	
FormID: 00047705	ImperialCityTopic	0	Look around. Count the true believers. How many of these people really have faith? It's easy to have faith when everything's fine.	
FormID: 00047707	ImperialCityTopic	0	The Nine say each of us is special, but that's just a lie. I don't mind, but it just sounds stupid.	
FormID: 00047709	ImperialCityTopic	0	It's not safe, talking to strangers. I don't know what's going on, but I have to be careful.	
FormID: 0004770B	ImperialCityTopic	0	The Arboretum. That's where J'mhad likes to go. Always quiet, always green. 	
FormID: 0004770D	ImperialCityTopic	0	I'm here in the city for access to the Temple libraries, and for the bookstores... especially the First Edition in the Market District.	
FormID: 0004770F	ImperialCityTopic	0	I find things to do. I manage the house, make sure Amantius doesn't starve or run out of ink.	
FormID: 00047711	ImperialCityTopic	0	Soon, the Elder Council must choose a new emperor, and then I suppose they'll sort out my commission. Until then, I just have to keep on working.	
FormID: 00047713	ImperialCityTopic	0	It's so sad. Salomon was to compose a symphony for Uriel Septim, to be performed for the whole city in the Arena.	
FormID: 00047714	ImperialCityTopic	0	I'm sorry, but my studies keep me indoors for the most part. I know little of the rest of the city.	
FormID: 00047716	ImperialCityTopic	0	One must be very careful in the Imperial City. There are things... dangerous things... that cannot abide the light.	
FormID: 00047732	ImperialCityTopic	0	I'm quite behind on current events, I'm afraid. I can't be of any help to you.	
FormID: 00047734	ImperialCityTopic	0	You're very curious. Perhaps too curious for your own good.	
FormID: 00047736	ImperialCityTopic	0	It's terrible. I just can't walk past a bookstore. The First Edition, in the Market District, is the worst.	
FormID: 00047738	ImperialCityTopic	0	The Temple District is by far the most desirable address in the city. Why? Because I live here, of course. Don't you agree?	
FormID: 0004773A	ImperialCityTopic	0	My housemates and I were lucky to find this house in the Temple District. It costs a little more, but it's a very good address.	REC
FormID: 0004773C	ImperialCityTopic	0	It's not that I'm lazy. I'm just not very ambitious. You can live comfortably in the city very cheaply. So why work yourself to death?	
FormID: 0004773E	ImperialCityTopic	0	It is a very fashionable address, of course, but we live simply.	
FormID: 00047740	ImperialCityTopic	0	I made quite a lot of gold from my last expedition. I bought this house, invested the rest, and now I'm just living the life of the city gentleman.	
FormID: 00047742	ImperialCityTopic	0	The Bloated Float rents beds. Only place on the waterfront. Cheap. And it's safe.
__Waterfrontに浮かんでるBloated Floatは宿を提供するぜ。安くて、しかも安全だ。 	
FormID: 00047744	ImperialCityTopic	0	The lighthouse is mostly for show. You'd have to be an idiot to try to navigate here by night.	
FormID: 00047746	ImperialCityTopic	0	We store goods here until the buyer can collect them, or until the ships come in.	
FormID: 00047748	ImperialCityTopic	0	A little tip. People who ask a lot of questions around here tend to be not very popular.	
FormID: 00047749	ImperialCityTopic	0	I think I'll do just fine. I'm a natural. Finder's keepers, right? And I'm a pretty good finder.	
FormID: 0004774B	ImperialCityTopic	0	Lots of us on the Waterfront are down. We can't do that dungeon stuff like you adventurers. We got no money, and no skills. Nobody wants us.	
FormID: 0004774D	ImperialCityTopic	0	I'll get mine. Folks in this city got plenty of gold. Take from the rich and give to the poor, if you catch my drift.	
FormID: 0004774F	ImperialCityTopic	0	People in the city, they get stuff and forget to pay. So I help 'em remember. You talk to 'em, lean on 'em a bit, and they remember right away.	
FormID: 00047751	ImperialCityTopic	0	Hard to find an Orc girl in this city like Umog gra-Marad. Smart, tough, got a good trade. Nice-looking, too. So I got to make my intentions clear.	
FormID: 000488E6	ImperialCityTopic	0	You have to watch out for pickpockets in the city. You'd be surprised how many waterfronters earn a good income that way.	REC
FormID: 000488E8	ImperialCityTopic	0	I share my good fortunes with the poor and needy. And you ain't neither. Life isn't easy on the waterfront. But we look out for each other.	
FormID: 000488EA	ImperialCityTopic	0	I've worked on the docks as long as Vlanarus, but he thinks he's the expert. He's always looking over my shoulder, do it this way, do it that way.	
FormID: 000488EC	ImperialCityTopic	0	Kastav says he works. Ha! Flies land on him, he's too lazy to brush them off. I'm sick of taking abuse for him, even if he is my brother.	
FormID: 000488EE	ImperialCityTopic	0	I do my part on the docks, just like Bronsila and Vlanarus. Why should I kill myself? They don't pay me any more. For what I get paid, I work plenty.	
FormID: 000488F0	ImperialCityTopic	0	I signed on for the Raven Rock colony. Went there as a builder. Hung around afterwards, but the money ran out.	REC
FormID: 000488F2	ImperialCityTopic	0	I helped build Raven Rock. Had a bad run-in with the law, so here I am. Pretty soon I'll head out for the Imperial Reserve, try my luck there.	
FormID: 0007BE9B	ImperialCityTopic	0	The Chestnut Handy Stables used to sell horses. But they're gone. Our horses. All gone. Big mystery. No idea where they went. [burp]	REC - emphasize the words [QUOTE]used to[QUOTE][CRLF]slightly nervous, like she can't stop herself from talking
FormID: 0007BE9D	ImperialCityTopic	0	We stable horses for folks in the Imperial City. We'd sell horses, too. Except... we can't seem to keep track of them.	REC - sardonic exasperation
FormID: 0007BE9E	ImperialCityTopic	0	Sure. Some folks here think horses are for riding. Then again, some of us are Orcs. Snak gra-Bura, she prefers eating stew to riding horses. 	REC - smart-alecky humor - Orcs have a reputation for eating horses, not riding them
FormID: 00020086	ImperialCityTopic	0	We are from the IC (not to be confused with the OC).

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