Knights of the Nine/Books/NDBook2ReligiousSongofPelinalV3 のバックアップ差分(No.4)

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*題名 [#h4291c9c]
**原題 [#m325dda5]

**訳題 [#x85e7660]

*本文 [#cf4fd66c]

**原文 [#text_en]
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<div align="center"><font face=1>The Song of Pelinal<br>
Volume 3: On His Enemy<br>
<div align="left">[Editor's Note: Volumes 1-6 are taken from the so-called Reman Manuscript located in the Imperial Library. It is a transcription of older fragments collected by an unknown scholar of the early Second Era. Beyond this, little is known of the original sources of these fragments, some of which appear to be from the same period (perhaps even from the same manuscript). But, as no scholarly consensus yet exists on dating these six fragments, no opinions will be offered here.]<br>
Pelinal Whitestrake was the enemy of all elfkind that lived in Cyrod in those days. Mainly, though, he took it upon himself to slay the sorcerer-kings of the Ayleids in pre-arranged open combats rather than at war; the fields of rebellion he left to the growing armies of the Paravania and his bull nephew. Pelinal called out Haromir of Copper and Tea into a duel at the Tor, and ate his neck-veins while screaming praise to Reman, a name that no one knew yet. Gordhaur the Shaper's head was smashed upon the goat-faced altar of Ninendava, and in his wisdom Pelinal said a small plague spell to keep that evil from reforming by welkynd-magic. Later that season, Pelinal slew Hadhuul on the granite steps of Ceya-Tar, the Fire King's spears knowing their first refute. For a time, no weapon of the Ayleids could pierce his armor, which Pelinal admitted was unlike any crafted by men, but would say no more even when pressed. When Huna, whom Pelinal raised from grain-slave to hoplite and loved well, took death from an arrowhead made from the beak of Celethelel the Singer, the Whitestrake went on his first Madness. He wrought destruction from Narlemae all the way to Celediil, and erased those lands from the maps of Elves and Men, and all things in them, and Perrif was forced to make sacrifice to the Gods to keep them from leaving the earth in their disgust. And then came the storming of White-Gold, where the Ayleids had made pact with the Aurorans of Meridia, and summoned them, and appointed the terrible and golden-hued "half-Elf" Umaril the Unfeathered as their champion・and, for the first time since his coming, it was Pelinal who was called out to battle by another, for Umaril had the blood of the 'ada and would never know death.

**訳文 [#text_ja]
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<div align="center"><font face=1>The Song of Pelinal<br>
Volume 3: On His Enemy<br>
<div align="left">[編者注:第1-6巻はImperial Library所蔵のいわゆるReman写本から抜粋された。それは、Second Era初期に一人の無名学者によって収集され、書き写された物語群である。物語のうちのいくつかは同時代のものと思われる(おそらく同一の写本から抜粋されたのだろう)が、原典に関してそれ以上の情報はほとんど無い。これら6巻の年代順について目下学術的なコンセンサスは得られておらず、ここで意見を述べる事は避ける。] <br>
Pelinal Whitestrakeはその頃Cyrodで生きるエルフ達全ての仇敵であった。にもかかわらず、大抵の場合彼は戦争の指揮よりむしろ計画に基づいた戦闘でAyleidのSorcerer-King達を殺すことを買って出た。各反乱軍の戦線はParavaniaと雄牛の甥の強大になりつつある軍勢が担っていた。PelinalはTorにおいてHaromir of Copper and Teaに決闘を挑み、Reman(この時まだ名前は知れ渡っていない)を賛美しつつ、エルフの首筋を噛み千切った。Gordhaur the Shaperの頭はNinendavaのヤギの顔の形をした祭壇にぶつけられ潰れた。彼の英知において、Pelinalはその邪悪なものがwelkynd-magicによって再生しないようにささやかな呪いの呪文を言い放った。その後PelinalはCeya-Tarの花崗岩の階段でHadhuul the Fire Kingを討ち取った。それは王の槍が打ち破られた瞬間だった。しばらく、Ayleidの武器が彼の甲冑を突き通すことはなかった。Pelinalはその武具が人間の手によって作られたものではないと認めたが、それ以上聞いても何も返ってこなかった。Huna(Pelinalはその人を農奴から重装歩兵に仕立て上げ、とても愛していた)がCelethelel the Singerのくちばしから作られた矢じりにより絶命した時、Whitestrakeは狂気に囚われた。彼はNarlemaeからCelediil全域を破壊し尽くし、彼の地におけるエルフ、人間、全てのものを地図上から消し去った。そしてPerrifは神々が嫌気をさして地球を見放さないように腐心した。Ayleid達はMeridiaのAuroranと契約を結んだ上で彼らを召喚し、金色に輝く恐るべき[QUOTE] ハーフエルフ[QUOTE] Umaril the Unfeatheredを彼らの擁護者に任命した。その拠点たるWhite-Goldを襲撃したPelinalは初めて他の者から戦いを挑まれた。Umaril、'adaの血を引く死を知らぬ者にである。


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