Knights of the Nine/Dialogue/NDPilgrim のバックアップ差分(No.2)

FormID: 01002909	NDPilgrim	GREETING	0	Oh my. To what do I owe this honor? I am but a humble prophet. What business do you have with me?	sarcastically obsequious
__おや。 私がこの栄誉を負って、何をしているのかと? 私は卑しき預言者に過ぎぬが、何のご用かな?	sarcastically obsequious
__おや。 私がこの栄誉を負って、何をしているのかと? 私は卑しき預言者に過ぎぬが、何のご用かな?
FormID: 0100290A	NDPilgrim	GREETING	0	Well, well. A wayward son returning to the church? What do you want with me?	
__はてさて、私に教会へ戻れと? 私に何を望んでいるのか?	
FormID: 0100290B	NDPilgrim	GREETING	0	So, another one who has come to listen to the madman's rantings.	
FormID: 0100291E	NDPilgrim	GREETING	0	I wouldn't go in there unless you have a strong stomach.	
FormID: 0100291E	NDPilgrim	GREETING	1	We have orders to leave everything just the way it was until the investigation into the Chapel attack is finished.	
FormID: 01002A21	NDPilgrim	INFOGENERAL	0	There's been some terrible trouble at the Chapel in Anvil. All of Dibella's priests and priestesses murdered!	
__何か、恐ろしい騒動がAnvilの教会で起きています。 僧侶と尼僧が皆殺しに!	
FormID: 01002A22	NDPilgrim	INFOGENERAL	0	I can't make up my mind about the Prophet in Anvil. Is he truly a holy man, or just a lunatic exploiting the tragedy at the Chapel of Dibella?	
__Anvilの預言者については何とも言えません。 本物の信仰者なのか、あるいはただのDebellaの教会で起こった悲劇に託けた異常者なのか?	
FormID: 01002A23	NDPilgrim	INFOGENERAL	0	Anvil is all in an uproar. First the Chapel attacked, now the prophet ranting about the end of the world!	
__Anvil中が喧騒に包まれています。 最初に教会が襲撃され、今は預言者が世界の終末を叫んでいるのです!	
FormID: 01002B91	NDPilgrim	NDChapelAttackTopic	0	This is only the beginning. Umaril has returned, as foretold by Pelinal Whitestrake in his dying breath!	
__これはただの始まりにすぎぬ! Pelinal Whitestrakeが死の間際に予言したように、Umarilが蘇ったのだ!	
FormID: 01002B92	NDPilgrim	NDChapelAttackTopic	0	It's baffling. How anyone could have gotten in and out of there without being seen by our patrols is beyond me.	
FormID: 01002B92	NDPilgrim	NDChapelAttackTopic	1	Maybe that Prophet is right. Some kind of unholy doom visited upon us.	
FormID: 01002B93	NDPilgrim	NDChapelAttackTopic	0	By the time we got there, it was too late. We have no idea how they got in or out without any of our patrols seeing them.	
__我々が到着したときは既に手遅れだった。 見回りに見付からず、どうやって出入りしたのか誰も分からないんだ。	
FormID: 01002B94	NDPilgrim	NDChapelAttackTopic	0	It's unbelievable. Right in the center of the city, nobody saw anything? Makes you wonder about the competence of the Guard, if you ask me.	
__信じがたいことだ。 都市のまさに中心で、誰も何も見なかったと? 私に問うたところで、衛兵の能力に疑問を持つだけだろう。	
FormID: 01002B95	NDPilgrim	NDChapelAttackTopic	0	I don't know what to think. Maybe the Prophet is right, and the ancient gods have come back for vengeance.	
__どう考えても私には分かりません。 恐らく預言者の言うとおり、古代の神が復讐のために蘇ったんです。	
FormID: 01002B96	NDPilgrim	NDChapelAttackTopic	0	I'd like to get my hands on the cowards that did that. I'm even thinking of joining the Prophet's holy crusade.	
__こんなことをした卑怯者をこの手で捕まえてやりたい。 預言者の言う聖戦に加わることさえ考えているよ。	
FormID: 01002B97	NDPilgrim	NDChapelAttackTopic	0	The Prophet speaks true. This is the start of something terrible, I can feel it in my bones.	
__預言者が話していることは真実さ。 これは何か恐ろしいことの始まりだって、身体の芯で感じるんだ。	
FormID: 01002B98	NDPilgrim	NDChapelAttackTopic	0	A terrible crime. Everyone in the Chapel murdered! Who could have done such a thing, and why?	
__恐ろしい犯罪だよ。 教会の全員が殺されたんだ! 誰が、何故こんなことを?	
FormID: 01002B99	NDPilgrim	NDChapelAttackTopic	0	Things go from bad to worse nowadays. Priests murdered on the Chapel altar? What next?	
__この頃、様々なことが悪化してきています。 Chapelの祭壇で僧侶が殺され、次は何が?	
FormID: 01002B9A	NDPilgrim	NDChapelAttackTopic	0	Yeah, just when you think things can't get any worse, right? Whatever you think about priests, they didn't deserve to be slaughtered like that.	
__ああ、色々と考えてもこんな酷いことは思いもよらなかっただろう? どれだけ考えても、僧侶たちが虐殺されるに値するなんてあるはずがない。	
FormID: 01002B9A	NDPilgrim	NDChapelAttackTopic	1	They say there's a prophet in Anvil now, preaching about the end of the world. He may have a point.	
__Anvilにこの世の終わりを説く預言者がいるという。 何かを知っているのかもしれない。	
FormID: 01002B9B	NDPilgrim	NDChapelAttackTopic	0	It's terrible. But I have the feeling that worse is yet to come. I may go to Anvil to hear that prophet preach, before it's too late.	
__恐ろしいことだ。 だが、もっと恐ろしいものがやって来ると感じるんだ。 手遅れになる前に、Anvilへ預言者の説法を聞きに行くかもしれない。	
__恐ろしいことだ。 だが、もっと恐ろしいものがやって来ると感じるんだ。 手遅れになる前に、Anvilへ預言者の説法を聞きに行きたいものです。
FormID: 01002B9C	NDPilgrim	NDChapelAttackTopic	0	The worst thing is, no one even knows what happened.	
FormID: 01002B9C	NDPilgrim	NDChapelAttackTopic	1	People heard the screams, but when they broke down the Chapel doors, everyone was already dead.	
FormID: 01002A80	NDPilgrim	NDCrusadersRelicsTopic	0	The weapons and armor of Pelinal Whitestrake, Alessia's comrade, granted to him by the Eight Divines.	
__聖Alessiaの友、Pelinal WhitestrakeがEight Divinesより授かりし武具なり。
FormID: 01002A80	NDPilgrim	NDCrusadersRelicsTopic	1	He went alone into the White Gold Tower, challenged the Ayleid sorceror-king Umaril to single combat, and slew him.	
__Pelinalはただ一人、Ayleidの魔術王Umarilへ一騎打ちを挑まんとWhite Gold Towerへ向かい、そして見事Umarilを討ち倒したのだ。
FormID: 01002A80	NDPilgrim	NDCrusadersRelicsTopic	2	Alas, Umaril was not truly slain, but only cast beyond the bounds of Nirn.	
__嗚呼、Umarilは真に滅びず。 Nirnの外へと追いやったのみ。
FormID: 01002A80	NDPilgrim	NDCrusadersRelicsTopic	3	And now he has returned to wreak his vengeance upon the gods, as was prophesied by Pelinal himself with his dying breath.	
__そして、今や彼の王は神々へ復讐を為さんと蘇ったのだ。 Pelinalが死の間際に予言したように。
FormID: 01002A80	NDPilgrim	NDCrusadersRelicsTopic	4	Only a true knight, wielding the holy Relics of the Divine Crusader, has a chance to defeat Umaril.	
__Umarilを討つ機会持つは唯一、Divine CrusaderのRelicsを纏いし真なる騎士のみ。
FormID: 01002A80	NDPilgrim	NDCrusadersRelicsTopic	5	But, alas for Tamriel, the Crusader's Relics have been lost for many an age.	
FormID: 01002A80	NDPilgrim	NDCrusadersRelicsTopic	6	Who now can succeed in the quest for the Relics, where the greatest knights of legend all failed?	
FormID: 01002AAF	NDPilgrim	NDPelinalVisionSpeech	0	Hail knight! You seek my Relics with a worthy heart!	
__歓迎しよう、騎士よ! 相応しき心持ち、我がRelicsを求めよ!	
FormID: 01002AB0	NDPilgrim	NDPelinalVisionSpeech	0	Your prayers have woken me from my endless dream. Or perhaps you have entered my dream, and I still sleep.	
FormID: 01002AB1	NDPilgrim	NDPelinalVisionSpeech	0	I think others have sometimes spoken to me, others like you, but my memory is doubtful. Perhaps the others came after you.	
__我が記憶は曖昧だが、幾度か、お前と同様に私へ語りかける者がいた。 恐らく、お前の後を追ってきたのだろう。	
FormID: 01002AB2	NDPilgrim	NDPelinalVisionSpeech	0	Your need must be great for the gods to allow us to speak.	
FormID: 01002AB3	NDPilgrim	NDPelinalVisionSpeech	0	Has Umaril the Accursed found a way back? The foulest of a foul race. A thousand curses upon his unholy name!	
__呪われしUmarilが蘇る術を見付けたのか? この世で最も汚らわしき種、奴の不浄なる名に約束された千の呪いが!	
FormID: 01002AB4	NDPilgrim	NDPelinalVisionSpeech	0	I thought I'd won. But I should have known. The Slavemasters are a cunning breed. Umaril found a way to cheat death, as I could not.	
__私は勝利したと思っていた。 だが知るべきだったのだ。 Slavemastersは狡猾な種族。 Umarilは私が気付けなかった、死を欺く術を見付けたのだ。	
FormID: 01002AB5	NDPilgrim	NDPelinalVisionSpeech	0	If you would seek for my Relics, I know little that can help you. All that has passed since my death is like mist that my mind cannot take hold of.	
__お前が我がRelicsを求めようとも、お前の手助けとなることを僅かに知るのみだ。 我が死後に過ぎたすべては霧のようで、心に留め置くことが出来ぬのだ。	
FormID: 01002AB6	NDPilgrim	NDPelinalVisionSpeech	0	My friends built a shrine upon the site of my death, where the Elves tormented me in a final act of revenge.	
FormID: 01002AB7	NDPilgrim	NDPelinalVisionSpeech	0	I can show you where it once stood. Perhaps it is there still.	
__それが何処なのか、お前に見せてやろう。 恐らく、今もそこにあるはずだ。	
FormID: 01002AB8	NDPilgrim	NDPelinalVisionSpeech	0	Fare thee well, sir knight. May the gods grant you to destroy Umaril utterly, as I failed to do.	
__さらばだ、騎士よ。 私が果たせなかったUmarilの完全なる滅びに、神々の加護があらんことを。	
FormID: 01002A9A	NDPilgrim	NDPilgrimageTopic	0	For those who would repent of their past deeds, walking the Pilgrims Way is a traditional way to cleanse yourself before the gods.	
__過去の行いを悔いるのならば伝統に則ってPilgrims Wayを歩み、神々の御前で自らを清めるが良かろう。	
FormID: 01002A9A	NDPilgrim	NDPilgrimageTopic	1	Follow the map I gave you. Visit the Wayshrines of the Nine, pray, and wait for a sign.	
FormID: 01002A9B	NDPilgrim	NDPilgrimageTopic	0	Walking the Pilgrim's Way is the traditional start of a holy quest.	
__Pilgrim's Wayを歩むことは、聖なる探求の伝統的な始まり。	
FormID: 01002A9B	NDPilgrim	NDPilgrimageTopic	1	Follow the map I gave you. Visit the Wayshrines of the Nine, pray, and wait for a sign.	
__渡した地図に従ってWayshrines of the Nineを訪れ、祈り、天啓を待つのだ。
FormID: 01002AAB	NDPilgrim	NDProphetGreetA1	0	Then I'm sure you will have no trouble finding the Relics on your own. You clearly need no aid from man or god.	dismissive
__なれば、そなた一人で労せずにRelicsを見付けることが出来るに違いなかろう。 他人や神の助けが無くとも。
FormID: 01002AAB	NDPilgrim	NDProphetGreetA1	1	Why do you come to me for aid, worthy knight?	dismissively -- sarcastic emphasis on [QUOTE]worthy[QUOTE]
FormID: 01002AAC	NDPilgrim	NDProphetGreetA1	0	Do you think that a quest for holy relics usually starts with a lie?	
FormID: 01002AAD	NDPilgrim	NDProphetGreetA1	0	That is usually best left to the gods to judge.	
FormID: 01002AA9	NDPilgrim	NDProphetGreetA2	0	Well then, [QUOTE]Hail, Hero of Kvatch![QUOTE] Let me add one more voice to the neverending chorus of praise.	sarcastically congratulatory
__おやおや、では [QUOTE]これはこれは、Hero of Kvatchではないですか![QUOTE] 果てない賛辞の合唱に我が声も付け加えるとしましょう。	sarcastically congratulatory
FormID: 01002AA9	NDPilgrim	NDProphetGreetA2	1	I'm sure one of your many devotees will be able to guide you on your way to find the Crusader's Relics.	
FormID: 01002AE3	NDPilgrim	NDProphetGreetA3	0	And never let anyone forget it, Champion! I salute you. This small matter of the Crusader's Relics should be a trifle for a legend such as yourself.	sarcastically congratulatory
__誰もが決して忘れぬでしょう、Champion殿! あなた様に敬意を表しましょう。 CrusaderのRelicsを見付け出すことなぞ、あなた様の伝説には雑作もなきこと。
FormID: 01002AA7	NDPilgrim	NDProphetGreetA4	0	I apologize for even asking the question, most esteemed Master. Please, do not allow me to interrupt your quest for the Relics.	sarcastically congratulatory
__このような質問をお詫び致しましょう、最も尊ばれるMaster様。 私にRelicsの探索を邪魔させないで下さいませ。
FormID: 01002BE8	NDPilgrim	NDProphetGreetA4a	0	Oh my, the Grand Champion of all of Cyrodiil! By Azura indeed!	sarcastically congratulatory
__おお、全Cyrodiil中のGrand Championですと! おおまさか、Azuraよ!
FormID: 01002BE8	NDPilgrim	NDProphetGreetA4a	1	Surely there can be no better preparation for becoming a holy knight than a career spent slaughtering for the public's entertainment.	dripping with sarcasm
FormID: 01002AE7	NDPilgrim	NDProphetGreetA5	0	And a worthy successor to Hannibal Traven, I have no doubt. I'm sure your arcane arts will locate the lost Relics for you in no time.	sarcastically congratulatory
__そして、あなたがHannibal Travenの正当な後継者である事に疑念の余地は有りません。あなたの神秘の技は失われたRelicsをたちどころに発見する事でしょう。
FormID: 01002AE5	NDPilgrim	NDProphetGreetA6	0	Indeed. And yet you would seek the holy Relics? The gods will find you an interesting plaything, I have no doubt.	intrigued
FormID: 01002AE1	NDPilgrim	NDProphetGreetA7	0	An honest thief? I'll leave it to the priests of Zenithar to debate that paradox with you.	intrigued
FormID: 01002ADD	NDPilgrim	NDProphetGreetA8	0	Let the gods be the judge of that. I cannot see into men's hearts. I see only their words and deeds.	pleased
FormID: 01002ADE	NDPilgrim	NDProphetGreetA8	0	A humble heart is a good starting point. The gods will decide if you are worthy to seek the Relics.	pleased
FormID: 01002ADF	NDPilgrim	NDProphetGreetA8	0	Perhaps, perhaps not. What men value is not always what the gods look for in a champion.	pleased
FormID: 01002ADB	NDPilgrim	NDProphetGreetB1	0	The gods grant insight to those they deem worthy. Why and how they act is not predictable.	
FormID: 01002ADB	NDPilgrim	NDProphetGreetB1	1	What I can tell you is that traditionally, knights who wished to quest for the Relics would walk the Pilgrim's Way.	
__あなたに語れる事は、Relicsを求め旅を望む騎士達は伝統的にPilgrim's Wayを歩く事になろうということです。
FormID: 01002ADB	NDPilgrim	NDProphetGreetB1	2	Travel to the Wayshrines of the Nine Divines. Pray to each of the gods in turn, and ask their favor upon your quest.	
__Nine DivinesのWayshrineを旅しなさい。順番に夫々の神々に祈り、あなたの探索の旅への恩恵をお願いしなさい。
FormID: 01002ADB	NDPilgrim	NDProphetGreetB1	3	If the gods deem you worthy, you will be granted a sign. Go forth with the Nine's blessings.	
FormID: 01002AF3	NDPilgrim	NDProphetQuest	0	Are you a worthy knight?	
FormID: 01002C80	NDPilgrim	NDProphetStartA1	0	Umaril the Unfeathered, the sorceror-king of the Ayleids who ruled over this land for long ages before the rise of Men.	angry that you are asking him such a stupid question
__Umaril the Unfeathered、彼は人の台頭する前の長い間、この地のすべてを支配していたAyleid達の魔術王だ。
FormID: 01002C80	NDPilgrim	NDProphetStartA1	1	He was cast down by Pelinal Whitestrake. But Umaril's spirit survived, and now he has returned to seek vengeance upon the gods. 	
__かれはPelinal Whitestrakeによって打ち倒されたのです。しかし、Umarilの精神は生き残っていました。そして今日、神々に復讐をする為に戻ってきたのです。
FormID: 01002C82	NDPilgrim	NDProphetStartA2	0	Does no one remember the old tales?	disgusted at your ignorance. Starting with a exasperated sigh would be good.
FormID: 01002C82	NDPilgrim	NDProphetStartA2	1	Saint Pelinal, the Divine Crusader of legend -- Alessia's companion when she overthrew the rule of the Ayleids 3,000 years ago.	semi-patiently
__Saint Pelinalは伝説のDivine Crusaderでした。3,000年も前にAyleidsの支配を覆したAlessiaの仲間でした。
FormID: 01002C82	NDPilgrim	NDProphetStartA2	2	Pelinal, with the aid of the gods, fought the Ayleid sorceror-king Umaril and slew him. But Umaril's spirit survived, and he has now returned!	ranting a bit towards the end
FormID: 01002C84	NDPilgrim	NDProphetStartA3	0	Do you understand nothing? The blood speaks! I can read the ancient runes, if you cannot.	angry at your stupidity
FormID: 01002C84	NDPilgrim	NDProphetStartA3	1	[QUOTE]As oiobala Umarile, Ehlnada racuvar[QUOTE], in the Ayleid tongue. [QUOTE]By the eternal power of Umaril, the mortal gods shall be cast down.[QUOTE]	slowly -- these are sinister words he's speaking
__[QUOTE]As oiobala Umarile, Ehlnada racuvar[QUOTE]とはAyleidの言語です。即ち、[QUOTE]Umarilの永遠の力により定命の者の神は打ち倒されるであろう[QUOTE]、と。
FormID: 01002C84	NDPilgrim	NDProphetStartA3	2	A curse upon Umaril's ancient foes -- and a threat.	
__Umarilの昔の敵への呪い -- そして脅威。
FormID: 01002C86	NDPilgrim	NDProphetStartB1	0	Alas. Umaril cannot be stopped. Not without the aid of the gods. Not without the Crusader's Relics.	suddenly very sad
FormID: 01002C86	NDPilgrim	NDProphetStartB1	1	Without a champion, the gods are powerless to act. But who among us is worthy to wield the Divine Crusader's weaponry?	
__チャンピオンが居ない事にはこの件に関して神は無力です。しかし、Divine Crusaderの武具にふさわしい者は我々の中の誰でしょうか?
FormID: 01002C88	NDPilgrim	NDProphetStartC1	0	You would quest for the holy panoply of Pelinal Whitestrake? The legendary Relics that have been sought by mighty warriors throughout the ages?	
__あなたはPelinal Whitestrakeの聖なる鎧兜を求める旅をする事になるでしょうか?勇気ある戦士達が何年も捜し求めてきた伝説のRelicsを。
FormID: 01002C88	NDPilgrim	NDProphetStartC1	1	Are you a worthy knight?	
FormID: 01002C8A	NDPilgrim	NDProphetStartC2	0	Nor do I. Oh my people, who will save you from destruction? Is there none now worthy to be your crusader?	crying out in despair

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