Shivering Isles/Books/SE03GrommoksJournal のバックアップソース(No.1)

Top/Shivering Isles/Books/SE03GrommoksJournal
*題名原文 [#h9d53d6e]
Grommok's Journal
*題名訳 [#u3d9c5df]

*本文原文 [#na0f04d8]
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>3 Rain's Hand 3E431<BR>
>We were finally able to convince that idiot rogue Lewin that it was time to give up that strongbox of money he stole from Lelles' Quality Merchandise in Anvil and ditch it outside the castle. All the heat he brought on the group was starting to chafe. Syndelius pretty much sat him down and made him do it, because I was ready to put my foot in his face. I know he's a rogue, but we're adventurers; we get our loot from raiding old crypts, and ruins, and places that ain't got guards. He can be a real horse's ass sometimes, I'll tell ya.<BR>
>12 Rain's Hand 3E431<BR>
>What a bad Fredas we've had. We hit what was left of old Fort Wariel, and after slaughtering a bunch of no good Marauders and grabbing their loot, made our way north. We came to the ruins of Trumbe. Syndelius said they were Ale Lid or Eyelid or some kind of old civilization, but all I cared about was how loaded with gold they were. He said usually they were, so in we went. What a mistake! The place was crawling with skeletons and ghosts. Those things give me the creeps. How can I fight something that ain't even alive? Lewin took a few good hits and had to pop all his potions, Syndelius broke his arm when a trap almost crushed him to death and I got a nice nasty scar across my forehead. Close call. Best of all, when we got to the treasure horde, Lewin was out of lockpicks! Why do we even keep him with us? We had to drag the damn container out of Trumbe and all the way back to Camp Atrene. Now I'm sitting here staring at a stupid metal box wishing I could use Lewin's head to bash it open. What a dolt.<BR>
>13 Rain's Hand 3E431<BR>
>After a night of deciding whether or not to snap off Lewin's legs and use them as firewood, I sent Syndelius and Lewin to Anvil to buy more lockpicks while I guarded the box. They came back in a few hours and Lewin picked the lock in the first try. Good thing too, I was still pretty mad at the guy. I don't like sitting around all day. Anyway, Syndelius got all excited when he saw something wrapped up in some sort of fancy cloth. Inside the cloth was a bunch of stuff, but the best was the sword. What a beauty! Blade looks like a mouth with teeth, handle like golden snakeskin and the gem in the middle of it... a perfect fiery orange and red, like the sky at dawn. Syndelius was going crazy and I asked him what was all the noise for. He told me it was Akaveery or something like that and made by the Snake People or the Sayessie or whatever. Syndelius says Sayessie starts with a T just now when he saw me writing this, but that doesn't make any sense. T-s-a-e-s-c-i. Fine, there, I wrote it. By the Nine, Syndelius is nosy sometimes. Well, anyway, the best was yet to come. Right as the sun was setting the sword vanished for a moment and was suddenly replaced by another weapon that looked almost the same, but the gem on it was deep blue and purple. Syndelius said he was certain that at dawn, it would change back to the orange and red gem! Well, this was good enough for me. That alone made the sword the best thing I had ever seen. Lewin muttered something about Akaveery magic, but I told him to shut up. I decided to call the sword Dawnfang when it was orange and red and Duskfang when it was blue and purple.<BR>
>14-16 Rain's Hand 3E341<BR>
>Things are getting better and better with my new sword in these last few days. I found out Dawnfang is a fire blade and Duskfang is a frost blade... handy for extra killing power! But the best was what I found out when a Minotaur decided to jump us and I landed the killing blow. I heard a voice in my head. Or maybe a thought? I dunno. It was weird. But it felt like the sword knew it had just killed the Minotaur, like it was counting or something. At first I thought maybe I was just tired, but after tearing through a camp of Bandits, it kept counting. After the twelfth kill, it told me its thirst was satisfied. At least, I think it told me. Then it stopped. Syndelius said it's possible the sword was a blood drinker... my kind of sword... but he didn't know what would happen. It didn't take that long to find out. When dusk came around, and the blade changed... I almost fell off the campfire log. The new blade was still Duskfang... but it somehow seemed stronger. I could just tell. I couldn't wait to try it out! I ran right out and looked for something to kill. Didn't take long to come across a few of those stupid imps. Sure enough, not only did it do more frost damage than normal, but also I could feel the energy from the creature transfer to me every time I hit it! What a weapon this was! Yeah! Duskfang Superior! That's what I'll call it. Sometimes I amaze even myself. Syndelius said he was sure Duskfang would blood drink too and I could power up Dawnfang with it. I spent all night looking for twelve things to kill, and when the sun came up, he was right! Dawnfang Superior is to be this one's name. It's like having four blades in one!<BR>
>17-19 Rain's Hand 3E341<BR>
>It's been the most fun I have ever had in my life cutting a bloody swath across the ruins of Cyrodiil with my new double sword. Syndelius and Lewin are even more confident now that we have such a powerful weapon among us. We've gathered tons of loot in the last three days, but nothing compares to this. We're going to head north and explore the area around Niben Bay today. I hope that something else like this turns up on our adventures. Then I'm going to retire! 

*本文訳 [#rbfaac6c]
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>3 Rain's Hand 3E431<BR><BR>
>俺達はついに、馬鹿なゴロツキのLewinがAnvilのLelles' Quality Merchandiseから盗んだ金庫を諦める時だと納得させて城の外へほったらかした。奴が一行にもたらした熱意が苛立たせ始めてた。奴の口に俺の足を突っ込もうかとしてたからSyndeliusは奴を座らせちまった。奴がゴロツキなのはわかるが俺達は冒険者だ、俺達は古い教会の地下室や遺跡、警備に捕まらない場所を襲撃して戦利品を手に入れるんだ。奴は時々本当に愚か者だと、俺は言えるね。<BR><BR>
>12 Rain's Hand 3E431<BR><BR>
>なんてひどいFredas(金曜日)を俺達は過ごしちまったんだ。俺達は古いFort Warielに残された物を襲って、能無しの略奪者の一団を壊滅して奴らの戦利品をいただいた後、北へむかった。俺達はTrumbeの遺跡に着いた。SyndeliusがAle LidだかEyelidだかなんだかの古代文明だと言ってたが、俺が気にしたのは彼らがどれほどの金を詰め込んでたかだった。奴は彼らは大抵はそうだと言ったから俺達は中に入って行った。なんて間違いをしちまったんだ!そこはスケルトンとゴーストがうじゃうじゃいたんだ。あいつらは俺に不快感を与えるんだ。どうやって生きてさえいない何かと戦えるっていうんだ?Lewinは何発かいいのを食らって奴の回復薬を全部使ってたし、Syndaliusは罠が死ぬほど奴を押しつぶした時腕を折ってたし、俺は見事にひどい傷跡を額にもらってた。間一髪だぜ。特にひどいのが俺達が宝の山を見つけた時だ、Lewinはロックピックを切らしやがった!なぜ俺達同様平静を保てないんだ?俺達はTrumbeの外へそのくそったれな入れ物を引きずっていってCamp Atreneまで引き返した。今はここに座ってそれを殴って開けるのにLewinの頭を使えたらと願っていまいましい金属の箱を見つめている。なんて愚か者なんだ。<BR><BR>
>13 Rain's Hand 3E431<BR><BR>
>Lewinの足を折って薪として使うかどうか決めていた夜の後、俺が箱を守ってる間にSyndeliusとLewinをもっとロックピックを買いにAnvilへ行かせた。奴らは数時間で戻ってきてLewinは最初の試みで鍵を開けた。でかしたが、俺はまだ奴に腹を立てていた。一日中ぶらぶらしてるのは好きじゃないんだ。とにかく、Syndeliusはある種の装飾の多い布に包まれた何かを見てすっかり興奮していた。布の中にはたくさんの杖があったが、最高のものは剣だった。なんて美しいんだ!刃は歯のついた口のように見えて、持ち手は金色の蛇皮のようで、真ん中には宝石が…完璧な燃えるような橙と赤、夜明けの空のようだ。Syndeliusが熱狂していたから、俺は何をそんなに騒いでるのか尋ねた。奴はそれがAkaveeryだか何だかのSnake PeopleだかSayessieだかが作った物だと言った。奴はこれを書いてる俺を見てTから始まるんだと言ったが、何のことかわからなかった。T―s―a―e―s―c―iだと。なるほどな、書いておこう。NINEに基づいてかSyndeliusは時々おせっかいになるのだ。さとて、とにかく、まだ最高の時は来てなかったのだ。正に太陽が沈むかのように剣はしばらくの間消えて、突然ほとんど同じように見えるもう一つの武器に入れ替わったのだ。それの宝石は深い青と紫だった。Syndeliusは確信して言ったよ、夜明けにそれは橙と赤の宝石に戻るだろう!と。俺にとっては十分だ。今まで見てきた剣で匹敵するものがないほど最高の剣だ。LewinがAkaveery魔法についてぶつぶつ言っていたが、黙るよう奴に言った。俺はそれが橙と赤の時はDawnfang、青と紫の時はDuskfangと呼ぶことに決めた。<BR><BR>
>14-16 Rain's Hand 3E341<BR><BR>
>こいつはここ2、3日で俺の剣としてなじんで来てる。俺はDawnfangの時は炎の刃でDuskfangの時は氷の刃なのを発見した…特別な殺傷力として役立つぜ!だが最高なのはミノタウロスが俺達を襲って俺が致命的な打撃を与えた時にわかったことだ。俺は頭の中で声を聞いた。それとも考えだったのかも?俺にはわからない。そいつは奇妙だった。だがそれは剣がミノタウロスを殺したのをわかってるような感じで、数えてるような何かだった。最初は俺が疲れているからと思ったが、山賊の野営地を壊滅した後もそいつは数えてた。12人殺した後、渇きは満たされた、と俺に言った。それからは止んだ。Syndeliusは剣が血を飲んでいる可能性があると言った…俺好みの剣だ…だが何が起こるかは知らなかった。知るのに長くはかからなかった。夕暮れが来た時、刃は変わった…俺は驚いて焚き火の丸太から転げ落ちた。その新しい刃はまだDuskfangではあった…が、どういうわけかより力強く見えた。俺は話すことができた。それを試すのが待ちきれなかった!俺は殺すための何かを探して走り出した。何匹かのばかなインプどもに出会うまで長くはかからなかった。案の定、普通より多くの氷の損傷を与えただけじゃなく、俺が攻撃するたびに相手からエネルギーを移されてるようにも感じられたんだ!こいつぁなんて武器なんだ!すげーぜ!Duskfan Superior!俺はそう呼ぶことにした。時々俺は俺自身をびっくりさせる。SyndeliusはDuskfangに血を飲ませることでDawnfangも同様にパワーアップするはずだと言った。俺は一晩中12の敵を殺すのに探し回って過ごした。太陽が昇った時、奴は正しかった!Dawnfang Speriorがこいつの名前だ。こいつは1本で4つの刃を持っているようだ!<BR><BR>
>17-19 Rain's Hand 3E341<BR><BR>
>この新しいダブルの剣でCyrodiilの遺跡を渡り歩いて血の帯を刻んでいくのを、これまでの俺の人生でも、もっとも楽しんでいた。SyndeliusとLewinは俺達の間にこんな強力な武器を持った今は、より自信がついてさえいる。俺達はこの3週間で何トンもの戦利品を集めたが、何もこいつには匹敵しない。俺達は今日、北へ向かってNiben Bayの周辺を探索するつもりだ。俺達の冒険でこいつのような何か他の物が姿を現すのを期待してるぜ。そのあと俺は引退するつもりなんだ!

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