Shivering Isles/Books/SE36Note のバックアップ差分(No.2)

*題名原文 [#h9d53d6e]
Hirrus Clutumnus's Will
*題名訳 [#u3d9c5df]
Hirrus Clutumnusの遺言状
// Format_ver:0.0.1 (2008-01-01)
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*本文原文 [#na0f04d8]
><FONT face="5">
>I've wanted to die for quite some time. Things just aren't going right. Never have gone right, really. No one seems to care either, nor even notice I exist. Not that I'd have much to say even if someone had wanted to be my friend. I'd make a lousy friend anyway. I'm probably even boring the person reading this. I'm certainly boring myself. Not that anyone will ever find this note. Oh, but if they do!<br>
>If they do it means that I've been granted my greatest wish! To be released from this mortal coil. This isn't a suicide note, no. That would  mean I've taken my own life, and we all know what that means. Who wants that kind of existence, to be reborn on a hill every day, reset as if nothing ever happened? That's even worse than the life I'm living. Life I've lived! Yes, yes, yes! I'm sure I'm happy now. The dead me. The me writing this note isn't happy at all. Never have been happy, really. <br>
>Anyway, the purpose of this note is to say to the man or woman who has killed me: "Thank you!"<br>
>All I really have is this queer little ring. A wizard gave it to me once, said I reminded him of his dead son. I guess I resemble his dead son even more now. Anyway, he said it would make me happy. Lift the weight of the world off my shoulders or some such thing. Come to think of it, it's the only time anyone has ever given me anything. Personally, I think the thing is worthless. Just like me.<br>
>I tried it for a while, the "Happiness Ring," but eventually I couldn't wear it anymore. It made me feel odd -- not myself. I didn't like feeling that way so I locked it away. It's pretty enough, though. It might fetch a few gold coins at the merchant.  Sorry not to leave much more behind. But, my life never really amounted to much anyway, did it?<br>
>Yours very truly,<br>
>Hirrus Clutumnus, deceased 
*題名 [#name]
**原題 [#name_en]
-Hirrus Clutumnus's Will
**訳題 [#name_ja]
-Hirrus Clutumnusの遺言状

*本文訳 [#rbfaac6c]
><FONT face="5">
>しばらくの間それを『Happiness Ring』を試したんだけど、結局は付けることはなくなった。奇妙な感じにさせるんだ ―自分じゃないってね。そんなふうに感じるのは好きじゃなかったからそれをしまい込んだよ。だけどそれで満足してる。商人に金貨何枚かで売れるかもしれない。もっと遺産を残してやれなくてすまない。でも、どのみち私の人生はたいして役に立ってなかったよね?<br><br>
>Hirrus Clutumnus、死んだ者より
*本文 [#text]

**原文 [#text_en]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が3つづつ。

<FONT face="5">
I've wanted to die for quite some time. Things just aren't going right. Never have gone right, really. No one seems to care either, nor even notice I exist. Not that I'd have much to say even if someone had wanted to be my friend. I'd make a lousy friend anyway. I'm probably even boring the person reading this. I'm certainly boring myself. Not that anyone will ever find this note. Oh, but if they do!<br>
If they do it means that I've been granted my greatest wish! To be released from this mortal coil. This isn't a suicide note, no. That would  mean I've taken my own life, and we all know what that means. Who wants that kind of existence, to be reborn on a hill every day, reset as if nothing ever happened? That's even worse than the life I'm living. Life I've lived! Yes, yes, yes! I'm sure I'm happy now. The dead me. The me writing this note isn't happy at all. Never have been happy, really. <br>
Anyway, the purpose of this note is to say to the man or woman who has killed me: "Thank you!"<br>
All I really have is this queer little ring. A wizard gave it to me once, said I reminded him of his dead son. I guess I resemble his dead son even more now. Anyway, he said it would make me happy. Lift the weight of the world off my shoulders or some such thing. Come to think of it, it's the only time anyone has ever given me anything. Personally, I think the thing is worthless. Just like me.<br>
I tried it for a while, the "Happiness Ring," but eventually I couldn't wear it anymore. It made me feel odd -- not myself. I didn't like feeling that way so I locked it away. It's pretty enough, though. It might fetch a few gold coins at the merchant.  Sorry not to leave much more behind. But, my life never really amounted to much anyway, did it?<br>
Yours very truly,<br>
Hirrus Clutumnus, deceased 


**訳文 [#text_ja]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。

<FONT face="5">
しばらくの間それを『Happiness Ring』を試したんだけど、結局は付けることはなくなった。奇妙な感じにさせるんだ ―自分じゃないってね。そんなふうに感じるのは好きじゃなかったからそれをしまい込んだよ。だけどそれで満足してる。商人に金貨何枚かで売れるかもしれない。もっと遺産を残してやれなくてすまない。でも、どのみち私の人生はたいして役に立ってなかったよね?<br><br>
Hirrus Clutumnus、死んだ者より


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