Shivering Isles/Books/SEBookTheLiturgyofAffliction のバックアップソース(No.2)

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*題名 [#name]
**原題 [#name_en]
-The Liturgy of Affliction

**訳題 [#name_ja]

*本文 [#text]
**原文 [#text_en]
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<font face=1>The Liturgy of Affliction: A Collection Of The Writings Of Vexis Velruan<br>
Transcribed by Anias Gael<br>
Dearest reader, the tome that you hold in your hand is a chronicle of pain, of torment, and of discovery. In these memoirs, I shall impart to you an autobiography of a foolish and failed attempt to achieve a great power. Walk with me as I break the bonds of propriety, throw off the restraints of the ancient laws of the arcane, and cast aside the bonds of magical ethics. For contained herein, you shall find the dying words of Vexis Velruan.<br>
Let it be known to you, loyal reader, that I remain until my dying moment, a student of Magicka. But no typical apprentice, am I. I am one who has forged a unique path to the deeper understanding of the mechanics of Magicka. Through the infliction of destruction magic upon my own flesh, I have accomplished more than any student before me has. <br>
It is by that folly that I come to you now, lucid as ever, fully alert in my faculties, and acutely cognizant of the sacrifices that I have made in my quest. I have long since lost the capacity to feel any physical sensation beyond absolute agony. I've become so accustomed to it, so detached from the feeling, that to me, pain is simply always there. You do not think of the air around you as a sensation, do you?<br>
How is it, you ask, that I came to be what I am? It began innocently enough. I was once a healer, one of the most promising students of the temple. Which one? It doesn't matter. I was eventually expelled. Fools. You see, we had a number of patients interred in our humble sanctuary who had been infected with the Red Fever. My attempts to use the magical arts to turn the disease on itself were less than successful in their early stages. For trying to find a cure, I was cast out.<br>
It was not long after my exile that I discovered the means to eradicate infection using the destructive energies of magicka. In my explorations of the school of Destruction I discovered that by pulling the elemental energies through my own body, I was able to increase the raw output of energy. From the experience of a lighting bolt surging through my own body, I was able to deepen my understanding of the raw forces of magicka. <br>
At first, the pain was bearable. I directed only a minor amount of the energy back in towards myself. I learned to couple the destruction with restorative energies. It helped to abate the damage done to my body, but did nothing to stop the pain itself. <br>
As my tolerance for the pain increased, I began to channel more and more through my own body. My understanding of Destruction outgrew my knowledge of Restoration. While it could still lessen the damage, it could not stop it. My skin became charred and blackened; it dried, flaked off, and cracked. I stunk of cooked meat. But I could not resist the draw of more and more energy. <br>
I became like a skooma fiend of the worst sort. I no longer used magic for any practical purpose. I simply sought out more and more energy -- I relished the pain. Anticipated the moment when the energy and the pain would wash over me as one, freezing my flesh, burning it beyond recognition. My skin became a network of scars, sores, lesions, and burns. But it was never enough. Never. I needed more. More pain. More power. <br>
I lost my sight. My eyes melted into boiling pools of vitreous humor so hot that they left streaks of blistered skin as they ran down my face like burning tears. My right hand froze solid and shattered into a thousand pieces, when I carelessly bashed it against a doorjamb in terror, once I realized what had happened. The bones of both my legs shattered outward like broken glass, shredding the flesh and muscle surrounding them.<br>
While this may sound like a fate of terrible consequence, my dearest reader, I can assure you that you will never know what it is to be a creature of flesh and bone like I have. You will never have the degree of knowledge of frailty of the flesh that I have grown to know. I achieved a level of understanding of Magicka beyond that of the grand masters of the guild, but that accomplishment pales in comparison to the grander discoveries that this experience has bestowed upon me. <br>
People like you think that pain is to be avoided. Hidden from. Feared. Through my suffering and the numbness that now robs me of the ability to feel it, I can say this to you: Pain is a simple factor of human existence. It affords us the opportunity to feel -- to appreciate the temporary shell that our spirits occupy. Pain is the greatest gift that the gods have ever given mortal man. <br>
And now, as I tell you this story by way of a scribe, I am a stump of a man, wrapped in seeping bandages, never to know pleasure again. Even still, I have but one message to impart to you: Embrace what you are.<br>
Glory to lord Sheogorath, for he has opened my eyes.

**訳文 [#text_ja]
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<font face=1>The Liturgy of Affliction(苦痛の儀式): A Collection Of The Writings Of Vexis Velruan(Vexis Velruan著作集)<br>
写字:Anias Gael<br>
親愛なる読者どのへ。今、あなたが手にしている冊子は一つの記録文である。痛みがあり、苦しみがあり、そして発見があった。記憶の引き出しからこれら一連の思い出を取り出し、とある男の挑戦と失敗の人生を描き出してご覧に入れようと思う。それは、大いなる力を獲得せんがための、愚かな試みであった。ここから先、私は礼節をかなぐり捨て、小難しい古代法のくびきを解き、魔術倫理の戒めを破って筆を進めるつもりだ。あなたにもその覚悟でついて来て欲しい。このVexis Velruan、最期の言葉をここに綴っていこう。<br>
どうしてそんな事に?今までに何があったのか?と疑問に思うかもしれない。事の始まりは本当に罪の無いものだった。かつて私はとある寺院に籍を置く治療師であり、将来を嘱望されていた。どの宗派だったのかなど、どうでもいい事だ。そして最終的に追放された。馬鹿どもめ…。その頃、私達は粗末な教会に大量のRed Fever患者を抱え、日々埋葬にいそしんだ。私は魔法を駆使して病気そのものを撃退しようと試みたが、病状の初期段階においてさえ成果を上げる事は出来なかった。それで、治療法を求めた私は教会を飛び出したのだ。<br>
感染症を撲滅する手段を魔法の破壊力の中に見出したのは、放浪の旅を始めてからまだ日が浅い頃の事であった。Destruction系統の研究を通し、四大元素の力を自分の肉体に引き寄せる事で、未定義な魔力の放出量を増加させられるという事が解明された。身体にlighting boltを通過させる体験を通して、未定義の魔力に対する理解を深める事が出来たのだ。<br>
Lord Sheograthに栄光あれ。主は開眼をもたらし給うた。

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