Shivering Isles/Dialogue/SE03A-04 のバックアップソース(No.2)

FormID: 0008EA88	SE03A	SE03LewinC1Idle01	0	This can't be right... I got a bad feeling about this place.
FormID: 0008EA8A	SE03A	SE03LewinC1Idle01	0	We should go back, I'm not sure we should be here.
FormID: 0008EA8B	SE03A	SE03LewinC1Idle01	0	Can we just leave? I don't like the looks of this place.
FormID: 0008EA8D	SE03A	SE03LewinC1Idle01	0	That thing may be small but it looks mean. Let's get out of here.
FormID: 000648B2	SE03A	SE03LewinChamberOneGnarl01	0	THIS is one of the [QUOTE]horrid guardians[QUOTE] of which the stories spoke?
__これが話に聞く [QUOTE]恐ろしい守護者[QUOTE] の一つですか?
__これが話に聞く [QUOTE]恐ろしい守護者[QUOTE] の一つでしょうか?
FormID: 000648B6	SE03A	SE03LewinChamberOneGnarl02	0	By the gods! When will it stop? It could devour us whole!
FormID: 00066E3E	SE03A	SE03LewinChamberOneGrow01	0	Agggh!
FormID: 00066E59	SE03A	SE03LewinChamberOneGrow02	0 no sense...should be d-dead...what...who...
FormID: 0008EFAA	SE03A	SE03LewinCrazyChatter	0	...huge t-tree... going...going... to k-kill us all...
FormID: 0008EFAB	SE03A	SE03LewinCrazyChatter	0	Nowhere to run.... mad t-tree... must escape...
FormID: 0008EFAC	SE03A	SE03LewinCrazyChatter	0	Going to g-get us... kill us all...
FormID: 0008EA9A	SE03A	SE03SyndelC1Idle01	0	Curious. This one is smaller than the others we've encountered.
FormID: 0008EA9B	SE03A	SE03SyndelC1Idle01	0	I'd stay back, no telling what that thing can do.
FormID: 0008EAA6	SE03A	SE03SyndelC1Idle01	0	What an odd ruin.
FormID: 0008EAA8	SE03A	SE03SyndelC1Idle01	0	I can't help but feel someone is watching us.
FormID: 0008EAAF	SE03A	SE03SyndelC2Idle01	0	If only my arts included open lock spells....
FormID: 0008EAB1	SE03A	SE03SyndelC2Idle01	0	Such riches shouldn't go to waste. We must get in.
FormID: 0008EAB4	SE03A	SE03SyndelC2Idle01	0	Odd statues.
FormID: 0008EAB6	SE03A	SE03SyndelC2Idle01	0	Something isn't right here.
FormID: 00073009	SE03A	SE03SyndelChamberOneGnarl	0	Be careful. There may be more to this creature than meets the eye.
FormID: 000648B5	SE03A	SE03SyndelChamberOneGnarl01	0	Are my eyes playing tricks, or is the creature growing?
FormID: 000648B7	SE03A	SE03SyndelChamberOneGnarl02	0	Run for your lives!
FormID: 00066E2B	SE03A	SE03SyndelChamberOneGnarl03	0	All this time it was merely an illusion, how clever.
FormID: 0007300A	SE03A	SE03SyndelChamberOneGnarl04	0	I think this place got to him... perhaps we should leave.
FormID: 00066E3D	SE03A	SE03SyndelChamberOneGrow01	0	Wait just a moment... what's that sound?
FormID: 00066E46	SE03A	SE03SyndelChamberOneGrow02	0	There's nothing to be done here. We must press on.
FormID: 00066E5B	SE03A	SE03SyndelChamberOneGrow03	0	Yes. Seems whoever designed this place only meant for us to get hurt.
FormID: 0007326B	SE03A	SE03SyndelChamberTwoDem01	0	Grommok! No!
FormID: 00073299	SE03A	SE03SyndelChamberTwoManEnd01	0	Look! Keys! One of them must open the gate! We're rich!
FormID: 000732A0	SE03A	SE03SyndelChamberTwoManEnd02	0	I'll know it when I see it! Yes... it must be here!
FormID: 000732A3	SE03A	SE03SyndelChamberTwoManEnd03	0	...find it... yes... I must find the key... rich beyond all my dreams... hehehe
FormID: 00073269	SE03A	SE03SyndelChamberTwoMani01	0	We'll have to fend for ourselves. Do you think you can pry the door open?
FormID: 0007326A	SE03A	SE03SyndelChamberTwoMani02	0	To be so close, and yet so far. If only we had the key! Wait.. do you hear something?
__できそうなんだが、結局のところまだだ。鍵があればいいのだが! 待て…何か音が聞こえないか?
FormID: 0007325C	SE03A	SE03SyndelChamberTwoStart	0	Grommok, be careful! This looks too good to be true.
FormID: 0008EFAD	SE03A	SE03SyndelCrazyChatter	0	Riches... countless riches! All mine!
__財宝だ… 無数の財宝!すべての私のもの!
FormID: 0008EFAE	SE03A	SE03SyndelCrazyChatter	0	Must find the key! Must find the key!
FormID: 0008EFAF	SE03A	SE03SyndelCrazyChatter	0	Gold... gems... keys... all mine... find keys...
FormID: 00018DF4	SE03A	SE03AXedilian	0	A wonder of engineering, is it not?
FormID: 00018DF4	SE03A	SE03AXedilian	1	Xedilian is the ultimate test of mettle for the foolhardy adventurer that dares trespass into the Shivering Isles.
__XedilianはShivering Islesの中にあえて侵入する、無鉄砲な冒険者のための最後の試練なのです。
FormID: 00018DF4	SE03A	SE03AXedilian	2	What they don't know is that they're being drawn to their doom, courtesy of the Resonator of Judgment.
__彼らが知らないことは、Resonator of Judgmentのせいで自己の破滅に引きつけられているということです。
FormID: 00018E5B	SE03A	SE03AInstEnough	0	As you wish.
FormID: 00018DF6	SE03A	SE03AWhatShould	0	The only thing we can do is let the adventurers complete a cycle through here. I'll be glad to help.
FormID: 00018DF6	SE03A	SE03AWhatShould	1	I assume Sheogorath gave you the Manual of Xedilian. You can consult it for more information, or I can provide instructions.
FormID: 000807B9	SE03A	SE03AWhatWere	0	You've not heard the legends? How could that be?
FormID: 000807B9	SE03A	SE03AWhatWere	1	Those "beings" as you call them aren't beings at all. They are the soulless abominations known as the Knights of Order.
__"生物"とあなたが呼ぶそれらは全く生きていません。それらは邪悪で魂の無いKnights of Orderとして知られています。
FormID: 000807B9	SE03A	SE03AWhatWere	2	Their attraction to the Resonator isn't surprising; it was built from one of the obelisks that dot the Isles they seem to have an affinity for.
FormID: 000807B9	SE03A	SE03AWhatWere	3	You must proceed to Sheogorath at once and tell him the Knights have returned! Quickly now... go!
FormID: 00080ED7	SE03A	SE03AWhyDoI	0	I'm afraid until the adventurers are dealt with, Xedilian will keep you here. Even I can't will its doors to open.
FormID: 00080ED7	SE03A	SE03AWhyDoI	1	To put it bluntly, you're stuck here for the moment. No disrespect intended.
FormID: 0007F3CF	SE03A	SE03AReward	0	Oh, yes... of course. It seems a most unusual weapon was recovered from the Orc warrior, Grommok.
FormID: 0007F3CF	SE03A	SE03AReward	1	Never seen anything like it, but perhaps his journal can give you some useful information.
FormID: 0007F3CF	SE03A	SE03AReward	2	Beyond that, take whatever else you need from the recovery chest... you've earned it!
__もちろん、recovery chestからあなたがお望みになられた物や、その他何でもお選びください…努力の賜ですから!
FormID: 0007F3CF	SE03A	SE03AReward	3	You're free to go at any time of course, just up that hallway. Good luck to you!
__あなたはもういつでも、廊下にご自由に行くことができます。 ご幸運をお祈りします!

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