Shivering Isles/Dialogue/SE05-02 のバックアップ(No.2)

FormID: 000805ED SE05 SE05HerdirBeginChoice1 0 Ah, I do appreciate an assertive leader. I look forward to working with you on this assignment. Lead the way, Grand Inquisitor!
FormID: 0007FDED SE05 SE05HerdirFollow 0 Of course, Inquisitor. I look forward to working with you.
FormID: 00019DA1 SE05 GOODBYE 0 I expect results, Inquisitor, and I expect them soon.
FormID: 00043E23 SE05 GOODBYE 0 I shall await further summons. No doubt you will have need of me.
FormID: 0008F526 SE05 GREETING 0 Gah! Horrid beast! What do you want?


FormID: 0008EBF7 SE05 GREETING 0 You should not be here, Inquisitor. Perhaps you are lost? I have business to attend to. Excuse me.


FormID: 0008EBF8 SE05 GREETING 0 What... what are you doing here? There's nothing going on. Leave me alone!


FormID: 0008E8E4 SE05 GREETING 0 You've chosen a side, little one. You'll get what's coming to you eventually.


FormID: 0008199E SE05 GREETING 0 What do you want?
FormID: 00081792 SE05 GREETING 0 You see now what happens when those who oppose me fail, which they always do.
FormID: 00081792 SE05 GREETING 1 I am pleased with your work, Inquisitor. As a token of my appreciation, I shall spare your life, and make you a Courtier of Dementia.
__私は貴方の仕事に満足しています、尋問官。その感謝の印として、貴方に情を示して、貴方をCourtier of Dementiaにします。
FormID: 00081792 SE05 GREETING 2 In addition, accept this Bow. May your enemies fear you and never know from where or with what enchantment you shall strike.
FormID: 00081730 SE05 GREETING 0 We shall speak when we've reached the chamber.
FormID: 000805E7 SE05 GREETING 0 Yes, Inquisitor? What may I do for you?
FormID: 000805E8 SE05 GREETING 0 What brings you to this delightful corner of the House of Dementia? How may I help you?
__何がお前さんをHouse of Dementiaのこんな楽しい場所へ連れてきたんだ?何かできることはあるかい?
FormID: 0001AC57 SE05 GREETING 0 Yes? Do you require assistance?
FormID: 00081369 SE05 GREETING 0 What news do you have to report, Inquisitor? Have you found who is responsible?
FormID: 00054CC4 SE05 GREETING 0 I trust you have reconsidered your position. Are you now ready to help me?


FormID: 00013599 SE05 GREETING 0 What? Do you have business in the House of Dementia?
__何だ?House of Dementiaで仕事でもあるのか?
FormID: 00043E22 SE05 GREETING 0 Why do you approach the Duchess of Dementia? Do you seek death?
FormID: 00019DA6 SE05 HELLO 0 What do you want, Inquisitor?
FormID: 00043E24 SE05 HELLO 0 What are you doing here?


FormID: 0001361E SE05 SE05SylHelpNo 0 No? Have you seen my torture chamber? Because that's where you'll wind up if you don't agree to assist me. Think on it.
FormID: 0001361F SE05 SE05SylHelp 0 You're going to find out who knows. You're going to learn who keeps secrets, who conspires against me.
FormID: 0001361F SE05 SE05SylHelp 1 You will be my Grand Inquisitor. Expose the conspirators, and they will be punished, I assure you. Find out who keeps secrets, and what they are.
FormID: 0001361F SE05 SE05SylHelp 2 Speak with Herdir. He will help you. Do you understand what is required of you? If no one is found, you will be held responsible.
FormID: 000805EB SE05 SE05HerdirGreetChoice2 0 Are you? Hmm. I'd expected an entrance with a bit more flair. Ah, well. Perhaps you'll grow into the role. One can hope, eh?


FormID: 000805EB SE05 SE05HerdirGreetChoice2 1 Now, we've much to do. Lady Syl is not a patient woman, as I'm sure you've seen. Shall we begin?


FormID: 000805A8 SE05 SE05TortureChoice2F 0 No, please no....
FormID: 0007FF46 SE05 SE05TortureChoice2M 0 No, please no....
FormID: 0008199F SE05 SE05NelreneHaveProof 0 And with it, you'll do what?
FormID: 0008199F SE05 SE05NelreneHaveProof 1 I'm not even the one you want. Muurine is behind it. You'll need solid proof to pin it on her.
FormID: 000811C9 SE05 SE05NelreneSawYou 0 Did you? And you have proof of this?
FormID: 000811C9 SE05 SE05NelreneSawYou 1 No, you don't, do you? Well, then you'll get nothing out of me.
FormID: 00081186 SE05 SE05MazaddhaSawYou 0 What?
FormID: 00081186 SE05 SE05MazaddhaSawYou 1 I... I... It's for the good of Crucible! You must see that!
FormID: 00081186 SE05 SE05MazaddhaSawYou 2 Please, spare me! I'll do anything!
FormID: 0007FE20 SE05 SE05SylFindYou 0 You're the one the Madgod sent, aren't you?
FormID: 0007FE20 SE05 SE05SylFindYou 1 Then you're safe for now. Speak to no one unless I instruct you to. None of them can be trusted. Do you hear me? None!
FormID: 0007FE20 SE05 SE05SylFindYou 2 Surrounded by traitors and spies, I am. Always, always. They watch and wait, eager to slip a knife into my spine when I'm not looking.
FormID: 00081189 SE05 SE05MazaddhaSpare1 0 Okay, okay. I'll get the names, and then you'll see. It will be worth it, I promise you!
FormID: 00081189 SE05 SE05MazaddhaSpare1 1 Meet me in my house tomorrow at midnight. I'll have information for you. Just please spare me.
FormID: 0007FE1F SE05 SE05SylExcuseMe 0 Leave here at once. You've no business being here!
FormID: 000805EF SE05 SE05Investigation 0 What would you like to know, Inquisitor?
FormID: 000805EC SE05 SE05HerdirNevermind 0 Very well, Inquisitor.
FormID: 000805A7 SE05 SE05TortureChoice1F 0 Please, no!
FormID: 0007FF45 SE05 SE05TortureChoice1M 0 Please, no!
FormID: 0008136A SE05 SE05SylMuurine 0 Is that so?
FormID: 0008136A SE05 SE05SylMuurine 1 I shall have her brought to the torture chamber at once. Meet me there shortly.
FormID: 000805E9 SE05 SE05HerdirGreetChoice3 0 As you wish. Do come back and see me some time.
FormID: 0007FDEC SE05 SE05HerdirReturn 0 As you wish, Inquisitor.

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