Shivering Isles/Names/DIAL-04 のバックアップ差分(No.3)

FormID: 00078770	SE45NotYet	DIAL	 	Not yet.
FormID: 00078771	SE45NoFork	DIAL	 	I do not have it.
FormID: 00078772	SE45HaveFork	DIAL	 	Here is your Fork.
FormID: 00078773	SE45Choice1	DIAL	 	What happened to the Fork?
FormID: 00078774	SE45ForkTopic	DIAL	 	The Fork
FormID: 00078775	SE44FimmionChoice3	DIAL	 	I don't have a sweetroll.
FormID: 00078776	SE44FimmionChoice2	DIAL	 	I'm not giving you a sweetroll.
FormID: 00078777	SE44FimmionChoice1	DIAL	 	I've got a sweetroll for you.
FormID: 00078778	SE44PantsFimmion	DIAL	 	Calming Pants
__Calming Pants(落ち着かせるズボン)
FormID: 000186F1	SE08SpireTopic	DIAL	 	Spire
FormID: 000186F2	SE08SheldenChoice2	DIAL	 	I don't think so. You stay here.
FormID: 000186F3	SE08SheldenChoice1	DIAL	 	Um... Sure. Come with me.
FormID: 000186F6	Se08CommanderGreeting3b	DIAL	 	Go on...
FormID: 000186F7	SE08CommanderGreeting3a	DIAL	 	What must we do?
FormID: 000186F8	SE08CommanderGreeting3	DIAL	 	What can we do to stop this?
FormID: 000186F9	SE08CommanderGreeting2	DIAL	 	The Spire? What is it?
__The Spire?なんだそれ?		
__The Spire?なんだそれ?
FormID: 000186FA	SE08CommanderGreeting1	DIAL	 	Knights? Tell me about them.
FormID: 0007893A	SE07HaskillAsk	DIAL	 	Which leader should I choose?
FormID: 00018C6E	SE08CommanderPlanQNo	DIAL	 	Yes. I must shut down the spire.
__はい。私はthe spireを終わらせなければいけません。		
__はい。私はthe spireを終わらせなければいけません。
FormID: 00018C6F	SE08CommanderPlanQ3	DIAL	 	[To be implimented]
FormID: 00018C70	SE08CommanderPlanQ2	DIAL	 	[To be implimented]
FormID: 00018C72	SE08CommanderPlan3	DIAL	 	So you are suggesting that I go?
FormID: 00018C73	SE08CommanderPlan2	DIAL	 	Tell me what you are thinking.
FormID: 00018C74	SE08CommanderPlan1a	DIAL	 	Did you send the scout inside?
FormID: 00018C75	SE08CommanderPlan1	DIAL	 	How do we do that?
FormID: 00018DB5	SE06GSWardenGreet3	DIAL	 	Ah, never mind then.
FormID: 00018DB6	SE06GSWardenGreet2	DIAL	 	Out of my way, daedra scum.
FormID: 00018DB7	SE06GSWardenGreet1	DIAL	 	Stand aside. Sheogorath sent me.
FormID: 00018DE8	SE03AInstExplainChoices	DIAL	 	Explain the choices I'm making.
FormID: 00018DE9	SE03AInstDoYouHandle	DIAL	 	Do you handle the cleanup?
FormID: 00018DEA	SE03AInstUntilWhen	DIAL	 	How do I know when I'm done?
FormID: 00018DEB	SE03AInstMakeChoices	DIAL	 	How do I make the choices?
FormID: 00018DEC	SE03AInstructions	DIAL	 	Instructions
FormID: 00018DED	SE03AWhatShould	DIAL	 	What should I do?
FormID: 00018DEE	SE03ATellMeMore	DIAL	 	Interesting, tell me more.
FormID: 00018DEF	SE03AHowDoI	DIAL	 	Enough. How do I get out of here?
FormID: 00018DF1	SE03AXedilian	DIAL	 	Tell me about this place.
FormID: 00018E5A	SE03AInstEnough	DIAL	 	That's enough information.
FormID: 00018E5F	SE08SheldenGreeting5	DIAL	 	That sounds simple enough.
FormID: 00018E60	SE08SheldenGreeting4a	DIAL	 	How do you know this?
FormID: 00018E61	SE08SheldenGreeting4	DIAL	 	You didn't hear the rest?
FormID: 00018E62	SE08SheldenGreeting3	DIAL	 	Maybe you're just a coward.
FormID: 00018E63	SE08SheldenGreeting2	DIAL	 	It's very dangerous here.
FormID: 00018E64	SE08SheldenGreeting1	DIAL	 	Why haven't you tried to escape?
FormID: 00018E7A	SE06DSWardenGreet3	DIAL	 	I'd best be going then.
FormID: 00018E7B	SE06DSWardenGreet2	DIAL	 	My business is my own, dog.
FormID: 00018E7C	SE06DSWardenGreet1	DIAL	 	I am here on Sheogorath's business.
FormID: 0007908F	SE40GreetingChoice1	DIAL	 	The walls aren't safe?
FormID: 00079090	SE40GreetingChoice2	DIAL	 	Why don't you just sleep outside?
FormID: 00079091	SE40SleepOutside	DIAL	 	Sleep Outside
FormID: 00079092	SE40SleepOutsideChoice1a	DIAL	 	Switch sleeping places with Uungor.
FormID: 00079093	SE40SleepOutsideChoice2	DIAL	 	And about my reward?
FormID: 00079094	SE40SleepOutsideChoice1b	DIAL	 	Sleep in Uungor's bedroll. He's dead.
FormID: 00079095	SE40SleepOutsideChoiceSweetroll	DIAL	 	Here, take this sweetroll.
FormID: 00079096	SE40SleepOutsideChoiceU1	DIAL	 	How would you like to sleep in a bed?
FormID: 00079097	SE40SleepOutsideChoiceU2	DIAL	 	Switch Beds
FormID: 000790A2	SE40GreetingChoiceGrapes	DIAL	 	I have your lucky grapes.
FormID: 000790A3	SE40SleepOutsideChoiceNoSweetroll	DIAL	 	I don't have a sweetroll for you.
FormID: 00018F81	SE06HelpDefendA3	DIAL	 	Let me talk to the Saints first.
FormID: 00018F82	SE06StelaGreetA3	DIAL	 	This key grants me passage.
FormID: 00018F83	SE06StelaGreetA2	DIAL	 	I am here on Sheogorath's business.
FormID: 00018F84	SE06StelaGreetA1	DIAL	 	I need to speak to Ulfri.
FormID: 000192E1	SE06HelpAttackA3C2	DIAL	 	It isn't a trap. [Lie]
FormID: 000192E2	SE06HelpAttackA3C3	DIAL	 	I'm not sure. Let me think.
FormID: 000192E3	SE06HelpAttackA3C1	DIAL	 	It isn't a trap. [Truth]
FormID: 00019521	SE04DoIKnowHer	DIAL	 	Do I know her?
FormID: 00019522	SE04WhatHappened	DIAL	 	What happened?
FormID: 00019862	SE04YouMeanSyl	DIAL	 	You mean Syl!
FormID: 00079AA6	SE08RudeComment	DIAL	 	You Jerk!
FormID: 00079B64	SE08CutoffTopic	DIAL	 	Escaping Xeddefen
FormID: 00079C0F	SE14HealNo	DIAL	 	I do not.
FormID: 00019AC9	SEFlameofAgnonTopic	DIAL	 	Flame of Agnon
FormID: 00079C8B	SE14HealYes	DIAL	 	Heal me now.
FormID: 00019CC9	SE11RakheranGreetingEnd	DIAL	 	Enough of this! You die!
FormID: 00019CCA	SE11RakheranGreeting1a	DIAL	 	I'm listening.
FormID: 00019CCB	SE11RakheranGreeting1b	DIAL	 	Speak. Before I run you through.
FormID: 00019CCD	SE11DyusChoice3	DIAL	 	So, I must seek out the two parts?
FormID: 00079F4C	SE38Oddity4	DIAL	 	[Offer Pelvis of Pelagius]
__[Pelvis of Pelagiusを提供する]
FormID: 00019FB8	SE11RakheranDaggerDontGive	DIAL	 	Not yet.
FormID: 00019FB9	SE11RakheranDagger	DIAL	 	Daggers
FormID: 00019FBA	SE11RakheranDaggerGive	DIAL	 	Here you are.
FormID: 00019FBB	SE11RakheranGreeting3c1	DIAL	 	I already have the daggers.
FormID: 00019FBC	SE11RakheranGreeting3b1	DIAL	 	You want me to bring you weapons?
FormID: 00019FBD	SE11RakheranGreeting3d	DIAL	 	I'll have to think about it.
FormID: 00019FBE	SE11RakheranGreeting3c	DIAL	 	I accept your proposal.
FormID: 00019FBF	SE11RakheranGreeting3b	DIAL	 	What do you want me to do?
FormID: 00019FC0	SE11RakheranGreeting3a	DIAL	 	Why do you want her dead?
FormID: 00019FC1	SE11RakheranGreeting2b	DIAL	 	[Truth] Sheogorath is gone.
FormID: 00019FC2	SE11RakheranGreeting2a	DIAL	 	[Lie] Sheogorath has sent me.
FormID: 0001A779	SE13CaptainGreetB2	DIAL	 	I will lead the attack myself.
FormID: 0001A77A	SE13CaptainGreetB1	DIAL	 	Attack with all your strength.
FormID: 0001A77B	SE13CaptainGreetA2	DIAL	 	Nothing is required of me.
FormID: 0001A77C	SE13CaptainGreetA1	DIAL	 	What is it, Autkendo?
FormID: 0001A77D	SE13MessengerA2	DIAL	 	Does Jansa presume to give me orders?
FormID: 0001A77E	SE13MessengerA1	DIAL	 	What does Autkendo Jansa want?
__Autkendo Jansaは何を求めている?
FormID: 0001A806	SE11DyusEnd	DIAL	 	I've heard enough.
FormID: 0001A807	SE11Dyus1b	DIAL	 	How have you survived?
FormID: 0001A808	SE11Dyus1a	DIAL	 	Tell me about the library.
FormID: 0001A868	SE05HerdirSpy2Torture	DIAL	 	What happens if I confess?
FormID: 0001A869	SE05HerdirSpy1DontKnow	DIAL	 	I don't know!
FormID: 0001A86A	SE05HerdirSpy1NotTelling	DIAL	 	I'm not telling you anything.
FormID: 0001AC4C	SE05HaskillWhatNow	DIAL	 	What should I do now ?
FormID: 0001AC7A	SE13OfficerGreetA4	DIAL	 	Attack the Obelisk near the Palace.
__the Palace近くのthe Obeliskを攻撃しろ。		
__the Palace近くのthe Obeliskを攻撃しろ。
FormID: 0001AC7B	SE13OfficerGreetA3	DIAL	 	Attack the southern Obelisk.
FormID: 0001AC7C	SE13OfficerGreetA2	DIAL	 	Follow me.
FormID: 0001AC7D	SE13OfficerGreetA1	DIAL	 	Hold your position here.
FormID: 0001AE3A	SE09BackDoor	DIAL	 	I had little trouble getting here.
FormID: 0001AEAC	SE08Orders	DIAL	 	Orders
FormID: 0007B213	SE37ExpertSpell	DIAL	 	2000 gold for the Expert Command
FormID: 0007B214	SE37JourneymanSpell	DIAL	 	1000 gold for the Journeyman Command
FormID: 0007B215	SE37ApprenticeSpell	DIAL	 	500 gold for the Apprentice Command
FormID: 0007B216	SE37NoSpell	DIAL	 	Not right now.
FormID: 0007B217	SE37SellSpells	DIAL	 	Buy a spell
FormID: 0001B676	SE32SiegeVitharn	DIAL	 	Siege of Vitharn
FormID: 0001B6B4	SE10TimetoGo	DIAL	 	Then I shall take my leave.
FormID: 0001B6B5	SE10WhatAboutSyl	DIAL	 	What about Syl?
FormID: 0001B6B6	SE10WhatNow	DIAL	 	What happens now ?
FormID: 0001B6B7	SE10WhatAboutThadon	DIAL	 	What about Thadon?
FormID: 0001D9CC	SE08PlaceGuardsHelp	DIAL	 	How do I issue orders?
FormID: 0005E373	SE13CaptainGreetA3	DIAL	 	What is it, Aurmazl?
FormID: 0005E374	SE13MessengerB2	DIAL	 	Does Zudeh presume to give me orders?
FormID: 0005E375	SE13MessengerB1	DIAL	 	What does Aurmazl Zudeh want?
__Aurmazl Zudehは何を欲しがっている?		
__Aurmazl Zudehは何を求めている?		
FormID: 0001E3E9	SE07Decision	DIAL	 	Decision
FormID: 0001E3EA	SE07ChNotYet	DIAL	 	I am not ready to choose.
FormID: 0003E6FF	SENQDDementiaEarilGreeting2	DIAL	 	Uhm... no thank you...
FormID: 0003E700	SENQDDementiaEarilGreeting	DIAL	 	On display?
FormID: 0003E70B	SE02BoneArrowsChoice	DIAL	 	When will these bone arrows be ready?
__いつ頃bone arrowが仕上がりますか?
FormID: 0001E687	SE30ForgeArmor	DIAL	 	Forge Armor
FormID: 0003E7CF	SE02Gardens	DIAL	 	Gardens of Flesh and Bone
__Gardens of Flesh and Bone
FormID: 0003E7F9	SE02RelmynaChoiceTellMoreSheogorath	DIAL	 	Tell me more about Sheogorath.
FormID: 0007EA9A	SE02GatekeeperChoiceDone	DIAL	 	I've heard enough, thank you.
FormID: 0007EA9B	SE02GatekeeperChoiceAfraidJayred	DIAL	 	How could Jayred kill the Gatekeeper?
FormID: 0007EA9C	SE02GatekeeperChoiceHowTears	DIAL	 	How do tears hurt him?
FormID: 0007EA9D	SE02GatesOfMadness	DIAL	 	Gates of Madness
__Gates of Madness
FormID: 0007EAE2	SE02GatekeeperChoice2Done	DIAL	 	I will find a way.
FormID: 0007EAE3	SE02GatekeeperChoice2Kill	DIAL	 	Then I must kill the Gatekeeper.
FormID: 0007EAE4	SE02GatekeeperChoice2Accepted	DIAL	 	I'm blessed by Sheogorath.
FormID: 0001E968	SE10NM	DIAL	 	Never mind.
FormID: 0001E969	SE10PinnacleRockInfo	DIAL	 	Tell me more about Pinnacle Rock.
__Pinnacle Rockについて教えて
FormID: 0001E96A	SEBrellachInfo	DIAL	 	Tell me more about Brellach.
FormID: 0001E96B	SE10ChimeInfo	DIAL	 	Tell me about these Chimes.
FormID: 0001E96C	SE10WellspringInfo	DIAL	 	Tell me about the Wellspring.
FormID: 0001EB74	SE08OrdersHelpDUPLICATE000	DIAL	 	How do I issue orders?
FormID: 0001EC26	SE08PlaceGuardsEnd	DIAL	 	That's all. Let's get started.
FormID: 0007F3CC	SE03AReward	DIAL	 	You spoke of earnings?
FormID: 0001F3BC	SE30ForgeMadnessAxeMagic	DIAL	 	Magic Axe [2 pieces and matrix]
__魔法のAxe [2つとmatrix]		
FormID: 0001F3BD	SE30ForgeMadnessAxe	DIAL	 	War Axe [2 pieces]
__War Axe [2つ]
FormID: 0001F3BE	SE30ForgeAmberMaceMagic	DIAL	 	Magic Mace [2 pieces and matrix]
__魔法のMace [2つとmatrix]
FormID: 0001F3BF	SE30ForgeAmberMace	DIAL	 	Mace [2 pieces]
__Mace [2つ]
FormID: 0001F3C0	SE30ForgeMadnessClaymoreM	DIAL	 	Magic Claymore [4 pieces and matrix]
__魔法のClaymore [4つとmatrix]
FormID: 0001F3C1	SE30ForgeMadnessClaymore	DIAL	 	Claymore [4 pieces]
__Claymore [4つ]
FormID: 0001F3C2	SE30ForgeNevermind	DIAL	 	Never mind.
FormID: 0007FDE7	SE05Torture	DIAL	 	Torture
FormID: 0007FDE8	SE05HerdirReturn	DIAL	 	Return to the palace.
FormID: 0007FDE9	SE05HerdirWait	DIAL	 	Wait here.
FormID: 0007FDEA	SE05HerdirFollow	DIAL	 	Follow me.
FormID: 0007FE1A	SE05SylExcuseMe	DIAL	 	I'm sorry. Excuse me.
FormID: 0007FE1C	SE05SylFindYou	DIAL	 	I was told to find you.
FormID: 0007FF3E	SE05TortureChoice3	DIAL	 	Very well. You shall be spared.
FormID: 0007FF3F	SE05TortureChoice2M	DIAL	 	I don't care. Herdir, torture him.
FormID: 0007FF40	SE05TortureChoice1M	DIAL	 	Liar. Herdir, torture him!
FormID: 000400C4	SE06ArctusGreetA	DIAL	 	I'm thinking about Mania, actually...
FormID: 000400C5	SE06PriestGreetB	DIAL	 	Let me think about it.
FormID: 000400C6	SE06DerveninGreetA	DIAL	 	I was leaning towards Dementia...
FormID: 000400C7	SE06PriestGreetA	DIAL	 	I'll light the Great Torch for you.
__私はあなたのためにGreat Torchを灯しましょう
FormID: 000400C8	SE06UlfriFinalC	DIAL	 	Just get the Flame of Agnon lit.
FormID: 000400C9	SE06UlfriFinalB	DIAL	 	Is this really the only way?
FormID: 000400CA	SE06UlfriFinalA	DIAL	 	Sacrifice yourself? What do you mean?
FormID: 000400CB	SE06KanehFinalB	DIAL	 	Thanks for your help.
FormID: 000400CC	SE06KanehFinalC	DIAL	 	Great. Get on with it.
FormID: 000400CD	SE06KanehFinalA	DIAL	 	What are you going to do?

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