倉庫/Vanilla/GameSettings/NounJA-02 の変更点

sLevelPopUpText	To increase your level, make progress learning your class's major skills.
sLevelUp10	You woke today with a new sense of purpose. You're no longer afraid of failure. Failure is just an opportunity to learn something new.
sLevelUp11	Being smart doesn't hurt. And a little luck now and then is nice. But the key is patience and hard work.
sLevelUp12	You can't believe how easy it is. You just have to go... a little crazy. And then, suddenly, it all makes sense, and everything you do turns to gold.
sLevelUp13	It's the most amazing thing. Yesterday it was hard, and today it is easy. Just a good night's sleep, and yesterday's mysteries are today's masteries.
sLevelUp14	Today you wake up, full of energy and ideas, and you know, somehow, that overnight everything has changed. What a difference a day makes.
sLevelUp15	Now you just stay at your peak as long as you can. There's no one stronger in Tamriel, but there's always someone younger... a new challenger.
sLevelUp16	You've been trying too hard, thinking too much. Relax. Trust your instincts. Just be yourself. Do the little things, and the big things take care of themselves.
sLevelUp17	Life isn't over. You can still get smarter, or cleverer, or more experienced, or meaner... but your body and soul just aren't going to get any younger.
sLevelUp18	With the life you've been living, the punishment your body has taken... there are limits, and maybe you've reached them. Is this what it's like to grow old?
sLevelUp19	You're really good. Maybe the best. And that's why it's so hard to get better. But you just keep trying, because that's the way you are.
sLevelUp2	You realize that all your life you have been coasting along as if you were in a dream. Suddenly, facing the trials of the last few days, you have come alive.
sLevelUp20	By superhuman effort, you can avoid slipping backwards for a while. But one day, you'll lose a step, or drop a beat, or miss a detail... and you'll be gone forever.
sLevelUp3	You realize that you are catching on to the secret of success. It's just a matter of concentration.
sLevelUp4	You've done things the hard way. But without taking risks, taking responsibility for failure... how could you have understood?
sLevelUp5	Everything you do is just a bit easier, more instinctive, more satisfying. It is as though you had suddenly developed keen senses and instincts.
sLevelUp6	You've learned a lot about Cyrodiil... and about yourself. It's hard to believe how ignorant you were, but now you have so much more to learn.
sLevelUp7	You resolve to continue pushing yourself. Perhaps there's more to you than you thought.
sLevelUp8	The secret does seem to be hard work, yes, but it's also a kind of blind passion, an inspiration.
sLevelUp9	So that's how it works. You plod along, putting one foot before the other, look up, and suddenly, there you are. Right where you wanted to be all along.
sLips	Lips
sLipsflushed	Lips flushed/pale
__唇 赤い/青白い
sLipstickdarkblue	Lipstick dark blue/light red
__唇 青/薄赤
sLipstickdarkred	Lipstick dark red/light blue
__口紅 真紅/薄青
sLoadFromMainMenu	Are you sure you want to load this game?
sLoadWhilePlaying	Are you sure you want to load this game? All unsaved progress will be lost.
__このセーブデータをロードしますか? (保存していないデータは失われます)
sLoadingArea	Loading area...
sLoadingContentMessage	Loading extra content. Please wait.
sLoadingLOD	Loading distant LOD...
__distant LODをロードしています。
sLockLevelNameAverage	Average
sLockLevelNameEasy	Easy
sLockLevelNameHard	Hard
sLockLevelNameImpossible	Needs a key
sLockLevelNameVeryEasy	Very Easy
sLockLevelNameVeryHard	Very Hard
sLockLevelText	Lock Level
sLockedContainer	Container is locked.  You need the key or a lockpick.
sLook	Look
sLow	Low
sLowSoul	Enchantment is too strong for this soul gem.
__このエンチャントに対してSoul Gemが十分な強さを持っていません。
sMagicAlreadyFull	Because your Magicka is at maximum, the Welkynd Stone remains charged.
__Magickaは完全に回復しているので、Welkynd Stoneはそのまま残っています。
sMagicCastConstant	Apparel
sMagicCastInsufficientMagicka	You don't have enough Magicka
sMagicCastInsufficientSkill	Your Skill level is too low
sMagicCastMultipleBoundEffects	You already have that kind of Bound Item
sMagicCastOnce	Scroll
sMagicCastPowerUsed	You can only cast Powers once per day
sMagicCastRangedUnderwater	You cannot cast ranged spells underwater
sMagicCastSilenced	You are currently Silenced
sMagicCastWhenStrikes	Weapon
sMagicCastWhenUsed	Staff
sMagicCostliestEffectRequires	Requires 
sMagicCostliestEffectSkillOf	 Skill of 
sMagicDescription	Allows you to progress more quickly in these skills as you use them: Alchemy, Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Illusion, Mysticism, Restoration.
sMagicEffectItemAbsorb	Absorb
sMagicEffectItemCreateLock	Create
sMagicEffectItemDamage	Damage
sMagicEffectItemDrain	Drain
sMagicEffectItemFeet	ft
sMagicEffectItemFor	for
sMagicEffectItemFortify	Fortify
sMagicEffectItemIn	in
sMagicEffectItemLock	Lock
sMagicEffectItemOn	on
sMagicEffectItemPercent	%
sMagicEffectItemPointsPlural	pts
sMagicEffectItemPointsSingular	pt
sMagicEffectItemRestore	Restore
sMagicEffectItemSecondsPlural	secs
sMagicEffectItemSecondsSingular	sec
sMagicEffectItemUpToLevel	up to level
sMagicEffectResisted	effect resisted
sMagicName	Magic
sMagicProjectileTypeBall	Ball
sMagicProjectileTypeBolt	Bolt
sMagicProjectileTypeFog	Fog
sMagicProjectileTypeSpray	Spray
sMagicRangeSelf	Self
sMagicRangeStrike	Strike
sMagicRangeTarget	Target
sMagicRangeTouch	Touch
sMagicSchool	Magic School
sMagicSchoolAlteration	Alteration
sMagicSchoolConjuration	Conjuration
sMagicSchoolDestruction	Destruction
sMagicSchoolIllusion	Illusion
sMagicSchoolMysticism	Mysticism
sMagicSchoolRestoration	Restoration
sMagicTypeAbility	Ability
sMagicTypeDisease	Disease
sMagicTypeEnchantment	Enchantment
sMagicTypeLesserPower	Lesser Power
sMagicTypePoison	Poison
sMagicTypePotion	Potion
sMagicTypePower	Power
sMagicTypeSpell	Spell
sMagicTypeWortcraft	Wortcraft
sMagnitudeIsLevelText	Target Level
sMagnitudeText	Magnitude
sMain	Main
sMainMenu	Main Menu
sMajorSkills	Choose your 7 major skills. You will start at 25 (Apprentice Level) in each one.
sMakeDefaults	Make these your default settings?
sMale	Male
sMapMarkerAdded	Map marker added.
sMapMarkerNotFound	You have not found this location yet.
sMaxPotionsExceeded	You cannot drink any more potions right now.
sMeditate	You should rest and meditate on what you've learned.
sMedium	Medium
sMenuDisplayAutosaveName	Autosave
sMenuDisplayDayString	Day
sMenuDisplayLevelString	Level
sMenuDisplayNewSave	New Save
sMenuDisplayNoSaves	No saved games.
sMenuDisplayPlayTime	Play Time
sMenuDisplayQuicksaveName	Quicksave
sMenuDisplaySave	Save
sMenuDisplayShortXBoxSaveMessage	Saving...
sMenuDisplayUnknownLocationString	Unknown Location
sMerchantNoGold	Merchant does not have enough gold.
sMiscActiveQuests	Active Quests: 
sMiscApprenticeSkills	Apprentice Skills: 
sMiscArtifactsFound	Artifacts Found: 
sMiscBounty	Bounty:
sMiscCharge	Charge
sMiscConstantEffect	Constant Effect
sMiscDaysAsAVampire	Days as a Vampire: 
sMiscDaysJailed	Days Jailed: 
sMiscDiseasesContracted	Diseases Contracted: 
sMiscExpertSkills	Expert Skills: 
sMiscFame	Fame:
sMiscGameDaysPlayed	Days Passed:
sMiscHighLockLevel	Highest Lock Level Picked: 
sMiscHorsesOwned	Horses Owned: 
sMiscHoursSlept	Hours Slept: 
sMiscHoursWaited	Hours Waited: 
sMiscHousesOwned	Houses Owned: 
sMiscInfamy	Infamy:
sMiscIngredientsEaten	Ingredients Eaten: 
sMiscJokesTold	Jokes Told: 
sMiscJourneymanSkills	Journeyman Skills: 
sMiscLargestBounty	Largest Bounty: 
sMiscMasterSkills	Master Skills: 
sMiscNirnrootsFound	Nirnroots Found: 
sMiscNoviceSkills	Novice Skills: 
sMiscNumAssaults	Assaults: 
sMiscNumBooksRead	Books Read: 
sMiscNumHorsesStolen	Horses Stolen: 
sMiscNumKills	Creatures Killed: 
sMiscNumLocksPicked	Locks Picked: 
sMiscNumMurders	Murders: 
sMiscNumPersonKills	People Killed: 
sMiscNumPicksBroken	Lockpicks Broken: 
sMiscNumPlacesDiscovered	Places Found: 
sMiscNumPocketsPicked	Items Pickpocketed: 
sMiscNumSkillBooksRead	Skill Books Read: 
sMiscNumThefts	Items Stolen: 
sMiscNumTrespasses	Trespasses: 
sMiscOblivionGatesShut	Oblivion Gates Shut: 
__閉じたOblivion Gateの数:
sMiscPeopleFedOn	Necks Bitten: 
sMiscPlayerDeadLoadOption	Reload
sMiscPlayerDeadMenuOption	Main Menu
sMiscPlayerDeadMessage	Reload the current save game?
sMiscPotionsMade	Potions Made: 
sMiscQuestsCompleted	Quests Completed: 
sMiscSkillAdvances	Skill Increases: 
sMiscSoulsTrapped	Souls Trapped: 
sMiscStoresInvestedIn	Stores Invested In: 
sMiscTimesCured	Times Cured: 
sMiscTrainingSessions	Training Sessions: 
sMiscUses	Uses
sMissingSpellName	You must first enter a valid name for this spell.
sMouseButton3	Button 3
sMouseButton4	Button 4
sMouseButton5	Button 5
sMouseButton6	Button 6
sMouseButton7	Button 7
sMouseButton8	Button 8
sMouseLeftButton	L-Button
sMouseMiddleButton	Wheel
sMouseRightButton	R-Button
sMouth	Mouth
sMouthChin	Mouth-Chin distance short/long
__唇-口の長さ 短い/長い
sMouthLips	Mouth(Lips)
sMouthdrawn	Mouth drawn/pursed
__口 開く/すぼめる
sMouthhappy	Mouth happy/sad
__口 幸/不幸
sMouthhigh	Mouth high/low
__口元 高い/低い
sMouthlipsdeflated	Mouth lips deflated/inflated
__唇 薄い/厚い
sMouthlipslarge	Mouth lips large/small
__唇 大きい/小さい
sMouthlipspuckered	Mouth lips puckered/retracted
__唇 おちょぼ口/引っ込んでいる
sMouthprotruding	Mouth protruding/retracted
__口 突き出ている/引っ込んでいる
sMouthtilt	Mouth tilt up/down
__口の傾き 上げる/下げる
sMouthunderbite	Mouth underbite/overbite
__口 前歯反対咬合/過蓋咬合
sMove	Move
sMoveMarker	Move It
sMoveMarkerQuestion	Do you want to move your marker or remove it?
sMustRestart	You must exit and restart Oblivion for changes in this setting to take effect.
sNamePotion	Name Potion
sNares	Nares small/large
__鼻孔 小さい/大きい
sNasolabiallines	Naso labial lines light/dark
__鼻唇溝 明るい/暗い
sNewGame	New Game
sNo	No
sNoCharge	The enchanted item does not have enough charge.
sNoDevice	No active devices were detected
sNoDeviceSelected	You have not selected a storage device.  You will need to select one before you can save.  Until then, Autosave is disabled.
sNoEatQuestItem	You can not eat quest items.
sNoFX	You need to add at least one effect in order to create an enchantment.
sNoFastTravelAlarm	You cannot fast travel while guards are pursuing you.
sNoFastTravelCell	You cannot fast travel from this location.
sNoFastTravelCombat	You cannot fast travel with enemies nearby.
sNoFastTravelScriptBlock	Fast travel is currently unavailable from this location.
sNoHammer	You need more hammers.
sNoItem	You must first select an item to enchant.
sNoItemsToRecharge	You have no items that need to be recharged.
sNoJumpWarning	You can not drop objects while in the air.
sNoLockPick	You have no lockpicks.
sNoLockPickIfCrimeAlert	You can't pick a lock while being pursued by guards.
sNoLockPickKey	You need a lockpick or the key.
sNoMoreFollowers	You have too many followers.
sNoMortor	You need a Mortar and Pestle to make potions.
sNoName	You must first enter a valid name for this enchantment.
sNoNameCharacter	You must first enter a valid name.
sNoPickPocketAgain	 has already caught you.
sNoProfileSelected	You have not signed in to a Gamer Profile.  You will need to sign in to a Gamer Profile and then select a storage device before you can save.  Until then, Autosave is disabled.
sNoRepairMagic	Only a journeyman armorer or higher may repair magic items.
sNoRestart	No, keep playing.
sNoSitOnOwnedFurniture	You cannot sit on owned furniture.
sNoSleepCombat	You cannot sleep with enemies nearby.
sNoSleepHostilActorsNear	You cannot sleep with enemies nearby.
sNoSleepInOwnedBed	You cannot sleep in an owned bed.
sNoSleepTrespass	You cannot sleep while trespassing.
sNoSoul	You need to select a Soul Gem filled with a soul to enchant an object.
__対象に魔法をかけるために、魂で満たされたSoul Gemを選んでください
sNoSoulGem	You need a Soul Gem.
__Soul Gemが必要です。
sNoSoulInGem	This Soul Gem is empty. You can only equip a Soul Gem that has a soul in it.
__このSoul Gemは空です。使えるのは魂が入ったSoul Gemだけです。
sNoTalkFleeing	is fleeing.
sNoTalkUnConscious	 is unconscious.
sNoText	No
sNoWaitHostilActorsNear	You cannot wait when enemies are nearby.
sNoWaitInAir	You cannot wait while in the air.
sNoWaitInCell	You cannot wait in this location.
sNoWaitInCombat	You cannot wait when enemies are nearby.
sNoWaitInJail	You must sleep in a jail bed in order to serve your sentence.
sNoWaitTrespass	You cannot wait while trespassing.
sNoWaitUnderWater	You cannot wait while underwater.
sNoWaitWhileAlarmSounding	You cannot wait while guards are coming.
sNone	None
sNormalWeaponsResisted	Your attack has no effect.
sNose	Nose
sNoseTex	Nose shades
sNosebridgeshallow	Nose bridge shallow/deep
__鼻梁 浅い/深い
sNosebridgeshort	Nose bridge short/long
__鼻梁 短い/長い
sNosedown	Nose down/up
__鼻 下/上
sNoseflat	Nose flat/pointed
__鼻 平坦/とがっている
sNosenostrilssmall	Nose nostrils small/large
__鼻腔 小さい/大きい
sNosenostrilswide	Nose nostrils wide/thin
__鼻孔 広い/狭い
sNosenostriltilt	Nose nostril tilt down/up
__鼻腔傾斜 下げる/上げる
sNoseregion	Nose region concave/convex
__鼻周辺 凹/凸
sNoseselliondown	Nose sellion down/up
__鼻根 低い/高い
sNosesellionlower	Nose sellion lower shallow/deep
__鼻梁下部 浅い/深い
sNosesellionshallow	Nose sellion shallow/deep
__鼻根 浅い/深い
sNosesellionthin	Nose sellion thin/wide
__鼻梁 とがっている/広い
sNoseshort	Nose short/long
__鼻 短い/長い
sNosetilt	Nose tilt down/up
__鼻の傾き 低い/高い
sNotEnoughGold	You do not have enough gold.
sNotEnoughRoomWarning	You do not have enough room to drop this object.
sNoviceSkillLevelText	You have a basic understanding of this skill.
sOKText	OK
sOff	Off
sOffButtonText	Off
sOfferRefused	Offer refused
sOk	Ok
sOldDownloadsAvailable	View Available Content
sOnButtonText	On
sOpenWithKey	Door opened with 

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