DLC3_Wizard's_Tower/Books/FrostcragSpireMemoirs の変更点


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*本文 [#ade592ec]

**原文 [#rfb83ad6]
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As I pen this, I gaze upon the walls of my home and remember the very day its design came to fruition. Although it seems like yesterday, it was actually many years ago. I was an impetuous wizard; I wasn't simply satisfied living at the Arcane University. I spent years coming up with a design for my home, a place where I could practice my magic in peace and keep myself away from the prying eyes of my colleagues. I pored over tomes and dusty scrolls, scoured the bookshops of the land and even delved into ancient ruins looking for inspiration. Finally, as I rested my weary body at a camp outside of Bruma and marveled in awe at the majesty of the Jerall Mountains, I became inspired. Like a madman I began to sketch exactly what I wanted my grand dwelling to look like. It wasn't long before I had completed my masterpiece, put down my quill and took a step back to see what I had wrought. Frostcrag Spire was born.<br>
And now, as age overwhelms me and the glow is dying from my eyes, I wish to give the Spire to you. The thought that my dream could one day crumble to ruin fills me with sadness. I know that you'll take care of your new home, and if need be, restore it to its former glory. Please, heed my instructions carefully. There's much to tell, and the strength drains from my limbs.<br>
Frostcrag Spire contains many wonderful inventions. I've spent my whole life perfecting them, and I hope you'll put them to good use. My pride and joy is the Atronach Altar. By bringing three salts from the very same creatures to this altar, you can summon an Atronach Familiar to do your bidding. It will obey your simple commands, and defend you in times of need. Should you tire of it, simply speak to it and dismiss it. These fine creatures have protected me in my travels, and should be of great use to you.<br>
With permission from the Arcane University, I've had a Spellmaking and an Enchanting Altar placed in the tower as well. You have but to provide the Magetallow Candles to power them, and they will serve you well.<br>
Working closely with my good friend Sinderion, the Master Alchemist of Skingrad, I have developed the Frostcrag Apparatus Table. This table is for the discerning alchemist, and should help even the most difficult brews become easier to create. I've also re-seeded my alchemy conservatory with the best ingredients Cyrodiil has to offer, and some from beyond her borders.<br>
Finally, I have created portals to all of the Mages Guilds in Cyrodiil. This should make it easier to travel to them in times of need.<br>
I've entrusted most of my belongings to Aurelinwae at the Mystic Emporium in the Market District of the Imperial City. There you'll find everything you need to bring Frostcrag Spire back from the dead. She may require compensation for her time and care watching these special items, but I assure you, it's well worth the coin. Please, take care of Frostcrag Spire. She was my home and much of myself is infused with the stone and mortar. May your journeys be safe, and the roads you travel free of danger.<br>

**訳文 [#s7f0a2a6]
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これを書きながら、私は壁を見つめ、計画が達成されたまさにその日の事を思い起こしている。その日はまるで昨日の様に思い起こされるけれども、本当は何年も前の昔の事だった。私は血気にはやる魔術師だった。故に、Arcane Universityでのほほんと過ごす事に満足など出来なかった。私は何年も自分の家の設計を考え続けた。魔法を落ち着いて実験出来、大学の仲間の詮索の眼差しから避けられる家を。書物やホコリまみれの巻物を読み漁り、あちこちの本屋を捜し回ったり、閃きを求めて古代遺跡を探索までした。Brumaの外の野営地で疲れた体を休ませ、Jerall Mountainsの荘厳なる様に畏敬の念を覚えていたその時、ついに天啓を得たのであった。狂人の如く私が望むがままの素晴らしい住まいを正確にスケッチし始めた。傑作を完成させるのに長くは掛からず、羽ペンを置き一歩下がって書き上げた物を眺めてみた。Frostcrag Spire(霜の岩山の尖塔)はここに誕生した。
Frostcrag Spireは多数の素晴らしい創案に満ちている。私はそれらを完全な物にする事に自分の全生涯を費やした。それらをあなたは有効に活用してくれる事を望む。私の自慢の種はAtronach Altarである。同じAtronachから手に入れた3つのsaltをこのAlterに供える事で、あなたの命令に従順なAtronachw召還出来る。助けが欲しい時、簡単な命令を下せばあなたを守ってくれるだろう。同行させるのに飽きたのならば、話し掛けて解放してあげればよい。これらの素晴らしい生き物は旅行時に私を守ってくれたし、あなたにとっても有用となるに違いない。
加えて、Arcane Universityからの許可を得て塔にSpellmaking AltarとEnchanting Altarを設置した。
それらにパワーを供給するMagetallow Candleを設置しなくては使えないが、使用出来るようになればとても有用であろう。
私の良き友であるSinderion(SkingradのMaster Alchemist)とともに密接な研究を行った結果、私はFrostcrag Apparatus Tableを開発した。このTableは腕利きの錬金術師の為の物で、作成が最も難しい調合物であっても簡単に出来るように手助けをしてくれる物である。又、錬金術用温室にCyrodiil内外の優れた素材の種を植え直した。
Cyrodiil中のMages Guildへのportalも作り出した事を最後に付け加えよう。必要な時に利用する事でギルドへの移動をとても容易にするものとなろう。
私の所有物の殆どをImperial CityのMarket DistrictのMystic Emporiumと云う店のAurelinwaeに託してある。そこであなたがFrostcrag Spireを蘇らせるのに必要な物を全て見つけられるだろう。彼女はそれら特別な物品を維持保管する手間暇の代金を要求するかもしれない。だが私は保証しよう、お金を払うだけの価値はある。Frostcrag Spireを宜しく頼む。彼女(Frostcrag Spire)は私の家であり、私のほぼ全てであり、あなたに危険から開放された旅という道を提供する存在だから。

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