DLC6_Fighter's_Stronghold/Books/DLCBattlehornCaptainReceipt の変更点


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*本文 [#cb94039b]

**原文 [#f4775ac4]
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As per our recent conversation, I've hired a new guard captain to take command of the garrison of Battlehorn Castle. I've tried to answer his questions without going into too many specifics about the fate of his unfortunate predecessor. I trust that I have done well.
As always, I remain,<br>
Nilphas Omellian<BR>
The Merchants Inn, Market District<BR>
Imperial City

**訳文 [#bbbe8ac0]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
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先に行った話し合いの結果、Battlehorn Castleの守備隊の指揮を執るguard captainを新たに雇いました。彼の不運な前任者の運命に関する内容に多くは触れないようにして、彼の質問に対応致しました。上手く対処出来たと確信しております。<br>
Nilphas Omellian<BR>
The Merchants Inn, Market District<BR>
Imperial City

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