DLC6_Fighter's_Stronghold/Books/DLCBattlehornJournal の変更点


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*本文 [#ga055d07]

**原文 [#rb46f43d]
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I hope I have done well. I don't know. Perhaps I should tell the others. But what hope would they have then? I will have to tell Kelvyn, one day, when it is time for him to assume the lordship of the Castle. He, at least, may forgive me, as I am his father.
I must collect my thoughts. Lord Kain returned last night, while the others were gone to the city. Thank Onsi it was only myself and Garridan -- faithful friend! I have sworn him to secrecy. He was only too happy to let me take responsibility for what we did.
Later: I am more resolved than ever that the others must never find out. They must never know what Lord Kain has become, our liege lord -- we sacrificed everything for him!
I will set it all down here, clearly, so that others may judge whether I have done right or wrong.
When Garridan woke me to tell me that Lord Kain had arrived, I was overjoyed at first. Garridan's grim face soon warned me that all was not well, but he would not tell me what was wrong. Only that Lord Kain was accompanied by Arielle Jurard, a name to freeze the blood -- a Breton battlemage of sinister reputation in Lainlyn.
Lord Kain was waiting in the great hall with Arielle Jurard. He was heavily cloaked, unsurprisingly as it was a foul night, but I wondered why he had not removed it upon entering the castle.
I greeted Lord Kain warmly, ignoring his companion for the moment, but when he spoke, it was only haltingly, and with a grating edge that I had never heard before. "Where are the others?" was all he said. Arielle Jurard quickly intervened, explaining that Lord Kain was unwell and needed a place to rest.
By the time Kain was abed, I was fully alarmed. He moved like an old man, and barely spoke in my presence. He left a foul odor in his wake, and remained cloaked until I left him in my chambers. I then demanded that Arielle explain herself, which she was only too willing to do. Her story was appalling. Apparently Kain had perished in battle shortly after we left, but by her arts she had returned him to life, and now planned to gather an army of Knights to resume the war against Baron Shrike. Her eyes glittered with pride as she told me all this -- she is so far gone in madness and evil that she actually believed that I would go along with her plan to install a necromatic puppet on the throne of Lainlyn! For all Baron Shrike's cruelties, he at least is mortal and will one day pass on the rule to an heir.
Somehow I was able to hide my shock from Arielle Jurard, and pretended to agree to her plan. "The other knights will need to have Lord Kain's... condition... explained to them before they see him," I told her. "Otherwise the surprise of seeing him may lead some to regrettable actions." Thinking quickly, I suggested that she tend to Lord Kain in the grotto until I had prepared the others. She agreed without suspicion -- I wonder if her mind has become disordered by her evil practices -- my performance could not have been all that convincing.
Once they were inside, I shut them in, with Garridan's help. May Tu'whacca have mercy on Lord Kain's soul... As for Arielle Jurard, I wish nothing but endless night on her foul spirit.
I've had workmen cover up the doorway. Only a few of the others were ever aware of that passage behind the training room -- luckily Kelvyn was not among them. I'll have to come up with some story to satisfy those who ask about the grotto -- or tell them the truth and face the consequences.<p>


**訳文 [#c44970aa]
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私は考えをまとめねばならない。昨晩他の者が町に行っている間にLord Kainが戻ったのだ。私と私の信頼する友、Garridanだけの事と出来たのはOnsi(*1)のお陰だ!私は彼に秘密を誓った。彼はとても喜びに満ちていた故に我々は我々がやっている事の責任を取る事が出来なかった
後に:私は以前以上に他の物にこの事を気づかれないようにせねばならないと決心した。彼らはLord Kainの変わった姿を決して知るべきではない。我々の至上の主、我々がすべてを捧げた彼を!
Garridanが私を叩き起こしてLord Kainの到着を告げた時、私は大喜びした。しかしGarridanの厳しい表情を見ると直ぐに事態が絶好調である訳では無さそうだという事を知った。だが、彼は何が良くないのかは語ろうとはしなかった。Lord KainがArielle Jurard(*2)に伴われて現れたのだ。Arielle Jurard、その名前は血をも凍らせる恐怖 -- Lainlynでは邪悪さで名高きBretonのbattlemageだ。
Lord KainはGreat HallでArielle Jurardと共に待っていた。彼は外套で体を厳重に覆い隠していた。その日はひどい夜だったので驚くべき事ではなかった。しかし、私は何故彼が城に入っても尚、外套を脱がないのかと思ったのだ。
Lord Kainに挨拶を告げ、暫くは彼の同行者を無視していると彼は話し出したのだ。途切れ途切れの格子の縁のような今までに聞いた事も無いような調子で。『他に誰かいるのか?』ただそれだけ、彼は語った。Arielle Jurardが直ぐ間に入り、Lord Kainは体調がすぐれず休息する場所が必要だ、と言った。
どうにか私はArielle Jurardから受けた衝撃を隠しとおし、彼女の計画に賛同する振りをした。そして私は彼女に語った。『他の騎士達もLord Kainの...状態を...説明しなければいけないだろう。Kainを見る前に。さもなくば、彼を見た驚きで遺憾な行いに走る者が出るかもしれない』と。素早く考えつつ、私は彼女に、他の者への準備を行う前に彼女に岩屋の中でLord Kainを世話する事を提案した。彼女は疑いも無く同意した。若し彼女が邪悪の技に心が取り付かれてさえいなければ私の提案なぞ全く説得力など無い事に気づいただろうに。
彼らを岩屋の中に入れた後、Garridanの助けを借りてそこを封鎖した。我がTu'whacca(*2)のお慈悲がLord Kainの魂に有らん事を...Arielle Jurardの為に祈る事は何も無い。ただ、終わりの無い闇夜が彼女の汚らしい魂にあらん事を。
訳注1) Onsi<br>
訳注2) Arielle Jurard<br>
 MagesGuildのクエスト、Anvil Recommendationに登場する主人公に協力を行うGuild員に同姓同名のArielle Jurardと云う者が居る(しかも同じくBretonでBattlemage)。Lainlynの領主であったShrike男爵と彼の兄弟、Lord KainはTES2:Daggerfallの登場人物。TES2はUriel Septim VIIの治世(3E 346 - 3E 433)の中期頃(3E 405)。Lord Kainが反旗を翻した年は不明だがそんなにそれから遠くない筈。一方、TES4:Oblivionの時代は3E 433以降。しかもLord Kelvynの遺言にも待ち続けて長い年が経過した旨が有る。故にこの2名のArielle Jurardは同一人物とは考えにくい。血縁なのか転生なのか無関係なのか、その辺は分からないが開発者側に何らかの意図が有るのかもしれない<br>
訳注3) Tu'whacca<br>

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